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Mega Man RPG Prototype Strategy Discussion

Copy Destruction: a guide to the Copy Robots

October 12th, 2014 at 6:38pm
Holly Jolly Beta
Holly Jolly Beta
1,657,007,431 BP
37 TP | 1543 PP
Hello. Are you tired of scanning the Copy Robots over and over and over and over... ya know, that? That moment. Ends. Right. Now! Behold! The type matchup guide against the Copy Robots! To find out myself what the type matchups are, here's my list:

The Hero:    The Villains:
mega-man    mega-man-copy bass-copy proto-man-copy
There are 4 sections:
Affinities (heals them I think)

And their weapons? So random it's crazy.
And where are they in the Database? Dun dun dun! Nowhere.
So this place may be the only place to plan a strategy. So here we go.
Mega Man S mega-man-copy
Weaknesses: Electric, Time, Impact, and Cutter
Resistances: Explode, Freeze, Flame, and Earth
Affinities: Shadow
Immunities: None
Bass S bass-copy
Weaknesses: Flame, Nature, Wind, and Explode
Resistances: Time, Swift, Cutter, and Water
Affinities: Shadow
Immunities: None
Proto Man S proto-man-copy
Weaknesses: Earth, Water, Missile, and Space
Resistances: Time, Flame, Wind, and Shield
Affinities: Shadow
Immunities: None
So now you know how to beat the Copy Robots.
mega-man-copy bass-copy proto-man-copy
Copy Destruction: a guide to the Copy Robots
Posted by Holly Jolly Beta on October 12th, 2014 at 6:38pm
Viewed 2092 Times


9,080,402 BP
0 TP | 9 PP
Posted on August 11th, 2016 at 11:05am
Posted 2016/08/11 at 11:05am
Pretty much yeah the best way to counter the Copy Robots, is with other copy robots
^ Top
2,413,905,683 BP
20 TP | 467 PP
Posted on August 11th, 2016 at 11:50pm Edited on 2016/08/12 at 12:02am
Posted 2016/08/11 at 11:50pm Edited 2016/08/12 at 12:02am

gemini-man ...I think I can help out this guide. Their weapons actually aren't quite that random.

Mega Man S

Rolling Cutter
Hyper Bomb
Ice Breath
Fire Storm
Oil Shooter
Thunder Strike
Time Arrow
Super Throw

Bass S

Metal Blade
Bubble Spray
Atomic Fire
Leaf Shield
Air Shooter
Crash Bomber
Flash Stopper
Quick Boomerang

Proto Man S

Drill Blitz
Rain Flush
Bright Burst
Pharaoh Shot
Ring Boomerang
Dust Crusher
Skull Barrier
Dive Torpedo

...If you want the short version, only the Tier 1 abilities of the Robot Masters of each Doctor's story. You can see for yourself if you know how to navigate Github. Their moveset is listed in there. ring-ring
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