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I wanted to make a "community post" on what Omega Influence does.
If you're unsure what I'm talking about, the new update Adrian posted adds the "Omega Influence" mechanic into the game, affecting Robots, Players, and Shop Keepers! Adrian himself decided to keep the exact mechanics a secret. So I decided to make a post where we can all try to work out what this mysterious mechanic will do.
What do I mean by "we"? Well, if you find something out about Omega Influence, or see an error in the main thread, post it in the comment section below! I will try to keep this post updated with any new information you post! Let's see how many things we can find out working together as a community.
What Omega Influence DOES Affect/Is Affected By - If a robot holds a core that matches the type of its Omega Influence, all attacks under that type will have -25% cost. - Shop keepers are willing to pay 75% of the original cost as opposed to 50% when selling items that match their Omega Influence type.
What Omega Influence DOES NOT Affect/Is NOT Affected By - Omega Influence does not add bonuses from the Starforce level of its corresponding type. - Omega Influence cannot allow a robot to equip abilities just based on the Omega Influence's type. You still need a robot core. - BP Earned is unaffected by Player's Omega Influence type
Unofficial "Omega Influence" Findings Thread Posted by Retro Pikachu on March 6th, 2017 at 2:40pm Viewed 831 Times
Posted on July 13th, 2017 at 5:53pmEdited on 2017/07/13 at 6:14pm
Posted 2017/07/13 at 5:53pmEdited 2017/07/13 at 6:14pm
Apparently a Robot Master's Omega Influence is capable of being the same as their core. Seriously, I had a Cut Man with a Cutter influence type. You know, kinda like having a Water Type Pokemon learn Hidden Power WATER.
I'm actually researching Omega Sequences so I can change it to something I like. However, I don't want to modify it without knowing what I'm doing. For example, when I input a code I tried to make, it put in a different one. However, I have a hypothesis; each number/letter represents a character in a certain slot. I don't have much to back this up, and I couldn't get much off the Github. For now, we seem in the dark about it.
Also when I tried to restore my old sequence, it seemed randomized.
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