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Did you ever wonder what would it be like if Bass was the main character? Or if past robot masters teamed up with each other? Well, this is a place where you can have fun making up stories/fan games. Unfortunately, you obviously can't MAKE one here, but if you have experience in making them and are interested in using these as a body for them, go ahead and do it.Here is an example:Name: Mega Man Powered Up 1 1/2 or Mega Man 1 1/2
Player: Mega Man
Robot Master 1: Cut Man Robot Master 2: Air Man Robot Master 3: Bubble Man Robot Master 4: Quick Man Robot Master 5: Bomb Man Robot Master 6: Time Man Robot Master 7: Fire Man Robot Master 8: Wood Man
Robot Master Weaknesses: Cut Man-Fire StormAir Man-Leaf ShieldBubble Man-Rolling CutterQuick Man-Time Slow and Hyper BombBomb Man-Rolling Cutter and Fire StormTime Man-Leaf ShieldFire Man-Air ShooterWood Man-Fire Storm and Rolling Cutter
Wily Stage 1 Boss: Mecha Dragon Wily Stage 2 Boss: Yellow Devil Wily Stage 3 Boss: Guts Man Wily Stage 4 Boss: Boobeam Trap (Really, that's what it's called) Final Boss 1: Wily Machine 1 Final Boss 2: Wily Machine 2Here is a blank version:
Wily Stage 1: Wily Stage 2: Wily Stage 3: Wily Stage 4: Final Boss:Oh, and you can now make MegaTale AUs. Here is the list of characters from the regular MegaTale if you need it:
Rock as Frisk Forte as Chara (Alternatively, you can use Rhythm.) Retro Pikachu as Flowey/Asriel Adrian as Toriel StupidStudiosC2 as Napstablook MegaBoy as Papyrus Beta Man as Sans Ninja Man as Doggo Jazz MKII as Lesser Dog Sargent Man as Greater Dog Meta as Grillby Ender as Annoying Dog NiceIce as Nice Cream Guy ZeroDXZ as Undyne Proto Man MKII as Monster Kid Walter as Onion-San. (Mugshot is not really good, but in a way things work out, I guess.) Ura as Temmie (currently) TailsMK4 as Gerson RotomSlashBlast as Mad Dummy (with a random Rotom as the Ruins Dummy) StupidStudiosN as Mettaton ThatGuyNamedMikey as Alphys StupidStudiosA as Burgerpants MusicalKitty -SST- as Muffet MegaBossMan as Asgore REDACTED as Gaster ERASED as Goner Kid
"Create" a Mega Man Game! Posted by Holly Jolly Beta on November 3rd, 2014 at 10:33pm Viewed 32437 Times
Beta Man vs. Ninja Man Ninja Man!? You're working for Ninja Ghost, too? What, no! I'm just here because it's a perfect opportunity to face you! Of course. Look, I'm too busy for this, so if you could just let me go on my way- Ha! Fat chance, Beta Man! This ends now!
MegaBoy vs. Ninja Man Ninja Man? What are you doing here? Well, I WAS waiting for Beta Man, but I GUESS you'll do. Ok...? In that case, bring it on! May the best man win.
Ninja Man vs. Beta Man Ah, Beta Man. Just the man I was looking for! Ugh, what do you want, Ninja Man? Oh, the usual. Prepare yourself! You know what if it'll get you off my back, then fine!
Rotom vs. Ninja Man What are you... Wait. Beta Man? Yep. Still waiting for him, too. Ugh, you're too predictable! You know what, how about you face someone ELSE once in your life! You know what, sure. After all, I've been meaning to make you pay for what you and Reaper done to me when including me in those... Things... Whatever they were.
ZeroDXZ vs. Ninja Man ...So you're here. Oh. It's YOU. Let me guess, you're here for Beta Man? I WAS. But I'm not really a big fan of YOU either, so maybe I should do something to get you out of my business for good.
Beta Man vs. Mega Man Alright, Rock. You ready for this? More or less. You? Same here. Let's do this! Let's rock.
MegaBoy vs. Mega Man Ready, Mega Man? I've got nothing better to do. Oh, come on, where's you're spirit? You would know when you have to go through the same routine for nearly 30 years.
Mega Man? vs. Mega Man Hey, weaker me? Ready for a beatdown? That's some big talk coming from a rip-off. Oh-ho-ho! I'm going to enjoy this! Let's just get this over with.
Jazz MKII vs. Proto Man So we meet at last, Proto Man. You must be that lackey of Ninja Ghost's. Indeed. Out of my way. Fat chance.
Proto Man MKII vs. Proto Man It's about time we face off, my predecessor. ...That's a familiar face. Whatever. Let's settle this! You might look like me... But let's see if you can keep up.
Posted on June 11th, 2017 at 9:42pmEdited on 2017/06/11 at 9:44pm
Posted 2017/06/11 at 9:42pmEdited 2017/06/11 at 9:44pm
And we're back with this again.
Ninja Man vs. Bass Bass. It's time to see which of us is stronger! We don't have to fight to figure that out. NOTHING can compare to me! We'll see about that. I AM Wily's strongest, after all! HA! The robots that actually SERVE the old man is nothing but a bunch of rustbuckets! The only title that matters is WORLD's strongest!
ZeroDXZ vs. Bass You constantly said that you were stronger than me. Want to test that theory? I've been waiting a LONG time for this, you futuristic pain in my neck! You're asking for WAY more than you can bargain for. You have no idea how much I hate you. You're lucky I haven't spilled the beans to you to the old man by now.
And finally done with the dialogues until I'm done with the Fortress Bosses.Why did I do this to myself.
Ninja Castle 1- Weapon Archive*- Phase 1: Meta, Ender Man, and Alto | Phase 2: Musical, Ura, and Mikey | Phase 3: Proto Man MKII and NiceIce | Phase 4: MegaBossMan and Rhythm Ninja Castle 2- Shadow Clone- A Robot that copies the players appearance, however only uses a regular buster (and RM Weapons in Hard Mode)** Ninja Castle 3- Robot Master Rematches Jazz MKII (or MegaBoy when playing as Jazz MKII) Ninja Castle 4- Ninja Ghost (Phase 1- Behaves like Bass. | Phase 2- A mixture of Super Bass in MM8BDM and the Alien from MM2.) Final Boss- Ninja Ghost (Phase 3- A mixture of both previous phases + use of RM Weapons from all 3 Beta Man and MegaBoy games***.)
Some Pre-Jazz MKII and Pre-Ninja Ghost Cutscenes + Endings!
Beta Man vs. Jazz MKII I FIGURED that you of all people would be the last one standing between me and Ninja Ghost. Oh, no, there's actually the last of Ninja Ghost's mechas behind me. I'm just here to make sure you don't trash them like you did the rest. Well, I'm more than ready to get past you AND your little army! Very well then. I'll be happy to finish you off.
MegaBoy vs. Jazz MKII I made it all the way here, Jazz. You're not going to stop me from reaching Ghost. Hmph. We'll soon see about that. Alright then, bring it on! You will stand no chance against me. But I'll be honest, I TRULY like your enthusiasm.
Ninja Man vs. Jazz MKII ...So the traitor is the last one standing before me, eh? You know, I can't help but admire that special thing about you. Not your skills, no. The fact that you are STILL loyal to that doctor, despite EVERY deed he's done to his robots in the past. I will make you PAY for betraying Wily. I am NOT a traitor towards Wily. He ABANDONED me. And one day, he'll abandon you as well.
This will have to be continued in yet ANOTHER post. The duel of the MKII conversations take up too much space to squeeze into this one.
*The Fortress Boss for people who either have no clever ideas or just want to get it over with. Also, I decided to throw in the bosses from the PREVIOUS Beta Man and MegaBoy game from Page 15, Post 10 because why not. **Yet ANOTHER lazy idea for people wanting this done and over with. ***For the original, go to Page 10, Post 15.
Posted on June 11th, 2017 at 9:45pmEdited on 2017/06/11 at 10:37pm
Posted 2017/06/11 at 9:45pmEdited 2017/06/11 at 10:37pm
You get the memo at this point, so I'm just not going to bother saying it anymore.
Proto Man MKII vs. Jazz MKII Hey, buster! You ripping off my style or something? Hm? Who are... Oh, right. You must be my successor... My replacement. Ninja Ghost told me a LOT about you. What are you talking about? I'm the successor of PROTO MAN, you rip-off. Ah, so Wily never told you about me... How *I* was supposed to be Wily's counter of Proto Man, until he decided I was "obsolete", and shut me down, replacing me with YOU. Not that it matters, anyways, I'm STILL going to turn you to scrap.
Rotom vs. Jazz MKII HEY! Stop trying to ruin Krimah, ya ⑨! ...Boy, aren't YOU a simple-minded creature. WHAT DID YOU JUST *REGGAE'D*ING CALL ME!? It's nothing, really... It's just that FAR more than your "Krimah" is in danger, yet that and power is all you seem to really care about...
Pre-Ninja Ghost Monologue ...Ah, here we are. The Final Boss. The Final Frontier. The Final Battle. The part of the game where your skills are put to the final test. Everything you have learned from trial and error... All comes down to this. ...But first, let's take a small break and imagine... Imagine a world full of absolutely NOTHING. No trees. No water. No wind. No Sun. No sky. No sign of life. No hours. Or minutes. Or seconds. Just a blank, empty whiteness as far as the eye can see, expanding infinitely. ...Sounds horrible, right? A place with unbearable living conditions... ...That's the kind of world I lived in, a long time ago. Because Bt- And this universe- once deemed me "obsolete." And now, here we are, the Final Boss. The Last Encounter. The End of the Game. (Continues off to other Pre-Battle cutscenes.)
Beta Man vs. Ninja Ghost ...But this is kinda going over your head, isn't it? The whole "4th Wall" thing isn't something someone like you could easily understand. There are only a few who could possibly understand... And trust me. None of us are normal because of it. So perhaps it's better if you NEVER understand. Either way... this will NOT end nicely for you.
MegaBoy vs. Ninja Ghost ...You know, I should really thank you. It's because of YOUR ACTIONS in another universe that I was freed from that void. But perhaps it's best I leave it at that... After all, that old universe brings up pretty painful memories, now doesn't it? So maybe we shouldn't bring it into focus... Instead, let's focus on the NOW... What will I do now? What will YOU do now? Who's going to DIE now? ...Let's answer that, shall we?
Ninja Man vs. Ninja Ghost ...And you know? That knowledge is not the only difference between you and I, my newer-model counterpart. But instead of detailing OUR differences... Maybe I'll list differences between me and Bt. While Bt wants to replace Beta, I just want YOU and the rest of this world to die. While Bt wants to stay true to how he was originally made, I'm not afraid of stepping out of my original comfort zone. And Bt is a changed villain. As for me... Well. His change of heart is the reason I was sent back into this world, after all... To take up his old role.
These take up too much character space. I'll be glad when it's finally all over... You know the drill...
Jazz MKII vs. Ninja Ghost ...But why am I telling YOU all this? You're my right-hand man, you of all people should know this by now! That's why I repaired you, after all. Not just because you're the final piece of a man's RM-making puzzle, oh no. It's because you, too, were pushed away by your own creator and the world you live in... Just as I was. I awoken you're inner strength and anger... Now it's time to put it to its final test!
Mega Man? vs. Ninja Ghost ...But really, what's there to say about YOU? You're nothing special. You're nothing but a clone of Mega Man. And I mean literally, more than any other Mega Man look-alike could be. And yet, you'd have to be either stupid or GULLIBLE to think you and Mega Man are the same. Want to know why you're here? Because you're Reaper's "favorite". And he doesn't even know WHY, yet he gives you enough love and attention to the point of... Well, here you are. You probably don't even know what I'm talking about, or who Beta Reaper even is. But it doesn't matter. While Reaper might think of you as his favorite "Official Mega Man Character"... To me, you aren't even CLOSE to anyone special.
Proto Man MKII vs. Ninja Ghost ...You, however, are an entirely different story. You took over your own creator's account... Something nobody else has done before. Congrats! ...But that only accounts for us here in the MMRPG community... But there has been at least ONE person that had some fun beyond the 4th Wall... And he did a LOT more than just taking over and knocking his creators out, oh no. ...But that's enough about references. Time to throw down!
Rotom vs. Ninja Ghost ...But let's be honest. Do you really CARE about what happens to the world? You seem to only care about two things: Holidays- Christmas especially- and power. And you only seem to help save the world when one or both of those things are a part of it. Otherwise, you'd only get in a villain's way just to fight. Otherwise, this entire country would be in trouble, and you probably wouldn't care, because it wouldn't ruin your Christmas, saving the day wouldn't give you power... You'd only save the world by mere coincidence. ...But frankly, all that's just assumption. So, tell me... Would you TRULY call yourself a hero? Or am I right on the money?
ZeroDXZ vs. Ninja Ghost ...But truly, what's the point of this conversation? You're ALREADY set on fighting me. After all, I AM the "bad guy". ...Well, OK. Maybe the implication is incorrect, and that I really AM the bad guy, and I won't be the one to deny it. But that is besides the point. So, Zero... You ready to settle this?
Beta Man's Ending ...This isn't over, you know. I WILL be back. Oh no you don't. You aren't getting away! And how are YOU going to stop me? I'm in my ghost form, meaning YOU are incapable of catching me! Ah, but you're counting someone out a LITTLE early... *Teleports in while in Ghost Form* It appears I came at the exact right timing. *REGGAE'D* it, I won't be caught so easily! *Tosses a ghostly Quick Boomerang into Bt Ghost's eye and teleports away* GAH! Cheep trick, you redish-pink jerk! Ugh... Better luck next time, I guess...
And of course, out of space again and we're still not done. UGH.
MegaBoy's Ending ...This isn't over, you know. I WILL be back. Oh no you don't. You aren't getting away! And how are YOU going to stop me? I'm in my ghost form, meaning YOU are incapable of catching me! Except you are wrong. There is ONE way to catch a ghost... What are you...? ...You're kidding. You... Y-you're only joking... Right? *Pulls out a Protopack and tosses a trap* Booyah! Time to bust me a Ninja Ghost! *Slowly being pulled into the trap* No... No! It will not end like this! I refuse! *Continues using the Protopack until he is hit by a random Buster Shot, loosing focus and letting Ninja Ghost go* Ow! HEY! *Turns around to see Phantom Man* Phantom Man? What the heck were you thinking!? I'm here to finally take you down, MegaBoy! Bring it o- *MegaBoy hits Phantom in the head with a Metal Blade* OW! Hey, I was distracted! Well, so was I when YOU hit me when I was banishing a common foe, you psychopath!
Ninja Man's Ending ...I'll be back, you know. Stronger than I ever was before. ...Strength and power isn't always everything. It's also skill. Brain power. Tactics. Defensive abilities. And loyalty. I might not be the strongest in the world. But to be honest... That isn't really my thing. Besides, if I set out for world's strongest, I'd end up like Bass. Or even worse, I'd end up like you. I'd lose my loyalty towards my creator. And if there are two things I want in life, it is to beat Beta Man once and for all... And to remain loyal to Wily. And that is why I, Ninja Man, will ALWAYS be Wily's GREATEST Creation! ...Good day to you, sir. *Walks out*
Jazz MKII's Ending Ninja Ghost fades away, turning out to be a hologram, while the REAL Ninja Ghost walks in. You done very well with your tests, Jazz. I'm impressed. Thank you. And I apologize for trashing my fellow soldiers. Oh, please, it was well worth the sacrifice. I could always repair them, after all. Anyways, Jazz, I believe you are ready for our next plan. And since you already took out MegaBoy AND my newer-model counterpart... As long as you are on my side, NO ONE stands a chance.
Mega Man?'s Ending ...How? How could I lose to you? ...You're nothing but a rip-off of Mega Man. You're nothing SPECIAL. So... How? ...Heh. That's simple... You merely underestimated me and the power Wily gave me... No. You underestimated the power of us Wily-bots altogether. We don't need these "special weapons" you guys keep giving us. For the most part, we're already at our highest potential. So why don't you go back to making your OWN robots instead of kidnapping us and giving us your "hand-me-downs", capiche? *Leaves* ...Perhaps he's on to something... ...Yes... Indeed he is...
Proto Man MKII's Ending ... ...Hmph. You're pathetic, you know that? You only give yourself these armors to possess because you KNOW that the REAL you is weak. No wonder Bt Ghost abandoned you in the void. ...Heh. ...What's so funny? ...You're not too different from Jazz, you know. Sure, you don't have his competitive spirit AND you're MUCH more brutal than he is... But you both are very powerful fighters that'll do everything in your power to crush your foes... Also, your names both end with "MKII" and you both REALLY don't seem to like your creators. Walter CAN be quite annoying. You should consider joining me. Perhaps, you, Jazz, and I could make an UNSTOPPABLE team. How about it? ...No. I don't work with cowardly weaklings like yourself. *Leaves*
Rotom's Ending ...Hmph. So you beaten me. The question still remains, however. So, Rotom... Would you call yourself a hero? Or are you just someone that fights only for power, saving Christmas, or just for the sake of- Yeah, no. I seen all the other endings. All that's going to happen is some random dialogue with it ending with me not taking you to ghost jail or destroying you or something. *Starts writing down something* Personally, I don't have time for yet ANOTHER bull*REGGAE'D* ending like this. So how about this? *Gives Ninja Ghost a slip of paper* I'll just give you this I.O.U. for my answer to your question, and we don't have to go through any of this bull*REGGAE'D*. Oh yeah. And expect a LOT of pain next time I see you. *Leaves* ...This is just a drawing of that removed skeleton from Undertale! ...Wait, what is he spelling out with his ha- *Sudden realization* ... You flying, purple SON OF A-
ZeroDXZ's Ending ...You beaten me. But what now, are you going to kill me? Fool. You can't kill what is already a ghost. And fat chance trying to catch me as well. Face it, you can never catch me, Zero. Even if you trap me while possessing something, I'd just leave that body and escape. You have better chances of getting Beta Man's Field Star than you do stopping me once and for all. *Starts to float away* ...There will ALWAYS be evil in the world, Zero. It's just the way the world works. *Leaves* ...Tch. What does HE know? ...While it's true that there is always evil... It's also true that there will ALWAYS be a shining beacon of hope and justice, ready to stop it... And that beacon shall be me.
FINALLY, I'm done with this one. Next time when I post something, expect a role update for MegaTale (once I plan a few things out) and a new AU thing because why not.
Posted on November 6th, 2017 at 8:32amEdited on 2017/11/06 at 9:05am
Posted 2017/11/06 at 8:32amEdited 2017/11/06 at 9:05am
I imagine a game in Megaman Powered Up style that features the robot masters from Megaman 1-10. The game works in a similar concept to Sonic Heroes in the sense that you can have up to three characters/robot masters in your team and there are areas you can only access with a certain robot master in certain stages. To unlock the robot masters, you would have to survive them for two minutes with a timer visible on the screen, and then when you survive for two minutes, they realize you are innocent and have no intention of harming them, then they join forces with you. Whenever you beat one of the generations, Wily moves on to the next one. For example, if you beat Generation 1(MM1) for the first time, you unlock Generation 2(MM2). You aren't able to play as the Fortress Bosses of any generation, but there are two special multiplayer modes where you can. Mode 1 is where everyone plays as Fortress Bosses, and the more times you defeat other players, you transform into stronger Fortress Bosses. Mode 2 is like the Fortress Boss battles in the Single Player mode, but instead one player is the chosen character/robot master, and the other player is the Fortress Boss. If you are a Fortress Boss in any mode, you are able to move around and use it's attacks when you want. In Story Mode when you defeat Wily for the first time in Generation 10, you unlock the Final Area, Wily Tower, but a extended version of it. The extension is that there is a new first stage in Wily Tower, while the other parts of Wily Tower are the same. The first stage plays simular to the first Wily Castle stage in Megaman 10 in the sense that while you go through the level, you encounter at certain points in a room, Ballade, Punk, and then at the end of the level, Enker. You battle them at certain parts, like the Weapon Archives in Wily Castle Stage 1 of Megaman 10. After you beat the game/Wily Tower for the first time, you are able to buy skins for the characters/robot masters, and you unlock Challenges Mode.