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Mega Man RPG Prototype News & Updates

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Adrian Marceau
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Hello my fellow Mega Men and Mega Women (and Mega Boys and Mega Girls)! Another round of updates have been applied to the Prototype and I wanted to go over the basics with you. Most of the changes are structural and should have no effect on gameplay, but there are a few that might interest players of the game. Let's get started.

- Ability / Item Split of 2016 -

Prior to this update, abilities and items were technically the same thing in the coding of the game and it required extra effort on my part to get them functioning as distinct entities. In an effort to optimize the game going forward and to simplify the coding of future items, I have decided to split them into their own separate category of objects.

While the majority of these changes were made at the code level, it was also necessary for me to patch existing save files using the legacy item structure. This patch simply re-organizes some of that data in your game file, and those affected should receive a personal message from the System Bot.

- New Robot Master Sprites -

New preview robots have been added to the prototype in the form of Cloud Man and Nitro Man, courtesy of MegaBossMan and MMX100 respectively. Thank you both for these wonderful sprites! Please look out for these new robots in fusion field battles and in the prototype bonus mission! :D

cloud-man Cloud Man

cloud-man    cloud-man    cloud-man    cloud-man    cloud-man    cloud-man    cloud-man    cloud-man    cloud-man cloud-man

nitro-man Nitro Man

nitro-man nitro-man nitro-man nitro-man nitro-man nitro-man nitro-man nitro-man nitro-man nitro-man

- Other Miscellaneous Updates -

New Items Tab Added to Prototype Menu and Leaderboards (2016/08/06)
Both the in-game prototype menu and the website's player leaderboard pages have been updated with a new tab for items. It is now possible to view all the different kinds of items collected by a player as well as their current quantities. This should make it easier to track collection progress.

Enemies Can Now Drop Multiple Items at Once (2016/08/06)
Battle reward functionality has been updated so that multiple items can be dropped by a disabled robot at once. The exact quantity of items dropped is mostly random but influenced by its rarity and the context of the mission. A support mecha may drop anywhere from 1 to 6 Small Screws, for example, while a robot master may only drop up to three Large Screws at once.

Robot Core Throwing Damage Increased (2016/08/06)
Instead of dealing a set amount of percent-based damage when thrown, Robot Cores now have their base power directly correlated to the user's current level. This means that thrown cores can do anywhere from 1 to 100 base damage before modifiers are applied. Additionally, damage from these items is now affected by the user and target's stats, current field multipliers, and even core boosts.

Login Passwords Can Now Be Changed! (2016/08/16)
This long overdue feature is now finally available. Check the profile editor for a new "Change Password" feature and enjoy some added security and peace-of-mind. This will also make it easier to "reset" passwords for users when they forget them. I'm sorry this took so long, but I'm glad it's finally available. Enjoy?

Support Robot Alt Images (2016/08/18)
Robot alts have (finally) been imported from world and certain robots can now be able to change their image/skin/outfit from the robot editor by clicking on their sprite. Currently only the three support robots - Roll, Disco, and Rhythm - have alternate outfits which are unlocked by summoning them enough times in battle. All unlockable robots have alternate outfits which can be earned by summoning them in battle or purchased in the post-game from Auto's Shop. Changes to your robot's outfit are reflected in battle, when other players encounter you in player battles, and can even be used on the leaderboard. Alts for other robots will be made available in the shop at a later date, so stay tuned for details.

Support Mecha Robot Buffs (2016/08/18)
The support mecha that appear in battles are now capable of using more than just one ability to defend themselves and attack. In addition to their signature move, mechas will now have anywhere from 1-3 extra boost and/or break abilities such as Attack Boost, Defense Break, etc. Additionally, differently coloured support mechas are no longer divided into "generations" and instead exist as unique enemies with three alts each. These changes are reflected in the website and in-game database pages.

Mecha Support Ability Buffs (2016/08/18)
Inspired by the changes above, the Mecha Support ability has also been buffed to include the extra ability mechanic. Depending on what level the user is, the summoned mecha can have anywhere from 1-3 extra support abilities to aid you in battle. In order to make the ability less tedious to use, I also got rid of the summon-count and made the mecha's level equal to half the user's. Hopefully someone can find a use for this ability now. :P

Beak, Bombomb, and Killer Bullet Enemies (2016/08/18)
The Laser-type Beak enemy has been removed from Bomb Man's stage and added to each of the Final Destination (1) missions. In its place, the new Explode-type Bombomb has been added to Orb City. This new mecha uses the "Bombomb Boom" ability which - like the Killer Bullet - launches the user at its target and self-destructing to deal massive damage. To compensate, the Killer Bullet's ability no longer destroyes the user in one hit but instead deal 33% recoil damage allowing multiple uses.

Boss Database Added, Robot Masters Recategorized (2016/08/18)
Boss robots have been separated from the masters and moved into their own category, much like the mechas before them. The amount of bosses is low right now and two of them don't even appear in game, but that will be changing going forward. This also makes it more obvious to newer players which robots are unlockable and which are not.

Robot Master Alts Added to the Game (2016/08/20)
Alternate outfits have been added to the game for all MM1, MM2, MM3, and MM4 robot masters and can be unlocked by summoning them enough times in battle or purchasing them in the post-game through Auto's Shop. The price of these alternate outfits is tied to their required summon count with discounts given only to the support bots, making some of the more difficult ones to obtain (like the Darkness alts) incredibly expensive. Generally, if you see someone on the leaderboard using a rare alternate outfit it's a good bet they're loaded with copious amounts of zenny.

New Support Ability Sprites and Updates (2016/08/28)
I've made some (minor) updates to the existing support abilities and wanted to give everyone a heads-up on what's added, changed, and/or removed from the game. Small changes to be sure, but I believe these changes will have an overall positive effect on the game for both existing and new players alike.
- Roll, Disco, and Rhythm have had their level-up support abilities removed so they only appear in the shop
- The Shuffle abilities have been deprecated and removed from both the main game and the ability database
- The Mode abilities have replaced the deprecated Shuffle abilities as the new Tier III stat moves in the game
- The Swap abilities now work differently for robots other than Roll, Disco, or Rhythm targeting allies instead
- All (non-deprecated) stat-based support abilities have had their icons redone to be more visually consistent
- All stat-based support abilities have also had their weapons energy requirements revised and increased slightly
- Neutral-core robots now get the same -50% weapon energy bonuses for Neutral-type abilities as other cores/types do

I hope you enjoy the (admittedly minor) changes and please let me know if you have any questions or notice any bugs that I should fix. We're getting closer and closer to the Prototype catching up with the World and I for one am very excited by the possibilities. Thank you for playing and have fun! ^_^
August 2016 Update : Separating Abilities and Items
Posted by Adrian Marceau on August 6th, 2016 at 9:52pm
Viewed 76114 Times


3,608,619,115 BP
15 TP | 657 PP
Posted on August 7th, 2016 at 12:00am
Posted 2016/08/07 at 12:00am
The new sprites look great! It's also good to know we're still getting updates, no matter how small. I'm excited about World!
^ Top
3,476,634 BP
17 TP | 91 PP
Posted on August 7th, 2016 at 10:29pm
Posted 2016/08/07 at 10:29pm
Awesome! Snazzy Cloud Man sprites. As for the rest of the updates, I do like the sound of receiving more items at a time.
^ Top
9,080,402 BP
0 TP | 9 PP
Posted on August 10th, 2016 at 7:20pm
Posted 2016/08/10 at 7:20pm
Very Very interesting props on the cool idea you have there....i'll take this information into consideration.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Posted on August 11th, 2016 at 11:27pm
Posted 2016/08/11 at 11:27pm
Small update, but account passwords can now be changed from the profile editor. Finally. Yay!
^ Top
3,608,619,115 BP
15 TP | 657 PP
Posted on August 13th, 2016 at 1:34pm
Posted 2016/08/13 at 1:34pm
Hey, that's great! Now nobody will guess that my password was just password.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Posted on August 18th, 2016 at 9:47pm Edited on 2016/08/20 at 5:19pm
Posted 2016/08/18 at 9:47pm Edited 2016/08/20 at 5:19pm
A few more updates have been applied to the Prototype, mostly imported from World, and I wanted to give everyone a heads-up on what to expect going in. Let's get started!


Robot Alt Images
Robot alts have (finally) been imported from world and certain robots can now be able to change their image/skin/outfit from the robot editor by clicking on their sprite. Currently only the three support robots - Roll, Disco, and Rhythm - have alternate outfits which are unlocked by summoning them enough times in battle. All unlockable robots have alternate outfits which can be earned by summoning them in battle or purchased in the post-game from Auto's Shop. Changes to your robot's outfit are reflected in battle, when other players encounter you in player battles, and can even be used on the leaderboard. Alts for other robots will be made available in the shop at a later date, so stay tuned for details.

Support Mecha Buffs
The support mecha that appear in battles are now capable of using more than just one ability to defend themselves and attack. In addition to their signature move, mechas will now have anywhere from 1-3 extra boost and/or break abilities such as Attack Boost, Defense Break, etc. Additionally, differently coloured support mechas are no longer divided into "generations" and instead exist as unique enemies with three alts each. These changes are reflected in the website and in-game database pages.

Mecha Support Buffs
Inspired by the changes above, the Mecha Support ability has also been buffed to include the extra ability mechanic. Depending on what level the user is, the summoned mecha can have anywhere from 1-3 extra support abilities to aid you in battle. In order to make the ability less tedious to use, I also got rid of the summon-count and made the mecha's level equal to half the user's. Hopefully someone can find a use for this ability now. :P

Beak, Bombomb, and Killer Bullet
The Laser-type Beak enemy has been removed from Bomb Man's stage and added to each of the Final Destination (1) missions. In its place, the new Explode-type Bombomb has been added to Orb City. This new mecha uses the "Bombomb Boom" ability which - like the Killer Bullet - launches the user at its target and self-destructing to deal massive damage. To compensate, the Killer Bullet's ability no longer destroyes the user in one hit but instead deal 33% recoil damage allowing multiple uses.

Boss Database
Boss robots have been separated from the masters and moved into their own category, much like the mechas before them. The amount of bosses is low right now and two of them don't even appear in game, but that will be changing going forward. This also makes it more obvious to newer players which robots are unlockable and which are not.


And that's it for now. If I remember any other changes I'll update this post, and please let me know if you find any bugs or have any questions. Have fun! :D
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Posted on August 20th, 2016 at 5:21pm
Posted 2016/08/20 at 5:21pm
Hello again with a small update regarding robot alts.

Alternate outfits have been added to the game for all MM1, MM2, MM3, and MM4 robot masters and can be unlocked by summoning them enough times in battle or purchasing them in the post-game through Auto's Shop. The price of these alternate outfits is tied to their required summon count with discounts given only to the support bots, making some of the more difficult ones to obtain (like the Darkness alts) incredibly expensive. Generally, if you see someone on the leaderboard using a rare alternate outfit it's a good bet they're loaded with copious amounts of zenny.

I realized this is technically a very old mechanic that was integrated into World over a year ago, but having the outfits purchasable in the shop makes it worth the wait in my opinion. I hope everyone enjoys them either way and I look forward to seeing some new avatars showing up on the leaderboard. ^_^
^ Top
1,348,940,198 BP
3 TP | 718 PP
Posted on August 20th, 2016 at 7:28pm
Posted 2016/08/20 at 7:28pm
Are the Alts in stock completely randomized? If so, how often do they change? Also, are some alts (i.e Darkness alts) more rare to find in the shop than others, or is that already balanced by the price?
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on August 20th, 2016 at 7:30pm
Posted 2016/08/20 at 7:30pm
@TheDoc : From what I understand it's the level of Auto's shop that goes on to expand the amount of alts, although at the moment I do think they're set instead of randomized? Buying alts do seem to cause the shop level to shoot up from what I've seen, mine personally went from up to Level 44 to Level 100 within buying most of the sets besides the darkness ones, although they might have been due to how high they were upon the beginning of the update (100,000 rather than 10,000).
^ Top
1,567,654,000 BP
13 TP | 874 PP
Posted on August 20th, 2016 at 8:22pm Edited on 2016/08/20 at 8:32pm
Posted 2016/08/20 at 8:22pm Edited 2016/08/20 at 8:32pm

Yeah, it's not THAT big of a deal IMO. But it IS rather cool. Plus I can actually SPEND my craptons of zenny now.
^ Top
Retro Pikachu
3,561,826,418 BP
30 TP | 621 PP
Posted on August 20th, 2016 at 11:20pm Edited on 2016/08/20 at 11:41pm
Posted 2016/08/20 at 11:20pm Edited 2016/08/20 at 11:41pm
I literally just blew ~44 million zenny on the alts... that includes the darkness ones that went for 900,000 zenny a piece. I REGRET NOTHING!!!!

EDIT: I just realized what Halloween is going to be like on the prototype.
^ Top
4,279,483,687 BP
10 TP | 592 PP
Posted on August 20th, 2016 at 11:52pm
Posted 2016/08/20 at 11:52pm
@Retro Pikachu : Darkness alts...darkness alts everywhere....That'll be fun.
^ Top
952,935,390 BP
9 TP | 540 PP
Posted on August 21st, 2016 at 9:03am
Posted 2016/08/21 at 9:03am
@ThatOneEnderMan : Ender yup everywhere is darkness,have fun huehuehueheuheuehueheuheueh
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Posted on August 28th, 2016 at 6:56pm
Posted 2016/08/28 at 6:56pm
Greetings, players. I've made some (minor) updates to the existing support abilities and wanted to give everyone a heads-up on what's added, changed, and/or removed from the game.

New Support Ability Sprites and Updates (2016/08/28)
- Roll, Disco, and Rhythm have had their level-up support abilities removed so they only appear in the shop
- The Shuffle abilities have been deprecated and removed from both the main game and the ability database
- The Mode abilities have replaced the deprecated Shuffle abilities as the new Tier III stat moves in the game
- The Swap abilities now work differently for robots other than Roll, Disco, or Rhythm targeting allies instead
- All (non-deprecated) stat-based support abilities have had their icons redone to be more visually consistent
- All stat-based support abilities have also had their weapons energy requirements revised and increased slightly
- Neutral-core robots now get the same -50% weapon energy bonuses for Neutral-type abilities as other cores/types do

Small changes to be sure, but I believe these changes will have an overall positive effect on the game for both existing and new players alike. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or bugs and please enjoy the updates. :)
^ Top
952,935,390 BP
9 TP | 540 PP
Posted on August 28th, 2016 at 8:32pm
Posted 2016/08/28 at 8:32pm
@Adrian Marceau : This sound's intresting Adrian surely I will check it out.
^ Top

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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)