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Mega Man RPG Prototype Game Development

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Welcome back everyone, to a very "serious" breakdown of one the sprite sheets that I (MMX100) submitted. Again these posts deal very "seriously" on how and why a sheet was made the way it is...You there with the curled lip! Straighten that up, smiling will not be tolerated during this post. Anyway...

MMRPG Visuals - Characters Archive:
Spark Man-link
Snake Man-link
Needle Man-link
Top Man-link
Shadow Man-link
Magnet Man-link

Such a clean sheet this one really turned out to be. I can almost say that it's so clean that it reflects like the robot master it features.

Mugshot: I'm not gonna say I put any work on this part. But honestly the QA department that works under me is just as un-detailed oriented as the one over at Capcom. Either that or I just didn't care either that Gemini Man's mugshot was taken with an 8-bit compact camera in a ambient low light with the flash on. In other words, I let Gemini keep his red eyes.

Base 1-2: Gemini Man's holographic clone is something I wanted to incorporate since the beginning. So I decided to just keep Gemini in neutral and have his clone randomly pop up behind him and it works. Still makes Gemini interesting while just standing there.

Taunt: The taunt sprite or the 'my spiky head is scratchy" sprite? You decide!

Victory: One of my favorite sprites on the sheet. Real Gemini in the front is just happy seeing the beatdown he gave his opponent in front of him. Meanwhile clone Gemini in the back knows "what's up". Clone Gemini knows he's just in a web browser game and that he just won thanks to the decisions of the player controlling him. "You did good kid" is most likely what he's saying while he stares at you with that fist pump.

Offline (Defeat): Not a single crack on Gemini was a missed opportunity here. Take notes on that. But one of his head spikes did break off.

Throw: Usually you would see a character tossing something with their right hand but that's not the case here as Gemini always has his arm cannon on the right. Which is why his throw might make you think his sprite seems off when compared to the other characters. But unfortunately "Lazy Man" took over the sheet work while I was on my "15" and just copy and pasted to the bottom row. Which explains why Gemini's arm cannon is now on the left arm in the bottom row. QA in recent times has taken better care of this and can say Lazy Man is no longer with the company.

Summon: The I summon cookies sprite or the "Don't shoot, I'm unarmed" sprite? The choice is once again up to you MMRPG players.

Slide: Seems to me like Gemini Man has some flotation vest on or something. He must be expecting showers.

Defend: Real - "Save me, me!" Clone - "I have no idea what's about to happen to me".

Damage: Funny face time! Put that grin away, it is still not welcome during this post! Multiple choice as usual but the best part was still being able to squeeze in a corrupted hologram doing some random thing that the real Gemini is not doing.

Special: More like specially un-original. Leaving almost any 8-bit robot master with only single column pupils close to each other really remind me of Mario sprites. Mostly I wanna say from Koopa Troopas in SMW2: Yoshi's Island. I'm guessing I didn't have anything funnier to do with this character by the end of my work.

Well that concludes today's sprite sheet breakdown. Join us next time when I breakdown my last sheet in the MM3 lineup. Till next time.
The Visuals of the MMRPG Prototype - Characters - Gemini Man
Posted by MMX100 on October 16th, 2016 at 11:56pm
Viewed 963 Times

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