Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2017 and is no longer being maintained. Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved. Return to the archive index for more legacy content or play the current version of the game for all the new stuff.

Mega Man RPG Prototype Robot Database

Yamato Man's Mugshot

Yamato Man
Cutter Core

Yamato Man
Cutter Core
Mega Man 6
Honorable Samurai Robot
Earth Explode
Shadow Flame

Sprites Sheets RightLeft

Yamato Man | Base Sprite Right
Yamato Man | Base Sprite Left
Yamato Man | Taunt Sprite Right
Yamato Man | Taunt Sprite Left
Yamato Man | Victory Sprite Right
Yamato Man | Victory Sprite Left
Yamato Man | Defeat Sprite Right
Yamato Man | Defeat Sprite Left
Yamato Man | Shoot Sprite Right
Yamato Man | Shoot Sprite Left
Yamato Man | Throw Sprite Right
Yamato Man | Throw Sprite Left
Yamato Man | Summon Sprite Right
Yamato Man | Summon Sprite Left
Yamato Man | Slide Sprite Right
Yamato Man | Slide Sprite Left
Yamato Man | Defend Sprite Right
Yamato Man | Defend Sprite Left
Yamato Man | Damage Sprite Right
Yamato Man | Damage Sprite Left
Yamato Man | Base2 Sprite Right
Yamato Man | Base2 Sprite Left

Sprite Editing by MetalMarioX100 / EliteP1 | Original Artwork by Capcom

Battle Quotes

"Watashi, dai Kazuo wa, anata o uchi makasu!"
"Watashi no bushi no yari o osoreru!"
"Nagai Nihon wa raibu!"
"Watashi wa Nihon, anata o shippaishita..."

Description Text

Built to battle with the spirit of Japan himself, it's the honorable samurai, Yamato Man! Despite his armor being built to be quite sturdy, it's really only made for speed and doesn't boost his defense all too much. He also uses the Yamato Spear, an armor-piercing spearhead. However, he has a short supply, so while he's recovering his spears, this is the time to attack! He's also quite the skilled martial artist. He's a bit shy, and has the Japanese spirit, thus why he doesn't prefer to speak English. He's also a big fan of Knight Man's code of honor, something he tries to preserve himself. One thing most people don't know about him is that he's a huge sword fanatic, but he's much more skilled with his spear. Yamato Man is a strong fighter, but that strong drive of his to be the robot Japan needs will only make the fight even tougher.

Ability Compatibility

Level Up
Yamato Spear IconYamato SpearStartCutter Type10 Damage90% Accuracy
Core Match
Rolling Cutter IconRolling Cutter Cutter Type6 Damage88% Accuracy Rising Cutter IconRising Cutter Cutter Type20 Damage100% Accuracy Ice Slasher IconIce Slasher Freeze / Cutter26 Damage96% Accuracy Metal Blade IconMetal Blade Cutter Type16 Damage86% Accuracy Metal Spike IconMetal Spike Cutter / Impact10 Damage90% Accuracy Quick Boomerang IconQuick Boomerang Swift / Cutter3 Damage80% Accuracy Crash Driller IconCrash Driller Explode / Cutter10 Damage90% Accuracy Needle Cannon IconNeedle Cannon Cutter / Missile10 Damage88% Accuracy Shadow Blade IconShadow Blade Shadow / Cutter16 Damage90% Accuracy Ring Boomerang IconRing Boomerang Space / Cutter10 Damage100% Accuracy Gyro Attack IconGyro Attack Wind / Cutter20 Damage96% Accuracy Silver Tomahawk IconSilver Tomahawk Earth / Cutter10 Damage90% Accuracy Wild Coil IconWild Coil Impact / Cutter10 Damage90% Accuracy Slash Claw IconSlash Claw Cutter Type10 Damage100% Accuracy Slash Beast IconSlash Beast Cutter / Nature20 Damage90% Accuracy Tengu Blade IconTengu Blade Wind / Cutter10 Damage90% Accuracy Flame Sword IconFlame Sword Flame / Cutter10 Damage90% Accuracy Triple Blade IconTriple Blade Cutter Type10 Damage90% Accuracy Wheel Cutter IconWheel Cutter Swift / Cutter10 Damage90% Accuracy Screw Crusher IconScrew Crusher Cutter / Impact10 Damage90% Accuracy Cutter Shot IconCutter Shot Cutter Type10 Damage100% Accuracy Cutter Buster IconCutter Buster Cutter Type30 Damage100% Accuracy Cutter Overdrive IconCutter Overdrive Cutter Type100% Accuracy
Player Only
Buster Shot IconBuster Shot 12 Damage100% Accuracy Attack Boost IconAttack Boost 33% Recovery100% Accuracy Attack Break IconAttack Break 33% Damage98% Accuracy Attack Swap IconAttack Swap 100% Accuracy Attack Mode IconAttack Mode 30% D60% R100% Accuracy Defense Boost IconDefense Boost 33% Recovery100% Accuracy Defense Break IconDefense Break 33% Damage98% Accuracy Defense Swap IconDefense Swap 100% Accuracy Defense Mode IconDefense Mode 30% D60% R100% Accuracy Speed Boost IconSpeed Boost 33% Recovery100% Accuracy Speed Break IconSpeed Break 33% Damage98% Accuracy Speed Swap IconSpeed Swap 100% Accuracy Speed Mode IconSpeed Mode 30% D60% R100% Accuracy Energy Boost IconEnergy Boost 22% Recovery100% Accuracy Energy Break IconEnergy Break 22% Damage98% Accuracy Energy Swap IconEnergy Swap 100% Accuracy Energy Mode IconEnergy Mode 20% D60% R100% Accuracy Field Support IconField Support 100% Accuracy Mecha Support IconMecha Support 100% Accuracy Light Buster IconLight Buster 34 Damage100% Accuracy Wily Buster IconWily Buster 32 Damage96% Accuracy Cossack Buster IconCossack Buster 36 Damage98% Accuracy

Community Records

0 Players
3,848 Times
0 Times
3,364 Times
999 Times

(!) Please note that the names, stats, types, and descriptions of any playable characters, robots, or abilities that appear in this database are not finalized and are subject to change without notice as development progresses on the game itself. That being said, the data on this page is pulled directly from the prototype's internal variables and will therefore always be in sync with the prototype itself. Database pages that do not have sprites represent incomplete but planned, future content and do not currently appear in-game.

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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)