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Mega Man RPG Prototype Roleplay & Games

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Elektro Tunnel

June 24th, 2016 at 5:16pm
3,608,619,115 BP
15 TP | 657 PP
Welcome all! As you may know, D&D is a very popular RPG board game that involves limitless adventure, rolls of dice and hours of fun! So, I give myself the responsibility of becoming the Robot Master Master, and will create your adventure from the ground up, as YOU see fit! That's right: give me a scenario and we'll jump right in! (I can also do it for you if requested.)

-Multiple games can be played on this thread at once. Remember yours.
-EVERYTHING is pretty much decided by a roll of the die. Even if I don't show it. Good luck!
-This works just like D&D in that, there are no traditional "rules" per se, but as we go along, we'll cross bridges as we come to them.
-You may tell me if you'd like that game to be harder, normal, or "beginner friendly".
-There will only be 10 stats (5 good and 5 bad) unless otherwise specified:
=Strength: How you do damage, move heavy objects, fighting style, etc.
=Wisdom: How you solve puzzles, get ideas, invent things, etc.
=Skill: How you handle things, get out of situations, etc.
=Sneak: How you can steal, move undetected, etc.
=Charm: How you can get people on your side, persuade, etc.
=Creation: How you can build, make traps, etc.
=Destruction: How you can destroy, hack firewalls, etc.
=Speed: How fast your character is.
=Defense: How you take damage.
=Control: How you get viruses, how you can command soldiers or machines, etc.
Now, how this works is that you will choose 5 stats to boost and 5 to decrease. I will roll a 100-sided die and tell you your new abilities accordingly.
Example: I want to boost strength, but choose to decrease Skill. I roll a 7 for Strength and 56 for Skill. My new stats would be 7 Strength and -56 Skill.
If you choose not to boost nor decrease an ability, it will remain at zero. But, if you boost one, you must decrease another, and vice-versa. ABSOLUTELY NO TAKE BACKSIES. Keep in mind: These can change! (For better or worse!)

After the request is made (preferably via PM, as we would like to keep this thread for the game itself.) I'll place your Group Request on this thread and people can join and leave as they please.
PLEASE CONFIRM WITH ME FIRST! I will take your Ability boost/decreases to an 100#RNG and give you each a Character Card (kept on a Pastebin, and you can keep on on your Profile if you like). Alternatively, you may boost a stat to whatever you like, but you must decrease another by that much as well.

Well, we need players! For our first game, I'll not limit the amount we can have, but it will be difficult with huge groups. Specify on a number of players you like in your group; the group creator will be Captain. Or, if you'd like, request a Solo Play.

Have fun! Keep in mind, though: My free time is quite limited regularly so, patience is a virtue. Hopefully, it will have been worth the wait.



600 comments! Wow! Dec. 2nd, 2016
700 comments! Amazing! Jan. 13th, 2017
800, even!? Shocking, I know. Apri. 26, 2017

Current Games:
-Pixel23 1/4 Players, Normal Difficulty. "Boundless Boundaries"
-RotomSlashBlast 1/? Players, Normal Difficulty. "Subterranean Soliloquy"
-Nice Ice 1/? Players, Normal difficulty. "Mavericks of Untold Stories" [HIATUS] [LAST PAGE: 38]
-Nice Ice 1/6 Players, Balls-to-the-Walls Impossible Difficulty. "Mirror, Mirror..." [HIATUS] [LAST PAGE: 38]
-Nice Ice 2/2 Players, Normal difficulty. "Persona: Torch of Shadows" [HIATUS] [LAST PAGE: 38]
-TheDoc 2/4 Players, Normal difficulty. "Mettle of Honor" [HIATUS?] [LAST PAGE: 35]
-Beta Man 1/4 Players, Normal difficulty. "Traveler's Tales" [HIATUS?] [LAST PAGE: 34]


Pixel23 as: Pixel!

RotomSlashBlast as: Lotus Iluza!

Nice Ice as: Holocaust!

Nice Ice as: Minatona Arakuba
RotomSlashBlast as: Inaki Hasinaba!

Nice Ice as: Harpuia!
Uraccountcrashed as: Shadow Lamprey!

Beta Man as: Ninja Man!
Uraccountcrashed as: Beta Man! (Don't worry, I don't take up a player slot.)

TheDoc as: Knight Man!
Nice Ice as: Jester Man!
Uraccountcrashed as: Bomb Man!(Don't worry, I don't take up a player slot.)
Character List
Skill Trees

For my reference, but you can check it out.
This, I mean.
Elektro Tunnel
Posted by uraccountcrashed on June 24th, 2016 at 5:16pm
Viewed 220944 Times
770,544,761 BP
8 TP | 730 PP
Posted on June 24th, 2016 at 6:04pm Edited on 2016/06/24 at 9:38pm
Posted 2016/06/24 at 6:04pm Edited 2016/06/24 at 9:38pm
Group Leader. Sniper Joe Ro sniper-joe Increase Sneak + , Wisdom+, skill+, Destruction+ strength+ Creation - Charm - Speed - control - defense- Max Players: 4 Difficulty: Normal.

Scenario: None. (so make one ura)
^ Top
- deleted -
18,073,331 BP
0 TP | 226 PP
Posted on June 24th, 2016 at 9:15pm
Posted 2016/06/24 at 9:15pm
skull-man Skull Man: Wisdom +1, Destruction +1, Defense +1, Strength +1, Skill +1. Speed -1, Control -1, Charm -1, Creation -1, Sneak -1
^ Top
3,608,619,115 BP
15 TP | 657 PP
Posted on June 24th, 2016 at 9:22pm Edited on 2016/06/24 at 9:26pm
Posted 2016/06/24 at 9:22pm Edited 2016/06/24 at 9:26pm
Do you want those to actually be your starting stats? Or do you want a randomizer?
-Also! Are you making a group youself or joining Mettaur's?
-Also! Please, I also prefer a PM for this; I'd like to keep this thread for the game itself! Thanks!
^ Top
3,608,619,115 BP
15 TP | 657 PP
Posted on June 24th, 2016 at 9:42pm
Posted 2016/06/24 at 9:42pm

You, alone, wander through the woods until finally reaching your destination of Nin Village.

Mettaur: Finally! After the long trip, I can start a new life here!

The village is small, a few houses, shops, and a Capital building in the middle.
Currently, there is no combat.
Currently, you have nothing but regular clothes.
Currently, you have no money.
^ Top
770,544,761 BP
8 TP | 730 PP
Posted on June 24th, 2016 at 9:50pm
Posted 2016/06/24 at 9:50pm
*Talked to the locals about dungeons or any money making jobs.*
^ Top
3,608,619,115 BP
15 TP | 657 PP
Posted on June 24th, 2016 at 9:53pm Edited on 2016/06/24 at 9:56pm
Posted 2016/06/24 at 9:53pm Edited 2016/06/24 at 9:56pm

The villagers don't seem to mind you, but some give you weird looks.

You find out that people are scared of South Cave and advise going into it.

The General Store has a part time job open. Also, inquire about odd jobs.

-General Store

Currently, there is no combat.
Currently, you have nothing but regular clothes.
Currently, you have no money.
^ Top
770,544,761 BP
8 TP | 730 PP
Posted on June 24th, 2016 at 9:57pm Edited on 2016/06/24 at 9:59pm
Posted 2016/06/24 at 9:57pm Edited 2016/06/24 at 9:59pm
(i thought i put destruction as +. anyways) *He went to the south cave. Questioning why they where giving me weird looks.*
^ Top
3,608,619,115 BP
15 TP | 657 PP
Posted on June 24th, 2016 at 9:59pm
Posted 2016/06/24 at 9:59pm
(Sorry, I'll fix that.)

Mettaur Man travels to South Cave. Upon nearing, a foreboding wind passes about. You enter.

(IN CAVE): A small slimy-looking being is partly covered by a rock.
You may venture deeper or fight/check.

Currently, there is no combat.
Currently, you have nothing but regular clothes.
Currently, you have no money.
^ Top
770,544,761 BP
8 TP | 730 PP
Posted on June 24th, 2016 at 10:03pm Edited on 2016/06/24 at 10:09pm
Posted 2016/06/24 at 10:03pm Edited 2016/06/24 at 10:09pm
*Pick up the rock and beat whatever was near it with it. aka check*
^ Top
3,608,619,115 BP
15 TP | 657 PP
Posted on June 24th, 2016 at 10:04pm Edited on 2016/06/24 at 10:30pm
Posted 2016/06/24 at 10:04pm Edited 2016/06/24 at 10:30pm

Mettaur Man (200/200) makes the first move(+2 Str)! Uses Temporary Rock!(+1 Str) -77 damage (on 74 roll) to Slime (68/145)!

Slime (68/145) is down, but not out! It makes a break for Mettaur Man's (200/200) legs!

What will you do?

Currently, Mettaur Man is combating Slime.
Currently, Mettaur Man has nothing but regular clothes, but is using a Rock(+1 Str) for now.
Currently, Mettaur Man has no money.
^ Top
770,544,761 BP
8 TP | 730 PP
Posted on June 24th, 2016 at 10:10pm
Posted 2016/06/24 at 10:10pm
*Block it with the rock. Then start kicking it*
^ Top
3,608,619,115 BP
15 TP | 657 PP
Posted on June 24th, 2016 at 10:11pm Edited on 2016/06/24 at 10:29pm
Posted 2016/06/24 at 10:11pm Edited 2016/06/24 at 10:29pm

Slime (0/145) Is splatted [Roll: 9] by Rock, no kicking necessary! Rock remains usable! [Roll: 84]

Mettaur Man obtained 2 Gel(s)!

(IN S.CAVE ENTRANCE) What will you do now?

Currently, there is no combat.
Currently, Mettaur Man has 2 Gel(s) and a Rock(+1 Str).
Currently, Mettaur Man has no money.
^ Top
770,544,761 BP
8 TP | 730 PP
Posted on June 25th, 2016 at 10:53am Edited on 2016/06/25 at 11:55am
Posted 2016/06/25 at 10:53am Edited 2016/06/25 at 11:55am
*He proceed's through the cave.* (sorry if i took forever)
^ Top
3,608,619,115 BP
15 TP | 657 PP
Posted on June 25th, 2016 at 12:34pm
Posted 2016/06/25 at 12:34pm
(It's okay, Please, forgive me if I take forever, too!)

The cave is becoming darker as you venture inside. The path split, left is a lower level cavern, to the right, you can see a faint light in the distance. A possible exit?

(IN S. CAVE SPLIT) What will you do now?

Currently, there is no combat.
Currently, Mettaur Man has 2 Gel(s) and a Rock (+1 Str)
Currently, Mettaur Man has no money.
^ Top
- deleted -
1,567,654,000 BP
13 TP | 874 PP
Posted on June 25th, 2016 at 1:01pm Edited on 2016/06/25 at 1:13pm
Posted 2016/06/25 at 1:01pm Edited 2016/06/25 at 1:13pm
(pic unavailable) Dark Man 2

+strength, +wisdom, -skill, -sneak, -charm, +creation, -destruction, -speed, +defense, +control

Scenario = None (please make one). Or i could be one of the bad guys in mettuar's if that's okay.
^ Top
- deleted -
770,544,761 BP
8 TP | 730 PP
Posted on June 25th, 2016 at 3:16pm Edited on 2016/06/25 at 3:18pm
Posted 2016/06/25 at 3:16pm Edited 2016/06/25 at 3:18pm
@uraccountcrashed : (SORRY MESSED UP) * Advance deeper into the cave.*
^ Top
3,608,619,115 BP
15 TP | 657 PP
Posted on June 25th, 2016 at 3:47pm Edited on 2016/06/25 at 3:56pm
Posted 2016/06/25 at 3:47pm Edited 2016/06/25 at 3:56pm

Light is low in this cave, so proceeding is difficult. There doesn't seem to be much of anything in this part over cave but a Yammonster. It looks pissed...

The cave goes deeper, but you may leave at any time.

What will you do?

Currently, there is no combat.
Currently, Mettaur Man has 2 Gel(s) and a Rock (+1 Str).
Currently, Mettaur Man has no money.
^ Top

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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)