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I expect the tribute and sacrifices by tomorrow night. And I have very distinguished tastes.
Veeeery distinguished tastes.
But yea PM us if something's up, like somebody's off flooding the forums and we haven't noticed the more-than-three new posts, but don't expect us to be able to muck with the code or anything like that. We don't have Root privileges or something like that.I've promoted this thread to a news post so everyone can see it. I think it's important for players to know who they can look to for assistance. Hope you don't mind. :) - Adrian Update 2015/04/06 : As of last week, ThatGuyNamedMikey has been promoted to the status of contributor and community moderator and as of this afternoon TheDoc has also been promoted to the same role. Say hello to your new capsule-holding minibosses everyone! Update 2015/04/19 : As of this evening, Mike is has been demoted to the status of regular member. I'm sorry it had to come to this but I have made my decision. He just wasn't ready for the job. Please accept it and move on - we have plenty of other moderators to turn to should you need any help.
Important Announcement : New Community Moderators Posted by Reisrat on June 30th, 2014 at 9:03pm Viewed 6781 Times
@TheDoc : @ThatGuyNamedMikey : Congrats, both of you two! Adrian and I have been discussing the possibility of future Mods, and we felt you two were a shining example of what the Community was all about! Doc, you've shown yourself as someone to be trusted for a while now, and now it's official :) As for you Mike, while me and you have completely different viewpoints, you've proven that you will uphold the Community standards ^_^ Congratulations, new fellow mods! I know you'll be a great addition, and I'm glad that you'll help The Law in making this Community a great place!
@MegaBossMan : Yes. Very well. Doc and Mike, You two Are Very Good in this community. As for my new Idea, We talked about this in the chat. Remember the idea i mentioned like 10 minutes ago? As said, It's a new Mod Ranking system. It goes: (And yes i changed this about 2-4 times over the past half an hour), The current set up is: Small Screw-Energy Pellet-Large Screw-Energy Capsule-E-Tank-Yashichi. I don't know what each part unlocks, and yes, You probably could gain a rank but only if you do something Super amazing. I dunno. Anyways, here's an image for The others. Also, This is not photoshopped or changed in any way, Just Cropped.
...Congratulations ThatGuyNamedMikey and TheDoc. The mods of the forum should indeed be those that are active and with open minds. I have no problems at all with either of you being contributors. See you guys around!
@Adrian Marceau : Well tahts really great Adrian TheDocand TheGuyNamedMikeycongrats on the moderator promotion well i hope this comunity geets a great inspiration and more players each day so im supporting you Adrian with your hard work for this comunity and your website
Welcome again. This time i'll be talking more about my mod idea. In the chat about a few minutes ago, MBM mentioned some more stuff. First; He says "I dont think we need the screw" And " E-Pellets are for basic contributors, E-Capsules for your more trusted ones, E-Tank's for the second hand men, and Yashichi for Adrian" Quoted right from the chat. Also, I'd LOVE To see this idea come out. (May i have energy pellet at least? I'll Be good... I'll be good!)
@MetaKirbSter : This isn't the thread to talk about your idea. You've already posted this in Website Suggestions, so please stop discussing it in this one.
Posted on April 17th, 2015 at 3:36pmEdited on 2015/04/17 at 6:34pm
Posted 2015/04/17 at 3:36pmEdited 2015/04/17 at 6:34pm
When I woke up yesterday, they knew me as MegaBossMan, the mod. When I woke up today, they call me MegaBossMan, the admin. Change really does happen quick, eh?
In case you haven't noticed it by now, I've been upgraded to an Admin! Now I'm a real number #2! Thanks to Adrian, by the way, you rock for creating this new class and trusting in me! ^_^ Anywho, I'll still be doing my best to help out Prototype, as always, since becoming an Admin doesn't mean I get to lounge around. And noooo, I'm not going to make like my avatar and try to take over the world. I will expect the shipment of sandwiches by 5 though.
I should also mention a few new categories for the rest of the team: Contributors who have added sprites, quotes, bios, anything of the sort, will gain an E-Tank. Meanwhile, Mods, the people who keep control in the Community, have a W-Tank next to their name. This was done so that you could easily distinguish the mods from the contributors. Keep this in mind!
Nonetheless, here's to keeping Prototype's Community the place it is, and with these new powers and the new additions to the Mod team, I feel confident in doing so! They call me the Law around these parts....
Also, I'm using Dr. Wily's avatar, with a Mega Man Extra Life right next to me. The irony is apparent, and I love it every bit :)
@protoil : First off, for questions about the update in development, please post here. This thread is not the place for that.
To answer your question, the latest update has been in development for some time, and while we're unsure exactly when it will be ready for release, I can assure you that the dev team is still steadily working on it as much as real-life permits them. Patience is key here.
In the meantime, I'm not sure if you've heard, but there's a beta version of the update up to whet your appetite right here. I hope you enjoy it!
Posted on January 30th, 2016 at 11:00pmEdited on 2016/01/31 at 1:13am
Posted 2016/01/30 at 11:00pmEdited 2016/01/31 at 1:13am
256 ⸗ꜘꜚⱷꜚfi꜠ⱴ! é is⸗ꜘꜚꜚso aee⸗ꜘꜚⱷe!
I.....Have literally no idea what's going on in this post. I know it may fit in with the motif of "Glitch Man", but please, your comments should be an actual comment.-MBM