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Mega Man RPG Prototype Game Development

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Welcome back to another look at the creative process of making a sheet for the MMRPG. On with the archived posts.

MMRPG Visuals - Characters Archive:
Spark Man-link
Snake Man-link
Needle Man-link
Top Man-link
Shadow Man-link
Magnet Man-link
Gemini Man-link
Hard Man-link
Stone Man-link

Base 1-2: Creating two neutral sprites for Gyro Man was very easy as his spinning propeller unit on his back effectively shows time passing with every spin.

Victory: One may jump for joy when happy but Gyro I imagine would jump and fly for joy when happy. He also seems to be pointing and mocking his fallen opponent.

Defeat: His propeller blades seemed what would most likely break after suffering a defeat.

Shoot: So here we have two options. However as I suggested in my notes at the bottom, I thought we could use the second sprite as a special ability. Especially since Gyro Man being in the air is being his element. This idea was inspired by an ability from a Transformers game I used to play.

Throw: This unedited sprite came directly from the game. Personally to me however, it looks as if he is trying to carry or pass something very carefully.

Slide: When making sprites, I try to the best of my abilities to add some realism to them. So when I imagined Gyro Man sliding, I think his propeller unit would get in the way which is why I have him remove and hold the unit during this action.

As for the last two - Defend and Damage, I go for the usual. As you can already probably tell, this sheet has no extras, either because I wasn't in the mood during the sheet's creation or I couldn't think of anything special to do with the character. Well come back next time for a more colorful sheet. As we take a look at a more explosive character. Thanks for reading and until next time, cya!
The Visuals of the MMRPG Prototype - Characters - Gyro Man
Posted by MMX100 on February 13th, 2017 at 12:30am
Viewed 833 Times

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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)