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Mega Man RPG Prototype News & Updates

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Adrian Marceau
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Once again the Prototype has been updated with new content, features, and mechanics - some imported from World and others completely new to the game.

In contrast to the relatively tame updates from the past few months, this one aims to shake up the game in a much bigger way. I have confidence that some of these new changes will be rejoiced and appreciated for years to come, though I'm sure others are bound to cause a stir among the community. Either way, please continue reading with an open mind and I sincerely hope you enjoy what I've been working on for the last month.

The most notable features of this update are the introduction of a new hold-item mechanic and the death of an old, unbalanced beast we once called Starforce;

Robots can now be equipped with various hold items shortly after unlocking Kalinka in the game. Items like the Energy Pellet and Attack Capsule are automatically consumed by the holder after taking a specific amount of stat damage, while items like the Energy Upgrade and Target Module have more specialized and unique effects. Even the elemental cores can be held to extend a given robot's ability compatibility and grant a +25% boost to power weapon energy efficiency. Target robots in certain story missions will now be equipped with hold items for added challenge.

The old mechanics of Starforce have been destroyed and new ones have taken their place. Field Stars and Fusion Stars are now collected as part of the main story (rather than post-game) and act as key items - unlocking certain chapters only after the player has accumulated a specific amount. Collected stars also contribute to the global Battle Point total and affect the sell prices of certain shop items. They do not, however, have any effect on the damage or recovery power of abilities used in battle. Collecting all 1024 is now a task only completionists need care about.

Here's a list of patch notes below explaining all the new tweaks, additions, and changes included in this update:
Robot Editor Updates

New Robot Editor
New Ability Selector New Item Selector New Player Selector Drag and Drop Robots
- Robot editor has been updated with improvements imported from World
- Ability, item, and player selectors more user-friendly with sorting and colours
- Robots can be dragged and dropped between doctors once the feature is unlocked in-game

Starforce Updates

field-star_nature field-star_flame field-star_water field-star_electric

- Starforce no longer boost attack power or experience, instead increases battle points
- Field Stars grant +6,000 BP and Fusion Stars grant +9,000 BP while in player's possession
- Some mission chapters in the campaign are now locked behind star count requirements
- Sell prices for robot cores in the shop are now boosted by elemental starforce levels

field-star_nature fusion-star_water-shield fusion-star_freeze-electric
- Field and Fusion stars saved as separate images, can now be used in community
[item]{field-star_nature} [item]{fusion-star_water-shield} [item]{fusion-star_freeze-electric}

Item Updates

New Item Categories and Sorting
- All items are now grouped by kind (consumable, holdable, event, etc.)
- Robots can now hold specific items for bonuses or special effects in battle
- Holding a consumable auto-triggers the item when relevant stat is lowered
- Holding a robot core grants move compatibility, +25% power and -25% weapon energy
- Only consumable items can be used in-battle, now require one turn to execute
- Target robots now only drop screws, shards, or cores when disabled in battle
- Cores can no longer be thrown at target robots in battle to deal elemental damage

Miscellaneous Updates

New Visual Perspective
- Visual perspective in battle changed very slightly (most apparent in 8vs8 battles, may not notice)
- All benched robots receive same 50% reduction to received damage, exact position irrelevant
- Benched robots no longer show stat boost messages on level-up, speeding up some battles

New Ballade Form Change
- Ballade now triggers form change when life energy drops below half, boosting all stats

New Unlockable Robot Icon
- Unlockable robots now have a hovering lock icon in battle, fades if corrupted

dr-light light-buster dr-wily wily-buster dr-cossack cossack-buster
- Light, Wily, Cossack Buster abilities now unlocked at start for their respective doctors during campaign
- Many other abilities have had power tweaks, minor text fixes, and functionality optimizations

New Holdable Items:
These items can be purchased from Kalinka's Shop and then equipped to your robots before battle. They each have different and unique effects - from boosting stats to tweaking mechanics - and can be reused an infinite number of times.

energy-upgrade weapon-upgrade
- Energy Upgrade doubles the base life energy of the holder in battle
- Weapon Upgrade doubles the base weapon energy of the holder in battle

attack-booster defense-booster speed-booster field-booster
- Attack Booster increases attack stat of holder after each turn in battle
- Defense Booster increases defense stat of holder after each turn in battle
- Speed Booster increases speed stat of holder after each turn in battle
- Field Booster increases core-type field multiplier after each turn in battle

target-module charge-module growth-module fortune-module
- Target Module extends reach of many abilities to target benched robots
- Charge Module allows two-turn charge abilities to be used in only one
- Growth Module doubles experience and stat bonuses earned by holder in battle
- Fortune Module greatly increases prize money and item drop frequency in battle

New Event Items:
These key items are unlocked during the story and provide narrative context to the various mechanics in the Prototype. They will have little effect on veteran players who have already unlocked everything in their game files, but will be invaluable to new players who are still learning the ropes. These items also make it easier for me - the developer - to trickle out features slowly rather them all at once.

light-program wily-program cossack-program
- Light Program allows doctors to share items and abilities with each other
- Wily Program allows doctors to transfer unlocked robots between each other
- Cossack Program allows doctors to collect new field and fusion stars in battle

auto-link reggae-link kalinka-link
- Auto Link connects doctors with Auto, unlocks his shop
- Reggae Link connects doctors with Reggae, unlocks its shop
- Kalinka Link connects doctors with Kalinka, unlocks her shop

item-codes dress-codes ability-codes weapon-codes equip-codes field-codes
- Item Codes allow item use in-battle, unlock the Item Shop
- Dress Cores allow robot pallet swapping, unlock the Alt Shop
- Ability Codes unlock new support abilities, unlock the Ability Shop
- Weapon Codes unlock new special weapons, unlock the Weapon Shop
- Equip Codes allow item holding in-battle, unlock the Parts Shop
- Field Codes allow player field customization, unlock the Field Shop

New Abilities:
These abilities can be purchased from Reggae's Shop and equipped to compatible robots. The two Neutral-type buster abilities have niche uses but can require zero energy and can be very powerful on the right robot. Buster Charge is great for robots equipped with lots of abilities that require high weapon energy, and Buster Relay is great for support robots that want to pre-charge specific busters for their teammates. The Shot/Buster/Overdrive elemental abilities were designed specifically to padd-out some of the more under-represented types and should add more diversity to player and AI-controlled robot abilities in battle.

buster-charge buster-relay
- Buster Charge ability imported from World, fully replenishes the user's weapon energy
- Buster Relay ability imported from World, transfers any buster charges to a teammate

cutter-shot cutter-buster cutter-overdrive freeze-shot freeze-buster freeze-overdrive
flame-shot flame-buster flame-overdrive electric-shot electric-buster electric-overdrive
crystal-shot crystal-buster crystal-overdrive space-shot space-buster space-overdrive
shield-shot shield-buster shield-overdrive laser-shot laser-buster laser-overdrive
- New elemental abilities for Cutter, Freeze, Flame, Electric, Crystal, Space, Shield, and Laser types
- Elemental shot abilities deal low damage for zero energy with perfect accuracy
- Elemental buster abilities deal medium damage with element-boosting charge effect
- Elemental overdrive abilities deal high damage to all target robots using up all energy

New Robots:
Even though the purpose of this update was not to introduce new challengers (we'll save that for another time), MegaBossMan managed to sneak in a new Missile Core robots - Search Man! Look forward to seeing him in battle and let us know what you think in the comments!

search-man Search Man

search-man    search-man    search-man    search-man    search-man    search-man    search-man    search-man    search-man search-man
And that's it for this update. I hope you enjoy all the hard work put into this one and please leave your thoughts and feedback in the comments below. Thanks for playing!
October 2016 Update : Hold Items and the Death of Starforce
Posted by Adrian Marceau on October 16th, 2016 at 2:51am
Viewed 11566 Times
4,279,483,687 BP
10 TP | 592 PP
Posted on October 16th, 2016 at 3:51am Edited on 2016/10/16 at 4:16am
Posted 2016/10/16 at 3:51am Edited 2016/10/16 at 4:16am
Oh wow, i didn't want to sleep anyways
So um, here is a badly written post probably about this update that murders the 20-60 hours I spent getting starfricks

First off, I knew I should have been worried when Boss said Adrian said Mike would like this update inb4 he posts a rant about it anyways as removing starfricks power entirely is...a strange way to do it. I mean, there has been quite a lot of different ways to removing/nerf their power though, such as making them slight stat increasers, but I guess making them battle point boosters is a ok way to do it. I would kinda have qanted something slightly more than a bp boost, but I don't want to sound like "WAHHHH HOW DARE YOU REMOVE MY PRECIOUS STARFRRRRICKS"

The next thing I want to talk about is the random additions. So first off, being able to fight Ballade's second form is really cool and really makes the fact he is the last killer fight really cool in some ways. The visual perspective thing is so slight I don't thing I'll actually notice it that often. Search man is a cool extra robot to fight. Um, the bunch of random items are anything too noteworthy I think? And finally, item holding was a thing I've been wanting for a while now, so time for my ring man to use rain flush, thus making ring man even better than he already is

I think that's about it, and I'll probably regret making this so early in the morning
^ Top
658,104,324 BP
6 TP | 426 PP
Posted on October 16th, 2016 at 5:51am
Posted 2016/10/16 at 5:51am
Woohoo! I knew I stayed up late for a reason! Glad to see a new update, and it's some features I've been looking forward to!


That being said, I'll bullet point my thoughts here.

Starforce-Related Changes: Honestly, I'm glad to see them being changed to benefit obtaining BP, as it helps for those trying to climb the leaderboard ladder.

Ballade's Form Change: While not really too significant, compared to the other things listed in the update, it's nice to have this variety in the boss battles, since no other boss, on the top of my head, can change forms.

(Skipping a few changes here, since I don't think they're particularly note-worthy)

New Items/Held Items: THIS. This is what I've been waiting for, since we had access to the beta test. I think this will help making Robot Master team setups more varied, along with making Player Battles more interesting.

New Abilities & Elemental Shot/Buster/Overdrive: Another feature I've been looking forward to, since we got to try the beta. I think that giving attacks for the currently more obscure elements, like Shield and Laser, really helps with dealing with certain RMs, who seem to have those inconvenient weaknesses. Oh, and the new charging-based abilities look cool too.

So, yeah. Keep up the good work, Adrian. I, along with many others, look forward to seeing what you have in store for us in the next big update.
^ Top
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Posted on October 16th, 2016 at 7:46am
Posted 2016/10/16 at 7:46am
Here are my thoughts:

Held Items
Hey, Mega, mind holding this for me? *Gives Shadow Core* Thanks. Like Ender, SSN, and probably a whole lot of others, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time. I'm sure people will find a way to be strategic with them, but as for myself... You get a core, you get a core, EVERYONE GETS A CORE! (Lol I'm bad at strategies :P)

Starforce Changes
Sorry, Starforce. Maybe your TRUE power can be used in Roleplays. (Though perhaps without stacking to become all-powerful or whatever.) All of the changes are interesting... In a way. I'm a bit disappointed that it hasn't changed my current spot on the leaderboard, but at the same time, something tells me it wasn't MEANT to do that. Either way, I'm sure Mikey will be glad to hear of this when he learns.

Ballade's Transformation
That's cool and all, but there's not really much to say here.

Locks on Unlockable RMs
I already unlocked all the Robot Masters, so this doesn't really affect me too much. Other then that, it's a nice touch.

Changes to Robot Positions
...I don't think I'll FULLY know the difference, so this is another thing that doesn't affect me much. Scratch that, while I was making this post, I was also playing the Prototype itself, and I noticed a difference. Still, doesn't really affect me, it just feels... weird. But new things do that anyways, right?

"Changes" to Busters
...Pardon? I was pretty sure you could already unlock those busters "alongside their respective doctors". Unless there used to be a moment when it didn't before this, I'm pretty sure this isn't a change. Also, tweaks and text fixes don't affect me much, but I'm interested in what these "functionality optimizations" are. (Quite honestly, though, I probably don't fully know what it means. :P)

Field and Fusion Stars in Community
Oh, Starforce made it fully to the community. Not sure if anyone will use it, though, all the roleplay posts have been all dialogue and mugshots and no items/weapons/scenes. But, it should be good for a bit of pizzazz in posts and profiles.

New Items
...Honestly, to me, they just seem... There. I'm not sure if I'll fully understand how they work, but until then, let me get rekt by the users that use the stat boosters just because I can't strategise for anything. :P

New Abilities
I GUESS this is another thing I've been waiting for? Quite frankly, I'm just a robot/weapon/field/starforce collector. ...Huh? Item collecting? What's the point of that if I'm probably not going to use them? ...Alts? Ok, MAYBE if I wanted to buy an alt for a profile image on a holiday or special event, but that's as likely as Bubble Man defeating Mega Man in the game's canon. But I'm getting off-hand here. I don't think I'll actually use Buster Charge and Buster Relay, but who knows?

Search Man
This was to be expected. After all, I DID see him in the MMRPG World development website (or whatever it's called.) It's always good to see a new robot in the prototype.

Overall, I like this update, and I shall patiently wait for the next, whenever that may be.
^ Top
1,567,654,000 BP
13 TP | 874 PP
Posted on October 16th, 2016 at 9:38am
Posted 2016/10/16 at 9:38am
Starforce can be taken two ways. On one hand, Thanks for making it so we can't curbstomp bosses.
ON the other hand, thanks for making it useless in competitive.

As well as more buster options.
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Posted on October 16th, 2016 at 1:02pm
Posted 2016/10/16 at 1:02pm
Well, it looks like I forgot to mention a pretty significant new feature in the opening post about the robot editor (which is ironic given this update's branch name was "robot_editor_2k16"). I've added it to the first post, but here's the relevant bit:

Robot Editor Updates

New Robot Editor
New Ability Selector New Item Selector New Player Selector Drag and Drop Robots
- Robot editor has been updated with improvements imported from World
- Ability, item, and player selectors more user-friendly with sorting and colours
- Robots can be dragged and dropped between doctors once the feature is unlocked in-game
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Posted on October 16th, 2016 at 1:04pm
Posted 2016/10/16 at 1:04pm
@ThatOneSlenderMan : @Beta Reaper : @RotomSlashBlast :

Making these changes to Starforce was a very difficult decision for me and I knew some people might be frustrated or annoyed by the "wasted" effort collecting them, but the nerf was necessary for the future balance of the Prototype.

With only the 1,024 stars in the game now the effects were already so OP that they removed all strategy from battles - can you imagine how bad the problem would have become once the MM5+ fields are added? There's be almost no point in adding new content or abilities or missions as everything would be a OHKO anyway. The broken nature of Starforce is part of the main reason MM5+ haven't been worked on yet.

At the very least, the stars still have a use in increasing battle points so it's not a complete waste. This will also make the future "New Game Plus" feature more rewarding, though I wont go into the details of how at this time.

@Beta Reaper :

Buster Changes
The changes to the Light/Wily/Cossack Busters is when they're unlocked. Previously they were unlocked after a doctor reached a certain BP level, but from now on they'll be unlocked from the start. This is more important for new players than veterans.

New Event Items
These are also more relevant for new players as you've probably already unlocked all these features. Previously mechanics in the game like transferring robots or equipping items would just appear without warning - now you get an event item when the feature is unlocked and a little popup to put it into the context of the story.

@RotomSlashBlast :

I'm open to future improvements and suggestions on how the Field / Fusion Stars play into the mechanics of the game, just nothing that directly boosts damage, recovery, or stats. We have to imagine that the amount of starforce available in the game may one day be infinite, and make sure it doesn't affect anything that could affect the balance of power in battle again.
^ Top
1,567,654,000 BP
13 TP | 874 PP
Posted on October 16th, 2016 at 1:13pm
Posted 2016/10/16 at 1:13pm
Quick question, Mr. Marceau. If you give a Copy Core an elemental core to hold, do they become that core, gain boosts to abilities of that core, or is it just a skin change?
^ Top
Adrian Marceau
113,913,695 BP
204 TP | 518 PP
Posted on October 16th, 2016 at 1:52pm
Posted 2016/10/16 at 1:52pm
@RotomSlashBlast :

When any robot holds an elemental core, it gains a +25% boost to matching damage/recovery and a -25% reduction in weapon energy costs - similar to a "true" core but halved.

When a copy-core robot holds an elemental core it gains the same effects any other robot described above, but it also triggers a skin change which is purely cosmetic. Mega Man does not "become" a Water Core when holding one, but it does gain similar boosts.

I added the skin change simply to balance out the fact that copy-core robots are the only ones without purchasable pallet swaps in Auto's Shop. Hopefully that clears things up. :P
I've also added some better organization and descriptions to the first post so things are easier to understand. Here are the relevant bits about items and abilities below:

New Holdable Items:
These items can be purchased from Kalinka's Shop and then equipped to your robots before battle. They each have different and unique effects - from boosting stats to tweaking mechanics - and can be reused an infinite number of times.

New Event Items:
These key items are unlocked during the story and provide narrative context to the various mechanics in the Prototype. They will have little effect on veteran players who have already unlocked everything in their game files, but will be invaluable to new players who are still learning the ropes. These items also make it easier for me - the developer - to trickle out features slowly rather them all at once.

New Abilities:
These abilities can be purchased from Reggae's Shop and equipped to compatible robots. The two Neutral-type buster abilities have niche uses but can require zero energy and can be very powerful on the right robot. Buster Charge is great for robots equipped with lots of abilities that require high weapon energy, and Buster Relay is great for support robots that want to pre-charge specific busters for their teammates. The Shot/Buster/Overdrive elemental abilities were designed specifically to padd-out some of the more under-represented types and should add more diversity to player and AI-controlled robot abilities in battle.
^ Top
11,821,991 BP
31 TP | 601 PP
Posted on October 16th, 2016 at 2:06pm
Posted 2016/10/16 at 2:06pm
@Adrian Marceau : Just a question about this update, why did you decide to remove starforce's uses?
^ Top
33,482,293 BP
0 TP | 8 PP
Posted on October 17th, 2016 at 9:03pm Edited on 2016/10/18 at 8:54pm
Posted 2016/10/17 at 9:03pm Edited 2016/10/18 at 8:54pm
This is awesome, and Search Man is hilarious, but the infinite loading glitch still happens when I use Rolling Cutter...
Also, Nitron is still 3 enemies.
^ Top
463,148,659 BP
6 TP | 153 PP
Posted on October 18th, 2016 at 11:01am
Posted 2016/10/18 at 11:01am
So this mean Toadman farm will not intensifie anymore good
^ Top
2,395,585,460 BP
32 TP | 451 PP
Posted on October 18th, 2016 at 3:07pm
Posted 2016/10/18 at 3:07pm
@Adrian Marceau : I personally would LOVE it if you could keep us updated with how much less of a headache Prototype/World is to maintain and update now that literally everything in the game doesn't revolve around a mechanic as brutally bloated as Starforce was.

This is EASILY the single best decision you've ever made concerning this creation of yours that we all call Prototype [or "World"], and while you may not see it immediately, I'd like to think that you will very, VERY soon.

Thank you, Adrian. Thank you SO much.

[oh, and by the way, I'm back.]
^ Top
4,658,472,259 BP
3 TP | 73 PP
Posted on October 20th, 2016 at 2:19am
Posted 2016/10/20 at 2:19am
Nice to finally have balanced Starforce mechanics and more abilities to play around with . Now I have more motivation to keep playing the Prototype.

I could have sworn that my position moved up due to this update, though.

Anyway, thanks for the update.
^ Top
4,279,483,687 BP
10 TP | 592 PP
Posted on October 20th, 2016 at 2:46am Edited on 2016/10/20 at 2:52am
Posted 2016/10/20 at 2:46am Edited 2016/10/20 at 2:52am
@Shiver : Your rank might have gone up because of the BP Reboot a while back. Some people went up the ranks because of it, like Uraccountcrashed going from somewhere in the top 10 to directly to first.

EDIT: Qait, no, I was wrong. Your profile was created after the BP Reboot, so I have no idea how that happened for you. Oh well.
^ Top
Zero The Link
332,297,151 BP
11 TP | 526 PP
Posted on October 21st, 2016 at 9:57pm
Posted 2016/10/21 at 9:57pm
-sees starforce being nulled- what will my purpose in life be for now??

-real life- ok well i guess i saw this coming, ughhh now i can kiss my chances of returning from my death grave good-bye, that being the stars are now BP Boosts now and certain chapters are now locked by starforce collection limitations and used only for zenny.

-Gripes- after seeing all of my unlocks,...i still felt empty, this update though grand and also killing of my MMRPG Hype, it's become clear that during my rise to 14th-13th has put a blemish on my quest for this power to stay true, -thus september update and further on causing my SHARP downfall- and my quest for the Starforce because at that time i considered myself unstoppable with a 9999 all bass and a 9999 all Quick-Man, with an upcoming 9999 all Gemini-Man.

-Response- ehh the update so far looks ok, just gotta play it, so far before i saw a great improvement, but now that the full October Update is out, i gotta redo my play from yesterday just to see it in it's entirety.

(as you can probably tell ..i -ZeroDXZ/Vegeta- am not pleased, but yet still appeased.)
^ Top
1,024,041,973 BP
0 TP | 2 PP
Posted on November 8th, 2016 at 5:31pm
Posted 2016/11/08 at 5:31pm
I don't mind the update at all. In fact I quite like it. I actually get stuff to spend zenny on (only dented half of my funds but that's still better than nothing)
I just wish there was a way I could see how much BP my starforce contributed. (Because from what I could tell my stars aren't doing anything)
But, isn't this update kinda unfair score-wise?
There's people who established multiple one or two turn clears during the starforce era, and, unless another strategy pops up involving these new held items, people aren't ever going to top the leaderboard again unless those scores get adjusted.
^ Top
4,484,807,684 BP
46 TP | 1624 PP
Posted on November 8th, 2016 at 6:51pm
Posted 2016/11/08 at 6:51pm
@Rozark : Overall, I feel like you've brought up a very good point, and for the sake of competition something that needs to be addressed if we genuinely want a fair leaderboard system. While I was originally shaky on the idea of, I think I'd advocate a complete clean slate for the leaderboard now, a complete wipe with everyone starting from zero. Because so much of the game had been centered around this main mechanic, taking it out creates a dysfunction and generates an entirely-different form of rhythm in comparison. What's going on without is is that it's caused the top positions to become stagnant, because realistically, it's created so much of an advantage that I don't legitimately think anyone will ever be able to claim first place again. And at that point....Why even have a leaderboard if there won't be any realistic competition towards climbing to the top? It's a completely different game from the previous update, and I'd have to agree that without a major adjustment the leaderboard's really an empty page for a different game.
^ Top
4,460,833,639 BP
5 TP | 54 PP
Posted on November 11th, 2016 at 7:35am
Posted 2016/11/11 at 7:35am
@MegaBossMan : Although the thought of a complete wipeout does make me shudder, I feel like it has to happen at some point, so before that happens, I request for there to be an archive of the current leaderboard, so that the remnants of the current leaderboard will still be known and everyone's hard work doesn't go to complete waste.
^ Top
2,193,837,754 BP
11 TP | 730 PP
Posted on November 12th, 2016 at 3:43am
Posted 2016/11/12 at 3:43am
Wow, I know that I may *only* be a month late, but I'm sorry. I barely play this game and I recently picked it up for that ever so tempting little merit known as the Star of Immortality (also 1024 Club I guess I dunno)
So, from how you worded yourself, I should gain an additional 6,000 BP per mission per normal star, and 9,000 BP per mission per fusion star. Lemme apply some radicool mathematics to this situation:

6000 * 32 = 192,000
9000 * 992 = 8,928,000

192000 + 8928000 = 9,120,000.

Golly! That's an additional 9.12 Million BP just for collecting those shiny little beauties! But, is that actually useful in terms of climbing up the leaderboard? Well...

See that weird turquoise box surrounding that 4? That's the millions position (What? No, there isn't any sort of subliminal messaging in that picture). Considering that to get to the next place, I'll need ~200 million BP, a 9.1 million per battle boost is good. But does this in-game boost actually come into work?
783 Star Intro Field
784 Star Intro Field

Both completed in one turn with the same doc, just +1 Fusion Star in the second picture. So as you can see, the Starforce does not correctly work right now, but that's the appeal in stars! Broken since 2012! (Also if you have played that one idle game I made, Starforce was broken in it too!)
Version 13 (Broken Starforce)
Version 25 (Starforce still broken!)

As you can see, it seems as if it isn't those making the games, it's just Starforce in general that's breaking everything!

PS: If the BP boost actually works, but isn't visible, it'd be nice to see in the Stage Clear menu that your stars have actually influenced how much BP you earned
^ Top
33,482,293 BP
0 TP | 8 PP
Posted on November 12th, 2016 at 2:08pm
Posted 2016/11/12 at 2:08pm
I'm pretty sure it's 6000/9000 points per star, not 6000/9000 points per star per mission. Also HOW DARE YOU INSULT THE GREAT CUT'S CORNER!
^ Top

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