Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2017 and is no longer being maintained.
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After you beat the Prototype, you will unlock a pair of bonus fields. In one of these, Robot Masters, including Robot Masters that are unfinished, will appear. This includes Mega Man 3's Robot Masters.
You must engage these Robots in combat, and when one steps up to fight you, hit them with a Copy Shot from a Copy Core Robot. In this way, you can earn their weapons and have them added to your arsenal.
OR, but this is expensive, and only for megaman 3, you can scan them at any time they are in battle, buy their field from kalinka, and get the ENTIRE robot master, weapons and all!
Posted on February 26th, 2015 at 7:18pmEdited on 2015/02/26 at 7:20pm
Posted 2015/02/26 at 7:18pmEdited 2015/02/26 at 7:20pm
*Yes i know* Anyway, If you want to 100% with all abilities, (I'm missing 2,) There is a Bubble bomb Code Still out. I think it's Ability Get: Bombs Away! Or something. I already have bubble Bomb. ._.
Copy shot is your best friend in that case but Leveling up other robot masters at the same time can unlock more weapons for you easily if you have pretty low robot masters just have them join your best character in a battle and let them take some experience.