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So, Since Mikey stopped doing these a while back. I feel like there is a decent amount of people we should get a shot at doing interviews at. However this interview system will be a little bit different.
Let's start off with the basics and work our way into the changes 1. 15 User Questions 2. 5 Host Questions 3. Someone will get to host me sometime and it will probably be the same as when Mikey did it.
Now for the changes 1. I will be using Discord to get the 5 Host Questions 2. 1-3 Questions per User (You can have more i'll just pick from the three) 3. Interviews will usually take 1-2 weeks.
I'll be hosting a Poll on who i should do an interview on first.
The results will be decided on December 2nd at 5:00pm EST.
Posted on December 3rd, 2017 at 11:22amEdited on 2017/12/03 at 11:28am
Posted 2017/12/03 at 11:22amEdited 2017/12/03 at 11:28am
im surprised no one has asked anything yet. might as well be the first ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 1. most people on here have some sort of persona. do you? (by this, i mean design wise) 2. you have...a lot of jokes you go through, like super mario scary, do you have any favorites? 3. do you make any sprite art?
Posted on December 3rd, 2017 at 3:23pmEdited on 2017/12/03 at 3:26pm
Posted 2017/12/03 at 3:23pmEdited 2017/12/03 at 3:26pm
1. What's your favorite Mario game? 2. How were you introduced to the Mega Man franchise, and what do you like about it? 3. If you were covered in a suit of bacon and dropped in a Hyena den, what MMRPG user would you want to help you get out of this situation? 4. What's the story of Gigavolt Man? I just realized I know next to nothing about the character
1. Would you rather forget Gigavolt Man, or have him be immortalized in your memories for life? 2. What games do you like aside from Mario and Mega Man?
ok 1. You already explained it in a livestream's chat but for the public, what is the story of Super Mario Scary 2. do you forgive me for my sins of my magmml2 level 3. why do you like such weird memes, man
Posted on December 6th, 2017 at 7:39amEdited on 2017/12/06 at 7:43am
Posted 2017/12/06 at 7:39amEdited 2017/12/06 at 7:43am
1.uhhhhhhhhhhhhh why Alica other than memes 2. she has been here for a month and has not made any good impressions from anyone 3. I mean come on now, Rotom is a better candidate for this even though many think...otherwise 4. In the polls you even knew this is a bad idea with the whole "*sigh*" thing 5. Whyyyyyyyyy
Posted on December 6th, 2017 at 9:43amEdited on 2017/12/06 at 9:46am
Posted 2017/12/06 at 9:43amEdited 2017/12/06 at 9:46am
1.Why do you think you are the best player by using strategies probably many people have already used 2.How old are you 3.How did you find the prototype
1. I use my strategy way is to used Rhythm Satellite and Rain Flush. I do type punctuations 2. My favourite master robot is everything in Mega Man. I'm 14 years old 3. When I was found the Prototype, then I practice to train my strategy way
Posted on December 8th, 2017 at 12:47pmEdited on 2017/12/08 at 12:50pm
Posted 2017/12/08 at 12:47pmEdited 2017/12/08 at 12:50pm
@Buddy1 : You do know the game is technically not even finished right ? Also don't ask this here this thread is supposed to be players making questions so Megaboy can send this questions to other players not about the game