Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2017 and is no longer being maintained.
Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved.
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play the current version of the game for all the new stuff.
"Practice makes perfect!" Since people need a place to practice, I made this. There's no story here, just practice and learn how to RP. Surely, you will become the very best with practice, like no one ever was. [Also, click +Show Formatting Options when you're writing a comment for options for more little formatting options :P]
Formatting Guides This is an example of formatting commonly used on RPs. [background-arctic-jungle] [foreground-arctic-jungle] [robot:right:defend]{mega-man} [tab][tab][tab] [ability:left:01]{ice-slasher} [robot:left:taunt]{ice-man} [/foreground-arctic-jungle] [/background-arctic-jungle]
Posted on November 23rd, 2014 at 12:11pmEdited on 2014/11/23 at 12:15pm
Posted 2014/11/23 at 12:11pmEdited 2014/11/23 at 12:15pm
Well,With the Xat chat ruining me, i guess i will do a message. and this is what i think. My... MY PLACE IN THE CHAT GOT RUINED! (me) meh, it will be fine. (MBM)
You have been ignoring me... But ignore me no longer, for my sprites have arrived! Welcome to the roleplay area, where people don't use people like you or Slur. Have fun on the ban list!