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Mega Man RPG Prototype Community

Community  »  Roleplay & Games  » 
Beta Shadow
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
It is the year 20XX. And humans... No longer exist. In their place are industrial humanoid robots known as Robot Masters, and the Mechas that live alongside them in peace. However, peace doesn't always last... A threat to the world of Robot Masters looms above, and it is up to an unlikely crew of robots to save the day... But are they up to the task? Are YOU up to the task? The world's fate rests in your hands...

After the release of Retro Pikachu's remake of Tails' Lab Defense, I decided I wanted to make a new roleplay myself, in hopes of reviving the MMRPG roleplaying community. And with the release of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX, I decided "hey, why not?"
How to Play: (Or, in other words, "Beta just copy-pasted the rules from Retro's Lab Defense lol")

Ok, so you know how PMD games would have you take one step per turn, your partner would follow behind, and all the enemies would then take a step? Yeah, no, let's toss that turn system out the window. Being only able to take one step at a time might work for a video game, but for a forum roleplay? Yeah, WAY too sluggish. So, yeah, we'll be using some different mechanics. And, ok, sure, I may have stol- er, borrowed, the mechanics of Lab Defense, but hey, if the system works, it works. And besides, I've added and removed some things to make it a bit more Mystery Dungeon-esque...

Your journeys will take place in randomly assembled maps called Mystery Dungeons. The maps will be based off of Lab Defense, however, because I'm not going to bother trying to make an entire Mystery Dungeon map on my own. Too much effort for a simple forums roleplay.

Each robot on the field can take a certain number of steps at a time. Afterwards, they can use an attack, use an item in their inventory, or they can simply just wait. However, you CANNOT move after attacking or using an item. After all players have taken their turn, the enemies will have THEIR phase.

To make a move, either leave a reply in the thread or ping me in the Roleplay channel on Discord. If you don't make a move after ~24 hours of the start of your phase, your turn will be automated. At a certain point, however, I will stop automating your turn and just plain set you on idle; Believe it or not, this rule is NOT set up to have me play the game for you.

There are two kinds of allies: Teammates and Players. Teammates are other robots who are part of your Team, and are to be controlled by you as well. Teammates will follow you to the next floor once the floor's objective is complete. You may only have 4 teammates in the dungeon at a time, with two spaces reserved for the leader and partner. That may change in the postgame, however. On the other hand, there are Players. These allies are, of course, other users and their teammates who happen to be in the same dungeon and on the same floor as you. As they are from a different team, however, they will NOT follow you to the next floor. I may or may not make some exceptions during the introduction phase.

When you gain a level, your stats will increase, and you may or may not gain a new Weapon depending on your stat boons and your core types. You will gain EXP from defeating foes and clearing missions. Defeating foes will ALSO grant your Teammates half of the EXP gained from defeating them.

While some floors will require you to find the stairs in order to progress, there are also several other objectives for you to accomplish. We'll be discussing what some of these objectives may be in the future.

Character Creation:

Are you a human being sent into our world to save us all, or just another robot who lives in the world naturally? The answer is, that's for you to decide. Either way, I'm not going to do some PMD-style quiz to determine what Robot Master you are. Why? Because just giving you a small handful of options for who you'll be is absolutely lame. Instead, you get to make the decision of who you are- and who your partner will be- for yourself. And yes, you will be required to make TWO characters instead of just one.

Here is the character sheet:

Team Name:



And now, an in-depth look at what these are:

Team Name- The name of your team. This has been added after the Introduction phase, because we’re not going through it again. This wasn’t a part of it to begin with for story reasons.

Name- The name of the robot, obviously.
Icon- The icon the robot you'll be using. Refer to the [robot] or [mecha] formats for use of their mugshots (custom mugs are welcome, too, through use of the [image] formatting).

You will have a total of 25 points to spend on 5 different stats. Spend them wisely. Or don't. Your choice. Just know that you can't spend any more than 25.

HP- Health Points, also known as Energy. How much damage you take before you fall. Each point spent on this stat is 2 HP.
WE- Weapon Energy. It is the cost of your Special Weapons. Replenishes 1 WE on each turn. Each point spent on this stat is 2 WE.
ATK- Attack. Increases how much damage you deal.
DEF- Defense. Decreases how much damage you take.
SPD- Speed. Determines how far you can move. Each step is 2 SPD.

In addition to the points given to the stats, you can add one Boon and Bane to them. A Boon will add 2 extra points to the stat, and will increase its growth. It also controls what kind of passive Special Weapons you can obtain, as well as your Ability 2. A Bane will remove 2 points from that stat, and will slow down its growth. You can NOT have one over the other.

Core- Your main Core type. Determines the kind of elemental Special Weapons you can obtain, as well as your Ability 1.
Subcore- Your secondary Core type. Also determines the kind of elemental Special Weapons you can obtain, but to a lesser extent (meaning you can only obtain the buster weapons and Tier 1 weapons of this type).

Do note that you can use ANY type within Prototype EXCEPT for Copy Core, which has been replaced with Neutral. In addition, your partner cannot be the same Core or Subcore type as you.

Weakness- Attacks of this type deal more damage.
Resistance- Attacks of this type deal less damage.

You MUST have a Weakness and Resistance. Failure to apply this will cause me to assign one to you based on how I personally feel they should be.

The following is determined by your stat boon and Core type.

Weapons: Your Special Weapons that can be utilized after moving. You can only have 8 Special Weapons at a time. In addition, you will be given a singular Basic Attack that costs no Weapon Energy and take up no Special Weapon slots.
Abilities: Your special abilities that will activate under specific conditions. You will only have 2, but they can be changed through the use of specific items.

And this LAST "stat" is determined by your progression through the roleplay.

Rank: The Ranking of your Team, which can be raised by completing missions. Ranking up grants you more inventory spaces for items, increases the number of missions available for everyone, and may even gift you some other rewards.


Team Name: Team Beta and Mega

Name: Beta Man
HP: 5
WE: 6
ATK: 5(+)
DEF: 4(-)
SPD: 5

Core: Shadow
Subcore: Time
Weakness: Electric
Resistance: Flame

Name: Mega Man X-7
Icon: mega-man
HP: 6
WE: 5(-)
ATK: 4
DEF: 5
SPD: 5(+)

Core: Flame
Subcore: Nature
Weakness: Electric
Resistance: Laser

The resulting set-up will be...

Team Beta and Mega
Rank: Plain (0/100)

Beta Man | Level: 1 (0/50)
Core: Shadow | Subcore: Time | Weakness: Electric | Resistance: Flame
HP: 10 | WE: 12 | ATK: 9 (5+2+2) (Boon) | DEF: 2 (4-2) (Bane) | SPD: 5
Abilities: Shadow Expert, ATK +2
Weapons: Shadow Shot, Time Shot, Shadow Slide

mega-man Mega Man X-7 | Level: 1 (0/50)
Core: Flame | Subcore: Nature
HP: 12 | WE: 6 (10-4) (Bane) | ATK: 4 | DEF: 5 | SPD: 7 (5+2) (Boon)
Abilities: Flame Expert, Emergency SPD
Weapons: Flame Shot, Nature Shot, Fire Storm

Click here to view the database.

A detailed list of basically everything you will come across in this game. There are some of which that are currently locked (kept private), and some information in the database is hidden. Right now, the Players, Weapons, Abilities, Enemies, Items, Shops, and Dungeons databases are available.
Current Status:

Gentle Countryside, F1

Objective: Reach the Stairs!
Maniacal Hideaway, F1

Objective: Reach the Stairs!
Wintry Forefront, F1

Objective: Reach the Stairs!
Richly Courtyard, F1

Objective: Reach the Stairs!
Robot Master Mystery Dungeon: a PMD-inspired RPG (REBOOTING)
Posted by Beta Shadow on February 18th, 2020 at 12:10pm
Viewed 2499 Times
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on March 31st, 2020 at 8:14am Edited on 2020/03/31 at 8:34am
Posted 2020/03/31 at 8:14am Edited 2020/03/31 at 8:34am
No thank you. I'm sure we'll get along just fine without you.

Laser Joe uses Laser Shot.

Prototype uses Shield Shot.

Big Eye moves two spaces down.

Next time can we pack some weapons or something? This "about to die" thing is really getting annoying.

That was supposed to be your duty.

Heli Metall moves two spaces down to steal the Speed Pellet. No one will ever know.

^ Top
4,263,102 BP
2 TP | 162 PP
Posted on March 31st, 2020 at 8:29am Edited on 2020/03/31 at 8:40am
Posted 2020/03/31 at 8:29am Edited 2020/03/31 at 8:40am
enkerblast-manpengice-manANOTHER ICE MAN?!?!?!
enkeruhh....blast man, do you mind taking another hit for me?
blast-manand get frozen again? no way! enker! it's your turn.
Enker moves 2 spaces right, then up 1 space, then right 1 space.
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on March 31st, 2020 at 8:38pm
Posted 2020/03/31 at 8:38pm
@RotomSlashBlast :

Shadow Expert boosted the power of Shark Man’s attack!
Shark Man uses Shark Bite on Sergeant Man
4 Damage dealt!
Sergeant Man is inflicted with Bleed!

...Oh! Uh, hold on... *Starts flipping through some pages in a notebook of sorts* There’s gotta be some notes on this somewhere...
...Aha! Here we go... Bleed is a status condition where a large gash is made, causing the robot to bleed oil and take 2 Cutter Damage per turn. It lasts until the end of the floor, or unless someone uses a Bleed Cure... The only way to prevent Bleeding to begin with is by... Holding a Bleed Program?
...Hm, something tells me you weren’t supposed to learn about Programs just yet...
...Oh, well. No skin off my back.

Shired uses Basic Attack on Sergeant Man!
1 Damage dealt!

Instrumental Espionage’s Turn

Missile Expert boosts the power of Sergeant Man’s attack!
Sergeant Man uses Dive Torpedo on Shark Man!

7 Damage dealt!
Sergeant Man takes 2 Damage from Bleeding!
Fractal Requiem’s Turn

Why do I have this urge to deck a ghost in the face...?

@pokeepoo :

Enker picks up the 1-Up!
Enemy’s Turn

[align-right]Peng moves a space left. Ice Man moves 2 spaces down, and 2 spaces right. Blader moves down 6 spaces.

Hello there.
Blader uses Blader Swarm on Peng!

The first attack missed!
The second attack missed!
2 Damage dealt!


Core: Wind
HP: 4
WE: 4 (Bane)
ATK: 5
DEF: 2
SPD: 9 (Boon)


Blader Slicer
Core: Cutter
Power: 2
Range: 1-2
WE Cost: 2
Effect: Deals damage. That’s it.

Blader Swarm
Core: Wind
Power: 2
Range: 1
WE Cost: 4
Effect: Hits 1-3 times.
Player’s Turn

@ RedBomber :

Laser Expert boosts the power of Laser Joe’s attack!
Laser Joe uses Laser Shot on Heli Metall 2!
4 Damage dealt!

Shield Expert boosts the power of PROTOTYPE-001’s attack!
PROTOTYPE-001 uses Shield Shot on Heli Metall 2!
1 Damage dealt!

Heli Metall picks up the Speed Pellet!
Enemy’s Turn

sniper-joe ...Seriously? You think I would fall for that?
[sniper-joe You’re lucky you'll be in range to attack either way... And I, for one, hate to be a sitting duck.
Sniper Joe takes a step to the right.

Heli Metall 2 uses Met Shot!

PROTOTYPE-001 takes 1 Damage!
Laser Joe takes 1 Damage!
Big Eye takes 1 Damage!
Heli Metall takes 1 Damage!
Sniper Joe uses Defense Buster on PROTOTYPE-001!

5 Damage dealt!
Defense Buster’s aura increases Sniper Joe’s DEF!
Sniper Joe’s DEF is boosted by +2!
Player’s Turn

@Soren : Moved.

[align-center]Enemy’s Turn

Lightning Lord moves 3 spaces left, and 1 space up.

Player’s Turn

^ Top
38,781,442 BP
15 TP | 1890 PP
Posted on March 31st, 2020 at 10:28pm
Posted 2020/03/31 at 10:28pm
freeze-man Well, would you look at that. There's a way to bypass your defense entirely. Plus, with that Bleed damage, you're not going to be able to win. Now, for the kill!

Shark Man uses Shark Bite again!
Shired ALSO uses a Regular attack. ...Again.
^ Top
2,202,706 BP
66 TP | 1701 PP
Posted on March 31st, 2020 at 11:39pm
Posted 2020/03/31 at 11:39pm
Chemical Man Moves down Next to the Lightning Lord and Fires his Laser Shot
Universal Man Moves right and up once and claims the booster
^ Top
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on April 1st, 2020 at 7:10am Edited on 2020/04/01 at 7:11am
Posted 2020/04/01 at 7:10am Edited 2020/04/01 at 7:11am
Okay, I've had enough of you!

Laser Joe uses Laser Shot on Heli Metall 2!
Well now, I suppose if you won't come to us, I'll have to come to you.

Prototype Mo--


Oh for the love of-- What now?

I know I can't be there to support the only thing I ask is you take Jr. with you!

met ...

This is serious.

F-fine then! Neglect your duties as a father! See if I care!

Now, where was I?

Prototype Moves a space down and releases his Buster Charge
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on April 1st, 2020 at 9:57pm
Posted 2020/04/01 at 9:57pm
@RotomSlashBlast :

Shadow Expert boosted the power of Shark Man’s attack!
Shark Man uses Shark Bite on Sergeant Man!
4 Damage dealt!

Phantasm uses Basic Attack on Sergeant Man!
1 Damage dealt!

Instrumental Espionage’s Turn

...Heh, so that is how it is. Well, good fight, then.
And again, I must apologise. The self-proclaimed leader of our group is... Well...
...He’s an egotistical hole who always rushes into things like this just for the of it.
...That being said, I need to make a final move before I go down, so...
Missile Expert boosts the power of Sergeant Man’s attack!
Sergeant Man uses Dive Torpedo on Shired!

1 Damage dealt!
Sergeant Man takes 2 Damage from Bleeding!
Sergeant Man is disabled!


Team Instrumental Espionage has been defeated!
Team Fractal Requiem wins!

Mission Complete!
Shired earns 34 EXP
Shark Man earns 34 EXP
Phantasm earns 17 EXP (EXP is halved due to being disabled.)

*Clapping slowly* Bravo. The three of you have done well in this experiment...
As promised, your reward for your victory is getting to keep Shark Man as a permanent teammate... Additionally, all players should expect to see some of the MM3 Dos gang appear in some of the dungeons in the future.
With that said... *Calling over* Reaper, I’m done!
*Sigh* Beta SHADOW, and thanks. Now, then...

NOTICE: A big event is going down in Electrical Tower! Would you like to leave the dungeon early to head over there?
Automated Turn

Enker moves 2 spaces right.

Neutral Expert boosts the power of Enker’s attack!
Enker uses Buster Shot on Peng!
6 Damage dealt!
Peng is disabled!

Enker earns 8 EXP
Blast Man earns 4 EXP
Peng earns 4 EXP
Ice Man earns 4 EXP
Speed Pellet has been dropped!

Explode Expert boosts the power of Blast Man’s attack!
Blast Man uses Explode Shot on Blader!
4 Damage dealt!

Peng uses Freeze Shot on Blader!
3 Damage dealt!
Blader is disabled!

Peng earns 11 EXP
Blast Man earns 6 EXP
Enker earns 6 EXP
Ice Man earns 6 EXP
(BC) Ice Slasher has been dropped!
Enemy’s Turn

Ice Man takes 4 steps down.

Player’s Turn

(The rest exceeds the character limit, so next post.)
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on April 1st, 2020 at 9:59pm
Posted 2020/04/01 at 9:59pm
@The End Is Near :

Laser Expert boosts the power of Laser Joe’s attack!
Laser Joe uses Laser Shot on Heli Metall 2!
4 Damage dealt!
Heli Metall 2 is disabled!

Laser Joe earns 10 EXP
PROTOTYPE-001 earns 5 EXP
Big Eye earns 5 EXP
Heli Metall earns 5 EXP
Defense Pellet has been dropped!

Shield Expert boosts the power of PROTOTYPE-001’s attack!
PROTOTYPE-001 uses Shield Buster on Sniper Joe!
3 Damage dealt!

Shield Buster’s aura raises PROTOTYPE-001’s DEF!
PROTOTYPE-001’s DEF is boosted by +4!
Enemy’s Turn

Sniper Joe uses Buster Charge!
Sniper Joe’s Super Pellet activates!
Sniper Joe’s DEF is boosted by +4!
Sniper Joe’s ATK is boosted by +2!
Sniper Joe’s SPD is boosted by +2!

WARNING! Enemy Sniper Joe 2 has spawned!

Player’s Turn

@BBA Top Man :

Laser Expert boosts the power of Chemical Man’s attack!
Chemical Man uses Laser Shot on Lightning Lord!
3 Damage dealt!


Lightning Lord
Core: Electric
HP: 6
WE: 8
ATK: 7
DEF: 2
SPD: 4

Weakness: Water
Resistance: Wind


Lightning Throw
Core: Electric
Power: 2
Range: 1-2
WE Cost: 2
Effect: Has a 25% chance of Stunning the foe. (Lightning Lords only.)

Universal Man picks up the (BC) Plug Ball!


(BC) Battle Chips
Effect: Teaches a Weapon to any robot compatible with learning said attack. Can be used at ANY time.

Well, would you look at that! Our first Battle Chip!
Unfortunately, it would appear that you don’t yet have anyone who could learn the move just yet...
But, hey! This place is CRAWLING with Electric-Cores! I’m sure you’ll be able to recruit SOMEONE to teach it to.
Enemy’s Turn

Lightning Lord uses Thunder Strike on Chemical Man!

8 Damage dealt!
Player’s Turn

NOTICE: The BBAs have invaded!

Yep. In honor of this year’s April Fools joke, the Bad Box Arts have joined RMMD! These guys have been spawned randomly in the further floors of the currently-being-explored dungeons (Arctic Jungle and Electrical Tower). And not ONLY will they be carrying various T1 weapons from DOS, DOS 3, and MM&B2 (that will be dropped upon defeat), but they are the ONLY enemies that have a 100% Recruitment Rate! Be warned, however: The three of them may have terrible ATK, DEF, and SPD stats, but they have a LOT of HP and WE to compensate! Have fun, and Happy April Fools! (And yes, I intend on their appearances being a seasonal event.)
^ Top
2,202,706 BP
66 TP | 1701 PP
Posted on April 1st, 2020 at 10:59pm
Posted 2020/04/01 at 10:59pm
Hmmm maybe I can use this...

Chemical Man Uses Rolling Cutter!
and Universal Man is taking a &#*$ in the Toilet
^ Top
4,263,102 BP
2 TP | 162 PP
Posted on April 2nd, 2020 at 5:34am Edited on 2020/04/02 at 5:38am
Posted 2020/04/02 at 5:34am Edited 2020/04/02 at 5:38am
enker moves 1 space up and 1 space toward ice man uses rolling cutter on the ice man imposter
blast man moved 1 space forward to pick up the ice slasher power up
blast-manan ice slasher! i got it!
^ Top
38,781,442 BP
15 TP | 1890 PP
Posted on April 2nd, 2020 at 8:07am
Posted 2020/04/02 at 8:07am
Sure, I can have my team warp over to Electrical Tower. Plus, I want to see for myself what kind of beast is at the top.
^ Top
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on April 2nd, 2020 at 8:07am Edited on 2020/04/02 at 7:56pm
Posted 2020/04/02 at 8:07am Edited 2020/04/02 at 7:56pm
Prototype moves one space down.

Prototype uses Buster Charge!

So tell us, why exactly are we watching from the sidelines as this all happens?

Because we're useless in this fight.

Speak for yourself. I'm not gonna watch all this happen.

met .......... . ..... .. ...... .....

Oh, no you don't, Junior! Get back here!

Heli Metall moves one space up and one space left, and, without knowing, swipes the Defense Pellet from the ground in the process!

Big Eye moves two spaces down.
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on April 2nd, 2020 at 9:57pm
Posted 2020/04/02 at 9:57pm
@pokeepoo :

Enker does not have enough WE to use Rolling Cutter!

Neutral Expert boosts the power of Enker’s attack!
Enker uses Buster Shot on Ice Man!
4 Damage dealt!

Blast Man picks up the (BC) Ice Slasher!
Enemy’s Turn

Freeze Expert boosts the power of Ice Man’s attack!
Ice Man uses Ice Breath on Enker!

Super Effective!
5 Damage dealt!
WARNING! Enemy Big Eye has spawned!
Player’s Turn

@MyReturnIsImminent : (Between the previous display name and this one, coupled with your profile description... )

Heli Metall Junior picks up the Defense Pellet! (Until stated otherwise, I’m having this be the Heli Metall’s nickname, since A. Nobody has really used the nickname feature yet, and B. I find the concept of Laser Joe (and to a forced extent, Prototype) being adoptive parents to the Heli Metall amusing.)
Enemy’s Turn

sniper-joe So you adopted the Metall, how adorable. How about a gift for the new parents?

[align-right]Sniper Joe 1 takes a step right, and a step up. Sniper Joe 2 takes a step left and uses Buster Charge.

Sniper Joe 1 uses Defense Buster on Junior!

10 Damage dealt!
Junior is disabled!
Defense Buster’s aura increases Sniper Joe 1’s DEF!
Sniper Joe 1’s DEF is boosted by +6!

Player’s Turn

@Soren :

Chemical Man uses Rolling Cutter!
5 Damage dealt!

Enemy’s Turn

Lightning Lord uses Elec Strike* on Chemical Man!

8 Damage dealt!
Chemical Man is Stunned!

Like being Frozen, being Stunned makes you unable to move for 3 turns. Unlike being Frozen, however, you can still attack, use items, or BE attacked when Stunned.

WARNING! Enemy Blader has spawned!
Player’s Turn

Team Fractal Requiem has arrived!

^ Top
2,202,706 BP
66 TP | 1701 PP
Posted on April 3rd, 2020 at 2:19am Edited on 2020/04/03 at 2:29am
Posted 2020/04/03 at 2:19am Edited 2020/04/03 at 2:29am
Seems like you're too late Fractal Requiem. Ima destroy this Bot!

Chemical Man Uses Laser Shot. Also Universal Man Got out of the toilet and read a book

Edit: I'll let Lightning Lord join my Team

Super Edit: Universal Man Ran down 5 Spaces (SUPER DUPER EDIT HERE)
^ Top
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on April 3rd, 2020 at 7:51am Edited on 2020/04/03 at 1:37pm
Posted 2020/04/03 at 7:51am Edited 2020/04/03 at 1:37pm
aw, .

You just killed Junior...

Wuh...Why you...

Do not engage. Your orders are to stand down and wait until you have the sufficient WE.

And as for you...

We don't take very kindly to our teammates being disabled.

Prototype releases his Buster Charge!

Big Eye uses Big Stomp!
^ Top
38,781,442 BP
15 TP | 1890 PP
Posted on April 3rd, 2020 at 7:59am
Posted 2020/04/03 at 7:59am
Imma just have all my team members move as far down as possible.
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on April 3rd, 2020 at 9:52pm Edited on 2020/04/03 at 10:38pm
Posted 2020/04/03 at 9:52pm Edited 2020/04/03 at 10:38pm
Automated Turn

All members wait.
Enemy's Turn

Big Eye leaps down 4 spaces.
Player's Turn

@IIKM otorP : (He cometh)

Shield Expert boosts the power of PROTOTYPE-001's attack!
PROTOTYPE-001 uses Shield Buster on Sniper Joe 1!
1 Damage dealt!

Shield Buster's aura increases PROTOTYPE-001's DEF!
PROTOTYPE-001's DEF is boosted by +6! Scratch that, he didn't have enough WE.

Big Eye uses Big Stomp!
Super Effective on PROTOTYPE-001!
4 Damage to PROTOTYPE-001!
1 Damage to Sniper Joe 1!

Enemy's Turn

sniper-joe HAH! Thanks to my increase in defenses, your attacks mean NOTHING to me! Though, thanks for letting me know what grinds your gears so much...
Sniper Joe 1 moves a space right, and a space up, then uses Buster Charge. Sniper Joe 2 takes a step up.

Don't worry, my fellow Joe unit... You're next.
Player's Turn

@Soren :

Laser Expert boosts the power of Chemical Man's attack!
Chemical Man uses Laser Shot on Lightning Lord!
3 Damage dealt!
Lightning Lord is disabled!

Chemical Man earns 12 EXP
Universal Man earns 6 EXP

(Unfortunately, you did not hit the 30% Recruitment mark.)

@RotomSlashBlast : Moved.
Enemy's Turn

Blader takes a space to the left.

Blader uses Blader Swarm on Universal Man!

3 Damage dealt!
The second attack missed!
3 Damage dealt!
Hit 2 Times! (Total: 6 Damage)
Player's Turn

^ Top
2,202,706 BP
66 TP | 1701 PP
Posted on April 3rd, 2020 at 11:11pm
Posted 2020/04/03 at 11:11pm
It doesn’t seem he’s gonna make it... Oh wait! I have this!

Chemical Man Gives Universal Man a Super Pellet! Universal Man Moves down once and left 5 Times
^ Top
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on April 3rd, 2020 at 11:12pm Edited on 2020/04/03 at 11:43pm
Posted 2020/04/03 at 11:12pm Edited 2020/04/03 at 11:43pm
(It's as I suspected. He's making a pass at Laser Joe.)

(Cut Man was no more than a fly in the way in our objectives, but this..thing.. both of our combined attacks barely did anything short of a tickle.)

(And now our main source of damage output is next. I can't...I can't let this happen.)

Oh, nonononono. You think we're done with you? We're barely getting started!

Laser Joe is knocked out of the way one space up By Big Eye, who takes his previous position.

...That's right. Don't think for a second that we'll let you pass by us as if we're some sort of side-dish to the main course.

Prototype moves one space up and uses Buster Charge, because he totally hasn't done that before.
So, done with the whole cryptic thing?

What is this?

What do you mean "What is this"?

Don't play dumb with me. "PROTOTYPE-001"? "Laser Joe"? You know exactly what I mean.

..Ah. I see now. This is supposed to be my "replacement", isn't it? This Prototype fellow?

What? Don't want someone to sympathize with? Besides, he's enough of a like-minded individual for you to be interested in, isn't he?

Like-minded? You insult me by comparing my being with such trash. He has the face of a Fighting Robot, but there's something that sets him apart. That makes him weak.

Fear. He's experienced death before, I can... sense it in him. Rather than making him stronger, it's made him meek. Mild. Timid. Insecure.

He does not believe in his leadership skills, he is afraid of the elimination of him and his cohorts. He must purge himself of his humanity if he wishes to succeed.

Oooor learn to move on from his past traumas and put his trust in his allies?

Only if you're too weak to rely on yourself only.

Ah, whatever. So, you're not going to mess around at all?

Why would I? I see nothing worth "messing around" with.

Of course, I am intrigued as to what will happen next...
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Posted on April 4th, 2020 at 10:35am
Posted 2020/04/04 at 10:35am
freeze-man So, why are we here again?
 What, you didn't watch the cutscene? Elec Man got booted off his tower by some monster who I'm betting is a Fortress Boss of some kind.
We're here to forcibly evict that thing and hopefully get a reward out of it. I have a feeling this beast is at the top, so let's go there.

Shark Man moves one space right, three spaces down, and two spaces left.
Phantasm moves 3 spaces right and fires a Break Laser at the Blader!
Shired just sits there.
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