Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2017 and is no longer being maintained.
Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved.
Return to the archive index for more legacy content or
play the current version of the game for all the new stuff.
If there are any mechanics in the game that you think deserve some explanation but do not have a discussion thread yet, please suggest them here and I'll evaluate whether they are appropriate for a new thread or if I should update an existing one with more detail. No mechanic is too small and no question is too stupid - I'd like to have as much documented about this game as possible, and I look forward to any and all replies. Thank you!
Please be aware that some of this information could be outdated. See the Official Question and Answer thread or post below if you have any questions.-MBM
Discussion Suggestions Posted by Adrian Marceau on April 28th, 2013 at 7:31pm Viewed 1504 Times
Check the formatting options at the bottom-right of the comment form and make note of the Cutter one. If you wrap text [in square brackets] and then add a {nature} besides it (without spaces) you get this! If you want your text to be dual-typed, just use an underscore like {freeze_cutter}. :)
@LinzoReborn : There should be a tab that says "Players." Click it. You should be lead to a list of fields that are used for Dr. Light, Dr. Wily, and Dr. Cossack. If you click onto a field that is listed, it should bring up a drop-down menu of fields that you can replace the field you clicked it with. Now locate the MM3 section, and click the field you want to play. Now go back to home, go to the player you replaced the field with, and now you can enjoy the battle! Remember, the field affects Fusion Fields and Final Destination III.