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Posted on September 8th, 2014 at 8:05pmEdited on 2014/09/08 at 8:09pm
Posted 2014/09/08 at 8:05pmEdited 2014/09/08 at 8:09pm
I like celebrating, don't all of you? How about we celebrate this?
I swear, someone suggested different tabs in the database before....
"Even though I'm technically supposed to be taking it easy I'm actually working on some fun tweaks to the community. Excited to share them with everyone. :)"
Posted on September 9th, 2014 at 2:47pmEdited on 2014/09/09 at 3:29pm
Posted 2014/09/09 at 2:47pmEdited 2014/09/09 at 3:29pm
"I think there should be a little tab button to switch the sprites shown, for Alts and such, since we have quite a bit."
You even questioned it on what it was in Game Suggestions. Although, chances are Adrian didn't even see that and made the idea on his own. I wouldn't be surprised. The guy's a genius!
Car from you? You got until Saturday to get ME one. Clock's ticking.
Has no one noticed Roll has three alts? Think about that real quick....
@Mega B : I know I was kidding :P. Also, I wouldn't doubt that Adrian saw your suggestion; he's VERY good at being attentive to the community before making changes on the site, so don't get so down on yourself. YOU'RE SO DEPRESSING GOSH!
Okay, how about a compromise? Since we're both b-day boys, we don't have to get each other anything. Just rely on the others :).
@TheDoc : Actually, I have this one art style in MS Paint that's terrible for sprites, but could look....fine as a Powered Up version. At least, I think.