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All fields now have their own set of damage and/or recovery multipliers using all the different types in the game. As an example, the Waterfall Institute stage guarded by Bubble Man now has multipliers for Water x 2.0, Nature x 1.3, and Flame x 0.3. Any abilities used on this field with a matching type will therefore have their effects multiplied automatically.
In addition to appearing on the main menu's after selecting your mission, these multipliers are also shown on the bottom of the battle window and update in real-time, adding a lot of colour and visual feedback to an otherwise static canvas.
Multipliers are stackable, and for the "fusion fields" that appear later in the main game you will notice some unusual combinations of boosts/handicaps making each field much more unique. Couple this with the fact that the fusion stages in every player's save file are randomly generated and there is bound to be a lot of strange and unusual strategies evolving from this new mechanic. And what's more, the Bonus Field unlocked at the end of the main game has completely randomized stat multipliers making it incredibly fun to replay and adapt to over and over again.
I should also mention that certain stages have custom multipliers for overall damage, overall recovery, and experience points. These types of multipliers can be manually modified by the player using special abilities like the Experience Booster or Damage Breaker or dealing super-effective damage to the opponent's robots.
Please be aware that some of this information could be outdated. See the Official Question and Answer thread or post below if you have any questions.-MBM
Field Multipliers Posted by Adrian Marceau on April 28th, 2013 at 7:09pm Viewed 1410 Times
So uhm, I really think the Experience field multiplier needs a cap. It's really great that you can level up super fast with a bit of setup, but within 150 turns, it is easily possible to level 6 robots from level 1 to level 100. I think, 10x should be enough, since it still gives you enormous amounts of exp but still *might* require you to do more than one battle.
I didn't really find any place to post this on, since there is no real "SUGGESTIONS GO HERE" thread (I think), and I'm half-blind.
So, a friendly reminder that there's still no way to deselect selected robots in the robot select screen :)
Thanks for this - I will definitely add a cap to these abilities as they can clearly be abused. Lol. I'm thinking more along the lines of a 5x cap rather than a 10x, but I'll experiment a bit and we'll see. I also definitely need to add that deselect option to the team selector on the main menu - sorry I keep forgetting about that. >_>
I think an self-intuitive way of doing that would be deselecting robots by clicking them. In fact, when I first played the game, I thougth I could do that. Also, the Field Multipliers are a very cool update, as they change your strategy and also add a bit of actual purpose to train on the Bonus Field, as you get lots of xp.