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As some of you know, there are lots of sprite artists in our community. I wanted to do something new since nobody does any art contests here.
This is my offical I'll be picking my top three robot masters that you guys have created!
Here are some ground rules for spriting.
1.Use The NES Palette and at least 3 or 4 colors for the Sprite 2.Only original robots only! 3.Do not steal others creations 4.Mugshots with frames are optional, you can totally use a MM1 one if you are lazy. 5.You must make a new creation for this contest and not something made before.
Here's what I am expecting as passable as an example of spriting. Here's the palette
I'm also allowing drawings! Rules 2, 3, 5 apply here!
This contest should end at June 12th 2pm EST.
Remember to have fun and keep making robots!
MegaBoy's Robot Master Contest! Posted by MegaBoy on May 20th, 2017 at 11:27am Viewed 2054 Times
So here are a few questions: 1. Wait, who are the judges? 2. What is the judging scale? 3. How does any points are given out? 4. This isn't a question, but you forgot to link the NES Palette. 5. Is this supposed to be only in a Mega Man style?
1. I'm going to be the judge, my sprites aren't the best in the world but I can at least point out my own issues 2. It's going to be a 1/5 scale 3. Design, Color Scheme, Theme, Creativity and Style 4. Oh yeah I forgot to do that 5. It can go out of style. But those who go into the Classic series style should be getting more attention
@Boyical : First off, You need to have far more than a 5 point scale. After all, you can't give decimal ratings. Second off, you NEEEEEEEEED more than yourself as a judge. More judges means more opinions, better scorings, and otherall, a better contest. Finally, when a participant breaks the 5-color rule, don't disqualify them, just give them minus a point or two.
Okay so uh, here it is after 2 hours, plus some advice from MBM, or so. Her name is uh...Ghost Woman? Yeah, sure. That's it. i pray to god i didnt break any rules (and that i did the picture thing right uhugguhg)
@thehungrypacman - You can directly link images by using [image](
I didn't want to come back here, but I'll end up going past the deadline. Posting this elsewhere didn't help. Anyway, here's my entry. After some consideration, I'll call it Ailero Man.