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Mega Man RPG Prototype General Discussion

Can you add Mega Evolution in MMRPG Prototype?

November 19th, 2017 at 11:40pm
Alicia Shadow
Alicia Shadow
421,860,171 BP
11 TP | 41 PP
When I was figuring out when I do pixel drawing of Mega Ice Man and Mega Proto Man Y. You can ask me for combination of Mega Evolution and Master Robots it would be useful and great idea to do for MMRPG Prototype. Also I pixel drawing Mega Snake Man and Mega Napalm Man X. Here is my example of Mega Evolution Master Robots

Mega Man Mega Evolution Robots

•Mega Ice Man (Freeze Core)
•Mega Elec Man (Electric Core)
•Mega Fire Man Y (Flame Core)
•Mega Bomb Man (Explode Core)
•Mega Cut Man (Cutter Core)
•Mega Time Man (Time Core)
•Mega Oil Man (Earth Core)
•Mega Rockman (Copy Core)
•Mega Roll (Neutral Core)

•Mega Flash Man (Time Core)
•Mega Heat Man X (Flame Core)
•Mega Wood Man (Nature Core)
•Mega Crash Man Y (Explode Core)
•Mega Bubble Man (Water Core)
•Mega Air Man X (Wind Core)
•Mega Quick Man (Swift Core)
•Mega Metal Man (Cutter Core)
•Mega Bass (Copy Core)
•Mega Disco (Neutral Core)

•Mega Needle Man (Cutter Core)
•Mega Magnet Man (Missile Core)
•Mega Gemini Man (Crystal Core)
•Mega Snake Man (Nature Core)
•Mega Spark Man Y (Electric Core)
•Mega Hard Man (Impact Core)
•Mega Shadow Man (Shadow Core)
•Mega Top Man (Swift Core)

•Mega Dive Man (Missile Core)
•Mega Bright Man (Time Man)
•Mega Skull Man (Shadow Core)
•Mega Ring Man X (Space Core)
•Mega Drill Man (Earth Core)
•Mega Pharaoh Man Y (Flame Core)
•Mega Toad Man (Water Core)
•Mega Dust Man (Wind Core)
•Mega Proto Man Y (Copy Core)
•Mega Rhythm X (Neutral Core)

Mega Man 5-10 Mega Evolution Robots coming soon
Can you add Mega Evolution in MMRPG Prototype?
Posted by Alicia Shadow on November 19th, 2017 at 11:40pm
Viewed 792 Times


4,279,483,687 BP
10 TP | 592 PP
Posted on November 20th, 2017 at 1:23am Edited on 2017/11/20 at 1:40am
Posted 2017/11/20 at 1:23am Edited 2017/11/20 at 1:40am
ok so


This requires a ton of sprites, programming, possible new fields, and weapons, etc, and seeing how the game is already is unbalanced as it is this is just a horrible idea at the time being. The last update was in April, with some incredibly small fixes on GitHub and the such later on. People have waited literally years for a major, non-balancing or whatever, update, such as the long waited for Mega Man 5 update. Along with that...the idea for the mega evolution or whatever just doesn't make sense in a gameplay perspective. For example, how come there are some robots with "X" or "Y" Mega Evolutions, yet no counterpart, like how actual Pokemon mega evolution works? Besides possibly the Mega/Proto/Bass trio, I don't see why robots like Pharaoh or Crash Man need more than one form of this theoretical idea. With all of this though, there would also be the thought of how useful would they actually be...and I don't think they would be or would be too overpowered. Again, the game has enough major balancing issues as it is, this just wouldn't help that issue at all.

If anything, at least it would be a cool idea for Shiver's Megamon thing that she is working on? i dunno lol

also also also mega bright man (time man) the best mega evolution and also the best typo
also also also also you broke it, you doof
^ Top
4,658,472,259 BP
3 TP | 73 PP
Posted on November 20th, 2017 at 1:36am Edited on 2017/11/20 at 1:41am
Posted 2017/11/20 at 1:36am Edited 2017/11/20 at 1:41am
I'm almost certain there'll be no Mega Evolution in MMRPG.

Though, I'd love to see your pixel drawings of this stuff.

damn, i was late
^ Top
Alicia Shadow
421,860,171 BP
11 TP | 41 PP
Posted on November 20th, 2017 at 4:29am
Posted 2017/11/20 at 4:29am
Thanks for that :) you two are the best friends ever
^ Top
Alicia Shadow
421,860,171 BP
11 TP | 41 PP
Posted on November 20th, 2017 at 4:35am
Posted 2017/11/20 at 4:35am
But I show you guys what I got at home
^ Top
Alicia Shadow
421,860,171 BP
11 TP | 41 PP
Posted on November 20th, 2017 at 4:46am
Posted 2017/11/20 at 4:46am
I'm happy from now :D
^ Top
4,279,483,687 BP
10 TP | 592 PP
Posted on November 20th, 2017 at 5:21am
Posted 2017/11/20 at 5:21am
@Alicia Solar Flare : first off
Please don't triple post like that, the edit button is there for a reason.
^ Top
Alicia Shadow
421,860,171 BP
11 TP | 41 PP
Posted on November 20th, 2017 at 5:47am
Posted 2017/11/20 at 5:47am
Ok then I will stop triple post
^ Top
4,658,472,259 BP
3 TP | 73 PP
Posted on December 16th, 2017 at 2:16pm
Posted 2017/12/16 at 2:16pm
i'm still curious, please show pixel drawings

..Y'know, if you actually have any.
^ Top

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