Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2017 and is no longer being maintained. Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved. Return to the archive index for more legacy content or play the current version of the game for all the new stuff.

Mega Man RPG Prototype Leaderboard

( 3548 Players )

TailsMK4Omega is a legacy player of the Mega Man RPG Prototype with a current battle point total of 2,413,905,683 and a zenny total of 869,851,890. TailsMK4Omega created his account on January 26th, 2014 and has since completed 502 different missions, unlocked 3 playable characters, 38 robot fighters, 104 special abilities, and 1024 field stars. TailsMK4Omega's most-used playable character is Dr. Cossack, and his top 5 favourite robots appear to be Bass, Disco, Mega Man, Proto Man and Rhythm. Prior to the game-changing battle point reboot of 2016, TailsMK4Omega had amassed a grand total of 856,952,065,408 battle points and reached 5th place.

TailsMK4Omega's Leaderboard

Community Forum Stats
  • 45 Threads
  • 660 Posts
  • +1298 Rating
Robot Database Stats
  • 38 Unlocked
  • 108 Scanned
  • 110 Encountered

My "Dream Team" in the Prototype


gemini-man ...My robots are back to what they were strong as they could be! Now to get back to the top of the Leaderboard by clearing missions... ring-ring

4/30: My robots are all done and ready for anyone [s]foolish[/b] daring to challenge my team. ring-ringring-ring-2ring-ring-3

star My Robots are Powered-Up by a Starforce of 1024!
38 Robots Max Stats!

Notable Accomplishments

star-man Apparently there's a thing now called the star1024 club. In that case, I'm its first member, since I accomplished the feat like a month or so before the others. star-man

I have climbed to first place a total of 3 times now, before MM3 update, after not playing for a while, and now after I reset my file. Geez. nitron-2

I cleared the Demo Missions without using any items, expecting a Mission 5 with eight Robot Masters. beak

I have fully stat trained my robots not once, but TWICE. I had yet to fully recover from my reset...still haven't yet, but I'm getting there. bulb-blaster


O O O M 1 1 X

MMRPG Trading Card Game

Deck: Dimensional Control


Elec Man
Spark Man
Ring Man
Star Man
Galaxy Man
Plug Man
Sheep Man
Cutter Core
Electric Core x4
Space Core x5
Recovery Core
Energy Armor
Laser Recoil
Dark Fragment
Thunder Beam
Coin Hold
Low Gravity
Laser Cannon
Spark Armor
Cosmic Armor
Spike Armor


Field Star
Fusion Star

Card Descriptions

Name: TailsMK4
Core: Space & Electric
Health: 300
Power: Cosmic Discharge
Power Description: If damaged by a Space-type attack, the user's next attack goes up by 20. (if the attack is a multi-hit, apply to last hit.)
Attack 2: Meteor Blast
Attack 2 Description: Flip a coin to decide how many meteors will be spawned for 10 damage each. If heads, two meteors will spawn. If tails, five meteors will spawn.
Attack 3: Electric Orb
Attack 3 Description: Fires a charged particle of energy for 30 damage and has a chance to cause Paralysis.
Resistance: Electric
Weakness: Earth

Name: Slur
Core: Space
Health: 260
Power: Final Destination
Power Description: Every 3 turns, the attack of all Space- and Shadow-Core robots, as well as Mega Man Killers (Counting Quint and Rockman Shadow), will be doubled.
Attack 2: Slur Laser
Attack 2 Description: Slur shoots a powerful laser at the opponent. -40 Health
Attack 3: Slur Supernova
Attack 3 Description: Slur attacks the target with powerful aura. -70 Health
Resistance: Copy
Weakness: Neutral

Name: Trill
Core: Space
Health: 180
Power: Prototype Subspace
Power Description: Every 5 turns, the attack of all Space- and Shadow-Core robots are increased by 10.
Attack 2: Space Buster
Attack 2 Description: Trill charges his buster for a turn, then releases it the next. -30 Damage
Attack 3: Space Overdrive
Attack 3 Description: Trill sends a massive blast from his buster. -50 Damage
Resistance: Laser
Weakness: Neutral

Name: Elec Man
Core: Electric
Health: 200
Power: Power Charge
Power Description: If given an Electric Core, the next attack after the core's effects wear off has its damage increased by 20.
Attack 2: Thunder Beam
Attack 2 Description: Flip a coin to determine how many bolts will hit the target for 30 damage each. If heads, all three bolts hit. If tails, only the first bolt hits.
Attack 3: Lightning Strike
Attack 3 Description: Fires a fierce bolt of lightning from the sky for 50 damage.
Resistance: Electric
Weakness: Earth

Name: Spark Man
Core: Electric
Health: 150
Power: Energy Spike
Power Description: Spark Man's next attack goes up by 10 if he attacked the target with an electric move the previous turn.
Attack 2: Spark Shock
Attack 2 Description: The user sends a small ball of energy to the target for 20 damage. If Spark Charge was used the previous turn, the attack does 60 damage instead and paralyzes.
Attack 3: Spark Charge
Attack 3 Description: The user spends the turn charging up Spark Shock.
Resistance: Water
Weakness: Cutter

Name: Ring Man
Core: Cutter
Health: 150
Attack 1: Ring Boomerang
Attack 1 Description: The user throws a wide boomerang that attacks the opponent, then rebounds attacking the opponent again, dealing a total of 30 damage. If an attack booster is used, the rebound hit still does 15 damage, but the first hit is affected by the booster.
Attack 2: Ring Hold
Attack 2 Description: Flip a coin to determine if the opponent will be prevented from attacking this turn. If heads, the opponent cannot attack with his character, though support cards can still be used, and the opponent also takes 20 damage (ignores resistance and weakness). If tails, the attack does nothing.
Attack 3: Ring Absorb
Attack 3 Description: Flip a coin to determine the boomerang used in this attack. If heads, the tiny boomerang thrown will deal 20 damage to the opponent and the user recovers 20 health (amount healed is equal to amount of damage the opponent receives, resistance included). If tails, a large boomerang is thrown, dealing 50 damage to the opponent, but the user also is exhausted from throwing the boomerang and loses 10 health in exchange. This attack is affected by boosters.
Resistance: Wind
Weakness: Flame

Name: Star Man
Core: Space
Health: 150
Attack 1: Star Crash
Attack 1 Description: Star Man uses a shield that resists 20 damage from the opponent's next attack and deals 30 damage to the opponent.
Attack 2: Star Storm
Attack 2 Description: Star Man spends a turn preparing to unleash a fury of stars on its opponent. The next turn, the stars crash down on the opponent, dealing 50 damage and forcing the opponent to skip its next attack due to flinching.
Attack 3: Low Gravity
Attack 3 Description: Flip a coin. If heads, Star Man avoids all attacks from the opponent on this turn and deals 20 damage to the opponent. If tails, the attack does nothing.
Resistance: Space
Weakness: Water

Name: Galaxy Man
Core: Space
Health: 200
Power: Calculated Mind
Power Description: Galaxy Man is so focused on the battle that Space Cores used on him last two turns instead of one turn normally.
Attack 2: Black Hole Bomb
Attack 2 Description: Galaxy Man will always attack second in a turn if this attack is used. He fires the Black Hole Bomb at his opponent and the damage done depends on the opponent's actions. If a support card was used by the opponent this turn, the bomb deals 60 damage instead of the usual 30 damage.
Attack 3: Coin Hold
Attack 3 Description: Flip a coin to determine which side of the coin will always take effect for the next 3 turns, both the user and the opponent. This attack does no damage to the opponent.
Resistance: Space
Weakness: Earth

Name: Plug Man
Core: Electric
Health: 150
Power: Anime Memories
Power Description: Plug Man gets inspired by the anime he's watched recently and starts his first turn with either an attack increase of 30 if Plug Ball is used, or if heads is flipped during Pleasant Chat, the next two Robot Master cards get an increase of 30 health. This only takes effect when he first joins a battle, not when he rejoins.
Attack 2: Plug Ball
Attack 2 Description: The user fires an electrically charged ball that rolls along the ground and damages the opponent for 30 damage.
Attack 3: Pleasant Chat
Attack 3 Description: Plug Man strikes a conversation with the opponent. Flip a coin to determine what happens when the conversation ends. If heads, the user gains 30 health and the next character card the user uses next also gains 20 health. If tails, the opponent gains 30 health. This attack does no damage to the opponent.
Resistance: Electric
Weakness: Crystal

Name: Sheep Man
Core: Electric
Health: 200
Power: Cloud Formation
Power Description: Unless Sheep Man is daydreaming, Sheep Man will form a cloud to cover himself during the opponent's turn. Flip a coin to determine if the attack hits Sheep Man. The attack succeeds if the coin is heads or the attack is Impact element.
Attack 2: Thunder Wool
Attack 2 Description: The user unleashes a floating piece of wool that fires a bolt of lightning at the opponent from above. Flip a coin to determine if an additional effect is applied. If heads, the attack only does the regular 30 damage. If tails, sparks also fly out from where the bolt strikes the ground, dealing an extra 20 damage. This extra attack is not effected by boosters.
Attack 3: Daydream
Attack 3 Description: The user spends this turn resting, and recovers 100 health by next turn. During this turn, Sheep Man's resistance is ignored, and no support cards can be used.
Resistance: Electric
Weakness: Impact

Name: Cutter Core
Core: Cutter
Description: Doubles the damage of the next attack, as long as it is Cutter Core.

Name: Electric Core
Core: Electric
Description: Doubles the damage of the next attack, as long as it is Electric Core.

Name: Space Core
Core: Space
Description: Doubles the damage of the next attack, as long as it is Space Core.

Name: Field Star
Core: Neutral
Description: Increases the next attack by 20, but also deals 10 Damage to the user due to overheating.

Name: Fusion Star
Core: Neutral
Description: Increases the next attack by 40, but also deals 20 Damage to the user due to overheating.

Name: Recovery Core
Core: Energy
Description: The user gains 50 Health, but is prevented from attacking that turn.

Name: Energy Armor
Core: Defense
Description: The user resists 20 Damage from the next opponent attack, unless the attack is a weakness. If the attack is a multi-hit, then the user resists 5 Damage per hit.

Name: Laser Recoil
Core: Laser
Description: If the opponent's next attack is Laser-type, the opponent receives the same damage it deals, even if the opponent is resistant or immune to Laser.

Name: Dark Fragment
Core: Empty
Description: The opponent's next attack, unless it's neutral-core, does nothing.

Name: Thunder Beam
Core: Electric
Description: Gives the single use of Thunder Beam. Flip a coin to determine how many bolts will hit the target for 30 damage each. If heads, all three bolts hit. If tails, only the first bolt hits.

Name: Coin Hold
Core: Space
Description: Gives the single use of Coin Hold. Flip a coin to determine which side of the coin will always take effect for the next 3 turns, both the user and the opponent.

Name: Low Gravity
Core: Space
Description: Gives the single use of Low Gravity. Flip a coin. If heads, the user avoids all attacks from the opponent on this turn and deals 20 damage to the opponent. If tails, the attack does nothing.

Name: Laser Cannon
Core: Laser
Description: Compliments the user's attack to deal an extra 10 damage to the opponent. This can be used three turns in a row, but the effect is lost if the user is disabled.

Name: Spark Armor
Core: Electric
Description: For this turn only, any Electric damage is negated and the user's next Electric-type attack has its attack increased by 20. The attack goes up by 30 instead if the user's Core is Electric.

Name: Cosmic Armor
Core: Space
Description: For this turn only, any Space damage is negated and the user's next Space-type attack has its attack increased by 20. The attack goes up by 30 instead if the user's Core is Space.

Name: Spike Armor
Core: Cutter
Description: For this turn only, any Cutter damage is negated and the user's next Cutter-type attack has its attack increased by 20. The attack goes up by 30 instead if the user's Core is Cutter.
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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)