Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2017 and is no longer being maintained.
Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved.
Return to the archive index for more legacy content or
play the current version of the game for all the new stuff.
Please use this thread for any feedback or suggestions regarding the database, community, gallery, leaderboard, or any other pages on this website and let me know what you all think. I'm more than open to constructive criticism and have added plenty of suggestions to the website in the past, so don't be afraid to post.
If you believe the topic or suggestion is large enough to warrant it's own thread, you are free to do so at your own discretion. I look forward to everyone's input! :D
What do you guys think about threads devoted to each robot master, player, and/or ability? Or maybe all robots are discussed in one thread, all players in another, etc. It would be nice to comment on specific weaknesses, abilities, stats, etc. but I want to know what you guys think. :P
I think one thread for each Mega Man game would be pretty nice, grouping the RMs into a group of six and a couple of groups of eight. One thread for type/weakness discussion? I think abilities deserve 2 threads, one for suggestions and one for discussion, abilities are the ones that get changed most usually anyways. Oh, and a "Mark as read" thing would be nice. (Doesn't really belong here, but Bright Man has 175 points of speed, instead of 75, could you fix it?)
Posted on March 18th, 2013 at 12:40pmEdited on 2013/03/18 at 12:43pm
Posted 2013/03/18 at 12:40pmEdited 2013/03/18 at 12:43pm
Thanks for the suggestion - having them grouped by game might be a good idea. I'm wondering if maybe auto-generated threads for each robot/player/ability might be better - just to prevent clutter - but I like the sound of per-game threads. I'll post an update once I've decided. As far as the mark-as-read, I'll look into it. Right now the "new" flags are cleared when you reply to a topic OR log out then back in again, but mark as read would also be handy for sure.
"Ice Man is capable of functioning in hot environments, though he is less powerful there." Ice Man > Mega Man Knowledge Base He does not function as good in fire, but he is not weak to it. Is that what you're saying?
I've updated this discussion thread and it will now serve as the "official" discussion thread for the entire community section on the website, as well as any related features like commenting and avatars and even just general use. Just leave a comment here and we can keep the discussion going. :)
Can we have alternate skins for Some Characters. Bad box art Mega Man, Mega Man from the Captain N cartoon. All the MM! -MM3 RM's that appeared in the Captain N Cartoon. Mega Man and Porto Man With out Helmets. Also, I was thinking about maybe having a level as a concert venue and have Sprites of the band "The Proto Men" in the back Ground" Maybe even have an 8 bit version of one of there song for the level.