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Mega Man RPG Prototype Fanart & Fanfics

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Holly Jolly Beta
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Based on Copyie's old Fighting Game Thread, this one is designed with a storyline... Except not really. It HAS a storyline, but other than the character's ending or how they fit into the story (the latter of which is optional), the "storyline" won't be further expanded upon, and is mostly there for cosmetics (and I say that because I couldn't think of the word I was ACTUALLY looking for).

A new source of power, known as the Ultra Gems, have been noticed worldwide. Many people wish to obtain them all for different reasons: Greed, to get stronger, for research, or to destroy them. However, with so many people fighting over them, it has been decided to hold a tournament... And the winner gets to keep all the Ultra Gems. There are 6 different kinds of Ultra Gems: Power, Defense, Speed, Intelligence, Skill, and Recovery. Will you be the one to obtain them all?
The Ultra Gems, despite being the ones fought for in the game, are usable in-game as power-ups, like the Infinity Stones from MvC Infinity, except they don't have any form of extra attack. Here are the effects below in case you are curious:
None- Fight without the help of an Ultra Gem.
Power- Increases attack power.
Defense- Decreases damage taken and removes flinching and knockback.
Speed- Increases movement speed.
Intelligence- Creates a duplicate of your character to deal extra damage as well as use of a meat shield.
Skill- Access to all of the character's fighting styles. (Up for heavy, down for low)
Recovery- Gives the character health regeneration.
Character Sheet (Italics are optional):

Basic Info
Fighting Style: (Matches those of the Ultra Gems. Power is stronger attacks, defense is stronger blocking, speed is faster, skill is faster attack, recovery is more health, and intelligence is well-rounded)
Classification: (Ex. Super Fighting Robot, Electric Mouse Pokemon, World-Class Fighter)

Normal Punch:
Heavy Punch:
Low Punch:
Midair Punch:

Normal Kick:
Heavy Kick:
Low Kick:
Midair Kick:

Normal Special:
Heavy Special:
Low Special:

Power Gauge
Hyper Attack: (1 Bar)
Ultra Attack: (2 Bars)
Omega Attack: (3 Bars, can be used for Transformation)
Transformation Omega Attack: (3 Bars, Transformations only)

Taunt Animation:
Taunt Quote 1:
Taunt Quote 2:
Taunt Quote 3:

Intro Quotes
Intro Quote 1:
Intro Quote 2:
Intro Quote 3:
Special Intro Quote 1: (Can add more than one)
Special Team Intro Quote 1: (Can also add more than one)

Victory Quotes
Victory Quote 1:
Victory Quote 2:
Victory Quote 3:
Special Victory Quote 1: (Can add more than one)

Intro/Victory Animations
Intro Animation 1:
Intro Animation 2:
Intro Animation 3:
Victory Animation 1:
Victory Animation 2:
Victory Animation 3:


I will make my own example possibly tomorrow. Also, while I said you could make more than 1 Special Intro/Team/Victory Quote, at least TRY to make everything fit into one post. To be on the safe side, I made the character's ending optional.
A Fighting Game Moveset Maker with a Storyline... Kinda.
Posted by Holly Jolly Beta on December 14th, 2017 at 9:20pm
Viewed 1283 Times


Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on December 15th, 2017 at 9:46pm
Posted 2017/12/15 at 9:46pm
Basic Info
Name: Beta Man
Fighting Style: Power
Classification: Shadowy Hero Robot

Normal Punch: Punch
Heavy Punch: Uppercut
Low Punch: Jab
Midair Punch: Midair Jab

Normal Kick: Kick
Heavy Kick: Slide
Low Kick: Sweep
Midair Kick: Drop Kick

Normal Special: Beta Blast
Heavy Special: Beta Blaze- A wave of shadowy fire that fires forwards.
Low Special: Beta Swordplay (New name for Shadowy Rapier)

Power Gauge
Hyper Attack: Black Hole Bomb
Ultra Attack: Beta Barrage- A barrage of Beta Blasts that surround the foe, then collides with them all at once.
Omega Attack: Beta Burst- A large blast of Beta Blast energy created by charging the Beta Blast to its fullest power.

Taunt Animation: Takes a sip from an E-Tank. Does not recover health.

Intro Quotes
Intro Quote 1: Time to face a true All-Star!
Intro Quote 2: Wanna go a round or two?
Intro Quote 3: Let's do this!
Special Intro Quote 1: (To Mega Man) Come on, Rock, let's train a bit!
Special Intro Quote 2: (To Proto Man) Let's train, Blues!
Special Intro Quote 3: (To Bass) Bass, I'm NOT Mega Man, get off my back.
Special Intro Quote 4: (To Duo) Duo, right? What brings you here?
Special Intro Quote 5: (To Trio) You're... Duo? ...No... Not quite...
Special Intro Quote 6: (To MMK) I'm NOT Mega Man.
Special Intro Quote 7: (To Sergeant Man) I'm feeling kinda pumped today... How about a spar?
Special Intro Quote 8: (To Ninja Man) Can't you leave me alone for just once?
Special Intro Quote 9: (To Beta Serif) Why do you look like me...?
Special Intro Quote 10: (To MegaBoy) Hey, MegaBoy, wanna spar?
Special Intro Quote 11: (To Rotom) Mind going easy on me a bit?
Special Team Intro Quote 1: (With Mega Man) Let's Rock! Heh, get it?
Special Team Intro Quote 2: (With Proto Man) The Beta Build and the Prototype... Seems fitting.
Special Team Intro Quote 3: (With Any Light-Bot) Light Bots gotta stick together!
Special Team Intro Quote 4: (With Bass or Any Wily-Bot) Looks like we gotta work together...
Special Team Intro Quote 5: (With Sergeant Man) Let's do this, Sergeant Man!
Special Team Intro Quote 6: (With Ninja Man) You willing to put your aggression towards me aside?
Special Team Intro Quote 7: (With MegaBoy) Let's go, MegaBoy!

Victory Quotes
Victory Quote 1: The true All-Star prevails again!
Victory Quote 2: Good match. Maybe we'll do this again sometime.
Victory Quote 3: So, what now...?
Special Victory Quote 1: (To Mega Man) Good fight, Rock!
Special Victory Quote 2: (To Proto Man) It seems the Beta is better than the Prototype!
Special Victory Quote 3: (To Bass) So much for the strongest... How's beating Mega Man going?
Special Victory Quote 4: (To Sergeant Man) You should really consider training more.
Special Victory Quote 5: (To Ninja Man) There, I won. Now will you leave me alone?
Special Victory Quote 6: (To Beta Serif) That was... Something.
Special Victory Quote 7: (To MegaBoy) Better luck next time, MegaBoy!
Special Victory Quote 8: (To Rotom) I... Actually beat Rotom?

Intro/Victory Animations
Intro Animation 1: Teleports in and poses like this:
Intro Animation 2: Lands in from jumping into the battle, then stands up.
Intro Animation 3: Flips in with his shades on, nailing the landing.
Victory Animation 1: Puts on his shades and pulls a dab.
Victory Animation 2: Gives the screen a thumbs up.
Victory Animation 3: Crosses his arms with his shades on to look cool.

Bio: The first of the All-Star Robots built specifically to help Mega Man with anything the Blue Bomber can't handle alone. Beta Man was built based off of Mega Man's design, but eventually upgraded with a new design... That still looks like Mega Man, just only slightly less than the original design. Beta Man eventually decided to go on his own adventures, being joined by the likes of MegaBoy, as well as many others. Beta Man joined the tournament in order to obtain the Ultra Gems for Dr. Light's research, joining alongside Mega Man and Proto Man.
Looks like that was the final round... Glad to have that done.
Now I just need to deliver these gems to Dr. Light...
Stop right there, Beta Man!
Who... Oh, please don't tell me...
If you want to get those to Dr. Light, you'll have to beat me first!
Can't you just leave me alone for once!?

(Obviously, if anyone wants to make their own ending, they don't have to follow the above style.)
^ Top
13,580,823 BP
3 TP | 188 PP
Posted on December 17th, 2017 at 5:47pm Edited on 2017/12/18 at 6:32pm
Posted 2017/12/17 at 5:47pm Edited 2017/12/18 at 6:32pm
Because I feel like it. :T

Basic Info
Name: Proto Man MKII
Fighting Style: Defense
Classification: Maniacal Combat Robot

Normal Punch: Straight
Heavy Punch: Overhand
Low Punch: Hook
Midair Punch: Jab

Normal Kick: Roundhouse
Heavy Kick: Front Push Kick
Low Kick: Low Roundhouse
Midair Kick: Flying Back Kick

Normal Special: Proto Buster MKII
Heavy Special: Shield Boomerang
Low Special: Mirror Buster

Power Gauge
Hyper Attack: Proto Strike MKII
Ultra Attack: Big Bang Strike MKII
Omega Attack: Reggae Adaptor
Transformation Omega Attack: Planetary Big Bang Strike

Taunt Animation: MKII laughs maniacally.

Intro Quotes*
Intro Quote 1: Thrashing scum like you makes this worthwhile.
Intro Quote 2: Take a good look at everything. It'll be the last time you do.
Intro Quote 3: It's not too late to bow down and worship me.
Special Intro Quote 1:(To Mega Man) Let's see what Little Boy Blue has up his sleeves.
Special Intro Quote 2: (To Proto Man) It's a shame you're the inferior model in every way.
Special Intro Quote 3: (To Bass) I wonder if I can make this fish drown.
Special Intro Quote 4: (To Duo) ...You...
Special Intro Quote 5: (To Trio) Who?
Special Intro Quote 6: (To MMK) If you had done you're job right, this would've never happened.
Special Team Intro Quote 1: (To a Light-Bot) You're next after this.
Special Team Intro Quote 2: (To a Wily-Bot) ...This is a one-time thing.

Victory Quotes*
Victory Quote 1: Don't feel bad, nothing could've prevented this.
Victory Quote 2: Next time you won't be breathing.
Victory Quote 3: Your attempt was in vain.
Special Victory Quote 1: (To Mega Man) So much for the Super Fighting Robot.
Special Victory Quote 2: (To Proto Man) I'm the superior copy. Never forget that.
Special Victory Quote 3: (To Bass) I'm ashamed we're both Wily-Bots.
Special Victory Quote 4: (To Duo/Trio) Don't cross paths with me again.
Special Victory Quote 4: (To MMK) The only thing you've killed was my patience.

Intro/Victory Animations
Intro Animation 1: Walks into the battlefield.
Intro Animation 2: An explosion bursts through and MKII comes out of the smoke.
Intro Animation 3: Teleports in and does an evil laugh. (Sounds vary.)
Victory Animation 1: Turns around and folds his arms.
Victory Animation 2: Walks away.
Victory Animation 3: Fuses with Reggae and flies away.

Bio: The menacing Wily-Bot Proto Man MKII was made to counter Proto Man, but Wily forgot to extract his self-consciousness, making him brew the intent to find a fighter formidable enough to challenge him, and giving him awareness of the fact that he is complete figment of someone's imagination which has not been done yet. He is cruel and would not hesitate to destroy his own maker.


Well, that was a complete waste of time. Of course I would've got all 6 and won. Any other opinion is absurd.

Well, I'm hungry. I'm gonna go get something to eat. Tormenting the lenient sheep of the world sure is tiring..

*(I dunno if including other potential characters is allowed or not.)
^ Top
463,148,659 BP
6 TP | 153 PP
Posted on December 18th, 2017 at 12:46am Edited on 2017/12/30 at 5:14pm
Posted 2017/12/18 at 12:46am Edited 2017/12/30 at 5:14pm
Basic Info
Fighting Style:Skill
Classification: Super Copy Robot(Copyie 1st edition)

Normal Punch:Jab
Heavy Punch:Hook
Low Punch:Punch
Midair Punch:Jab

Normal Kick:Kick
Heavy Kick:Roundhouse Kick
Low Kick:Sweep
Midair Kick:Drop Kick

Normal Special:Copyie Kick
Heavy Special:Thunder Beam
Low Special:Charge Kick

Power Gauge
Hyper Attack: Astro Crush (shoots many stars and meteors at the enemies)
Ultra Attack: The Ultimate Copyie Attack (copies the enemy Ultra Attack
Omega Attack: Chaos Blaster (Copyie merges all his weapons firing an massive laser)

Taunt Animation:Uses a fake Reality Stone
Taunt Quote 1:Reality Stone !
Taunt Quote 2:You falled for that didn't ya

Intro Quotes
Intro Quote 1:Mind a fight ?
Intro Quote 2:You may think im a wierdo but please don't misjudge me
Special Intro Quote (VS Megaman):Hey there Rock mind a little spar
Special Intro Quote (VS Protoman):So im still after your shades
Special Intro Quote (VS Bass):Ey Bass what do you want
Special Intro Quote (VS Duo):Duo we have to talk
Special Intro Quote (VS Trio):Ah , what are you doing here i defeated you
Special Intro Quote (VS MMK):Don't you guys ever give up
Special Intro Quote (VS Betaman):Hm , your name is Beta ey , mind a lil spar
Special Intro Quote (VS Ninjaman):I guess every Megaman has his Bass
Special Intro Quote (VS Megaboy):Hey there Megam...oh wait wrong name
Special Intro Quote (VS Rotom):What is a ⑨ ?
Special Team Intro Quote (VS Megaman):We have no other choice Rock
Special Team Intro Quote (VS Bass):Hey can you stop hunting Megaman and focus
Special Team Intro Quote (VS Duo):Heh time to work

Victory Quotes
Victory Quote 1:Nice fight
Victory Quote 2:He he , another win
Special Victory Quote (VS Megaman):Sorry Rock i won
Special Victory Quote (VS Protoman):Now for the shades
Special Victory Quote (VS Bass):I won Bass go home
Special Victory Quote (VS Duo):Im sorry i just wanted a fight
Special Victory Quote (VS Trio):Now dissapear forever
Special Victory Quote (VS MMK):So how is killing Megaman going
Special Victory Quote (VS Betaman):Nice fight there
Special Victory Quote (VS Ninjaman):Bye different Bass
Special Victory Quote (VS Megaboy):Can i have your scarf ?
Special Victory Quote (VS Rotom):No seriously what is a ⑨

Intro/Victory Animations
Intro Animation 1:Teleports in
Intro Animation 2:Walks in
Intro Animation 3:Is already there
Victory Animation 1:Telepors off
Victory Animation 2:Does Ryu victory animation

Bio:Copyie is Bass protoype but was scraped , in later years was found by Megaman and became friends with him since them , once defeated the evil robot Trio and became a Space Marshal in his place
Copyie 1st edition:This version of Copyie is preety much just me if i was a robot and had this abilities and this is why he will never apear in any roleplay
bass:Huh that was fun , now all i have to do is give thid back to Dr.Light

bass:Hope someday can make an actual tournament for only fun that actually works

bass:Well whatever back to what i was doing
^ Top
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on December 18th, 2017 at 9:32am Edited on 2017/12/18 at 10:24am
Posted 2017/12/18 at 9:32am Edited 2017/12/18 at 10:24am
Basic Info
Name: Tone / Alpha
Fighting Style: Intelligence
Classification: Regular Fighting Robot


Normal Punch: Punch
Heavy Punch: Slap
Low Punch: Buster Shot
Midair Punch: Mid-Air Buster Shot

Normal Kick: Roundhouse Kick
Heavy Kick: Spin Kick
Low Kick: Dash Kick
Midair Kick: Dash Kick

Normal Special: Advance Buster Shot
Heavy Special: Charge Shot
Low Special: Dash Attack

Power Gauge
Hyper Attack: Double Charge Shot (Fires Two Charge Shots)
Ultra Attack: Hyper Dash Spin (Dashes into an enemy and spins into them)
Omega Attack: Triple Gear Mode (Fires an immense amount of charge shots repeatedly)

Taunt Animation: Finger Guns
Taunt Quote 1: *Generic Laugh*
Taunt Quote 2: C'mon!
Taunt Quote 3: Man my Personality seems very limited

Intro Quotes
Intro Quote 1: Hey do you mind if I casually assault you in public with a firearm?
Intro Quote 2: Look I don't have much to say but I think you should just stand down for now.
Intro Quote 3: I am going to turn you into an entire scrapheap!
Special Intro Quote (VS Mega Man) You know we don't have to do this since you don't want to.
Special Intro Quote (VS Proto Man) Hey, you got a nice scarf on you!
Special Intro Quote (VS Bass) Oh my god! It's a fish!
Special Intro Quote (VS Copyie) It's Alpha now, we changed I changed it remember.
Special Intro Quote (VS Beta Man) Okay, so I gotta fight my friend now. Great.
Special Intro Quote (VS Mirror Match) OH GOD NOT THE COPY ROBOT.
Special Intro Quote (VS Rotom) What the actual hell is a Nine Ball?
Special Team Intro Quote (to Mega Man) You don't like fighting? I do!
Special Team Intro Quote (to Beta Man) I told you! It's Alpha now. Got too confusing before.
Special Team Intro Quote (to Proto Man) Let's finish this with the power of scarfs and ridiculous hair.

Victory Quotes
Victory Quote 1: That my friend is how it is done.
Victory Quote 2: Yay, I now have credibility to beating someone up and possibly going to Jail.
Victory Quote 3: I'm somehow happy with this result.
Special Victory Quote (VS Mega Man) OH GOD YOU TURNED INTO BLUE ORBS
Special Victory Quote (VS Rotom) Take that! You... (9)?
Special Victory Quote (VS Beta Man) Better luck next time, Buckaroo.

Intro/Victory Animations
Intro Animation 1: Casually walking down the arena showing his buster at the last part of the line
Intro Animation 2: Leaning on the side of a building and then pointing at the character
Intro Animation 3: Dodge rolls in and points buster at the camera
Victory Animation 1: Finger guns at the camera
Victory Animation 2: Thumbs up while saying sarcastic comment
Victory Animation 3: Scarf and hair blows in the wind

Bio: Tone perviously going by names such as MegaBoy and Alpha Man is a civillian robot made for the sole purpose of living a human life. He registers as HRN-004 and spends his time creating technology and playing video games. Once a robot master attack happened near his house, he found Beta Man trying to fight it and made a replica Mega Buster out of spare parts to protect him. He may seem cocky but don't let that fool you, he always has a plan and it shows he's a master of arts.
Ending: Tone leaves the battle after the fight and goes to the local arcade to play some Street Fighter III.
^ Top
Alicia Shadow
421,860,171 BP
11 TP | 41 PP
Posted on December 18th, 2017 at 5:16pm Edited on 2017/12/18 at 7:57pm
Posted 2017/12/18 at 5:16pm Edited 2017/12/18 at 7:57pm
Basic Info
Name: Solar Flare
Fighting Style: Attack
Classification: Sunflower Plant Hero

Normal Punch: Punch
Heavy Punch: Uppercut
Low Punch:
Midair Punch:

Normal Kick: Kick
Heavy Kick: Dash
Low Kick: Sweep
Midair Kick: Drop Kick

Normal Special: Solar Blast
Heavy Special: Solar Blitz Blaze (A wave of fiery that fires forwards)
Low Special: Solar Swordplay

Power Gauge
Hyper Attack: Flame Blast
Ultra Attack: Solar Barrage - A barrage of Solar Blast that surround the foe, then collides with them all at once
Omega Attack: Sunburn - A large blast of Solar Blast created by charging the Solar Blast to its fullest power

Taunt Animation: Laughs maniacally

Intro Quotes
Intro Quote 1: Time to face a true All-Star!
Intro Quote 2: Wanna go a round or two?
Intro Quote 3: Let's do this!
Special Intro Quote 1: (To Beta Man) Come on, Beta, let's do this
Special Intro Quote 2: (To Ninja Man) Can you just leave me alone for just once?
Special Intro Quote 3: (To Mega Man) Rock, did I see you before?
Special Intro Quote 4: (To Proto Man) Oh, nice to meet you, Blues.
Special Intro Quote: 5: (To MMK) I'm NOT a Robot.
Special Intro Quote 6: (To Bass) I'm NOT Mega Man, get off my back.
Special Intro Quote 7: (To Sergeant Man) I'm feeling kinda exhausted today... How about a spar?
Special Intro Quote 8: (To Rotom) Mind going easy on me a bit?
Special Intro Quote 9: (To Alpha) Oh you got nice scarf and hair!
Special Team Intro Quote 1: (With Mega Man Let's Rock! Heh, get it?
Special Team Intro Quote 2: (With Proto Man) The Solar Build and the Prototype... Seems fitting
Special Team Intro Quote 3: (With Any Light-Bot) Light Bots stick together very good!
Special Team Intro Quote 4: (With Bass or Any Wily-Bot): Looks like we gotta work together...
Special Team Intro Quote 5: (With MegaBoy) Let's do this together, MegaBoy!
Special Team Intro Quote 6: (With Sergeant Man) Let's do this, Sergeant Man!
Special Team Intro Quote 7: (With Beta Man) Let's fight together!

Victory Quotes
Victory Quote 1: The true Plant Hero again!
Victory Quote 2: great match. Maybe we'll do this again sometimes
Victory Quote 3: So, what now...?
Special Victory Quote 1: (To Mega Man) Good fight, Rock!
Special Victory Quote 2: (To Proto Man) It seems the Solar is better than the Prototype.
Special Victory Quote 3: (To Bass) So much for the powerful... How's beating Mega Man going?
Special Victory Quote 4: (To Sergeant Man) You should really consider fighting more.
Special Victory Quote 5: (To Ninja Man) There, I won. Now will you leave me alone?
Special Victory Quote 6: (To Beta Man) Better luck next time, Beta Man!
Special Victory Quote 7: (To Rotom) Did I... Actually beat Rotom?
Special Victory Quote 8: (To MegaBoy) You are very good, MegaBoy.

Intro/Victory Animations
Intro Animation 1: flies in and crosses her arms with solar fire
Intro Animation 2: Lands in from jumping into the battle, then stands up.
Intro Animation 3: Appears in with her attacks, nailing the landing.
Victory Animation 1: Puts on her red goggle and pulls a dab.
Victory Animation 2: Gives the screen a thumbs up.
Victory Animation 3: Crosses her arms with her red goggle on to look cool.

Bio: The first of the All-Star Plants owned specifically to help anyone with anything they can't handle alone. Solar Flare was based off of Sunflower's design, but less than the original design. Solar Flare eventually decided to go on her adventures, being joined by the likes of Beta Man, as well as many others. Solar Flare joined the tournament in order to obtain the Ultra Gems for Dr. Light's research, joining alongside Mega Man and Proto Man
Ending: Solar Flare leaves the battle after the fight and goes back to Dr. Light's Light Laboratory

Click Here
Solar Flare
^ Top
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on December 21st, 2017 at 7:07pm Edited on 2017/12/21 at 7:09pm
Posted 2017/12/21 at 7:07pm Edited 2017/12/21 at 7:09pm
@Alicia Solar Flare : Copyright infringement, calling Beta's lawyer.
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on December 21st, 2017 at 8:11pm Edited on 2017/12/21 at 9:38pm
Posted 2017/12/21 at 8:11pm Edited 2017/12/21 at 9:38pm
Basic Info
Name: Ninja Man
Fighting Style: Speed
Classification: Determined Warrior Robot

Normal Punch: Quick Jab
Heavy Punch: Swift Hook
Low Punch: Chop
Midair Punch: Midair Chop

Normal Kick: Kick
Heavy Kick: Slide
Low Kick: Knee
Midair Kick: Midair Knee

Normal Special: Ninja Katana
Heavy Special: Katana Uppercut- A swift, upper slash with his Katana
Low Special: Ninja Shuriken

Power Gauge
Hyper Attack: Ninja Accelerate (New name for Time Accelerate)
Ultra Attack: Rapid Slash- Rapid slashes with his Katana.
Omega Attack: Omega Form (Transformation)
Transformation Omega Attack: Omega Burst- A large blast of energy from the buster that comes from the Omega Stone. Reverts Ninja Man to normal after use.

Taunt Animation: Does that one... Ninja pose. ...Idk what it's called, but it's that hand thing where the other hand is a fist.
Taunt Quote 1: Is that the best you got?
Taunt Quote 2: Give it your A-game!
Taunt Quote 3: Strength isn't everything!

Intro Quotes
Intro Quote 1: For Wily!
Intro Quote 2: This'll be over quick.
Intro Quote 3: Strength isn't everything... I'll show you.
Special Intro Quote 1: (To Mega Man) Wily has ordered me to scrap you, Blue Bomber...
Special Intro Quote 2: (To Proto Man) Wily noticed you sneaking around his lab, Proto.
Special Intro Quote 3: (To Guts Man) Let's see just what Wily likes about you.
Special Intro Quote 4: (To Wily-Bots) I'll show you why I am Wily's Best Creation!
Special Intro Quote 5: (To Duo) So you're Duo...
Special Intro Quote 6: (To Trio) Hey, you're the one who trashed Wily's lab!
Special Intro Quote 7: (To Beta Man/Serif/Shadow) Beta Man! This time I'll defeat you!
Special Intro Quote 8: (To Tone/Alpha) This'll do.
Special Intro Quote 9: (To Rotom) Who... What ARE you...?
Special Intro Quote 10: (To Copyie) ...I know who you are now... Traitor.
Special Team Intro Quote 1: (With Mega / Proto / Sergeant / Tone/Alpha) This does NOT make me a hero.
Special Team Intro Quote 2: (With Bass) Looks like I get to show why I'm Wily's Best Creation!
Special Team Intro Quote 3: (With Beta Man) Fine, I'll work with you, but only once!
Special Team Intro Quote 4: (With Gemini Man) I'd better get a raise for this...

Victory Quotes
Victory Quote 1: Of course I'd win! I'm Wily's Best Creation!
Victory Quote 2: Another win for Team Wily!
Victory Quote 3: Gemini TV is Number 1! ...There, can I have my raise now?
Special Victory Quote 1: (To Mega Man) At last, the Blue Bomber has been defeated!
Special Victory Quote 2: (To Proto Man) That's what you get for spying.
Special Victory Quote 3: (To Bass, Proto MKII, and Ballade) I'll admit you have SOME skill.
Special Victory Quote 4: (To Wily-Bots) NOW do you see the superior wily-bot?
Special Victory Quote 5: (To Trio) Consider that to be payback!
Special Victory Quote 6: (To Copyie) All traitors against Wily shall be punished by me!
Special Victory Quote 7: (To Beta Man/Serif/Shadow) I finally defeated you, Beta Man!
Special Victory Quote 8: (To Tone/Alpha) The closest I might get to defeating Beta Man...

Intro/Victory Animations
Intro Animation 1: Teleports in facing away from the opponent, then turns around pulling out his Katana. (Similar to Zero in MvC)
Intro Animation 2: Suddenly appears after being cloaked, getting into a fighting position.
Intro Animation 3: Walks in, stops, and pulls out his Katana.
Victory Animation 1: Puts away his katana, turns around, and walks away a bit, stopping after a few steps to look back at the screen.
Victory Animation 2: Crosses his arms and smirks.
Victory Animation 3: Bows, then looks at the screen smirking.

Bio: The second of the HWN Robots and one of Wily's more elite (and loyal) robots. Ninja Man was created off of Bass' MM10 design, but was eventually given a design change... Which is pretty much the same, but with a Wily headband replacing the head fins. Ninja Man likes to challenge Beta and is considered Beta's rival... And additionally Wily's Best Robots (the latter of which is self-proclaimed). Ninja also owns a Robot Master talk show called Ninja Dojo on Gemini TV, which is arguably the network's best show... Because it's the only one with high ratings. Joined the tournament upon hearing Beta Man's own entry.
^ Top
Alicia Shadow
421,860,171 BP
11 TP | 41 PP
Posted on December 21st, 2017 at 9:18pm
Posted 2017/12/21 at 9:18pm
@MerryBoy : Ok then :)
^ Top
Alicia Shadow
421,860,171 BP
11 TP | 41 PP
Posted on December 21st, 2017 at 9:42pm
Posted 2017/12/21 at 9:42pm
@Holly Jolly Beta : very good job
^ Top
1,567,654,000 BP
13 TP | 874 PP
Posted on December 27th, 2017 at 3:42pm Edited on 2017/12/28 at 8:07pm
Posted 2017/12/27 at 3:42pm Edited 2017/12/28 at 8:07pm
Oh, you knew this was inevitable.

Basic Info
Name: Rotom
Fighting Style: Skill
Classification: Haxor Extraordinaire and Destroyer of Complete ⑨s

Normal Punch: Jab
Heavy Punch: Uppercut
Low Punch: Crouching Jab
Midair Punch: Aerial Jab

Normal Kick: Facekick
Heavy Kick: Somersault Kick
Low Kick: Somersault Kick
Midair Kick: Flying Kick

Normal Special: Astonish
Heavy Special: Hex
Low Special: Thundershock

Power Gauge
Hyper Attack: Ominous Wind: Uses a screen-wide attack that can't be avoided, but does almost no damage when blocked.
Ultra Attack: Gigavolt Havoc
Omega Attack: Theta Sigil (Transformation): Gives Rotom weaker versions of the effects given by the Power, Defense, and Speed Ultra Gems.
Transformation Omega Attack: "Listen up, here's where I give you advice you didn't ask for!": Taunts so hard that reality twists, inflicting a crapton of debuffs on all foes!

Taunt Animation: Rotom gives the foe advice they didn't ask for.
Taunt Quote 1: Did you know you're about to be obliterated?
Taunt Quote 2: Did you know that you shouldn't *REGGAE'D* me off?
Taunt Quote 3: Did you know that being a ⑨ is a bad thing? Because hoo boy, it's one of the WORST things ever to be.

Intro Quotes

Intro/Victory Animations
Intro Animation 1: Rotom warps into the battlefield.
Intro Animation 2: Rotom appears by exiting Phantom Force.
Intro Animation 3: Rotom floats over the battlefield, but then stops.
Victory Animation 1: A textbox appears, saying "Rotom gained 479 Exp. Points! (not that it matters...)"
Victory Animation 2: Rotom uses an Escape Orb to warp away.
Victory Animation 3: Rotom throws a seal at the camera like seen here, though it says "Cranky's advice: git gud"

Bio: Rotom came through a mysterious portal which has been dubbed an "Ultra Wormhole". He started gathering Evil Energy once to invert society, or so we're told. The part about him going through an area called "da bes levul evur" was kinda sketchy, though. Not much is known about him, such as why he looks purple, but one thing is clear: He's a power-hungry maniac.
^ Top
33,956,040 BP
1 TP | 131 PP
Posted on December 27th, 2017 at 7:51pm
Posted 2017/12/27 at 7:51pm
Basic Info
Name: Cape
Fighting Style: Speed
Classification: Mercenary Copy Prototype

Normal Punch: Elbow jab
Heavy Punch: Top Spin
Low Punch: Hilt strike
Midair Punch: Slash Claw

Normal Kick: Sword Strike
Heavy Kick: Charge Kick
Low Kick: Underhand Sword Strike
Midair Kick: Flame Sword

Normal Special: Charge Shot
Heavy Special: Tengu Blade
Low Special: Flame Blast

Power Gauge
Hyper Attack: Sword Beam Combo (Zero's charge attack thing of 2 charge shots followed by a sword slash)
Ultra Attack: Blade Spam (Spams Shadow Blades, Metal Blades, and Triple Blades)
Omega Attack: Omni-slash

Taunt Animation: Stabs sword into ground, then makes a "thumb on throat" gesture
Taunt Quote 1: I think I might be getting worse
Taunt Quote 2: Easiest paycheck ever
Taunt Quote 3: Talk is cheap

Intro Quotes
Intro Quote 1: On the scene!
Intro Quote 2: Someone with a lot of money doesn't like you
Intro Quote 3: Fight me.
Special Intro Quote: (vs Mega) Yes, I am going to fight you
Special Intro Quote: (vs Bass/MMK) Let's see how much the doctor's creations have imporoved
Special Intro Quote: (vs Duo) No, I'm not turning down my music for you
Special Intro Quote: (vs Rotom) Bored Authors won't save you now!
Special Team Intro Quote: (with Light-Bot) This is just cause Light is paying more.
Special Team Intro Quote: (with Wily-Bot) Don't get used to this, brother
Special Team Intro Quote: (with Rotom) Don't hack my music again, and we'll be cool
Special Team Intro Quote: (with All-Star) Quote the Smash Mouth song, and I'll rip off a limb

Victory Quotes
Victory Quote 1: Conflict Resolved
Victory Quote 2: I'm done. Now when do I get paid?
Victory Quote 3: Nothing personal, kid.
Special Victory Quote: (vs Light-Bot) No, I won't be reprogrammed for good
Special Victory Quote: (vs Bass/MMK) His standards really have fallen
Special Victory Quote: (vs Duo) SPEAK. CLEARLY.
Special Victory Quote: (vs All-Star) Guess you couldn't get your game on. Now I'm off to get paid.
Special Victory Quote: (vs Rotom) I ain't afraid of no ghost.

Intro/Victory Animations
Intro Animation 1: Is standing as a black-alt of opponent, before turning to normal form
Intro Animation 2: Walks up while dragging blade on ground
Intro Animation 3: Teleports in
Victory Animation 1: Looks at KO'd opponent, before turning away and looking to his communicator
Victory Animation 2: Does Cloud's victory pose
Victory Animation 3: Jams sword into ground, then teleports away while leaving sword behind

Bio: Originally a prototype of the original Copy Robot, he was supposedly scrapped due to a design flaw rendering him unable to fully copy other robots for long periods. He escaped his scrapping, and became a solo mercenary who is only out for the money.
^ Top
1,567,654,000 BP
13 TP | 874 PP
Posted on December 28th, 2017 at 9:14pm Edited on 2017/12/30 at 11:14am
Posted 2017/12/28 at 9:14pm Edited 2017/12/30 at 11:14am
(Continued form my previous post)
Rotom's Quotes

Intro Quotes

Intro Quote 1: Bring it, ⑨!
Intro Quote 2: Here's a fight you didn't ask for!
Intro Quote 3: *insert rotom gen 4 cry here*
Special Intro Quote 1: (VS Mega Man) "Oh, so NOW you wanna fight me? This is getting ridiculous."
Special Intro Quote 2: (VS Proto Man) "Am I seeing things, or is this guy poorly-built?"
Special Intro Quote 3: (VS Bass) "Why do you remind me of an Ice Fairy?"
Special Intro Quote 4: (VS Bomb Man) "Are you supposed to be a duck or a chicken? Just wondering."
Special Intro Quote 5: (VS Ring Man) "Don't you know how sharp those are?"
Special Intro Quote 6: (VS Stone Man) "You're in the wrong stage, Earth-core scum!"
Special Intro Quote 7: (VS Junk Man) "Oh look, a robot that's ALREADY scrap!"
Special Intro Quote 8: (VS Dynamo Man) "Get your health regen out of my face!"
Special Intro Quote 10: (VS Nitro Man) "Now's not the time to use that!"
Special Intro Quote 11: (VS Duo) "Keep your hands off my power source, bub!"
Special Intro Quote 12: (VS Trio) "YOU!" That's MY evil energy!
Special Intro Quote 13: (VS Enker) "Hey, nice spear. Too bad it'll be your downfall."
Special Intro Quote 14: (VS Punk) "Git the punk off my stage."
Special Intro Quote 15: (VS Ballade) Ugh, now we have fighters with TWO Phases!? This is gonna be evil."
Special Intro Quote 16: (VS Quint) "You remind me of Symphony. I hate that. You're a ⑨."
Special Intro Quote 17: (VS Beta) "I'll show YOU who's gonna have a bad time!"
Special Intro Quote 18: (VS Sergeant Man) "I've already beaten your commander multiple times, why should I be scared of YOU?"
Special Intro Quote 19: (VS Ninja Man) "How about you face someone ELSE once in your life!?"
Special Intro Quote 20: (VS Megaboy:) "My Rail Buster's been itchin' for action, and I don't like you, so..."

Special Team Intro Quote 1: (With Pharaoh Man:) With one of the most awesome robots by my side, I'm invincible!

Victory Quotes
Victory Quote 1: "What did we learn? I ALWAYS WIN!"
Victory Quote 2: "Ugh, FINALLY. I was getting tired of this crappy fight."
Victory Quote 3: Omae wa mo shinderu... Oh Arceus I ALWAYS wanted to say that!
Special Victory Quote 1: (VS Mega Man) "THIS is where pacifism gets you, idiot."
Special Victory Quote 2: (VS Proto Man) "Maybe your colleagues will send a FINISHED ROBOT next time."
Special Victory Quote 3: (VS Bass) ""'Strongest' my *REGGAE'D*!"
Special Victory Quote 4: (VS Bomb Man) "How much of those are you packing, anyway!?"
Special Victory Quote 5: (VS Ring Man) "You look more like the type to juggle than for combat."
Special Victory Quote 6: (VS Stone Man) "And down the mechanical pile of bricks goes!"
Special Victory Quote 7: (VS Junk Man) "...I'm gonna need a bigger incinerator."
Special Victory Quote 8: (VS Dynamo Man) "People who have Health Regen are idiots."
Special Victory Quote ⑨: (VS Cirno) "Finally, another ⑨ annihilated."
Special Victory Quote 10: (VS Nitro Man) "CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES!!!"
Special Victory Quote 11: (VS Duo) "Let that be a lesson to you. ⑨."
Special Victory Quote 12: (VS Trio) "Now, I'll be taking back what you took from me."
Special Victory Quote 13: (VS Enker) "Playing defense won't get you anywhere."
Special Victory Quote 14: (VS Punk) "Your weapon is useless, by the way. Just saying."
Special Victory Quote 15: (VS Ballade) "That took forever and a fortnight. Now outta the way.
Special Victory Quote 16: (VS Quint) "You'd think a version of Mega Man FROM THE FUTURE would be intimidating, but no."
Special Victory Quote 18: (VS Sergeant Man) "Drop dead and gimmie 20, then take a quick break, and then give me 9!"
Special Wictory Quote 19: (VS Ninja Man) "If you can't beat me, you'll never even be CLOSE to taking down Beta."
Special Victory Quote 20: (VS Megaboy:) "I can't BELIEVE you were this easy to beat."
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on December 29th, 2017 at 6:31pm
Posted 2017/12/29 at 6:31pm
Basic Info
Name: Sergeant Man
Fighting Style: Skill
Classification: Battle-Ready Military Robot

Normal Punch: Hook
Heavy Punch: Uppercut
Low Punch: Jab
Midair Punch: Downwards Punch

Normal Kick: Side Kick
Heavy Kick: Roundhouse Kick
Low Kick: Sweep
Midair Kick: Downwards Kick

Normal Special: Sergeant Missile
Heavy Special: Sergeant Rocket
Low Special: Sergeant Grenade

Power Gauge
Hyper Attack: Sergeant Mines- Generates a shield of 3 hovering mines that explodes on contact. After a while, what's left is launched, homing in towards the opponent.
Ultra Attack: Missile Barrage- A barrage of Sergeant Missiles.
Omega Attack: Hyper Rocket- A stronger Sergeant Rocket with a bigger blast radius.

Taunt Animation: Simply salutes.
Taunt Quote 1: Ready when you are.
Taunt Quote 2: Any time now.
Taunt Quote 3: Come at me.

Intro Quotes
Intro Quote 1: Reporting for action.
Intro Quote 2: Mission start.
Intro Quote 3: Here goes nothing.
Special Intro Quote 1: (Vs. Mega Man) It'll be an honor sparring with you.
Special Intro Quote 2: (Vs. Proto Man) Let's see how you fare.
Special Intro Quote 3: (Vs. Bass) I have orders to keep you away from Mega Man.
Special Intro Quote 4: (Vs. Duo) The military wishes to know the reason of your arrival.
Special Intro Quote 5: (Vs. Trio) This is not about taking orders, it's about keeping Earth safe from you.
Special Intro Quote 6: (Vs. Light-Bots) Boot camp begins now!
Special Intro Quote 7: (Vs. All-Stars) I'm sorry. There's nothing I can bring myself to say to you.
Special Intro Quote 8: (Vs. Beta Man) Been a while since we last sparred.
Special Intro Quote 9: (Vs. Alpha/Tone) Don't think that just because we're friends, doesn't mean I'll go easy!
Special Intro Quote 10: (Vs. Rotom) Not sure if I can win this...
Special Team Intro Quote 1: (With Light-Bots) We will achieve victory as a team!
Special Team Intro Quote 2: (With Beta Man) Let's stick together for this one.

Victory Quotes
Victory Quote 1: Mission complete.
Victory Quote 2: Returning to base.
Victory Quote 3: Victory confirmed.
Special Victory Quote 1: (Vs. Duo) Understood. I'll keep this meeting a secret from the base.
Special Victory Quote 2: (Vs. Trio) As long as you stand, Earth won't be safe.
Special Victory Quote 3: (Vs. Beta Man) Looks like I won this time.
Special Victory Quote 4: (Vs. Alpha/Tone) You need a bit more training.
Special Victory Quote 5: (Vs. Rotom) I... won? I'm in shock, honestly...

Intro/Victory Animations
Intro Animation 1: Stands saluting, then gets into a fighting pose.
Intro Animation 2: Teleports in and readies his buster.
Intro Animation 3: Drops in and gets into battle position.
Victory Animation 1: Sticks a Mega City flag into the ground and salutes.
Victory Animation 2: Does a few punches and a kick, then gives a thumbs up.
Victory Animation 3: Puts his shield on his back and crosses his arms, looking at the screen.

Bio: The second of the All-Star Robots and Beta Man's brother. Sergeant Man was made to be a military robot under the request of the Military to Dr. Light. Sergeant is mostly serious, but can be at least not TOO strict outside of battle. Sergeant joined the tournament in order to obtain the Ultra Gems for military examination before sending it to Dr. Light.
I'm sorry, Dr. Light.
dr-light What could ever be the problem, Sergeant Man?
Upon examining the Ultra Stones, it was decided by the military to keep it locked away so that it would never be used again by anyone. Which means you won't be able to do any research on it.
dr-light I see... Well, I suppose it's for the best. I know well enough that it wouldn't really be a good idea for them to fall into the wrong hands... You have done well, Sergeant.
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