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Hello. Are you tired of scanning the Copy Robots over and over and over and over... ya know, that? That moment. Ends. Right. Now! Behold! The type matchup guide against the Copy Robots! To find out myself what the type matchups are, here's my list:
The Hero: The Villains: There are 4 sections: Weaknesses Resistances Affinities (heals them I think) Immunities
And their weapons? So random it's crazy. And where are they in the Database? Dun dun dun! Nowhere. So this place may be the only place to plan a strategy. So here we go.Mega Man S Weaknesses: Electric, Time,Impact, and Cutter Resistances: Explode, Freeze,Flame, and Earth Affinities: Shadow Immunities: NoneBass S Weaknesses: Flame, Nature,Wind, and Explode Resistances: Time, Swift,Cutter, and Water Affinities: Shadow Immunities: NoneProto Man S Weaknesses: Earth, Water,Missile, and Space Resistances: Time, Flame,Wind, and Shield Affinities: Shadow Immunities: NoneSo now you know how to beat the Copy Robots.
Copy Destruction: a guide to the Copy Robots Posted by Holly Jolly Beta on October 12th, 2014 at 6:38pm Viewed 2092 Times
...If you want the short version, only the Tier 1 abilities of the Robot Masters of each Doctor's story. You can see for yourself if you know how to navigate Github. Their moveset is listed in there.