Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2017 and is no longer being maintained.
Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved.
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play the current version of the game for all the new stuff.
So, I have been noticing the flood with threads advertising the projects users are making. With the help of the Evil Geniuses known as MegaBossMan and Mikey, we have decided that it would be best if everyone can post many projects on one thread instead of having many threads for one project. So if you're making a video/webcomic/story, you can post it here, feedback to any of these projects is also welcome.
Current Users that have appeared in Megabound (Chronologically) MusicalKitty NetWoman Meta(KirbSter) AdrianMarceau MegaBossMan MegaBoy BetaMan (Cameo) Perfect Zero FemaleForte ThatGuyNamedMikey Rhythm_BCA ThatOneEnderMan BetaMan (Appearance) Uraccountcrashed (finally) Matthew TobyJoey
If you'd want to be part of this ever-growing story, you may ask and I will NOT consider your role. Sorry, but if you wanted to be in, you should have asked when you had the chance.
MusicalKitty's "Mega Manopoly" Game Version 0.13 This version has: -The addition of Roll, Cut Man, and Guts Man -16 Upgrades -10 Achievements Also I'm not doing Mega Manopoly anymore, it was too much to jostle around that and Megabound, and was 60% responsible for the 2.2 week hiatus, sorry, but there's version 0.25, I may or may not link it for you though
Megabound Chapter 10 Special: Mikey the Evil Scientist Yes, I finally did it, after one day and one night of typing this, along with dealing with my awkward schedule, I've finally finished Chapter 10, taking up a total of 11.48 KB! I know, that may not seem like much, but consisting of plain text, that's kind of a big deal, I hope you enjoy chapter 10.
Chapter 13: Bethany the Pomeranian Yes, I've finally arranged my schedule, and I hope the schedule can go as is: Megabound and Poor Napstablook every other day, but arranged so there's one piece of fiction each day (For example: Megabound Mon-Wed-Fri Poor Napstablook Tue-Thur-Sat) so let's see how this'll go.