Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2019 and is no longer being maintained. Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved. Return to the archive index for more legacy content or play the current version of the game for all the new stuff.

Mega Man RPG Prototype Community

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Beta Shadow
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
It is the year 20XX. And humans... No longer exist. In their place are industrial humanoid robots known as Robot Masters, and the Mechas that live alongside them in peace. However, peace doesn't always last... A threat to the world of Robot Masters looms above, and it is up to an unlikely crew of robots to save the day... But are they up to the task? Are YOU up to the task? The world's fate rests in your hands...

After the release of Retro Pikachu's remake of Tails' Lab Defense, I decided I wanted to make a new roleplay myself, in hopes of reviving the MMRPG roleplaying community. And with the release of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX, I decided "hey, why not?"
How to Play: (Or, in other words, "Beta just copy-pasted the rules from Retro's Lab Defense lol")

Ok, so you know how PMD games would have you take one step per turn, your partner would follow behind, and all the enemies would then take a step? Yeah, no, let's toss that turn system out the window. Being only able to take one step at a time might work for a video game, but for a forum roleplay? Yeah, WAY too sluggish. So, yeah, we'll be using some different mechanics. And, ok, sure, I may have stol- er, borrowed, the mechanics of Lab Defense, but hey, if the system works, it works. And besides, I've added and removed some things to make it a bit more Mystery Dungeon-esque...

Your journeys will take place in randomly assembled maps called Mystery Dungeons. The maps will be based off of Lab Defense, however, because I'm not going to bother trying to make an entire Mystery Dungeon map on my own. Too much effort for a simple forums roleplay.

Each robot on the field can take a certain number of steps at a time. Afterwards, they can use an attack, use an item in their inventory, or they can simply just wait. However, you CANNOT move after attacking or using an item. After all players have taken their turn, the enemies will have THEIR phase.

To make a move, either leave a reply in the thread or ping me in the Roleplay channel on Discord. If you don't make a move after ~24 hours of the start of your phase, your turn will be automated. At a certain point, however, I will stop automating your turn and just plain set you on idle; Believe it or not, this rule is NOT set up to have me play the game for you.

There are two kinds of allies: Teammates and Players. Teammates are other robots who are part of your Team, and are to be controlled by you as well. Teammates will follow you to the next floor once the floor's objective is complete. You may only have 4 teammates in the dungeon at a time, with two spaces reserved for the leader and partner. That may change in the postgame, however. On the other hand, there are Players. These allies are, of course, other users and their teammates who happen to be in the same dungeon and on the same floor as you. As they are from a different team, however, they will NOT follow you to the next floor. I may or may not make some exceptions during the introduction phase.

When you gain a level, your stats will increase, and you may or may not gain a new Weapon depending on your stat boons and your core types. You will gain EXP from defeating foes and clearing missions. Defeating foes will ALSO grant your Teammates half of the EXP gained from defeating them.

While some floors will require you to find the stairs in order to progress, there are also several other objectives for you to accomplish. We'll be discussing what some of these objectives may be in the future.

Character Creation:

Are you a human being sent into our world to save us all, or just another robot who lives in the world naturally? The answer is, that's for you to decide. Either way, I'm not going to do some PMD-style quiz to determine what Robot Master you are. Why? Because just giving you a small handful of options for who you'll be is absolutely lame. Instead, you get to make the decision of who you are- and who your partner will be- for yourself. And yes, you will be required to make TWO characters instead of just one.

Here is the character sheet:

Team Name:



And now, an in-depth look at what these are:

Team Name- The name of your team. This has been added after the Introduction phase, because we’re not going through it again. This wasn’t a part of it to begin with for story reasons.

Name- The name of the robot, obviously.
Icon- The icon the robot you'll be using. Refer to the [robot] or [mecha] formats for use of their mugshots (custom mugs are welcome, too, through use of the [image] formatting).

You will have a total of 25 points to spend on 5 different stats. Spend them wisely. Or don't. Your choice. Just know that you can't spend any more than 25.

HP- Health Points, also known as Energy. How much damage you take before you fall. Each point spent on this stat is 2 HP.
WE- Weapon Energy. It is the cost of your Special Weapons. Replenishes 1 WE on each turn. Each point spent on this stat is 2 WE.
ATK- Attack. Increases how much damage you deal.
DEF- Defense. Decreases how much damage you take.
SPD- Speed. Determines how far you can move. Each step is 2 SPD.

In addition to the points given to the stats, you can add one Boon and Bane to them. A Boon will add 2 extra points to the stat, and will increase its growth. It also controls what kind of passive Special Weapons you can obtain, as well as your Ability 2. A Bane will remove 2 points from that stat, and will slow down its growth. You can NOT have one over the other.

Core- Your main Core type. Determines the kind of elemental Special Weapons you can obtain, as well as your Ability 1.
Subcore- Your secondary Core type. Also determines the kind of elemental Special Weapons you can obtain, but to a lesser extent (meaning you can only obtain the buster weapons and Tier 1 weapons of this type).

Do note that you can use ANY type within Prototype EXCEPT for Copy Core, which has been replaced with Neutral. In addition, your partner cannot be the same Core or Subcore type as you.

Weakness- Attacks of this type deal more damage.
Resistance- Attacks of this type deal less damage.

You MUST have a Weakness and Resistance. Failure to apply this will cause me to assign one to you based on how I personally feel they should be.

The following is determined by your stat boon and Core type.

Weapons: Your Special Weapons that can be utilized after moving. You can only have 8 Special Weapons at a time. In addition, you will be given a singular Basic Attack that costs no Weapon Energy and take up no Special Weapon slots.
Abilities: Your special abilities that will activate under specific conditions. You will only have 2, but they can be changed through the use of specific items.

And this LAST "stat" is determined by your progression through the roleplay.

Rank: The Ranking of your Team, which can be raised by completing missions. Ranking up grants you more inventory spaces for items, increases the number of missions available for everyone, and may even gift you some other rewards.


Team Name: Team Beta and Mega

Name: Beta Man
HP: 5
WE: 6
ATK: 5(+)
DEF: 4(-)
SPD: 5

Core: Shadow
Subcore: Time
Weakness: Electric
Resistance: Flame

Name: Mega Man X-7
Icon: mega-man
HP: 6
WE: 5(-)
ATK: 4
DEF: 5
SPD: 5(+)

Core: Flame
Subcore: Nature
Weakness: Electric
Resistance: Laser

The resulting set-up will be...

Team Beta and Mega
Rank: Plain (0/100)

Beta Man | Level: 1 (0/50)
Core: Shadow | Subcore: Time | Weakness: Electric | Resistance: Flame
HP: 10 | WE: 12 | ATK: 9 (5+2+2) (Boon) | DEF: 2 (4-2) (Bane) | SPD: 5
Abilities: Shadow Expert, ATK +2
Weapons: Shadow Shot, Time Shot, Shadow Slide

mega-man Mega Man X-7 | Level: 1 (0/50)
Core: Flame | Subcore: Nature
HP: 12 | WE: 6 (10-4) (Bane) | ATK: 4 | DEF: 5 | SPD: 7 (5+2) (Boon)
Abilities: Flame Expert, Emergency SPD
Weapons: Flame Shot, Nature Shot, Fire Storm

Click here to view the database.

A detailed list of basically everything you will come across in this game. There are some of which that are currently locked (kept private), and some information in the database is hidden. Right now, the Players, Weapons, Abilities, Enemies, Items, Shops, and Dungeons databases are available.
Current Status:

Gentle Countryside, F1

Objective: Reach the Stairs!
Maniacal Hideaway, F1

Objective: Reach the Stairs!
Wintry Forefront, F1

Objective: Reach the Stairs!
Richly Courtyard, F1

Objective: Reach the Stairs!
Robot Master Mystery Dungeon: a PMD-inspired RPG (REBOOTING)
Posted by Beta Shadow on February 18th, 2020 at 12:10pm
Viewed 2499 Times
Ninja Phantom
1,588,601 BP
1 TP | 105 PP
Posted on May 22nd, 2020 at 3:30pm
Posted 2020/05/22 at 3:30pm
@Inconspicuous User :

Viking MKII uses Cutter Shot on Beak 1!
1 Damage dealt!

Berry MKII uses Leaf Fall on Beak 1!
6 Damage dealt!
Beak 1 is disabled!

Berry MKII earns 10 EXP
The rest of the team earns 5 EXP

Fake MKII has reached the stairs!

On to the next floor.
@RedBomber :
Enemy’s Turn

Berry MKII moves 3 spaces left while Viking MKII remains still, both of them charging their busters.

Beetle MKII leaps 6 spaces up and uses Beetle Ball on Prototype.

1 Damage dealt!
Player’s Turn

Player’s Turn
^ Top
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on May 22nd, 2020 at 3:36pm Edited on 2020/05/23 at 6:59am
Posted 2020/05/22 at 3:36pm Edited 2020/05/23 at 6:59am
Oh boy, I wonder what madness will be unleashed on the player or post which marks the 666th comment.
Laser Joe moves four spaces up, Junior moves three, Big Eye moves two. The formers consider usingBuster Charge but decide they don't have to and that they hopefully don't end up fighting.
That guy over there seems kinda familiar.
Hey Big Eye, is he your brother?
First of all, no. Second, I find it quite rude that you assume I'm related because you think we look the same. I find that quite mechist.
You're welcome. Now let's get going.
Wait a moment, to do what? It's not like we're here to defeat or escort anyone, and we're not in anyone's way.
(Whatever he's going through right now can not be any worse than what we are right now.)
Whatever the others are going through can not be any worse that what I am right now.
^ Top
38,781,442 BP
15 TP | 1890 PP
Posted on May 22nd, 2020 at 7:19pm
Posted 2020/05/22 at 7:19pm
 There's the Speed Capsule! Quickly, grab it before the other team can!

Shired moves two spaces left and two down!
Phantasm moves one space down and three left, picking up the Speed Pellet!
Chandelure mvoes two spaces down!
Enayrk unleashes his Speed Buster!
^ Top
Proto MKII
1,205,220 BP
0 TP | 409 PP
Posted on May 23rd, 2020 at 7:39am Edited on 2020/05/23 at 8:06am
Posted 2020/05/23 at 7:39am Edited 2020/05/23 at 8:06am
Viking MKII moves two spaces up, two right. Buster Charge. Berry MKII moves three right. Buster Charge. MKII-Type, one space right. Also Buster Charge. Fake MKII moves one space right as well, by the way. And yes. He does a Buster Charge.
Hmph. Cornering me at the entrance and guarding the exit. This is quite an unfavorable position.
However, the three of you will be put to shame once I unravel my backup plan.
(What? He is surrounded, like a man surrounded by a circle of hungry sharks, and yet still insists to have a backup plan? What kind of strategy could he possibly have prepared?)
My ultimate backup plan is...!

Wow. I'm actually pretty curious as to what he could be planning.

Prototype one space right and ....three spaces down. Anticlimatic.

Oh? You've elected to flee? But how will you manage to escape? You can't run from the both of us.
Maybe not now, but after I use this...

Oh. He also uses his Speed Capsule.
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on May 23rd, 2020 at 3:27pm
Posted 2020/05/23 at 3:27pm
@RotomSlashBlast :

Neutral Expert boosts the power of Enayrk’s attack!
Enayrk uses Speed Buster on Treble!
8 Damage dealt!

Enemy’s Turn

Treble uses Basic Attack on Enayrk!

1 Damage deakt!
Player’s Turn

@RedBomber :

Enemy’s Turn

Blader 1 hovers 3 spaces down. Blader 2 moves 1 space down and 3 spaces left. Peng moves 2 spaces left. Big Eye leaps 2 spaces left. Ice Man moves 2 spaces left, 1 space down, and 3 more spaces left.

Blader 1 uses Blader Swarm on Junior!

3 Damage dealt!
3 Damage dealt!
The third attack missed...
(Total: 6 Damage)
Blader 2 uses Blader Swarm on Laser Joe!

3 Damage dealt!
3 Damage dealt!
3 Damage dealt!
(Total: 9 Damage)
Player’s Turn

@YouKnowWhoItIs :

Phantasm picks up the Speed Pellet!

Automated Turn

Biostar Acorn moves 1 space down.

Impact Expert boosts the power of Biostar Acorn’s attack!
Biostar Acorn uses Super Throw on Big Eye!
16 Damage dealt!
Big Eye is disabled!

Biostar Acorn earns 8 EXP
Vat Man earns 4 EXP
Cut Man earns 4 EXP
Sniper Joe earns 4 EXP
...Oh? It appears Big Eye wishes to join Team Biostar Company! Accept?

Vat Man, Cut Man, and Sniper Joe moves down their fullest amount.
Enemy’s Turn

Oil Man moves 4 spaces left and 2 spaces up and uses Buster Charge. Beetle Borg moves 4 spaces up.

Beetle Borg uses Beetle Ball on Shired!

1 Damage dealt!
Player’s Turn

^ Top
Ninja Phantom
1,588,601 BP
1 TP | 105 PP
Posted on May 23rd, 2020 at 3:28pm
Posted 2020/05/23 at 3:28pm
@RedBomber :

Tsk, tsk, tsk. It’s a smart plan, Prototype, really it is... Such a shame it was too smart.

Unfortunately, once you use a Speed Capsule... That’s it. There is no way to boost your speed any higher. +6 is the boost limit... And while I think there are certain exceptions, you aren’t going to find them here.

Oh, what a shame... But the rules are the rules...
Enemy’s Turn

Berry MKII uses Impact Buster on Prototype!

Super Effective! 16 Damage dealt!
Beetle MKII uses Beetle Ball on Prototype!

1 Damage dealt!
Player’s Turn

@Inconspicuous User :
Enemy’s Turn

Clock Man moves 4 spaces left, 1 space down, and yet another space left. Buster Charge.

Clock Man’s Chilled Body ability goes off!

That’s 2 Damage to Berry and Fake MKII as well as MKII-Type.


Chilled Body
Effect: Deals 2 Freeze-Core damage to all foes within 1-2 spaces of the user. Ignores DEF, Weakness, and Resistance.
Player’s Turn

^ Top
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on May 23rd, 2020 at 7:02pm
Posted 2020/05/23 at 7:02pm
(That didn't last long.)
Junior moves two spaces right and uses Air Shooter on Blader 1. Likewise, Laser Joe moves one space down, one space left, and uses Break Laser on Blader 2. Big Eye is idle.
^ Top
Proto MKII
1,205,220 BP
0 TP | 409 PP
Posted on May 23rd, 2020 at 7:23pm Edited on 2020/05/23 at 7:53pm
Posted 2020/05/23 at 7:23pm Edited 2020/05/23 at 7:53pm
Viking MKII moves one space up, granting him the Growth Module. We'll get back to them later, though.
Like it or not, MKII, things aren't ending here.
Because unlike anytime before my time in this... universe, I've acquired something you haven't. I have something worth fighting for. I have something to lose.
Prototype moves three spaces right and one down.
And backup plan or not, there is nothing that I'm not willing to go through (or around) one way or another to protect them.
Prototype uses Energy Boost.
Something to "protect"? How naive. Try as you might, there is no use preventing the inevitable. You are merely prolonging it.
Hmmm. You are truly indeed a curious case. Hopelessly outmatched, perfectly capable of escaping with such spare SPD and still audacious enough to attack?
Fake MKII moves one space down, three spaces right, and one space up, using Police Siren to see what it can do.
It is this very mistake will cost you your life of, course.
Berry MKII moves a space up and uses Nature Shot. MKII-Type uses Shield Buster. Both directed at Clock Man.
^ Top
38,781,442 BP
15 TP | 1890 PP
Posted on May 23rd, 2020 at 8:57pm
Posted 2020/05/23 at 8:57pm
Phantasm uses a Speed Capsule on Shired!
Shired moves one space left, and then as far down as possible!
Enayrk flails his dinky little not-human arms at Treble! (Regular Attack)
^ Top
Shattered Vanguard
18,049,922 BP
4 TP | 931 PP
Posted on May 23rd, 2020 at 9:02pm
Posted 2020/05/23 at 9:02pm
Is it possible to switch out members within a dungeon if a new unit wishes to join their ranks? If so, I wish to replace the Joe with the Big Eye.

Assuming that the Joe can't be replaced, he'll move up one.
The Acorn will use Super Throw on the Beetle Borg.
Vat Man will move three down and one right.
Cut Man will move three down and two right. He'll also use a Energy Pellet since he just remembered that items were a thing.

Wait...where are the stairs? Just curious because of there being a mission on floor four.
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on May 24th, 2020 at 3:27pm
Posted 2020/05/24 at 3:27pm
@RotomSlashBlast :

Neutral Expert boosts the power of Enayrk’s attack!
Enayrk uses Regular Attack on Treble!
1 Damage dealt!
Treble is disabled!

Enayrk earns 20 EXP
Mondegreen earns 5 EXP

All opponents on the floor have been defeated!

Team Mirage moves on to the next floor!
@RedBomber :

Wind Expert boosts the power of Junior’s attack!
Junior uses Air Shooter on Blader 2!
Not Very Effective... 4 Damage dealt!
The second attack missed...
4 Damage dealt!
(Total: 8 Damage)
Blader 2 is disabled!

Junior earns 10 EXP
Laser Joe earns 5 EXP
Big Eye earns 5 EXP
...Oh? It appears Blader 2 wishes to join Team Prototype! Accept?

Laser Expert boosts the power of Laser Joe’s attack!
Laser Joe uses Break Laser on Blader 1!
17 Damage dealt!
Blader 1 is disabled!

Laser Joe earns 8 EXP
Junior earns 4 EXP
Big Eye earns 4 EXP

@h i m :

Phantasm uses a Speed Pellet on Shired!
Shired’s SPD is boosted by +2!

@GammaGhost :

The stairs are not yet on this floor since the only way to progress to the next floor (or out of the dungeon, considering the next story event will happen afterwards, but whether or not you’ll participate in that right away is up to you) is to complete the objective on THIS floor. After that, the subject of the objective will be replaced by stairs of which those who weren’t the ones who cleared the objective can use to move on either to the next floor or out of the dungeon.

Big Eye joins Team Biostar Company!
The team is currently too full! Big Eye is sent to the reserves!

Impact Expert boosts the power of Biostar Acorn’s attack!
Biostar Acorn uses Super Throw on Beetle Borg!
17 Damage dealt!
Beetle Borg is disabled!

Biostar Acorn earns 7 EXP
Vat Man earns 3 EXP
Cut Man earns 3 EXP
Sniper Joe earns 3 EXP
Shired earns 3 EXP
...Oh? It appears Beetle Borg wishes to join Team Biostar Company! Accept?

Cut Man uses an Energy Pellet!
2 HP recovered!
Enemy’s Turn

Earth Expert boosts the power of Oil Man’s attack!
Oil Man uses Earth Buster on Shired!

1 Damage dealt!
Player’s Turn

...Huh. I wonder why there are two Viking MKIIs that look so... Different.

...Then again, how the Bootcamp got ahold of the data for MKII’s robots is a mystery in of itself.
Player’s Turn
^ Top
Ninja Phantom
1,588,601 BP
1 TP | 105 PP
Posted on May 24th, 2020 at 3:28pm
Posted 2020/05/24 at 3:28pm
@RedBomber :

Prototype uses Energy Boost!
9 HP recovered!
Enemy’s Turn

Berry MKII moves 2 spaces down and 1 space right.

Berry MKII uses Leaf Fall on Prototype!

13 Damage dealt!
Player’s Turn

@Inconspicuous User :

Fake MKII uses Police Siren!
Clock Man is inflicted with Fear!

Effect: Causes the inflicted to uncontrollably run away from enemies. The effect usually lasts 3 turns.

Berry MKII uses Nature Shot!
2 Damage dealt!

MKII-Type uses Shield Buster!
9 Damage dealt!
Clock Man is disabled!

MKII-Type earns 11 EXP
The rest of Team MKII earns 6 EXP


MKII-Type has reached Level 5!
HP: 36 > 38
WE: 9 > 10
ATK: 6 > 7
DEF: 7 > 8
SPD: 3 > 4
No Enemies, next.

^ Top
38,781,442 BP
15 TP | 1890 PP
Posted on May 24th, 2020 at 3:46pm Edited on 2020/05/24 at 3:47pm
Posted 2020/05/24 at 3:46pm Edited 2020/05/24 at 3:47pm
Shired moves two three spaces down and two left, STAT, and picks up the Speed Capsule, ALSO STAT!
Enayrk and Mondegreen IMMEDIATELY use Buster Charge!
^ Top
Shattered Vanguard
18,049,922 BP
4 TP | 931 PP
Posted on May 24th, 2020 at 5:50pm Edited on 2020/05/24 at 6:02pm
Posted 2020/05/24 at 5:50pm Edited 2020/05/24 at 6:02pm
Right this way, soldier. Right this way...
Beetle Borg will go to the reserves.

Cut Man will move 4 to the left and obtain the drive on the ground.
Vat Man will move one right and use Experience Boost.
Sniper Joe will move down one and use Buster Charge.
The Acorn will move two down and two right and use Buster Charge. If possible, I also wish to pick up the screws on the ground.

Can I attack my own units? I wouldn't have much of a reason to right now, but there might be a use in the future...
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on May 24th, 2020 at 6:36pm
Posted 2020/05/24 at 6:36pm
@GammaGhost : There are some attacks (such as Met Shot and Big Stomp) that would cause friendly fire. However, purposefully targeting and attacking allies, even with such moves, is not possible under any circumstances.

I don't know exactly why you would want to do this ever, but I suppose it would have its uses for healing those with either an Absorption ability or one of those circuit items... Which, I don't think any of your teammates have.
^ Top
Proto MKII
1,205,220 BP
0 TP | 409 PP
Posted on May 24th, 2020 at 9:54pm Edited on 2020/05/24 at 9:55pm
Posted 2020/05/24 at 9:54pm Edited 2020/05/24 at 9:55pm
Fake MKII moves one space down, three space right, and grabs the 1-Up.
I will be the one to hold the 1-Up item.
Slightly questionable decision but oookay. Viking MKII moves one space right and three up. And apparently also uses the Speed Pellet. Berry MKII moves three spaces up, leading him to where Viking previously was.
Battered Prototype moves a space right and four down, doing yet another Energy Boost.
Before I do away with you, I will commend you on your (albeit displaced) determination. You even stood up to my MKII Virus temporarily.
Be that as it may, you did have help making it this far from someone else, didn't you? Not a problem. Soon, he will be next. No one is safe.
Nontheless, let us not concern ourselves with what is the future sooner than the present. Spend your last moments wisely. Maybe plead, wallow in self-pity, or recite your final curses. Because this is the last time anyone will hear of "Prototype-001".
^ Top
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on May 25th, 2020 at 1:26pm
Posted 2020/05/25 at 1:26pm
Blader's in. He moves five spaces up and one right.

Unwilling to take any more chances, Junior moves one space right, two up, and uses Air Shooter on Ice Man. Laser Joe moves three spaces right, one up, and uses Break Laser to finish the job. Big Eye moves two spaces right, and two more above.
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on May 25th, 2020 at 3:27pm
Posted 2020/05/25 at 3:27pm
@RedBomber :

Blader joins Team Prototype!
Enemy’s Turn

...You know what? This team’s luck has been so horrible. So, I’m going to throw you a bone.
Player’s Turn

Wind Expert boosts the power of Junior’s attack!
Junior uses Air Shooter on Ice Man!
The first attack missed...
6 Damage dealt!
6 Damage dealt!
(Total: 12 Damage)

Laser Expert boosts the power of Laser Joe’s attack!
Laser Joe uses Break Laser on Ice Man!
15 Damage dealt!
Ice Man is disabled!

Laser Joe earns 8 EXP
Junior earns 4 EXP
Big Eye earns 4 EXP
Blader earns 4 EXP
OVERKILL BONUS! 13 Bolts earned!
The held Shield Core was dropped!
Enemy’s Turn
Peng and Big Eye moves left 2 spaces.

Player’s Turn

@RotomSlashBlast :

Shired picks up the Speed Capsule!
The lost Speed Capsule was obtained!

Mission Complete!

cut-man Hey, thanks a lot! I’d come and get it myself, but... Between you and me, I absolutely HATE getting my cutter dirtied up! Especially in all this oil... So, anyways, here’s a little something for all your troubles...

Phantasm earns 48 EXP
Shired earns 48 EXP
Chandelure earns 48 EXP
Vat Man earns 24 EXP
Biostar Acorn earns 24 EXP
Cut Man earns 24 EXP
Sniper Joe earns 24 EXP
Shark Man earns 12 EXP
Reserved members of Team Fractal Requiem earns 12 EXP
Reserved members of Team Biostar Company earns 12 EXP
Team Fractal Requiem receives 20 Bolts!
Team Fractal Requiem receives a Charge Module!
Team Fractal Requiem earns 48 REP


Team Fractal Requiem is now at Bronze Rank!

Something important seems to be happening... Would you like to exit the dungeon?

@GammaGhost :

Beetle Borg joins Team Biostar Company!
The team is currently too full! Beetle Borg is sent to the reserves!

Cut Man picks up the (AU) Nature Expert!

Vat Man uses Experience Boost!
Vat Man now gains x2 EXP from this floor!

Biostar Acorn picks up 33 Bolts!
Enemy’s Turn

Oil Man moves down 1 space.

Earth Expert boosts the power of Oil Man’s attack!
Oil Man uses Oil Shooter on Cut Man!

4 Damage dealt!
WARNING! Enemy Screw Bomber has spawned!

Player’s Turn

@Team Mirage :

Enemy’s Turn
Treble moves 2 spaces left. Viking MKII(?) 1 moves 3 spaces left. Viking MKII 2 remains in place. Shadow Man moves 3 spaces up. Zeta moves 2 spaces up. Everyone but Treble uses Buster Charge.

Player’s Turn

Story dialogue on the next post!
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on May 25th, 2020 at 3:28pm
Posted 2020/05/25 at 3:28pm
guts-man ...And then, I got thrown out by this guy who looked just like me! This is the most absurd thing to have ever happened to me!
time-man Of course he would look like you, you big oath... Have you forgotten what reproduction models are?
guts-man I KNOW WHAT A REPRODUCTION MODEL IS! Whatever that... thing was, it wasn’t some ordinary reproduction model... It was HUGE! Bigger than anything that has ever entered the mines! It was like some kind of giant bulldozer made in my image... Which is just plain creepy!
Sounds to me like you’ve just encountered a Guts Tank...

Oh, great. THESE two again.

...I’m almost not surprised it decided to target your place... The Yellow Devil, I don’t get... But a Guts Tank feels almost at home in the Mountain Mines...
What I don’t understand is why... Guts Tanks are basically war machines, and last I checked, we’re not exactly at war... (Though, the way things are going with these incidents...)
...So why is it active? And why attack the Mountain Mines?
guts-man Well, whatever the reason, it’s in the way of our construction work! How are we supposed to build the first city in a Mystery Dungeon under these conditions!?
cut-man Dude, you’ve been working on it for 5 years now. At this point you’re either done or not even building-

The Guts Man glares at the Cut Man.

cut-man ...Erm, nevermind.
Don’t worry. We’ll help you to take back the mines.
Hold on there for a second, Sergeant. We!?
Uh, yeah...? Who else is going to do it?
Let those other guys from the Academy handle it, our schedule’s full enough as is.
Ninja, I am pretty sure that this is more-
guts-man Oh, no, don’t worry yourselves over it. If you’re busy, it’s fine, I understand. Just get me those other guys you were talking about.
See? We get the others to save the mines, while WE take the opportunity to catch up to them, and perhaps even become better than them. It’s the perfect plan!
...*Sigh* Whatever you say...

STORY MISSION: Travel to the Mountain Mines!
NOTICE! All idle players (pokeepoo, Entropy) have been removed from their respective dungeons.
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Ninja Phantom
1,588,601 BP
1 TP | 105 PP
Posted on May 25th, 2020 at 3:29pm
Posted 2020/05/25 at 3:29pm
@RedBomber :

Prototype uses Energy Boost!
9 HP recovered!
Enemy’s Turn

Beetle MKII leaps 4 spaces right and 6 spaces down. Berry MKII moves 3 spaces down. Viking MKII moves 3 spaces left.

Beetle MKII uses Regular Attack on Prototype!

1 Damage dealt!
Berry MKII uses Nature Shot on Prototype!

3 Damage dealt!
Viking MKII uses Cutter Buster on Prototype!

9 Damage dealt!
Player’s Turn

@Inconspicuous User :

Viking MKII’s SPD is now boosted by +2.
Here comes a new challenger...
Enemy Clock Man 2 has spawned.

Player’s Turn

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