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Custom Powered Up Models

October 31st, 2016 at 10:03am
4,658,472,259 BP
3 TP | 73 PP
ice-man Data redundancy.

May or may not update, ever.
Status Updates
Alt. Complete - Complete - Incomplete - Coming Soon - Undefined




I'm not going any further until everyone listed is complete!
Complete - Simple - Moderate - Complex - Advanced



Request Note
Requests are shown in the Screenshots area below, in the Incomplete or Complete area. If it's an OC, it will be noted. If it's a Robot Master that is not on the Status Updates/Complexity List, then it will be listed in the To Be Updated area.
To Be Updated
Unlisted and completed Robot Masters are shown here.

Incomplete models are shown here. Not posed correctly.

Unfinished. Probably won't update for a few days.


OC - Proto MKII - Requested by RedBomber

Models completed are shown here. I may or may not even pose or render them.

Complete, but I'd like to add more expressions. Expect alternate colors soon.


Mesh work complete! Considering texture work.

Created a few days ago, but revealed today. Expressions coming soon.


Catching up with extra costumes. Otherwise, fully complete.


OC - Mega - Requested by MegaBoy

OC - Beta - Requested by MegaBoy

Unlisted Robot Master - Crystal Man - Requested by NiceIce

Unlisted MMK - Quint - Requested by MegaBoy

If you want me to divert my attention to someone else, just request via messaging or chat.
Custom Powered Up Models
Posted by Shiver on October 31st, 2016 at 10:03am
Viewed 5389 Times


658,104,324 BP
6 TP | 426 PP
Posted on October 31st, 2016 at 10:47pm Edited on 2016/10/31 at 10:47pm
Posted 2016/10/31 at 10:47pm Edited 2016/10/31 at 10:47pm
That is... Really cool! Keep it up man!
^ Top
2,193,837,754 BP
11 TP | 730 PP
Posted on November 1st, 2016 at 12:28am
Posted 2016/11/01 at 12:28am
Wow, you're doing a nice job on this! I'd love to see the other models you plan (especially how heat/Gemini Clone effects will look as well)
^ Top
4,658,472,259 BP
3 TP | 73 PP
Posted on November 1st, 2016 at 12:27pm Edited on 2016/11/01 at 2:30pm
Posted 2016/11/01 at 12:27pm Edited 2016/11/01 at 2:30pm
Thanks for the comments! Maybe I'll try to make effects with the models.
I ponder though if anyone wants these models. I can host it some where, if anyone wants.
^ Top
1,348,940,198 BP
3 TP | 718 PP
Posted on November 1st, 2016 at 2:47pm
Posted 2016/11/01 at 2:47pm
Nicely done, Raze! I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this thread.
^ Top
1,588,665,489 BP
54 TP | 1661 PP
Posted on November 1st, 2016 at 4:30pm
Posted 2016/11/01 at 4:30pm
These look nice!
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on November 1st, 2016 at 4:43pm
Posted 2016/11/01 at 4:43pm
@Raze : Some really stellar work here, Raze! While the Powered Up Models aren't inherently difficult, that's in the context of a professional team with a budget like Capcom's original staff. Capturing a style, without a budget and with a solo artist, and then proceeding to emulate that style into something as overly complex as modeling, and it makes for some impressive work! Both the Crash Man and the Snake Man models look pretty well, and not to steal lines from Doc up there but I'll be planning on keeping an eye on this thread as well! :)
^ Top
- deleted -
3,608,619,115 BP
15 TP | 657 PP
Posted on December 3rd, 2016 at 9:19am
Posted 2016/12/03 at 9:19am
What program do you use? If you don't mind me asking...
^ Top
4,658,472,259 BP
3 TP | 73 PP
Posted on December 3rd, 2016 at 1:33pm
Posted 2016/12/03 at 1:33pm
@uraChrisKringle : I use Metasequoia for making models. Apparently it was used for making PSX models back in the day, but it's not really professional.
^ Top
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on August 5th, 2017 at 1:01pm
Posted 2017/08/05 at 1:01pm
can I suggest Gyro Man?
^ Top
102,154 BP
1 TP | 3 PP
Posted on August 13th, 2017 at 9:25pm
Posted 2017/08/13 at 9:25pm
do gigavolt man
^ Top
Alicia Shadow
421,860,171 BP
11 TP | 41 PP
Posted on November 24th, 2017 at 4:30pm
Posted 2017/11/24 at 4:30pm
Yes well done
^ Top

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