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Okay, so, to keep this short n sweet; I'm Char, i'm an edgy 14 year old child who enjoys drawing and wishes to practice some more. Thing is, I'm having trouble finding things to draw. You all have cool OCs 'n stuff, right? Right. Therefore, I'm opening up art requests! In case you somehow don't know what that means, basically, you tell me what you want me to draw, and I draw it for you. Simple as that, eh? It should be, as long as you follow my little Guidelines/Rules I set up.
Examples of my 'art'~ .
Rules/Guidelines -Each person may request ONE thing at a time -A limit of two characters per image (this may change over time) -Try not to pester me about your request, please -No NSFW requests (such as: Gore/Guro, anything lewd, risque stuff, etc.) -If you are asking me to draw your OC (Original Character), please provide a reference if you have one. If you do not a picture of your OC, a detailed description will do just fine. (I ask for a few references for clothing, hairstyle, etc. if you give me a written description, please!)
Now, lets get to what I will and will NOT draw.
What I WILL NOT draw -Lewd stuff: no robots in their robotic undies, sorry man :/ -OC x Canon: commission me on deviantart for that, buckaroo -Gore/Guro: i really gotta pound this in a head -Mechas/big heckin robots: can't draw em, i dont wanna disappoint you ;u;
What I will GLADLY draw -OCs -Characters from anything -Furries/Anthros -if i didn't state it in the "will not draw" section, i'll probably draw it
!!PLEASE REMEMBER!! -I have a right to decline your request for whatever reason I see fit. -I'm one person, I can't do 50 billion things at once -This is mostly for practice~
Now that that's all said and done, gimmie somethin' to draw, dang it
Char's Art Requests 'n Stuff Posted by Charchar on July 14th, 2017 at 11:42am Viewed 1147 Times
Posted on July 14th, 2017 at 10:18pmEdited on 2017/07/14 at 10:25pm
Posted 2017/07/14 at 10:18pmEdited 2017/07/14 at 10:25pm
I Don't usually like requesting anything of anyone, because I can't draw, but it's mostly because i'm not used to having people draw stuff for me... Oh well... link Just draw Iceman. Whatever style, whatever pose... Draw him if you wanna.
Posted on July 18th, 2017 at 8:55pmEdited on 2017/07/18 at 9:34pm
Posted 2017/07/18 at 8:55pmEdited 2017/07/18 at 9:34pm
Oh fun time to force Char to draw some stuff. I have this fursona old character from Mystery Mansion just rotting away I guess and I've tried to draw him ever since I wanted to make Mystery Mansion a thing again but I suck.
He's an anthropomorphic cheetah person and usually wears a red pair of short and a tacky animal-themed shirt with a cringy pun written on it. He also loves wearing bow ties but he looks like a rich person's dog when he does so he usually only wears them in private.Winston doesn't wear shoes because they scare him.
He likes pointing finger guns at random things and speaks in a stereotypical New Yorker/Bostonian accent. He brushes his teeth three times per day so they're sparkly clean, and if he was a song, he'd be the Seinfeld theme.
I'm sorry I can't think of anything else please don't yell at me.
Welp, guess i'm requesting something yet again... Something canonical, I suppose. We know Ice Man has a crush on Roll... So to request, can you draw them having some good ol ice cream together?
If you could draw a Cut Man, then that's all I would ever need in life. No seriously, on my bucket list it's just "Find someone to draw a Cut Man" repeated 100 times over.