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Mega Man RPG Prototype Game Development

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Now Character Bios

December 18th, 2013 at 9:48pm
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
For characters like blossom woman, do you think we can get mmab data from them.( so I can develop some quotes for them)

This topic is now for bios for Robots in the Prototype.
Also, I'm putting a to-do list.
Dr. Light
Dr. Wily
Dr. Cossack
Mega Man(This is Adrian's right here.)
Proto Man
Cut Man
Guts Man
Bomb Man
Ice Man
Fire Man
Elec Man
Time Man
Oil Man
Bubble Man
Metal Man
Heat Man
Flash Man
Quick Man
Air Man
Wood Man
Crash Man
Needle Man
Magnet Man
Gemini Man
Hard Man
Top Man
Snake Man
Spark Man
Shadow Man
Toad Man
Bright Man
Pharaoh Man
Ring Man
Dust Man
Skull Man
Dive Man
Drill Man

Now Character Bios
Posted by MegaBossMan on December 18th, 2013 at 9:48pm
Viewed 3582 Times
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Posted on December 30th, 2013 at 4:01pm
Posted 2013/12/30 at 4:01pm
For now, please ignore all the custom robots like Blossom Woman. Their designs and names are not finalized and I might even change some of their genders, so don't worry about it. IF you have ideas, that's another story, but at the moment they're just placeholders and nothing is set in stone. Sorry!
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Posted on January 18th, 2014 at 12:20am Edited on 2014/01/18 at 12:25am
Posted 2014/01/18 at 12:20am Edited 2014/01/18 at 12:25am
I know this isn't directly related to what you asked, but given the thread name this seemed like the best place to put these. Here are two little intro/bios I wrote for Disco and Rhythm and posted in a thread over at the Cutstuff forums. Maybe they'll give you guys a little more insight into their purposes while I work out the final details of their story.


"There are two new fan-made support robots for Dr. Wily and Dr. Cossack that act as parallels to Roll and, when viewed as a group side-by-side, have a very similar feel to that of Alia, Layer, and Pallet from the X series."

SWN-002 Disco

"Disco is a new apprentice robot built by Dr. Wily as an analogue to Roll, providing obedience and loyalty in ways that Bass never could
or would. Opposite to the way Roll specializes in boost and support abilities, Disco specializes in break and assault abilities, lowering the targets' stats to dangerously low levels in short time and setting them up to be KOed."

SCN-001 Rhythm

"Rhythm is the second new support robot and she was built by Dr. Cossack as a kind of failsafe for the prototype, laying dormant in the system's random access memory until needed in an emergency. Rhythm is a genius hacker and excels in abilities that modify the system from the inside to alter the conditions of battle in strange and unusual ways. With abilities that allow her to swap and shuffle robot stats at will, Rhythm is both a great ally and a formidable, unpredictable foe."
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on January 21st, 2014 at 5:22pm Edited on 2014/01/21 at 5:31pm
Posted 2014/01/21 at 5:22pm Edited 2014/01/21 at 5:31pm
I've been meaning to ask you something but do you think I can help with bios? Heres some proof of my skill!

Wave Man
"The Wave Man series is a series of robots meant for amphious combat and as such are skilled in aquatic regions. The Wave Man series is great with long-range combat, being equipped with a harpoon and can make powerful water waves, but do not have good close-range combat weapons. This series is very anti-social and attacks anyone who comes near. Seeing sludge provokes them even more, which makes them very dangerous opponents."
^ Top
- deleted -
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on January 22nd, 2014 at 12:42pm Edited on 2014/01/22 at 12:50pm
Posted 2014/01/22 at 12:42pm Edited 2014/01/22 at 12:50pm
More proof of my skill!

Elec Man
" When first created, the Elec Man series was considered to be the most powerful robots ever created. With the advancements of science, more robots were being made with some attributes similar to Elec Man. The Elec Man series can still keep up with newer models thanks to their powerful control over electricity and their Thunder Beam, a highly powerful beam of electricity. This series was created to watch over production in nuclear power plants but are also great fighters. This series usually have personality traits of leadership and quick judgement, but also brag a lot, talking about their "shocking beauty". In short, the Elec Man series are very capable fighters and have great control over electricity."
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on January 22nd, 2014 at 12:51pm Edited on 2014/06/02 at 11:38pm
Posted 2014/01/22 at 12:51pm Edited 2014/06/02 at 11:38pm
Let me try Enker real quick

" Enker was created to scrap Mega Man, being the first in the Mega Man Killer series. Now this series does not just hunt Mega Man but any robot it sees as a threat. They are made to kill, and have great fighting skill. Their Mirror Buster is a buster in which any shot sent to them will be reflected back to the opponent. This series doesn't show any compassion except on New Year's eve and believe in staying true to themselves. They also do not like foreign robots and enjoy Nabeyaki-Udon. They have a strong Japanese spirit and destroy any robot no matter what the cost."
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on January 22nd, 2014 at 1:00pm Edited on 2014/06/02 at 11:40pm
Posted 2014/01/22 at 1:00pm Edited 2014/06/02 at 11:40pm
Time for a Mega Man killer vibe
" The original Quint was Mega Man from the future reprogrammed but reproductions of this unit are only copies of this robot. They possess the same skills as Mega Man, but have a weapon called Sakugarne which functions as some sort of cross between a jackhammer and a pogo-stick. They also seem to know what's going to happen next, but surely the reproductions aren't actually from the future. This unit's personality is very sadistic, enjoy fortunetelling and hate time-zone fatigue. They do not like the Mega Man unit, but are they really hating themselves?"
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on January 22nd, 2014 at 1:07pm Edited on 2014/06/02 at 11:43pm
Posted 2014/01/22 at 1:07pm Edited 2014/06/02 at 11:43pm
"The Punk series was created to be the next line of the Mega Man Killers and are arguably the most brutal of the Killers. They have great power and can morph themselves in a spiked ball to do great damage to any opponent, along with increased speed. The Punk unit are usually quiet robots but some have displayed traits of high school bullies, rebelling anytime they don't agree with something. They don't even follow their doctor's orders, but strangely, they follow any Enker unit. They are dangerous opponents to fight and must be fought with great caution."
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on January 22nd, 2014 at 1:16pm Edited on 2014/06/04 at 3:26pm
Posted 2014/01/22 at 1:16pm Edited 2014/06/04 at 3:26pm
The last killer, Ballade
" Ballade was made to be the last in the Mega Man Killer unit and are very powerful, having great speed and power. They are equipped with the Ballade Cracker, a very explosive bomb capable of taking out multiple robots. They also have a second form, boosting their abilities even more. They only fight strong robots and believe themselves to be the strongest. They follow orders better than the Punk unit but are still very reckless. Although they believe themselves to be the strongest, they have great reason to see it that way."
^ Top
16,120,577 BP
4 TP | 138 PP
Posted on January 22nd, 2014 at 1:29pm
Posted 2014/01/22 at 1:29pm
what are you doing
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on January 22nd, 2014 at 1:32pm
Posted 2014/01/22 at 1:32pm
Just making bios. I like doing it as it makes me use my creativity. Plus, it would be cool to see it in the game. IF it gets in the game.
^ Top
16,120,577 BP
4 TP | 138 PP
Posted on January 22nd, 2014 at 1:35pm
Posted 2014/01/22 at 1:35pm
mabye do bios of the players
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on January 22nd, 2014 at 1:37pm
Posted 2014/01/22 at 1:37pm
Yeah, but there's the player discussion for that, plus I don't know anything about them.
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on January 22nd, 2014 at 1:42pm
Posted 2014/01/22 at 1:42pm
Quick Man(my favorite)
" Quick Man was designed to be the fastest robot, and his unit is still considered to be the fastest made. This unit excels in speed and utilizes the Quick Boomerang, a fast-moving blade that returns to it's user when the user wills it. This unit is seen as a leader but is impulsive and impatient, always wanting to move. This unit has a friendly rivalry with the Turbo Man unit and anything it sees as fast. They seem to be just going with the flow of battle, but are actually very strategic. There is a rumor saying that their speed is achieved by a device in which they speed up time in their area, but the only one who knows if this is true is the Quick Man unit itself."
^ Top
16,120,577 BP
4 TP | 138 PP
Posted on January 22nd, 2014 at 1:47pm
Posted 2014/01/22 at 1:47pm
mabye you find some infomation about them in the wiki
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on January 22nd, 2014 at 2:22pm Edited on 2014/06/02 at 11:49pm
Posted 2014/01/22 at 2:22pm Edited 2014/06/02 at 11:49pm
Oh you mean like Light,Wily, and Cossack. Ok!

Dr. Wily
" Dr. Wily was once Dr. Light's partner, but after Light's receiving of the credit of their projects, Wily decided to rule the world for fame. His full name is Albert W. Wily and has a high intellect. Wily created many robots to defeat his enemies but they always end in failure. He has worked together with many other evil beings, but usually is betrayed. Wily also makes battle machines and capsules which also end up in failure. The day of the unveiling of the Prototype, he was spying, but something managed to ruin it...."
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on January 24th, 2014 at 11:13am
Posted 2014/01/24 at 11:13am
Cut Man(snip,snip)

"The Cut Man unit was designed to be a lumber-chopping robot, and does so by the cutter on their head. They have the technique, Rolling Cutter, a move in which they throw their Cutter on the top of their head and cuts down most opponents to size. Some units have the Rising Cutter which is a technique in which they release a giant cutter below the opponent. Most have shown personality traits of children and making awful cutting puns. The Cut Man unit is one of the most used units in the world for their versatility and their simplicity."
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on January 24th, 2014 at 12:36pm Edited on 2014/01/24 at 12:42pm
Posted 2014/01/24 at 12:36pm Edited 2014/01/24 at 12:42pm
Proto Man
" Originally the prototype of all robots, he became a renegade and stopped villainy in the shadows. Reproductions of this unit have been made over all the battling lately and have proved to be powerful fighters. They have the Proto Buster, Proto Shield, a copy chip, and the Proto Strike, a powerful technique capable of changing the tide of battle. They are usually resilient and like to make their own choices, but usually never show acts of evil. Despite being a prototype of robots, this unit has great power and speed with good whistling skill, too!"
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on January 24th, 2014 at 12:42pm Edited on 2014/01/24 at 12:59pm
Posted 2014/01/24 at 12:42pm Edited 2014/01/24 at 12:59pm
" Originally created to clean houses and other things, this model has lately shown signs of battle and can match with their brother unit, Mega Man. They show great gymnastic skill and can even fight with simple household materials such as brooms and vacuums. They typically show traits of stereotypical school girls, but sometimes shows signs of great aggression. One famous Roll unit is known as the "Queen of Busters" and holds many types of different busters. Although typically support units in battle, they can match in battle with the strongest of robots."

Metal Man
" This unit is an upgrade on the Cut Man series and fight with deadly skill. They have the Metal Blade, one of the most deadly attacks ever created and has been said to have took down an entire army. They have great speed and like to fight on conveyor belts. They have also been called dentists of the future, jokingly. This unit is often sarcastic and not to be trusted by anyone. They like playing with flying discs but hate when dogs catch them instead. This unit is very powerful but some rumors suggest it can be defeated with their own weapon...."

Gemini Man
" The Gemini Man unit was first created by Dr. Thomas Light and Dr. Albert Wily. They have the weapon called Gemini Laser, a beam that bounces off walls to lay multiple hits. They can also clone themselves up to four times, making them VERY strategic fighters and can confuse many of their opponents. They have been seen to sometimes just look at their copies like a mirror. They shown traits of narcissism, but have a deep hatred of snakes. They are not to be messed with, as they have tricky fighting styles and tricks."
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on January 25th, 2014 at 10:59pm Edited on 2014/06/02 at 11:53pm
Posted 2014/01/25 at 10:59pm Edited 2014/06/02 at 11:53pm
Shadow Man
" The original Shadow Man was first found by Dr. Wily in an abandoned temple. Reproductions of this unit are hard to make due to it's alien-like material. This unit is very sneaky, agile, and has a blade covered in a deadly substance called the Shadow Blade, as well as other ninja techniques and weapons. They are very impulsive and dislikes obvious tricks, but likes to surprise others. Their origin is unknown, but something that is known about him is that they are very deadly enemies."
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