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Mega Man RPG Prototype Community

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Beta Shadow
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
It is the year 20XX. And humans... No longer exist. In their place are industrial humanoid robots known as Robot Masters, and the Mechas that live alongside them in peace. However, peace doesn't always last... A threat to the world of Robot Masters looms above, and it is up to an unlikely crew of robots to save the day... But are they up to the task? Are YOU up to the task? The world's fate rests in your hands...

After the release of Retro Pikachu's remake of Tails' Lab Defense, I decided I wanted to make a new roleplay myself, in hopes of reviving the MMRPG roleplaying community. And with the release of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX, I decided "hey, why not?"
How to Play: (Or, in other words, "Beta just copy-pasted the rules from Retro's Lab Defense lol")

Ok, so you know how PMD games would have you take one step per turn, your partner would follow behind, and all the enemies would then take a step? Yeah, no, let's toss that turn system out the window. Being only able to take one step at a time might work for a video game, but for a forum roleplay? Yeah, WAY too sluggish. So, yeah, we'll be using some different mechanics. And, ok, sure, I may have stol- er, borrowed, the mechanics of Lab Defense, but hey, if the system works, it works. And besides, I've added and removed some things to make it a bit more Mystery Dungeon-esque...

Your journeys will take place in randomly assembled maps called Mystery Dungeons. The maps will be based off of Lab Defense, however, because I'm not going to bother trying to make an entire Mystery Dungeon map on my own. Too much effort for a simple forums roleplay.

Each robot on the field can take a certain number of steps at a time. Afterwards, they can use an attack, use an item in their inventory, or they can simply just wait. However, you CANNOT move after attacking or using an item. After all players have taken their turn, the enemies will have THEIR phase.

To make a move, either leave a reply in the thread or ping me in the Roleplay channel on Discord. If you don't make a move after ~24 hours of the start of your phase, your turn will be automated. At a certain point, however, I will stop automating your turn and just plain set you on idle; Believe it or not, this rule is NOT set up to have me play the game for you.

There are two kinds of allies: Teammates and Players. Teammates are other robots who are part of your Team, and are to be controlled by you as well. Teammates will follow you to the next floor once the floor's objective is complete. You may only have 4 teammates in the dungeon at a time, with two spaces reserved for the leader and partner. That may change in the postgame, however. On the other hand, there are Players. These allies are, of course, other users and their teammates who happen to be in the same dungeon and on the same floor as you. As they are from a different team, however, they will NOT follow you to the next floor. I may or may not make some exceptions during the introduction phase.

When you gain a level, your stats will increase, and you may or may not gain a new Weapon depending on your stat boons and your core types. You will gain EXP from defeating foes and clearing missions. Defeating foes will ALSO grant your Teammates half of the EXP gained from defeating them.

While some floors will require you to find the stairs in order to progress, there are also several other objectives for you to accomplish. We'll be discussing what some of these objectives may be in the future.

Character Creation:

Are you a human being sent into our world to save us all, or just another robot who lives in the world naturally? The answer is, that's for you to decide. Either way, I'm not going to do some PMD-style quiz to determine what Robot Master you are. Why? Because just giving you a small handful of options for who you'll be is absolutely lame. Instead, you get to make the decision of who you are- and who your partner will be- for yourself. And yes, you will be required to make TWO characters instead of just one.

Here is the character sheet:

Team Name:



And now, an in-depth look at what these are:

Team Name- The name of your team. This has been added after the Introduction phase, because we’re not going through it again. This wasn’t a part of it to begin with for story reasons.

Name- The name of the robot, obviously.
Icon- The icon the robot you'll be using. Refer to the [robot] or [mecha] formats for use of their mugshots (custom mugs are welcome, too, through use of the [image] formatting).

You will have a total of 25 points to spend on 5 different stats. Spend them wisely. Or don't. Your choice. Just know that you can't spend any more than 25.

HP- Health Points, also known as Energy. How much damage you take before you fall. Each point spent on this stat is 2 HP.
WE- Weapon Energy. It is the cost of your Special Weapons. Replenishes 1 WE on each turn. Each point spent on this stat is 2 WE.
ATK- Attack. Increases how much damage you deal.
DEF- Defense. Decreases how much damage you take.
SPD- Speed. Determines how far you can move. Each step is 2 SPD.

In addition to the points given to the stats, you can add one Boon and Bane to them. A Boon will add 2 extra points to the stat, and will increase its growth. It also controls what kind of passive Special Weapons you can obtain, as well as your Ability 2. A Bane will remove 2 points from that stat, and will slow down its growth. You can NOT have one over the other.

Core- Your main Core type. Determines the kind of elemental Special Weapons you can obtain, as well as your Ability 1.
Subcore- Your secondary Core type. Also determines the kind of elemental Special Weapons you can obtain, but to a lesser extent (meaning you can only obtain the buster weapons and Tier 1 weapons of this type).

Do note that you can use ANY type within Prototype EXCEPT for Copy Core, which has been replaced with Neutral. In addition, your partner cannot be the same Core or Subcore type as you.

Weakness- Attacks of this type deal more damage.
Resistance- Attacks of this type deal less damage.

You MUST have a Weakness and Resistance. Failure to apply this will cause me to assign one to you based on how I personally feel they should be.

The following is determined by your stat boon and Core type.

Weapons: Your Special Weapons that can be utilized after moving. You can only have 8 Special Weapons at a time. In addition, you will be given a singular Basic Attack that costs no Weapon Energy and take up no Special Weapon slots.
Abilities: Your special abilities that will activate under specific conditions. You will only have 2, but they can be changed through the use of specific items.

And this LAST "stat" is determined by your progression through the roleplay.

Rank: The Ranking of your Team, which can be raised by completing missions. Ranking up grants you more inventory spaces for items, increases the number of missions available for everyone, and may even gift you some other rewards.


Team Name: Team Beta and Mega

Name: Beta Man
HP: 5
WE: 6
ATK: 5(+)
DEF: 4(-)
SPD: 5

Core: Shadow
Subcore: Time
Weakness: Electric
Resistance: Flame

Name: Mega Man X-7
Icon: mega-man
HP: 6
WE: 5(-)
ATK: 4
DEF: 5
SPD: 5(+)

Core: Flame
Subcore: Nature
Weakness: Electric
Resistance: Laser

The resulting set-up will be...

Team Beta and Mega
Rank: Plain (0/100)

Beta Man | Level: 1 (0/50)
Core: Shadow | Subcore: Time | Weakness: Electric | Resistance: Flame
HP: 10 | WE: 12 | ATK: 9 (5+2+2) (Boon) | DEF: 2 (4-2) (Bane) | SPD: 5
Abilities: Shadow Expert, ATK +2
Weapons: Shadow Shot, Time Shot, Shadow Slide

mega-man Mega Man X-7 | Level: 1 (0/50)
Core: Flame | Subcore: Nature
HP: 12 | WE: 6 (10-4) (Bane) | ATK: 4 | DEF: 5 | SPD: 7 (5+2) (Boon)
Abilities: Flame Expert, Emergency SPD
Weapons: Flame Shot, Nature Shot, Fire Storm

Click here to view the database.

A detailed list of basically everything you will come across in this game. There are some of which that are currently locked (kept private), and some information in the database is hidden. Right now, the Players, Weapons, Abilities, Enemies, Items, Shops, and Dungeons databases are available.
Current Status:

Gentle Countryside, F1

Objective: Reach the Stairs!
Maniacal Hideaway, F1

Objective: Reach the Stairs!
Wintry Forefront, F1

Objective: Reach the Stairs!
Richly Courtyard, F1

Objective: Reach the Stairs!
Robot Master Mystery Dungeon: a PMD-inspired RPG (REBOOTING)
Posted by Beta Shadow on February 18th, 2020 at 12:10pm
Viewed 2499 Times
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on May 1st, 2020 at 8:21pm
Posted 2020/05/01 at 8:21pm
Automated Turn

Enker moves up 1 space and left 3 spaces. Ice Man moves left 2 spaces. Blast Man moves 1 space left, 2 spaces down, and 1 space right.

Ice Man picks up the (BC) Oil Slider!


Oil Slider
Core: Earth
Power: 6
Range: 1-3
WE Cost: 6
Effect: Moves the user towards the target.
Learning Requirements: Level 4+ Earth or Impact Core

Blast Man picks up the (AU) Dark Absorb!


Dark Absorb
Effect: Shadow Core attacks heal the user instead of damaging them.
AU Requirements: No Shadow Core weakness.
Enemy’s Turn

Crazy Cannon 3 moves 2 spaces right. Crazy Cannon 2 moves 1 space left.

Player’s Turn


Energy Break
Core: Energy
Power: -
Range: 1
WE Cost: 4
Effect: Removes -2 HP from an adjacent foe.


1. The recolored versions are the same as regular versions, much like the other mecha alternate colors. And 2. Colored green crosses are regulars, uncolored crosses are Classic, and both have the same Met Cover sprite because ¯\_(._.)_/¯

Cutter Expert boosts the power of Cut Man’s attack!
Cut Man uses Rolling Cutter
Super Effective!
1 Damage dealt!
Enemy’s Turn

Sniper Joe uses Mega Buster on Cut Man!

7 Damage dealt!
Mega Buster’s aura increases Sniper Joe’s DEF!
Sniper Joe’s DEF is boosted by +2


Mega Buster
Power: 8
Range: 1-3
WE Cost: 4
Effect: Consumes a charge to use. Raises the user’s DEF by +2.
Learning Requirements: Level 2+ Neutral Core required.
WARNING! Enemy Cut Man has spawned! (Man, you’re like a Cut Man magnet.)

Player’s Turn

Automated Turn

BBA Proto Man uses Bit Cannon on Blader 1!
Super Effective!
The first attack missed...
5 Damage dealt!
Blader 1 is disabled!

BBA Proto Man earns 8 EXP
Chemical Man earns 4 EXP
Universal Man earns 4 EXP

Time Expert boosts the power of Time Man’s attack!
Time Man uses Time Shot!
8 Damage dealt!
Blader 2 is disabled!

Enemy’s Turn

Sniper Joe moves 1 space down and uses Buster Charge.

Player’s Turn

Universal Man is thawed!


Moved. Though, for the record... Big Eye could’ve leaped down 2 spaces, and then, since it takes 2 spaces to do so in the first place, moved a space diagonally to the stairs. Otherwise, this wouldn’t’ve happened:


Shired picks up the (BC) Magma Bazooka!

Shark Man has reached the stairs!

Big Eye (Escort) is now following Team Fractal Requiem.

Team Fractal Requiem moves on to the next floor!

Automated Turn

Nitro Man moves 2 spaces up and 1 space right. Turbo Man moves 4 spaces down.

Cutter Expert boosts the power of Nitro Man’s attack!
Nitro Man uses Rolling Cutter on Spine!
Super Effective!
7 Damage dealt!
Enemy’s Turn

Sniper Joe is no longer stunned!

Sniper Joe uses Defense Buster on Nitro Man!

7 Damage dealt!
Defense Buster’s aura boosts Sniper Joe’s DEF by +2!

Spine uses Spine Slide on Nitro Man!

1 Damage dealt!
Player’s Turn

Next post time!
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on May 1st, 2020 at 9:06pm
Posted 2020/05/01 at 9:06pm

Neutral Expert boosts the power of Enayrk’s attack!
Enayrk uses Regular Attack on Flutter Fly 1!
1 Damage dealt!

Crystal Expert boosts the power of Mondegreen’s attack!
Mondegreen uses Crystal Shot on Flutter Fly 1!
2 Damage dealt!

Instrumental Espionage

Sergeant Man prepares to move towards the Flutter Fly, but...

...No. No need to get involved with that one, Sergeant.
...You literally just told me to take care of it for you earlier.
Yeah, but, I think these guys can handle it on their own now. You try and go for the stairs, I’ll make sure that Clock Man over there doesn’t sneak up on them.
Yeah... “Try”... You know, my speed wouldn’t even be a problem if you just bought a speed boosting item like I had asked you to.
Psh, what, and let those other “Robot Academy” guys get more ahead of us than they already are? Not a chance, soldier boy!

Sergeant Man moves a space up. Ninja Man rushes 3 spaces down and 3 spaces left.

Swift Expert boosts the power of Ninja Man’s attack!
Ninja Man uses Quick Strike on Clock Man!
1 Damage dealt!


Clock Man 1

HP: 6 (Bane)
WE: 12
ATK: 2
DEF: 5
SPD: 9 (Boon)

Core: Time
Subcore: Electric
Weakness: Shadow
Resistance: Electric
Enemy’s Turn

Flutter Fly 1 uses Flutter Pulse on Enayrk!

1 Damage dealt!
Time Expert boosts the power of Clock Man’s attack!
Clock Man uses Time Shot on Ninja Man!

1 Damage dealt!
Player’s Turn


You have chosen to head for the Intro Field. Onwards!

Player’s Turn

Team Fractal Requiem has reached Floor 2!

Mission Complete!

Phantasm earns 34 EXP
Shired earns 34 EXP
Shark Man earns 34 EXP
Watcher earns 34 EXP
Prototype earns 17 EXP
Crystal Joe earns 17 EXP
Big Eye earns 17 EXP
Junior earns 17 EXP
Reserved members of Team Prototype earns 8 EXP


Junior has reached Level 3!
HP: 9 > 10
WE: 9 > 10
ATK: 5 > 6
WEP: 5 > 6
SPD: 5 > 6
WEAPON GET: Experience Boost!

Team Fractal Requiem earns 34 REP!

(Echoing in the Big Eye’s mind) ...Unless they happen to be a part of one of those Robot Academy teams, and have learned a move OTHER than Big Stomp. But what are the odds of THAT ever happening?
... it.
[ Hey! “Fractal Requiem”, correct? Are there any spots open? Because I want in on the whole “Robot Academy” thing.
...And I’m pretty sure those “Team Prototype” guys have the whole “Giant stomping robot” thing covered. Also, you guys work faster than they do, so...

Big Eye wishes to join Team Fractal Requiem! Accept?
Player’s Turn
^ Top
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on May 1st, 2020 at 10:11pm Edited on 2020/05/01 at 10:12pm
Posted 2020/05/01 at 10:11pm Edited 2020/05/01 at 10:12pm
Yup, okay that is 100% fair.

We went to Intro Fields and almost died there. We went to the Tower, and we didn't even make it to the last floor! And that isn't even mentioning how you guys did at the Ware.....ha...nevermind

Point is, I'm getting real sick and tired of getting the sloppy seconds around here. I say if we get robbed of OUR rewards by carefree freeloaders, we take something that was meant for them, too!

While I see the appeal to this course of action, that'd be a pretty petty thing of us to do. What do you think, Commander?


He's... not really listening is he?

Okay. We're actually doing this then.

Laser Joe moves two spaces down.
^ Top
38,781,442 BP
15 TP | 1890 PP
Posted on May 1st, 2020 at 10:18pm
Posted 2020/05/01 at 10:18pm
   I mean, we don't exactly have any Impact types on your team AND I plan on finding a way to remedy your trademark attack's biggest weakness. Therefore, welcome aboard.
   (However, at the same time, this kinda cheats Team Prototype out of a reward. If I remember correctly, we have a second Pharaoh Shot battle chip in our inventory, so maybe I'll find a way to teleport that along with 40 bolts over to Team Prototype.)

Phantasm moves two spaces left and two more down. Also, if possible, he fires a Break Laser at the blue Hot Head!
Shired moves three spaces left, and fires a Shield Shot at the very same Hot Head.
Shark Man moves four spaces left, and three spaces down.
Watcher moves two spaces down.
Enayrk uses... another Regular Attack. How original.
Mondegreen also gets in on the Regular Attack train.
^ Top
Ninja Phantom
1,588,601 BP
1 TP | 105 PP
Posted on May 1st, 2020 at 10:30pm
Posted 2020/05/01 at 10:30pm
Returning Techno uses his Flame Buster on Beak 2...
...dealing 3 Damage. So much for that.

Agreed... Moon Jump, go ahead and head for the stairs.
But master, you said-
I know what I said. And now I am redacting it... And you would be wise to follow through without question.
...Understood, master.

@Inconspicuous User:

Good riddance. Hopefully they won’t catch up before our work is done... Knowing how this little roleplay is supposed to work, I’m sure that Shadow has a plan to ruin everything. ...Although, since I can control what happens, too, I have a plan myself, to ensure that doesn’t happen...

In any case, I believe we are here...

oil-man Yeah, right. I’d like to see ya try, copper boy!


...The worst part about that whole scenario was that I couldn’t stop it from happening because they cannot hear me.
But no matter. The slaughter begins now.

Alright, let’s get a move on, shall we?
^ Top
Proto MKII
1,205,220 BP
0 TP | 409 PP
Posted on May 2nd, 2020 at 7:45am Edited on 2020/05/02 at 8:08am
Posted 2020/05/02 at 7:45am Edited 2020/05/02 at 8:08am
Now, now, there's no need for any mindless debates.

I.. *ahem* ...we will "arrest" this thieving fiend of yours...(Though what follows after this will remain under wraps for the time being.)

Viking MKII will move two spaces down and one space right and Charge his buster.

Berry MKII will move one spaces down and do the same.
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on May 2nd, 2020 at 8:20pm
Posted 2020/05/02 at 8:20pm
Automated Turn

Enker moves 2 spaces left.

Enker has reached the stairs!

Team Shattering Mirrors moves on to the next floor!
Automated Turn

Both Vat Man and Biostar Acorn moves left 1 space.

Water Expert boosts the power of Vat Man’s attack!
Vat Man uses Bubble Spray on Sniper Joe!
8 Damage dealt!
Sniper Joe is disabled!

Vat Man earns 9 EXP
Biostar Acorn earns 4 EXP
Cut Man earns 4 EXP
...Oh? It appears Sniper Joe wishes to join Team Biostar Company! Accept?

Impact Expert boosts the power of Biostar Acorn’s attack!
Biostar Acorn uses Super Arm on Metall 3!
Super Effective!
31 Damage dealt!
Metall Classic is disabled!

Biostar Acorn earns 9 EXP
Vat Man earns 4 EXP
Cut Man earns 4 EXP
...Oh? It appears Metall 3 wishes to join Team Biostar Company! Accept?

(Also, should you take up both Metall 3 and Sniper Joe, I will also give you the choice on who out of the two you want to keep on the field, and who you want to send to the reserves.)

Automated Turn

Chemical Man moves 4 spaces up and 1 space left and uses Buster Charge. Universal Man moves 1 space up. BBA Proto Man moves 2 spaces down.

Universal Man picks up the Freeze Core!

Time Man moves 3 spaces up.
Enemy’s Turn

Sniper Joe moves 1 space down and uses Buster Charge.

Player’s Turn


...You know. That red filter in that last image just feels oddly... Ominous.

...But then I see how memetic Prototype looks and I forget all about any feelings of suspicion.

Laser Joe has reached the stairs!

Team Prototype moves on to the next floor!

Automated Turn

Turbo Man moves down 4 spaces.

Turbo Man has reached the stairs!

The Wheelin’ Racers moves on to the next floor!

Neutral Expert boosts the power of Enayrk’s attack!
Enayrk uses Regular Attack on Flutter Fly 1!
1 Damage dealt!

Mondegreen uses Regular Attack on Flutter Fly 1!
1 Damage dealt!

Instrumental Espionage

Sergeant Man moves on a space up again. Ninja Man uses Buster Charge.

You know, if we fail this mission, it will undeniably be your fault. You know that, right?
Oh, please, as if THAT will happe-
Enemy’s Turn

Time Expert boosts the power of Clock Man’s attack!
Clock Man uses Clock Bomb on Ninja Man!

7 Damage dealt!


Clock Bomb
Core: Time
Power: 6
Range: Around User
WE Cost: 6
Effect: Damages all foes surrounding the user and inflicts them with Slowed. (Which would make it as good a time as any to say that neither Time Cores nor Swift Cores can be inflicted with Slowed.)

*Coughs* S-see? Still standing...
(Getting real tired of your ...)
Flutter Fly 1 uses Flutter Pulse on Enayrk!

1 Damage dealt!
Player’s Turn

N e x t P o s t
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on May 2nd, 2020 at 8:37pm
Posted 2020/05/02 at 8:37pm

Zeta moves 3 spaces right, while Alchemy Man moves 1 space right.
Enemy’s Turn

Sniper Joe moves a space down and uses Buster Charge.

Player’s Turn

@?ecno rof maet dnoces eht eb ot leef ti seod woH:

Big Eye has joined Team Fractal Requiem!
The team is currently full! Big Eye is sent to the reserves!

Laser Expert boosts the power of Phantasm’s attack!
Phantasm uses Break Laser on Hothead 2!
9 Damage dealt!
Hothead 2’s DEF is lowered by -2!

Shield Expert boosts the power of Shired’s attack!
Shired uses Shield Shot on Hothead 2!
1 Damage dealt!
Enemy’s Turn

Hothead 1 and Hothead 2 moves 2 spaces down. Tackle Fire moves 1 space left and 1 space up.

Hothead 1 uses Fire Spawn!
Tackle Fire 2 is spawned!

Hothead 2 uses Magma Bazooka on Phantasm!

2 Damage dealt!
Player’s Turn

Team Prototype has arrived!

The Wheelin’ Racers have arrived!

Player’s Turn
^ Top
Ninja Phantom
1,588,601 BP
1 TP | 105 PP
Posted on May 2nd, 2020 at 8:39pm Edited on 2020/05/02 at 8:41pm
Posted 2020/05/02 at 8:39pm Edited 2020/05/02 at 8:41pm
@Inconspicuous User:
Right, and without any of those living fireballs around, this should be a simple matter.

oil-man Yo, are you for real? Ya think you can take me out, huh? Well, we’re gonna have’ta see about that!
The Oil Man moves into position to attack, charging his buster. Meanwhile, the Flea moves for the Fake Man.

That Oil Man will be dead in the blink of an eye.

Alright, everyone move down as many spaces as possible. Techno, charge your buster. I shall do the same.
On it, sir!
Alright, let’s see what these Bladers will do...

The second Blader only moves 4 spaces right, but the first Blader moves 3 spaces left and attacks Returning Techno with Blader Swarm.

However, it only hits once to deal 4 Damage.

^ Top
4,574,169 BP
1 TP | 19 PP
Posted on May 2nd, 2020 at 9:06pm
Posted 2020/05/02 at 9:06pm
Uh, what are my moves?
^ Top
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on May 2nd, 2020 at 9:37pm Edited on 2020/05/02 at 10:03pm
Posted 2020/05/02 at 9:37pm Edited 2020/05/02 at 10:03pm
@Entropy: Go to the Players Database and look for your team. Things such as your Team Member's items, weapons, etc. can be found there.
Laser Joe moves two spaces up and/or one space right and uses Break Laser on the Tackle Fire.

Fine, we'll carry through with this. But I'd rather have left at the first chance we had.
Why? What's so important that it has to be addressed ASAP?
While the other teams were somewhat..aloof in their intentions, I have a hunch that there's more to what's going on in this world than what can be told at face level.
The virus that Elec Man spoke of... the enigmatic destruction behind that sadist Sniper Joe at Intro Fields. Don't tell me you didn't think that was strange, either.
If things really are the way they seem, I'd say there's some underlying force behind both of those things.
Or you're just a huge worrywart and all of this is nothing to worry about.
I don't think so. There's a bigger picture to all of this.. And I want to get to the bottom of it.

Big Eye leaps four spaces down. Bye, Felicia.
^ Top
38,781,442 BP
15 TP | 1890 PP
Posted on May 2nd, 2020 at 9:45pm
Posted 2020/05/02 at 9:45pm
[   [color=192,5,65] Hang on, this is probably a bad idea, but what happens if I do THIS?]{laser_space}

Phantasm moves one space left and fires his Oil Shooter at Tackle Fire!
Shired fires another Shield Shot at Hot Head 2!
Shark Man moves two spaces down, three spaces right, and another two spaces down.
Watcher moves two spaces down.
Mondegreen uses another Regular Attack.
Enayrk moves two spaces right.
^ Top
4,574,169 BP
1 TP | 19 PP
Posted on May 2nd, 2020 at 9:49pm
Posted 2020/05/02 at 9:49pm
Thank you.
^ Top
Shattered Vanguard
18,049,922 BP
4 TP | 931 PP
Posted on May 3rd, 2020 at 1:38am Edited on 2020/05/03 at 1:38am
Posted 2020/05/03 at 1:38am Edited 2020/05/03 at 1:38am
Sniper Joe will fall back to the reserves.
Vat Man will move one back and charge a Water Buster shot.
The Metall with move two down and stare at the sky(wait).
The Biostar Acorn will wait and, if it takes no WE, charge a Impact Buster shot.
Cut Man will move up five and starts to trim the grass to a suitable length.
^ Top
Proto MKII
1,205,220 BP
0 TP | 409 PP
Posted on May 3rd, 2020 at 6:06am Edited on 2020/05/03 at 6:10am
Posted 2020/05/03 at 6:06am Edited 2020/05/03 at 6:10am
Berry MKII will use Nature Shot.

Viking MKII will release his Charge.

Beetle MKII will leap two spaces down and use Beetle Ball.
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on May 3rd, 2020 at 8:25pm
Posted 2020/05/03 at 8:25pm

Metall and Sniper Joe joins Team Biostar Company!
The team is currently too full! Sniper Joe is sent to the reserves!
Enemy’s Turn!

Metall Classic uses Met Shot on Cut Man!

1 Damage dealt!
Metall 2 moves 3 spaces left.

Metall 2 uses Met Shot on Vat Man!

1 Damage dealt!
1 Damage to Biostar Acorn!
1 Damage to Cut Man!
1 Damage to Metall!
Cut Man is disabled!
Cut Man moves 3 spaces left and 1 space up.

Player’s Turn

Met Cover activates! Metall will be protected for the next enemy’s turn, but will be unable to move during the next player turn!
Enemy’s Turn

Cut Man moves 4 spaces left.

Player’s Turn

Automated Turn
Universal Man moves 3 spaces up and 2 spaces left.

Space Expert boosts the power of Universal Man’s attack!
Universal Man uses Ring Wrap on Sniper Joe!
21 Damage dealt!
Sniper Joe is disabled!
The 1-Up activates! Sniper Joe is revived!

Chemical Man moves 5 spaces right.

Laser Expert boosts the power of Chemical Man’s attack!
Chemical Man uses Laser Buster on Sniper Joe!
[align-right]18 Damage dealt!
Sniper Joe is disabled!

Chemical Man earns 9 EXP
Universal Man earns 4 EXP
BBA Proto Man earns 4 EXP

BBA Proto Man moves 1 space down.

BBA Proto Man picks up 27 Bolts!

Time Man moves 3 spaces right.
Enemy’s Turn

All the enemies are dead.
Player’s Turn


Mondegreen uses Regular Attack on Flutter Fly 1!
1 Damage dealt!
Flutter Fly 1 is disabled!

Mondegreen earns 12 EXP
Enayrk earns 6 EXP
Ninja Man earns 6 EXP
The held (AU) ATK +2 has been dropped!

Instrumental Espionage

Sergeant Man repositions himself a singular square northwards from his current position.


Sergeant Man uses an Energy Capsule on Ninja Man!
6 HP recovered!

Swift Expert boosts the power of Ninja Man’s attack!
Ninja Man uses Swift Buster on Clock Man!
2 Damage dealt!

Swift Buster’s aura boosts Ninja Man’s SPD by +4!
Enemy’s Turn

Time Expert boosts the power of Clock Man’s attack!
Clock Man uses Clock Bomb on Ninja Man!

7 Damage dealt!
WARNING! Enemy Time Man is spawned!

Ninja Man, if you keep trying to fight that Clock Man, then we will lose. So, stop messing around and get over here.
Oh, FINE. I guess if a kid-bot and an ex-human gets beaten down to a pulp by a living alarm clock, it’s no artificial skin off my back.
Player’s Turn

^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on May 3rd, 2020 at 8:26pm
Posted 2020/05/03 at 8:26pm
Automated Turn

Zeta moves 3 spaces right and uses Buster Charge. Alchemy Man moves 1 space up.
Enemy’s Turn

Sniper Joe moves 1 space down.
Player’s Turn


Laser Expert boosts the power of Laser Joe’s attack!
Laser Joe uses Break Laser on Tackle Fire 2!
14 Damage dealt!
Tackle Fire 2 is disabled!

Laser Joe earns 9 EXP
Prototype earns 4 EXP
Big Eye earns 4 EXP
Junior earns 4 EXP
...Oh? It appears Tackle Fire 2 wishes to join Team Prototype! Accept?

Big Eye has reached the stairs!

Team Prototype moves on to the next floor!

@Phantasm’s Team:

Phantasm uses Oil Shooter on Tackle Fire 1!
9 Damage dealt!
Tackle Fire 1 is disabled!

Phantasm earns 8 EXP
Shired earns 4 EXP
Shark Man earns 4 EXP
Watcher earns 4 EXP
...Oh? It appears Tackle Fire 1 wishes to join Team Fractal Requiem! Accept?

Shield Expert boosts the power of Shired’s attack!
Shired uses Shield Shot on Hothead 2!
1 Damage dealt!
Enemy’s Turn

Hothead 1 moves 1 space down and 1 space left.

Hothead 1 uses Hot Fireball on Watcher!

1 Damage dealt!
Hothead 2 uses Hot Fireball on Phantasm!

1 Damage dealt!
Player’s Turn

...So, you must be the guys wanting to take me in, huh? Listen; That Yellow Devil wasn’t spreading a virus, it was spreading the key to TRUE awakening! And you’re either with us, or against us!
Player’s Turn

On the aside, did you really just say “bye Felicia” unironically?
^ Top
Ninja Phantom
1,588,601 BP
1 TP | 105 PP
Posted on May 3rd, 2020 at 8:28pm Edited on 2020/05/03 at 8:29pm
Posted 2020/05/03 at 8:28pm Edited 2020/05/03 at 8:29pm
@Inconspicuous User:

The Nature Shot deals 3 Damage, while the Cutter Buster wipes him out with 10 Damage. Hence, no more need to use Beetle Ball.

That will be 10 EXP for Viking MKII, and 5 EXP for the rest.

...Now, normally, this would be the part where the mission is complete, and you would get to go back to that “home”town to enjoy your reward... But let’s be real here... We aren’t here to play the heroes, now are we?
And so, we shall proceed... And finish the job.

...But first, a Flea attacking the Fake Man with what might as well be it’s only move, dealing 4 Damage.

...This is followed by Fake Man fighting back with Buster Shot, dealing 3 Damage.

Let’s finish the Fake Man off before the bug gets the chance, shall we?

Techno, take down that blue Blader. Moon Jump, head on over and crush the other one. Should either one of them live, I’ll move in for the kill.
You got it!

Both attacks deal 5 Damage. Blader 2 is destroyed- though revived by the Extra Life-, while Blader 1 survives with 1 health remaining.

I see... No Charged Shot required, then. I’ll just hit it with my regular Water Shot.

Alright... 5 Damage and it’s down. That’ll be 10 EXP for you and 5 EXP for your other two members.
As for your revived enemy...

It attacks with Blader Slicer to deal 1 Damage.

Moving on.

^ Top
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on May 3rd, 2020 at 9:19pm Edited on 2020/05/04 at 6:32am
Posted 2020/05/03 at 9:19pm Edited 2020/05/04 at 6:32am
I have a strange feeling that this "awakening" thing is going to become a theme and that we'd better get used to it.
Well then, it should be obvious whether we're with or against you, hence what we've come here to do. For your own sake, it would be best to comply.
You can start by identifying the ringleader of this ordeal.

Prototype, having been the butt of enough slow jokes to last him ten lifetimes, moves one space right and readies a Buster Charge. My guy, you have other moves you can use.

Junior moves one space right and down.

Big Eye moves one diagonal space up and right, and leaps two more spaces right.

Laser Joe, who has realized that this arriving floor formation will be a recurring thing, moves one space up and right and also does a Buster Charge
Deleted Scene:
Did... Did you just smile?
Oh my gods. He actually smiled.
This is groundbreaking news, even if it's just a cocky smirk. Before we arrived at this universe, you always had that 'hrrr durr, i'm so serious" expression on your face, to the point where we didn't think you could demonstrate an emotionally positive facial expression.
So, in your words, I was a huge "party pooper"?
D'aww, maybe, but my favorite party pooper regardless!

EDIT: Yeah sure. Team Prototype accepts Tackle Fire. And to the unused character gallows it goes
^ Top
Ali Nullum Vacuous
2,621,459 BP
0 TP | 24 PP
Posted on May 3rd, 2020 at 9:42pm Edited on 2020/05/03 at 10:05pm
Posted 2020/05/03 at 9:42pm Edited 2020/05/03 at 10:05pm
   Nice, we got our first Flame type! ...Say, is me oneshotting him the result of Oil Shooterr being used on somebody who's on lava, or just my insane Attack stat? Either way, I'll put you in the reserves until we return to Oil Wells.

Phantasm fires a Break Laser at Hot Head 2!
Shired moves one space down and uses a Regular Attack!
Shark Man moves five spaces right and throws a Shark Boomerang at Hot Head 1!
If Hot Head 1 is still alive, Watcher fires its Bit Cannon at it!
Enayrk moves two spaces right.
Mondegreen moves three spaces right and summons a Gemini Clone north of herself!

   Wait, you can DO that!?
    Yep! Pretty cool, right?
   ACTUALLY, I'd say it's more "screaming 'NOOOOOO' really loudly in absolute despair while the camera pans out" material.
    Doesn't change the fact that it's AWESOME!
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