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Mega Man RPG Prototype Fanart & Fanfics

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Make-A-Moveset: What If...

August 4th, 2013 at 5:41pm
116,512,060 BP
6 TP | 262 PP
Anyone here ever heard of Make Your Move on the Smashboards? It's A sort of competition where the users there can create a Super Smash Bros. moveset for any character they can imagine, even if they aren't from Nintendo games, or video games in general!

That's basically the premise here. You're tasked with creating MMRPG Prototype statistics for a character not yet featured in-game. This could be a character from the Mega Man X, Zero, ZX, Legends, Battle Network, or Star Force subseries, a 'bot from other media, or a fan project. Unlike Make Your Move, this is purely for fun, but you can comment on each other's movesets (Just keep any criticisms constructive!).

Note that whatever characters you create probably won't added to the game. Adrian's got his work cut out for him as it is!

A complete moveset MUST contain the character's...
-...Name, and what game they come from.
-...Core Type (Cutter, Flame, etc.) Determines what MMRPGP moves the character can use. Usually related from what moves the charter uses in their game, their appearance, and what weapons/gear you get from them.
-...Attack(How much damage they deal), Defense(How much damage they take), and Speed(How fast the robot moves to attack, and how accurate their attacks are). You have 300 points to spend on each stat.
-...Weakness(What moves do double damage to them) and Resistances(What moves to half damage to them). Give your 'bot two each.
-...Affinity(Moves heal them), OR Immunity(Moves that do no damage to them). Give ONLY one of either.

You could also add some extra bits to add some flair to your character, such as...
-...A numerical designation(i.e. Proto Man is DLN-000)
-...A class. If you've played Pokémon, these are like the little sub-designations in the Pokedex entries(i.e. Pikachu is the Electric Mouse Pokémon, Proto Man is the Renegade Prototype Robot). They can describe the character's personality, abilities or job.
-...Quotes for when the character enters battle, taunts their opponent, wins or losses. Can be derived from their source material, or interpreted from their personality.

If you have any confusion on what a moveset looks like, I'd recommend checking out some examples in the Database. I hope to see plenty of cool ideas for characters!

EDIT: In order to make this topic a little more interesting (I mean, the last post was over a year ago), it is now open to characters from ALL video games, not just Mega Man.

EDIT 2: In celebration of the field-centric Star Force Update, you can now create fan-made fields! I mean, what's the point of making bunch of awesome fan-made robots without some place for them to kick each other's butts?

A complete field MUST contain...

-The field's name. Composed of two words or phrases (three if you're pushing it, don't even think about four).
-What game (Mega Man or otherwise) the field comes from.
-The Field's primary core type.
-The field's multipliers (Core types, damage, recovery, experience). Primary core type gets an automatic x2 multiplier.
-The Robot (fan-made or otherwise) associated with the field.
-The Mecha (fan-made or otherwise) associated with the field.


-A short description of what the field looks like (1-2 sentences is good).
-Music that plays during battle (link to YouTube or another video/music-sharing website).
Make-A-Moveset: What If...
Posted by Spinstrike on August 4th, 2013 at 5:41pm
Viewed 22594 Times
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on July 11th, 2015 at 12:45pm
Posted 2015/07/11 at 12:45pm
Well, it's time to put an end to my DEN robots. And the last one, the final requirement of the Robot-Making Doctor Starter Set (Lol, I just had to), the lab assistant of Dr. Emerald, Note.

Name: Note
Designation: DEN-010
Class: Doctor's Helper Robot
Core: Neutral

Weaknesses: Electric and Laser
Resistances: Freeze
Immunities: None
Affinities: None

Energy: 150
Attack: 80
Defense: 80
Speed: 80

Start: "I'm here to help, Doctor!"
Taunt: "We may win this one!"
Victory: "I doubted this mission would be a failure!"
Defeat: "What!? The mission was a failure!?"

Signature Moves

Note Buster
Learned at Level: 2
Power: 36%
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 2
Range: Party Leader
Description: The user charges on the first turn to build power and recover life energy by 10%, then releases a powerful shot on the second to inflict 36% damage to a random system!*

Attack Mixer
Learned at Level: 4
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 2
Range: Anyone in Opponent's Party
Description: The user swaps the target's attack stats with another one of it's stats!

Defense Mixer
Learned at Level: 6
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 2
Range: Anyone in Opponent's Party
Description: The user switches the target's defense stats with another one of it's stats!

Speed Mixer
Learned at Level: 8
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 2
Range: Anyone in Opponent's Party
Description: The user switches the target's speed stats with another one of it's stats!

Energy Mixer
Learned at Level: 10
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 2
Range: Anyone in Opponent's Party and a random person in the Opponent's Party
Description: The user switches the target's energy with the energy of another random robot in the same party as the target.**

Attack Blender
Learned at Level: 12
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 2
Energy: 4
Range: Opponent's Party
Description: The user switches the attack stats of everyone in the opponent's party!***

Defense Blender
Learned at Level: 14
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 2
Energy: 4
Range: Opponent's Party
Description: The user switches the defense stats of everyone in the opponent's party!***

Speed Blender
Learned at Level: 16
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 2
Energy: 4
Range: Opponent's Party
Description: The user switches the speed stats of everyone in the opponent's party!***

Energy Blender
Learned at Level: 18
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 2
Energy: 4
Range: Opponent's Party
Description: The user switches the energy of everyone in the opponent's party!***


*Never deals energy damage, however.
**I know, it's different than the others, but do it the same as the others, and the attack becomes too OP.
***In other words, it takes all of a specific stat (or all of the energy) in the opponent's party and hands it back, but to a different robot for each stat/energy.
^ Top
18,073,331 BP
0 TP | 226 PP
Posted on July 15th, 2015 at 9:32am
Posted 2015/07/15 at 9:32am
If Bt Man's no longer posting stuff here, I guess it's my turn to continue on.

Name: Firework Man
Number Designation: BRN-005
Class: Firework Display Robot
Core: Flame

Weaknesses: WaterExplode
Resistances: Missile
Affinities: None
Immunities: Flame

Energy: 100
Attack: 140
Defense: 78
Speed: 74

Start: "We gotta burn this thing down! NOW!"
Taunt: "Look at the art I make! Pretty cool, right? RIGHT?!"
Victory: "A horrible show! Boo! Boo!"
Defeat: "Is it true? There's a better firecracker out there?"

Signature Moves
Spark Rain
Power: 10
Accuracy: 80%
Speed: 2
Energy: 4
Range: Up to half of the Opponent Team.
Description: Lobs several firecrackers into the air that rain down as sparks, hitting up to half of the opposing team!

Blazing Firework
Learnt at Level 10
Power: 30
Accuracy: 95%
Speed: 5
Energy: 2
Range: Opponent Team Leader
Description: Fires a rocket at the target, dealing massive damage and occasionally lowering their shields by 5%.

Description: Created initially to perform firework displays for the city. However, Dr. Wily noticed the huge amounts of arsenal on Firework Man, and decided to infect him with Roboenza. The effects however, didn't work, but much worse. It changed his entire programming code, causing Firework Man to go into fits of enragement every now and then. Soon enough, Firework Man managed to be cured by Dr. Light, but the portion in his robotic brain that makes him angry couldn't be replaced with something else, so Dr. Light had to leave him harmless by taking a few of his combat fireworks out instead. However, Firework Man ignored it, as usual, and managed to befriend Crash Man and Burner Man. Now, what happens when a Robot with anger fits meet two other Robots with powerful weapons and anger problems as well? Normally, it ends up with all 3 of them fighting each other, but Firework Man decided to take revenge on every Light robot, because reasons. So, he managed to get his fireworks burnt up after being taught by Burner Man, and Crash Man made his fireworks extra-explody. So technically, Firework Man is a combination of three feared Robot Masters! No wonder others tend to stay away from him...
^ Top
18,073,331 BP
0 TP | 226 PP
Posted on July 18th, 2015 at 4:05am
Posted 2015/07/18 at 4:05am
Yet again, lads.

Name: Barracuda Man
Number Designation: BRN-006
Class: Predator Shark Robot
Core: Water

Weaknesses: EarthFlame
Resistances: Missile
Affinities: None
Immunities: Water

Energy: 100
Attack: 91
Defense: 92
Speed: 110

Start: "Time to be plundered by the scavenger!"
Taunt: "Get spooked by me!"
Victory: "Fresh scraps! Yummy."
Defeat: "I gotta swim out of 'ere!"

Signature Moves
Barracuda Charge
Power: 15
Accuracy: 82%
Speed: 4
Energy: 3
Target: Any Opponent
Description: Charges straight at the target, dealing decreasing damage up to 5 times!

Tidal Change
Power: 28
Accuracy: 90%
Speed: 3
Energy: 2
Target: Opponent Party Leader
Description: Charges up on the first turn, then releases a tsunami wave that deals massive damage and occasionally decreases all of the target's stats by 3%!

Description: Initially created as a robotic guard of a coastal fortress. However, when that fortress was overwhelmed by Dr. Wily's robotic forces so that he could show the world his potential, Barracuda Man was captured and remodeled from a fish-shaped robot into a long, thin and slender shark-like bot with a knack for charging straight at innocent bystanders. Out of all of the BRNs, Barracuda Man has the most sense of humor, constantly using his shark-like appearance to scare others that are simply unfortunate to be the victims of his pranks. Pirate Man, in specific, has a disdain for him, as the barrels that Barracuda Man throw are normally Pirate Man's. Splash Woman also dislikes Barracuda Man, as Barracuda Man hates mermaids, and he also "looks scary" to her. Don't feel so sorry for Barracuda Man, even though he knows quite a bunch of Robot Masters dislike him in general, he ignores it and just cares for the pranks.

Arena: Coast Ruins
Primary Core: Water
Multipliers: Water x 1.5 Missile x 1.2 Flame x 0.5
Description: The old ruins of that one castle Barracuda Man used to guard. Now that Dr. Wily seemed to have disappeared, Barracuda Man spends most of his time swimming around and scaring people that decide to tour the castle.

Mecha Support: Irukandji
Number Designation: CGN-001/2/3 (Coast Guard Number)
Class: Stinging Jellyfish Bot
Core: Water

Energy: 40 / 50 / 75
Attack: 65 / 80 / 100
Defense: 20 / 30 / 45
Speed: 50 / 65 / 80

Weaknesses: FlameMissileEarth
Resistances: Water
Affinities: Electric
Immunities: None

Start: "Iru-tick-tock-tick-tock!"
Taunt: "Tick-tock..."
Victory: "Kan-kan-ji!"
Defeat: "Ru-kanji-tock..."

Signature Moves:
Irukandji Sting
Power: 15
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 3
Energy: 0
Target: Any Enemy
Description: Stings the target, dealing damage.

Description: A small jellyfish-like mecha that was initially created to serve as water E.M.Ps. When they were discovered to be highly hazardous in open seas, however, their electric discharge was greatly diminished, and now they're only deployed near the land, away from drinking water. Many of these help Barracuda Man to guard the underwater base near the Coast Ruins. But that's a secret.
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on July 20th, 2015 at 11:11am
Posted 2015/07/20 at 11:11am
Now for Robot Masters based on Street Fighter X Mega Man. First up is Ryu

Name: Ryu
Designation: SFN-001 (Street Fighter Number)
Class: Challenge Seeking Fighter
Core: Impact

Weaknesses: Shield
Resistances: Impact
Immunities: None
Affinities: None

Energy: 100
Attack: 95
Defense: 90
Speed: 80

Start: "Let's see how much of a challenge you are, Robot."
Taunt: "This isn't the challenge I'm looking for. This is too easy."
Victory: "Looks like you need a lot more training."
Defeat: "I'll admit it. You proven yourself a strong challenger."

Signature Moves

Learned at Level: Start
Power: 18
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 2
Range: Anyone in opponent's party
Description: The user charges up energy on the first turn, and then launches it at the target to deal damage!

Learned at Level: 6
Power: 20
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 4
Range: Party Leader
Description: The user uppercuts the target to inflict massive damage!

Learned at Level: 8
Power: 20
Accuracy: 70%
Speed: 2
Energy: 6
Range: Party Leader
Description: The user spins around kicking the target multiple times until it misses!

Metsu Hadouken
Learned at Level: 10
Power: 20
Accuracy: 80%
Speed: 4
Energy: 6
Range: Anyone in Opponent's Party
Description: The user charges on the first turn and launches a blast of burning energy that can hit up to 3 times without missing!

Description: Ryu is a strong opponent from Street Fighter. He is always looking for a new challenge. He is well known for his attacks, such as Shoryuken, Tatsumaki, and the famous Hadouken, as well as it's burning version, the Metsu Hadouken. Give him the challenge he is looking for!
^ Top
18,073,331 BP
0 TP | 226 PP
Posted on July 30th, 2015 at 4:08am
Posted 2015/07/30 at 4:08am
I'm reviving this again.

Name: Turbine Man
Designation: BRN-007
Class: Windmill Operating Robot
Core: Wind

Weaknesses: Time Flame
Resistances: Freeze Electric
Immunities: Water
Affinities: None

Energy: 100
Attack: 112
Defense: 73
Speed: 115


Start: "Today I'm forecasting a breeze!"
Taunt: "Blow me away, you scrap metal!"
Victory: "Well, I win-d!"
Defeat: "Not another tornado..."

Signature Moves:
Gust Barrier
Learned at Level: Start
Power: 25
Accuracy: 90%
Speed: 3
Energy: 2
Target: Opponent Party Leader
Description: The user creates a barrier that decreases damage taken by 50%. The barrier can also be thrown straight at the enemy, but its effects are negated easily by Flame attacks...

Flurry Force
Learned at Level: 6
Power: 18
Accuracy: 86%
Speed: 4
Energy: 2
Target: Opponent Party Leader
Description: Sends a howling wind of snow at the opponent, causing the target to take double damage from the next Water-type move that strikes them!

Description: A robot stationed at a windmill and wind turbine field to inspect the perimeter. When Wily began his schemes of domination, however, Turbine Man was captured, and Wily gave him a powerful buster that can send gusts of wind at his opponents, and various propellers around him, but that's just because Wily was out of money, and Crystal Man couldn't help him. Turbine Man, in his free time after he was saved by Wily, likes to visit Air Man, Gyro Man and Tornado Man to talk to them about the weather. Turbine Man also has a friendly rivalry with them, racing with them every so or now. However, all of them do agree that Toad Man can be a pain if he decides to make a downfall of heavy rain.

Arena: Turbine Tower
Primary Core: Wind
Multipliers: Wind x1.8, Freeze x1.2, Water x1.1, Flame x0.3
Description: A tall wind turbine with several other smaller turbines protruding out of it. Snow and rain can be present at several areas of the tower, and the tower itself contains huge amounts of electric generators. The Fan Joes protect the area from intruders.

Mecha Support: Fan Joe
Designation: TTN-001/2/3 (Turbine Tower Number)
Class: Wind Generating Mecha
Core: Wind

Weaknesses: Freeze Flame Water
Resistances: Electric
Immunities: None
Affinities: Wind

Energy: 50 / 70 / 95
Attack: 50 / 85 / 105
Defense: 45 / 65 / 90
Speed: 55 / 80 / 110

Start: No trespassers...
Taunt: I am...superior!
Victory: Well played...
Defeat: Malfunctioned...ack!

Signature Moves:
Knockback Blast
Power: 12
Accuracy: 84%
Speed: 4
Target: Opponent Party Leader
Description: The user fires a gust of wind that deals massive damage, occasionally having a 20% chance to knock the target back to the bench!

^ Top
5,634,600 BP
0 TP | 1 PP
Posted on August 1st, 2015 at 12:33pm Edited on 2015/08/01 at 2:27pm
Posted 2015/08/01 at 12:33pm Edited 2015/08/01 at 2:27pm
Time to give my own idea, based off an idea of Archie Comics.

Name: Metal Sonic
Designation: EGG_001.
Classification: Robotic Doppelganger Hedgehog.
Core: Swift.

Weaknesses: Water and Electric
Resistances: Time and Swift
Immunities: Wind

Energy: 100
Attack: 100.
Defense: 80.
Speed: 120.

Start: I am the real Sonic!
Taunt: You cannot defeat me!
Victory: Kneel before your Master!
Defeat: Why... can't i win?!

Signature Moves:
Homing Attack
Learned at level: Start.
Power: 30.
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 3
Target: Anyone in Opponent's Party.
Description: The user locks onto a foe and rams them at high speeds. This attack is homing and thus unlikely to miss!

Black Shield
Learned at level: 5
Power: 0
Accuracy 100%
Speed: 3
Energy: 6.
Target: Self.
Description: The user cloaks themself in a shield of darkness that raises their defense by 30%!

Chaos Control
Learned at level: 9.
Power: 20.
Accuracy: 80%.
Speed: 4
Energy: 3
Target: All foes.
Description: Using the power of a Chaos Emerald, the user warps time and space to attack the entire enemy team at once!

Light Speed Attack
Learned at Level: 12.
Power: 40.
Accuracy: 80%.
Speed: 5.
Energy: 5.
Target: Entire Opponent Party.
Description: The user gathers light energy inside them for one turn. In the next turn, they attack the entire opposing party at the speed of light!

Robot description: A Robotic Doppelganger of Sonic The Hedgehog created by Dr. Ivo Eggman Robotnik to be greater than Sonic in every way.

Arena name: Final Fortress
Primary Core: Swift.
Multipliers: Swift x2.0, Shadow x1.5, Impact x1.5, Wind x1.3, Copy x1.1,
Description: Eggman's fortress, located high in the sky, amongst the massive Egg Fleet. E-121 Phi robots are located amongst the many machines, ready to strike down intruders. In addition, Metal Sonic also roams this area, ready to destroy any pesky heroes who want to sneak in.

Mecha Support: E-121 Phi
Designation: E-121 (E-Series #121)
Class: Mass-produced Copy Gizoid.
Core: Copy

Weaknesses: Impact and Time
Resistances: Flame and Electric
Immunities: None.
Affinities: Copy

Energy: 50/70/90
Attack: 50/70/90
Defense: 50/70/90
Speed: 50/70/90.

Signature Moves:
Power: 0.
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 1.
Target: Anyone in Opponent's Party.
Description: Upon use, the user copies one move from the target's moveset for this battle only. The data is not downloaded to the database.
^ Top
18,073,331 BP
0 TP | 226 PP
Posted on August 1st, 2015 at 9:55pm
Posted 2015/08/01 at 9:55pm
Name: Polar Man
Designation: BRN-008
Class: Snow Plowing Robot
Core: Freeze

Weaknesses: Flame, Water
Resistances: Crystal
Immunities: None
Affinities: Freeze

Energy: 110
Attack: 111
Defense: 115
Speed: 64


Start: It's rather warm here...too warm.
Taunt: You heaps of junk don't know much about suffering!
Victory: That's better...the heat was too annoying.
Defeat: I hate to say this, but that was a blast.

Signature Moves:
Snow Plower
Learned at Level: Start
Power: 15
Accuracy: 99%
Speed: 5
Energy: 2
Target: Opponent Party Leader
Description: Charges straight at the opponent, dealing damage and causing them to take double damage from the next Flame type move they are hit by!

Icicle Grave
Learned at Level: 10
Power: 50
Accuracy: 72%
Speed: 2
Energy: 6
Target: Anyone in Opponent's Party
Description: Charges up on the first two turns, then lobs an icicle at the target, dealing massive damage and at times, stuns them for two turns.

Description: A robot created by Dr. Light initially to plow snow during the winter. He serves Dr. Wily out of pure boredom, due to Polar Man being bored of clearing snow away. Unlike most of the other fancy Light and Cossack bots, Polar Man's gadgets are rather old and classical. This has made him have a rivalry with Magma Man, Mega Man and Galaxy Man, as all 3 of them, to Polar Man, seem to have more advanced technology than he does. Polar Man also has a particular disdain towards Ice Man, as whenever Polar Man tries to plow the Arctic Jungle Ice Man resides him, he ends up being chased out by angry penguins.

Arena: Winter Highway
Primary Core: Freeze
Multipliers: Freeze x 1.5, Wind x 1.2, Flame x 0.5
Description: A snow-covered highway road next to a tundra, a frozen river and a taiga. On the huge road itself, various car tracks can be seen, as well as a few frozen vehicles. There is also a warning sign near the road, as the entire highway seemed to have been deemed dangerous to drive on.

Mecha Support: Tundra Bear
Designation: TNN-001/2/3
Class: Blizzard Scout Mecha
Core: Impact

Weaknesses: Flame, Cutter, Freeze
Resistances: Swift
Immunities: None
Affinities: None

Energy: 65 / 85 / 110
Attack: 30 / 50 / 65
Defense: 80 / 115 / 145
Speed: 25 / 55 / 80

Signature Moves:
Claw Lunge
Power: 10
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 5
Target: Opponent Party Leader
Description: The user lunges at the opponent quickly, dealing damage.

^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on August 2nd, 2015 at 11:40pm
Posted 2015/08/02 at 11:40pm
I decided not to do the other Street Fighter X Mega Man characters and move on to something else. Introducing Made-up Robot Master Mirror Man!

Name: Mirror Man
Designation: WDN-001 (World Dominators Number)
Class: Copycat Warlord Robot
Core: Copy

Weaknesses: None
Resistances: Shadow
Immunities: None
Affinities: Copy

Energy: 120
Attack: 120
Defense: 120
Speed: 120

Start: "You have forgotten to bow down. I shall exterminate you now."
Taunt: "This will teach you to disobey me!"
Victory: "You have became my slave, Robot, and soon the whole world will, too."
Defeat: "Me... Defeated!? Impossible!"

Signature Moves

Copied Buster
Learned at Level: 2
Power: 36
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 2
Range: Anyone in Opponent's Party and Self
Description: The user charges on the first turn to build power and raise attack, defense, and speed by 5%, then releases a powerful energy shot on the second to inflict massive damage!

Ability Scan
Learned at Level: 4
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 4
Range: Anyone in opponent's party and self
Description: The user scans the target for it's previously used attack and copies it. The attack is not added to the database.

Ability Copy
Learned at Level: 6
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 5
Range: Anyone in opponent's party and self
Description: The user scans the target for it's previously used attack and copies it. Any Mecha-only attacks are not added to the database.

Data Scan
Learned at Level: 8
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 6
Range: Party Leader and Self
Description: The user scans the target for all it's attacks and copies them. This move, however, replaces all the moves the user has before this move is used with the copied attacks. Any Mecha-only attacks are not added to the database.

Energy Copy
Learned at Level: 10
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 6
Energy: 5
Range: Anyone in Opponent's Party and Self
Description: The user copies the target's energy and heals itself by 10.

Attack Copy
Learned at Level: 12
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 5
Range: Anyone in Opponent's Party and Self
Description: The user copies the target's current attack stat and raises or lowers it to that point.

Defense Copy
Learned at Level: 14
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 5
Range: Anyone in Opponent's Party and Self
Description: The user scans the target's current defense stat and raises or lowers it to that point.

Speed Copy
Learned at Level: 16
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 5
Range: Anyone in Opponent's Party and Self
Description: The user scans the target's current speed stat and raises or lowers it to that point.

Body Copy
Learned at Level: 18
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 6
Range: Anyone in Opponent's Party and Self
Description: The user shapeshifts into the target, but does not earn it's stats, energy, or attacks. The shapeshift lasts for 3 turns. The user also gets the target's weaknesses and resistances*.

Data Copy
Learned at Level: 20
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 6
Energy: 10
Range: Anyone in Opponent's Party and Self
Description: The user shapeshifts into the target for 3 turns, gaining it's current stats, energy, and attacks. However, it also gains all the effects that is currently on the target** and it's resistances and weaknesses*. This move also drains all the user's weapon energy. The attacks are not added to the database.

Description: This robot was created by an unknown doctor, with unknown purposes. Whatever the purpose may be, he ended up betraying his creator and becomes bent on world domination the one way he knows how: destroying all robots who refuse to join his army. His buster is a copy of an unknown robot that he destroyed for not bowing to him. However, his real skill is the ability to scan and copy information on robots, like energy, defense, and weapons. However, that's not the only trick up his sleeve. He can take the risk of using all his weapon energy to shapeshift into a perfect copy of any robot he faces: energy, weapons, looks, and all. This not only makes him dangerous, but also a true mirror match.

*Also including Immunities and Affinities.
**Being hit by Oil Slider or Ice Slasher, charging a buster, pulled up a Super Arm Block or a Shield, or having used Atomic Fire or Fire Storm the previous turn.
^ Top
18,073,331 BP
0 TP | 226 PP
Posted on August 5th, 2015 at 6:01am Edited on 2015/08/05 at 6:53am
Posted 2015/08/05 at 6:01am Edited 2015/08/05 at 6:53am
So now that I'm done with the first wave of BRNs, I might as well get the Castle bosses ready-nah, I'll just do the Wily bosses from the original games.

Designation: DWN-002 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 (Since Metal Man's DWN-009, one has to make 8 DWNs before that.)
Class: Water Purification Robot
Core: Water & Shield

Weaknesses: Impact Electric Freeze Nature
Resistances: Flame Wind Missile Swift
Immunities: Shield Copy Laser
Affinities: Water

Energy: 160
Attack: 85
Defense: 95
Speed: 135


Start: E-li-mi-nate intruders...
Taunt: Eliminate. Eliminate eliminate...
Victory: Intruders...e-li-mi-nated...
Defeat: Intruders...bad...

Signature Moves:
Bubble Shield
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 2
Energy: 2
Target: Self
Description: Creates a shield around the user, bolstering defenses to prevent all damage for a turn! The shield can be disabled early with an Impact-type attack, however...

Water Shot
Power: 10
Accuracy: 80%
Speed: 4
Energy: 1
Target: Anyone in Opponent's Party
Description: Fires a barrage of bubbles at the target, possibly dealing damage up to three times!

Sanctioning Laser
Power: 30
Accuracy: 76%
Speed: 1
Energy: 5
Target: All Opponent Robots
Description: Charges up power on the first two turns, then releases a devastating laser blast that can hit all Robots!

Backup Support
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: 0
Target: -
Description: CWU-01P summons an M-445 to help it during battle if it starts to be outnumbered!

(Other than those attacks, CWU-01P also has Buster Shot, Bubble Spray and Bubble Lead.)

Description: An aquatic robot created for water purification, but huge numbers of them were stolen by Dr. Wily as a means of protecting his own fortress from Mega Man. CWU-01P is a can say, "boring" robot, as its only purpose in Wily's Castle is to exterminate incoming intruders. However, one should not underestimate its attacks, as Dr. Wily has modified it heavily, so it can now use a huge variety of water attacks, and summon M-445s unlike its first encounter!

Arena: Wily Sewers
Primary Core: Water
Multipliers: Water x 1.5 Electric x 1.1 Flame x 0.3
Description: A water-filled area in Wily's castle, filled with various speed-related Mechas that scourge the area. Other smaller pipes can be seen coming out of it, and at times there are cracks in the main area itself.

Mecha: M-445
Designation: WSN-001 (Water Sanction Number)
Class: Water Swimmer Mecha
Core: Water

Weaknesses: Cutter Freeze
Resistances: [Water](water} Flame
Immunities: None
Affinities: None

Energy: 55
Attack: 95
Defense: 45
Speed: 105

Signature Moves:
Water Swim
Power: 16
Accuracy: 95%
Speed: 3
Target: Anyone in Opponent's Party
Description: The user strikes the target with great accuracy, dealing high damage!
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on July 19th, 2016 at 6:20pm Edited on 2016/07/19 at 7:45pm
Posted 2016/07/19 at 6:20pm Edited 2016/07/19 at 7:45pm
And that phrase up there actually matches with my next theme, because I'm pretty sure nobody done this before. That's right, I am going to do the main cast of Undertale!
Let's start with the basic Flo- nah, Flowey would be too weak of a character. ...At least, in regular form. *Evil laughter*

Name: Omega Flowey
Designation: UTN-001 (UnderTale Number)
Class: Powerful Photoshop Monster
Core: Nature/Shadow Core

Weaknesses: Flame, Cutter
Resistances: Nature, Time
Immunities: None
Affinities: None

Energy: 200
Attack: 50
Defense: 25
Speed: 25

Start: "You think you can defeat ME? You really ARE and IDIOT."
Taunt: "I'll tear you to pieces!"
Victory: "With these human SOULs, nobody stands a chance against me!"
Defeat: "Wh-what!? No! That's impossible!"

Signature Moves
Name: Friendliness Bullets
Core: Nature
Learned at Level: Start
Power: 12 Damage
Accuracy: 95%
Speed: 4
Energy: 3
Range: In Front
Description: The user launches an X-Shaped Pellet at the opponent to deal damage!

Name: Photoshop Flamethrowers
Core: Shadow/Flame
Learned at Level: 2
Power: 24 Damage
Accuracy: 90%
Speed: 4
Energy: 5
Range: In Front, Chance to hit first 2 benched robots
Description: The user summons a flamethrower to hit the target, occasionally hitting benched robots with the flames at half power!

Name: Laser Beam
Core: Laser/Shadow
Learned at Level: 4
Power: 60 Damage
Accuracy: 85%
Speed: 9
Energy: 8
Range: In Front
Description: The user charges a laser from his second giant head and then fires a powerful blast at the target!

Name: Vine Strikers
Core: Nature/Shadow
Learned at Level: 6
Power: 40 Damage
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 5
Energy: 6
Range: Select Target
Description: The user launches vines that tracks down the target to deal damage!

Name: Venus Flytrap
Core: Nature
Learned at Level: 8
Power: 10 Damage
Accuracy: 85%
Speed: 4
Energy: 4
Range: In Front
Description: The user summons a venus flytrap to suck in flies that hits the target up to 3 times!

Name: Flowey Bombs
Core: Explode/Nature
Learned at Level: 10
Power: 20 Damage
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 5
Energy: 9
Range: All Opponents
Description: The user drops explosives with his face on them on the target's entire party until it runs low on accuracy!

Name: Stem Guns
Core: Nature/Missile
Learned at Level: 12
Power: 12 Damage
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 5
Energy: 4
Range: Select Target
Description: The user summons a plant stem that fires a bullet-like finger at the target to deal damage!*

Name: Cactus Snakes
Core: Nature/Shadow
Learned at Level: 14
Power: 10 Damage
Accuracy: 70%
Speed: 4
Energy: 5
Range: In Front
Description: The user launches three giant Cactus Snakes that bounces around and attacks the target until the attack misses.

Name: Load SAVE
Core: Time/Shadow
Learned at Level: 16
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 9
Energy: 8
Range: Self and In Front
Description: The user will repeat the previous turn with possibly different results!

Description: Omega Flowey is created when Flowey, a soulless flower made with DETERMINATION and the dust of the fallen Prince of the Monsters, Asriel Dreemurr, absorbs the 6 Human SOULs. With the power of the SOULs, Flowey became a beast with unimaginable power... Also he became an ugly photoshop monstrosity. However, don't let his looks fool you, Omega Flowey has many moves under his disposal, such as X-Shaped bullets and vines that tracks down targets! But his most fearsome ability is the ability to alter time with the SAVE function, which he can use to repeat time if his moves just so happens to miss! He is a tough opponent to beat, but if you fight strong and hard, you might be able to defeat him!

Sheesh, I ran out of room just for Omega Flowey himself! Coming up on my next post, Omega Flowey's field and mecha!

*I am not making this up, look up the attacks list.
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on July 19th, 2016 at 7:46pm
Posted 2016/07/19 at 7:46pm
Here is the field information for Omega Flowey!

First Appearance: Undertale (Neutral Run)
Primary Core: Nature
Multipliers: Nature x2 Shadow x2 Time x1.5
Robot: Omega Flowey

Mecha: Flowey
Description: A blank, black void created by Flowey when he collected the 6 Human SOULs. This is where Frisk originally faced Omega Flowey at the end of a Neutral Run.
Music: Your Best Nightmare + Finale

Name: Flowey
Designation: FLOW-001
Class: Soulless Flower Monster
Core: Nature

Weaknesses: Flame, Cutter
Resistances: Nature, Time
Immunities: None
Affinities: None

Energy: 100
Attack: 10
Defense: 5
Speed: 10

Start: "Howdy!"
Taunt: "Hahaha, you idiot!"
Victory: "You idiot! In this world, it's KILL or BE KILLED!"
Defeat: "Eh heh heh... No hard feelings?"

Signature Move:
Name: Friendliness Pellet
Core: Nature
Power: 14 Damage
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 4
Energy: -
Range: In front
Description: Flowey fires a small pellet-shaped bullet at the target.

Description: Flowey is a soulless flower made of DETERMINATION and the dust of the fallen Prince of Monsters, Asriel Dreemurr. His goal is to collect 7 Human SOULs in order to show the world the "true meaning of this world". He believes that the one true rule to the world it that it's "kill or be killed".
^ Top
3,608,619,115 BP
15 TP | 657 PP
Posted on July 19th, 2016 at 10:40pm
Posted 2016/07/19 at 10:40pm
I'LL JUST MAKE MYSELF! I'm original!

Name: Uraccountcrashed obviously originated here, on the Prototype.
Class: Tryhard Dysfunctional Friend Robot
Core: Crystal cuz I like da shiny.
Number: WHY-01

Energy: 107
Attack: 112
Defense: 61
Speed: 99

Resistances: Shield and Crystal
Weaknesses: Nature and Flame
Affinities: Electricity

Start: Ah, come on! Fighting never solved anything!
Taunt: It's because I'm white, isn't it?
Victory: Sorry, friend. you made me do it.
Defeat: Please, I'm done!

Primary Arena: Game Night
Core Biases: Crystalx2, Earthx1.5, Flamex.04

Summon Mecha: New Shotman

Signature Move:
Back Off: Gain 10% health and 50% Speed, lose 25% Defense.
^ Top
18,073,331 BP
0 TP | 226 PP
Posted on July 20th, 2016 at 9:22am Edited on 2016/07/20 at 9:54am
Posted 2016/07/20 at 9:22am Edited 2016/07/20 at 9:54am
So I've been looking around this thread, and I found a post with a Saxton Hale robot. So, TF2 time?

Name: Heavy
Class: Siberian Powerhouse Mercenary
Core: Impact
Number: TFM-001 (Team Fortress Mercenary)

Energy: 132
Attack: 93
Defense: 125
Speed: 50

Resistances: Impact, Earth
Weaknesses: Flame
Immunities: Freeze
Affinities: None

Start: "Here Heavy come, babies!"
Taunt: "All of you are dead!"
Victory: "Aw, but Heavy was just getting started!"
Defeat: "All of you are babies!"

Signature Moves
Name: Minigun Burst
Core: Impact and Missile
Learned at Level: 1
Power: 26
Accuracy: 80%
Speed: 3
Energy: 2
Description: The user spins up a minigun, then fires a burst of bullets at a target!

Name: Buckshot
Core: Neutral
Learned at Level: 1
Power: 21
Accuracy: 90%
Speed: 4
Energy: 1
Description: The user fires a shotgun shell at an opponent, hitting with high accuracy!

Name: Fists of Steel
Core: Impact
Learned at Level: 1
Power: 34
Accuracy: 86%
Speed: 2
Energy: 3
Description: The user punches a target, dealing heavy damage and also including a small chance of stunning said target!

Name: Sandvich Eating Device
Core: Energy
Learned at Level: 6
Power: 50
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 2
Energy: 5
Description: The user eats a sandwich, recovering a high amount of health! Alternatively, the sandwich can be thrown to another robot in the user's deck, healing them instead.

Description: Like a hibernating bear, the Heavy, a towering hulk of a man hailing from the USSR, appears to be a gentle giant. Also like a bear, confusing his deliberate, sleepy demeanor with gentleness will get you ripped limb from limb. Though he speaks simply and moves with an economy of energy that's often confused with napping, the Heavy isn't dumb; he's not your big friend and he generally wishes that you would just shut up before he has to make you shut up with the immense firepower of his trusty Minigun, which he affectionately names "Sasha".

Field: The Ural Mountains
Core Bonuses: Freeze x2, Impact x1.5, Water x0.5, Flame x0.5
Mecha: Stupid Bear
Class: Endangered Danger Mecha
Core: Earth
Number: UMN-001 / 2 / 3 (Ural Mountain Number)

Energy: 65 / 95 / 130
Attack: 45 / 70 / 85
Defense: 70 / 100 / 135
Speed: 20 / 35 / 50

Resistances: Impact, Freeze
Weaknesses: Flame, Nature, Water
Immunities: None
Affinities: None

Signature Moves
Name: Maul
Core: Impact
Learned at Level: 1
Power: 22
Accuracy: 90%
Speed: 3
Energy: 2
Description: The mecha cuts down an opponent with its claws, causing heavy damage!
^ Top
18,073,331 BP
0 TP | 226 PP
Posted on July 28th, 2016 at 8:12am
Posted 2016/07/28 at 8:12am
Name: Soldier
Class: Patriotic American Mercenary
Core: Explode
Number: TFM-002

Energy: 109
Attack: 115
Defense: 104
Speed: 72

Resistances: Shadow, Nature
Weaknesses: Wind
Immunities: Explode
Affinities: None

Start: "This is my world. You are not welcome in my world."
Taunt: "Get a haircut, hippie."
Victory: "And that is how you do it, men! U! S! A!"
Defeat: "We failed, men."

Signature Moves
Name: Rocket-Propelled Grenade
Core: Explode
Learned at Level: 1
Power: 20
Accuracy: 85%
Speed: 4
Energy: 2
Description: The user fires an explosive rocket at one of the opponent's Robot Masters!

Name: Rocket Jump
Core: Explode and Impact
Learned at Level: 1
Power: 18
Accuracy: 88%
Speed: 5
Energy: 2
Description: The user propels itself into the air, becoming invulnerable to any damage for one turn, then landing on a foe's head on the next, dealing damage.

Name: Shovel of Patriotism
Core: Impact
Learned at Level: 1
Power: 40
Accuracy: 75%
Speed: 3
Energy: 3
Description: The user grabs a shovel, and with the power of 'Murica, hits an enemy in the face, dealing heavy damage!

Name: The Buff Banner
Core: Attack
Learned at Level: 6
Power: -
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 5
Energy: 8
Description: The user blows a horn to moralize all other allied Robot Masters, increasing their Attack, Defense and Speed by 15% for three turns!

Description: The Soldier is a...well, a soldier, heavily obsessed with patriotism and serving his homeland. Although he wanted desperately to fight in World War 2, he was rejected by every branch of the military. Undaunted, he bought his own ticket to Europe. After arriving and finally locating Poland, the Soldier taught himself how to load and fire a variety of weapons, even creating various techniques to make his "job" easier, such as the Rocket Jump, the ability to rally other soldiers with a trumpet, and to propel unfortunate enemies he faces into the air. With his arsenal, the Soldier embarked on a killing spree for which he was awarded several medals that he designed and made himself. His rampage ended immediately upon hearing about the end of the war in 1949.
^ Top
18,073,331 BP
0 TP | 226 PP
Posted on August 18th, 2016 at 9:50am
Posted 2016/08/18 at 9:50am
Name: Engineer
Class: Texan Mechanic Mercenary
Core: Missile
Number: TFM-002

Energy: 81
Attack: 121
Defense: 105
Speed: 93

Resistances: Water, Cutter, Impact
Weaknesses: Electric, Shadow
Immunities: None
Affinities: None

Start: "Let's do this, Texas style."
Taunt: "Nice goin', pardner!"
Victory: "Another satisfied customer."
Defeat: "Naahhh..."

Signature Moves
Name: Wrench
Core: Impact
Learned at Level: 1
Power: 28
Accuracy: 92%
Speed: 5
Energy: 2
Description: The user grabs a wrench and attacks a foe with it, dealing damage and also reducing the foe's Attack by 8% for three turns!

Name: Frontier Justice
Core: Neutral
Learned at Level: 1
Power: 20
Accuracy: 84%
Speed: 4
Energy: 2
Description: The user fires a shotgun burst at his foe. This attack deals 50% more damage if a Sentry was destroyed the turn before this ability is used!

Name: Shots Fired
Core: Neutral
Learned at Level: 1
Power: 14
Accuracy: 100%
Speed: 5
Energy: 1
Description: The user fires a bullet from a pistol at any enemy, dealing light damage.

Name: Sentry Construction
Core: Explode and Missile
Learned at Level: 1
Power: -
Accuracy: -
Speed: 1
Energy: 4
Description: The user summons down a Sentry gun with 50% of the user's Health, Defense and Speed and 75% of the user's Damage, and then leaves the frontlines. This ability can be deactivated prematurely by killing the user, and can only be used if there are less than 8 Robot Masters on the field.

Name: Dispenser Construction
Core: Energy and Attack
Learned at Level: 6
Power: 20
Accuracy: -
Speed: 1
Energy: 4
Description: The user places down a Dispenser, healing all other allies and causing them to regain 1 more WP every turn for three turns! This ability can be deactivated prematurely by killing the user.

Name: Gunslinger
Core: Cutter
Learned at Level: 10
Power: 15
Accuracy: 90%
Speed: 4
Energy: 2
Description: The user jabs a foe with a mechanical hand only serial killers would ever think about using, lowering the foe's Defense by 5% with every successful attack! If this ability is used thrice in a row, the final attack deals triple the normal damage! However, this chain is stopped if the user uses another technique, or is switched out.

Description: The Engineer is an amiable, soft-spoken good ol' boy from tiny Bee Cave, Texas. He loves barbecues, guns, and higher education. Natural curiosity, ten years as a roughneck in the west Texas oilfields, and eleven hard science PhDs have trained him to design, build and repair a variety of deadly contraptions, creating the deadly Sentry Gun, and the miracle mechanical resupplier known as the Dispenser. However, his Texan upbringing isn't just machines. He's also learnt how to fire guns of various types, how to use a wrench as a weapon, and how to play a guitar. Yup. A guitar. What were you thinking? Creating atomic bombs? Building humanoid robots with Austrian accents who go back in the past to destroy people? The engineer is a peacemaker, and that's what he calls himself. Even if he does occasionally bash unsuspecting enemies with his guitar.
^ Top
2,010,265 BP
0 TP | 2 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2016 at 4:44pm Edited on 2016/08/21 at 5:29pm
Posted 2016/08/21 at 4:44pm Edited 2016/08/21 at 5:29pm
I'll make my character!
Name:Laser Man
Class:Fighting Robot
Core:Copy Core

Weaknesses:Freeze and Time


Start:"I Won't lose!"
Taunt:"C'mon you can do better!"
Victory:"I told you!"
Defeat:"Ugh...I're stronger."

Signature Moves

Laser Buster
Learned at Level:2
Description:A charged laser shot.

Copy Shot
Learned at Level:6
Description:The user fires a small emulation device at the target that deals damage and copies its last ability for permanent use in battle! This ability appears to ignore moves by support mechas, so save it for the robot master's attack!

Laser Split
Learned at Level:12
Range:All opponents
Description:A laser fired at the ground splits into the enemies!

Laser Shot
Learned at Level:20
Description:A big continuous laser shot.
^ Top
13,902,984 BP
0 TP | 6 PP
Posted on March 10th, 2017 at 4:17pm Edited on 2017/03/10 at 5:01pm
Posted 2017/03/10 at 4:17pm Edited 2017/03/10 at 5:01pm
i suppose i'll try and revive a dead thread via posting my own robot

Name:mechanical man
Designation:DGN-001 (Dr grant number)
Class:Mechanical gear robot
Core: cutter core

Weaknesses: Flame and explode
Immunities: none
Affinities: cutter


Start:"alright cool,more robots parts for me to use"
Taunt:"Don't worry,your body will be put to good use in the junk yard!"
Victory:"finally,i have more robotic parts i can use to power up!"
Defeat:"geez alright i surrender!"
Signature Move:
gear grinder
learned at level: 1
range:lead robot
description:fires multiple gears that slam into the opponent,hits multiple times
mechanical arrow
learnt at level:15
energy: 2
range:lead and first/second bench
description:fires a shot of mechanical parts which pierces the lead robot and hits either the first or second bench opponent
^ Top
463,148,659 BP
6 TP | 153 PP
Posted on March 16th, 2017 at 12:03pm Edited on 2017/05/05 at 2:09pm
Posted 2017/03/16 at 12:03pm Edited 2017/05/05 at 2:09pm
You know what , why not this thread is saying to me to do this in a while and now it is you know on top of the fanart/fanfic threads so why not
Oh yeah who will i do , who else but my only serious character

Name:Copyie(My owl stuff)
Designation:CWN-001(Copy Willy Number)
Class:Energetic Challenger Robot



Start:Let me test my fighting skills
Taunt:You have to be stronger and faster tobeat me
Victory:Thanks that was a good warm up now i need to continue to do what i was supposed
Defeat:Damn you are preety strong gonna make sure to use more your weapon

Signature Moves

Super Copy Chip
Learned at Level:1
Power:Same power of the copied weapon but the more you use it grows(only for this fight(this is not canon)
Accuracy:Same accuracy of the copied weapon but the more you use it grows(only for this fight)
Speed:Same speed of the copied weapon but the more you use it grows(only for this fight)
Energy:Same energy of the copyed weapon
Range:Leader(after copy same range as copyed weapon)
Description:It copyes the last weapon your enemy used but the stats keep growing the more you use

Copyie Buster
Learned at Level:8(in the actual story it is an upgrade made by Dr Light for Copyie to not shut down after using his ultimate attack, but hey it is also an buster
Must charge for 1 turn
Description:Copyie uses a charge shot

Copy of the Duo Fist
Learned at Level:13(it is an transformation)
Power:Copyie power goes to 120
Defense:Copyie defense goes to 70
Speed:Copyie speed goes to 130
Energy:Copyie energy goes to 100
Type:Copyie type become Copy and Space
Must charge for 1 turn
Description:Copyie gets the strength of a Space Marshal(yeah that thing from the comics)

Chaos Blater
Learned at Level:20(his ultimate attack)
Energy:Copyie loose 70 % of his hp
Range:Enemy Team
Must charge for 3 turns
Description:Copyie unleashes his ultimate attack an black and red laser destroying most of the arena

Description:Copyie is a robot created by Willy that now fights against evil alongside Megaman and Duo ,now after a shut down fights the roboenza

Now Copyie field(yeah i made this , well not that much made but you got it right)

Name: Mr X tournament
First Megaman 8bit Deathmatch (Yeah that is how i based most of the story of my character , most not all like the important parts and how the tournament takes place)
Primary Core: Copy
Multipliers: Exp x2
Robot: Copyie

Mecha: None
Description: An basic tournament arena for many 1v1 battles to take place
Music: Well if Copyie was supposed to have a theme song i would not be writingg this
but eh how about ,
Mr X castle(as you know the tournament was made by this guy
^ Top
13,902,984 BP
0 TP | 6 PP
Posted on March 16th, 2017 at 5:13pm
Posted 2017/03/16 at 5:13pm
seeing that this thread isn't dead
Name:paint woman
Designation: DGN-002
Class:smart painter robot
Core: space

Weaknesses: water,nature
Immunities: none
Affinities: none


Start:"the battle field is my canvas,and you are my brush"
Taunt:"whats the matter (insert robot here)?, scared of an artist?"
Victory:"ha ha! your disabled body will be my next artwork!""
Defeat:"no my art! i spent so long on this!"
Signature Move: paint bucket kick
description:the user throws a paint bucket,causing heavy damage to the opponent,and slowing the opponent!
power: 35
^ Top
Faust Lastname
43,824,479 BP
0 TP | 11 PP
Posted on May 2nd, 2017 at 12:15am Edited on 2017/05/02 at 1:42am
Posted 2017/05/02 at 12:15am Edited 2017/05/02 at 1:42am
Sure, guess I'll bite. Again. After just remembering that this game and this site and everything else exists. Yanno, perform some thread necromancy and whatnot.
Anyway here's me.

Name: Faust Lastname
Designation: FST-001
Class: Dimensional Traveler
Core: Earth

Weaknesses: Wind Explode
Resistances: Swift Earth
Immunities: Space
Affinities: None

Energy: 130
Attack: 110
Defense: 110
Speed: 50


Start: "Come on, then. I'll take you on, {$robot_name}!"
Taunt: "Is that all you got?"
Victory: "Right, that's done."
Defeat: "'re good."

Signature Moves

Rock Shower
Learned at Level: 1
Power: 16
Accuracy: 80%
Energy: 4
Range: All Foes
Description: "The user creates a large amount of rocks above the field, then launch them at the target, dealing damage to all robots on the target's side of the field twice! This ability's effects appear to be more powerful when there are fewer robots on the opponent's side of the field...

Magnet Rock
Learned at Level: 10
Power: 16
Accuracy: 100%
Energy: 8
Target: Select
Description: "The user creates magnetically-charged rocks from the earth that crush the target, inflicting damage with perfect accuracy and lowering their speed by 10%! Damage done by this ability is not affected by distance and can be used even on far away opponents."

Terra Shield
Learned at Level: 25
Power: 26
Accuracy: 89%
Energy: 8
Target: Self/Front
Description: "The user protects itself by encasing itself in whatever material happens to be nearby, protecting them from all damage with the field's type. The shield can then be thrown to deal damage based on the field's type!
(Example: If Terra Shield was used in the Steel Mill, it would deal Flame/Shield damage, and protect the user from all Flame damage until thrown. This applies to fused fields rather differently, such as the Underground Collider resulting in Terra Shield dealing Swift/Shield damage and protecting from Time damage.)

Learned at Level: 35
Power: 75
Accuracy: 90%
Energy: 10
Target: Front
Description: "The user charges on the first turn to build power, then drops a massive chunk of rock from space onto the target, inflicting massive damage to the target! However, the user of this devastating attack receives 20% recoil damage, so use with extreme caution. Charging this attack will also waste all of the user's energy, regardless of weapon energy reductions from same core type."

Description: "Faust had stumbled upon the simulation prototype on what may very well be pure chance. By trying to look into it, he managed to get himself stuck in the simulation, just like the three doctors. Given that he didn't really have much else to do, as well as the slight complication of not really knowing how to get out, he decided he might as well brush up on his combat skills. In battle, Faust mainly focuses on melee combat with one of his various weapons, but he opts to use his earth manipulation abilities in the simulation instead, simply for "the fun of it."
^ Top

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