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Mega Man RPG Prototype Community

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Beta Shadow
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
It is the year 20XX. And humans... No longer exist. In their place are industrial humanoid robots known as Robot Masters, and the Mechas that live alongside them in peace. However, peace doesn't always last... A threat to the world of Robot Masters looms above, and it is up to an unlikely crew of robots to save the day... But are they up to the task? Are YOU up to the task? The world's fate rests in your hands...

After the release of Retro Pikachu's remake of Tails' Lab Defense, I decided I wanted to make a new roleplay myself, in hopes of reviving the MMRPG roleplaying community. And with the release of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX, I decided "hey, why not?"
How to Play: (Or, in other words, "Beta just copy-pasted the rules from Retro's Lab Defense lol")

Ok, so you know how PMD games would have you take one step per turn, your partner would follow behind, and all the enemies would then take a step? Yeah, no, let's toss that turn system out the window. Being only able to take one step at a time might work for a video game, but for a forum roleplay? Yeah, WAY too sluggish. So, yeah, we'll be using some different mechanics. And, ok, sure, I may have stol- er, borrowed, the mechanics of Lab Defense, but hey, if the system works, it works. And besides, I've added and removed some things to make it a bit more Mystery Dungeon-esque...

Your journeys will take place in randomly assembled maps called Mystery Dungeons. The maps will be based off of Lab Defense, however, because I'm not going to bother trying to make an entire Mystery Dungeon map on my own. Too much effort for a simple forums roleplay.

Each robot on the field can take a certain number of steps at a time. Afterwards, they can use an attack, use an item in their inventory, or they can simply just wait. However, you CANNOT move after attacking or using an item. After all players have taken their turn, the enemies will have THEIR phase.

To make a move, either leave a reply in the thread or ping me in the Roleplay channel on Discord. If you don't make a move after ~24 hours of the start of your phase, your turn will be automated. At a certain point, however, I will stop automating your turn and just plain set you on idle; Believe it or not, this rule is NOT set up to have me play the game for you.

There are two kinds of allies: Teammates and Players. Teammates are other robots who are part of your Team, and are to be controlled by you as well. Teammates will follow you to the next floor once the floor's objective is complete. You may only have 4 teammates in the dungeon at a time, with two spaces reserved for the leader and partner. That may change in the postgame, however. On the other hand, there are Players. These allies are, of course, other users and their teammates who happen to be in the same dungeon and on the same floor as you. As they are from a different team, however, they will NOT follow you to the next floor. I may or may not make some exceptions during the introduction phase.

When you gain a level, your stats will increase, and you may or may not gain a new Weapon depending on your stat boons and your core types. You will gain EXP from defeating foes and clearing missions. Defeating foes will ALSO grant your Teammates half of the EXP gained from defeating them.

While some floors will require you to find the stairs in order to progress, there are also several other objectives for you to accomplish. We'll be discussing what some of these objectives may be in the future.

Character Creation:

Are you a human being sent into our world to save us all, or just another robot who lives in the world naturally? The answer is, that's for you to decide. Either way, I'm not going to do some PMD-style quiz to determine what Robot Master you are. Why? Because just giving you a small handful of options for who you'll be is absolutely lame. Instead, you get to make the decision of who you are- and who your partner will be- for yourself. And yes, you will be required to make TWO characters instead of just one.

Here is the character sheet:

Team Name:



And now, an in-depth look at what these are:

Team Name- The name of your team. This has been added after the Introduction phase, because we’re not going through it again. This wasn’t a part of it to begin with for story reasons.

Name- The name of the robot, obviously.
Icon- The icon the robot you'll be using. Refer to the [robot] or [mecha] formats for use of their mugshots (custom mugs are welcome, too, through use of the [image] formatting).

You will have a total of 25 points to spend on 5 different stats. Spend them wisely. Or don't. Your choice. Just know that you can't spend any more than 25.

HP- Health Points, also known as Energy. How much damage you take before you fall. Each point spent on this stat is 2 HP.
WE- Weapon Energy. It is the cost of your Special Weapons. Replenishes 1 WE on each turn. Each point spent on this stat is 2 WE.
ATK- Attack. Increases how much damage you deal.
DEF- Defense. Decreases how much damage you take.
SPD- Speed. Determines how far you can move. Each step is 2 SPD.

In addition to the points given to the stats, you can add one Boon and Bane to them. A Boon will add 2 extra points to the stat, and will increase its growth. It also controls what kind of passive Special Weapons you can obtain, as well as your Ability 2. A Bane will remove 2 points from that stat, and will slow down its growth. You can NOT have one over the other.

Core- Your main Core type. Determines the kind of elemental Special Weapons you can obtain, as well as your Ability 1.
Subcore- Your secondary Core type. Also determines the kind of elemental Special Weapons you can obtain, but to a lesser extent (meaning you can only obtain the buster weapons and Tier 1 weapons of this type).

Do note that you can use ANY type within Prototype EXCEPT for Copy Core, which has been replaced with Neutral. In addition, your partner cannot be the same Core or Subcore type as you.

Weakness- Attacks of this type deal more damage.
Resistance- Attacks of this type deal less damage.

You MUST have a Weakness and Resistance. Failure to apply this will cause me to assign one to you based on how I personally feel they should be.

The following is determined by your stat boon and Core type.

Weapons: Your Special Weapons that can be utilized after moving. You can only have 8 Special Weapons at a time. In addition, you will be given a singular Basic Attack that costs no Weapon Energy and take up no Special Weapon slots.
Abilities: Your special abilities that will activate under specific conditions. You will only have 2, but they can be changed through the use of specific items.

And this LAST "stat" is determined by your progression through the roleplay.

Rank: The Ranking of your Team, which can be raised by completing missions. Ranking up grants you more inventory spaces for items, increases the number of missions available for everyone, and may even gift you some other rewards.


Team Name: Team Beta and Mega

Name: Beta Man
HP: 5
WE: 6
ATK: 5(+)
DEF: 4(-)
SPD: 5

Core: Shadow
Subcore: Time
Weakness: Electric
Resistance: Flame

Name: Mega Man X-7
Icon: mega-man
HP: 6
WE: 5(-)
ATK: 4
DEF: 5
SPD: 5(+)

Core: Flame
Subcore: Nature
Weakness: Electric
Resistance: Laser

The resulting set-up will be...

Team Beta and Mega
Rank: Plain (0/100)

Beta Man | Level: 1 (0/50)
Core: Shadow | Subcore: Time | Weakness: Electric | Resistance: Flame
HP: 10 | WE: 12 | ATK: 9 (5+2+2) (Boon) | DEF: 2 (4-2) (Bane) | SPD: 5
Abilities: Shadow Expert, ATK +2
Weapons: Shadow Shot, Time Shot, Shadow Slide

mega-man Mega Man X-7 | Level: 1 (0/50)
Core: Flame | Subcore: Nature
HP: 12 | WE: 6 (10-4) (Bane) | ATK: 4 | DEF: 5 | SPD: 7 (5+2) (Boon)
Abilities: Flame Expert, Emergency SPD
Weapons: Flame Shot, Nature Shot, Fire Storm

Click here to view the database.

A detailed list of basically everything you will come across in this game. There are some of which that are currently locked (kept private), and some information in the database is hidden. Right now, the Players, Weapons, Abilities, Enemies, Items, Shops, and Dungeons databases are available.
Current Status:

Gentle Countryside, F1

Objective: Reach the Stairs!
Maniacal Hideaway, F1

Objective: Reach the Stairs!
Wintry Forefront, F1

Objective: Reach the Stairs!
Richly Courtyard, F1

Objective: Reach the Stairs!
Robot Master Mystery Dungeon: a PMD-inspired RPG (REBOOTING)
Posted by Beta Shadow on February 18th, 2020 at 12:10pm
Viewed 2499 Times
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on March 16th, 2020 at 1:49pm Edited on 2020/03/16 at 3:20pm
Posted 2020/03/16 at 1:49pm Edited 2020/03/16 at 3:20pm
@Retro Pikachu :

Neutral Expert boosts the power of Carl's attack!
Carl uses Buster Shot on Flea 2!
1 Damage dealt!


Core: Impact
Weakness: Flame
Resistance: Missile
(Base stats will be hidden to save up on character space.)

Effect: Moves 2 steps every 2 SPD, but ONLY 2 steps every 2 SPD.

Flea Jump
Core: Impact
Power: 2
Range: 2
WE Cost: 2
Effect: Moves the user towards the foe. Fleas only.

Flea Spray
Core: Wind
Power: -
Range: 1
WE Cost: 4
Effect: Inflicts the foe with Swarm. Fleas only. (More on THAT when someone actually IS Swarmed.)

Electric Expert boosts the power of Retro's attack!
Retro uses Electric Shot on Flea 2!
10 Damage dealt!
Flea 2 is disabled!

Retro gains 10 EXP
Carl gains 5 EXP
OVERKILL BONUS: 5 Bolts! (Yes, I decided to add this as a feature, to make it a bit easier to make money.)

@Soren : Moved. On the topic of the Shopkeepers, I... Don't exactly know what the problem is. Is the code you're using [image](imageurl)? Because no, you cannot use the [robot] coding for the shopkeepers... At least at the moment. Maybe they'll change that someday.

@RedBomber :

PROTOTYPE-001 uses Buster Charge!
PROTOTYPE-001 is Charged!

Laser Expert boosted the power of Laser Joe's attack!
Laser Joe uses Break Laser on Flea 1!
13 Damage dealt!
Flea 1 is disabled!

Laser Joe earns 10 EXP
PROTOTYPE-001 earns 5 EXP

Sniper Joe moves a space to the right.
Enemy's Turn

Big Eye 1 uses Big Stomp!

Super Effective on PROTOTYPE-001!
6 Damage dealt!


Big Eye
Core: Impact
Weakness: Freeze
Resistance: Cutter

Big Stomp
Core: Impact
Power: 4
Range: 2
WE Cost: 2
Effect: Moves the user to the target's location, damaging all robots in the surrounding area, allies included. Big Eyes only.
Big Eye 2 Leaps 2 spaces to the right.
Beak waits.

Player's Turn

@RotomSlashBlast :

Laser Expert boosted the power of Phantasm's attack!
Phantasm uses Break Laser on Big Eye 2!
9 Damage dealt!
Big Eye 2's DEF is lowered by -2!

Shired uses Basic Attack on Big Eye 2!
1 Damage dealt!

Enemy's Turn!

Big Eye 1 Leaps 2 spaces to the left.

Big Eye 2 uses Big Stomp!

4 Damage to Phantasm!
1 Damage to Shired!
Tackle Fire moves a space to the right.

Player's Turn

@pokeepoo : Moved.
Enemy's Turn

Shield Attacker moves a space up.

Shield Attacker uses Shield Attack on Enker!

1 Damage dealt!
Shield Attacker's DEF is raised by +2!


Shield Attacker
Core: Shield

Shield Attack
Power: 2
Range: 1
WE Cost: 2
Effect: Raises the user's DEF by +2. Shield Attackers only.

[align-right]Peng 1 moves 2 spaces right.
Peng 2 moves 2 spaces up.

Player's Turn

^ Top
2,202,706 BP
66 TP | 1701 PP
Posted on March 16th, 2020 at 3:24pm Edited on 2020/03/16 at 3:27pm
Posted 2020/03/16 at 3:24pm Edited 2020/03/16 at 3:27pm
no em not using [robit]

Chemical Man Moves right 3 times and fires his Laser Shot at the Big Eye and Universal Man Moves right 3 times and up once and fires his Flame Shot at the Big Eye
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on March 16th, 2020 at 3:46pm
Posted 2020/03/16 at 3:46pm
@Soren : Ah. Then I am unsure of the problem.

Also, whoops, some forgotten things. AGAIN. I'm doing this in a separate post due to character limits:

Flea 1 drops its held Energy Pellet.

Flea 2 is revived by its held 1-Up. It attacks Carl with Flea Jump, dealing 2 Damage. Also, due to it's refusal to die, no EXP was gained from doing it. (Retro still gets the overkill bonus bolts, though.)

In Oil Wells, Big Eye 2's Defense Pellet goes off, removing the earlier-inflicted DEF debuff and returning its stats to normal.

And that should be about it. Updated Abandoned Warehouse map (unaccounting for Soren's recent turn):

^ Top
38,781,442 BP
15 TP | 1890 PP
Posted on March 16th, 2020 at 3:57pm Edited on 2020/03/16 at 4:03pm
Posted 2020/03/16 at 3:57pm Edited 2020/03/16 at 4:03pm
Shired moves one space north and uses an Energy Pellet on Phantasm!
Phantasm fires another Break Laser at Big Eye 2!
^ Top
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on March 16th, 2020 at 5:45pm Edited on 2020/03/16 at 10:18pm
Posted 2020/03/16 at 5:45pm Edited 2020/03/16 at 10:18pm
PROTOTYPE moves once to the right and fires his Shield Buster at Flea 1.

Laser Joe moves two spaces to the right, nabbing the Energy Pellet, almost gets distracted looking at the Speed Core, gets scolded at by PROTOTYPE and glumly moves one space down.

Urrgh! Under normal circumstances, we'd've already rescued the Joe and left by now! What's taking us so long!?

Doesn't matter. By the looks of things, we'll be there first regardless. Nothing's stopping us from completing our mission!
^ Top
4,263,102 BP
2 TP | 162 PP
Posted on March 16th, 2020 at 6:51pm Edited on 2020/03/16 at 7:05pm
Posted 2020/03/16 at 6:51pm Edited 2020/03/16 at 7:05pm
Blast Man's Flashback

block-manacid-manfuse-mantundra-man*cheers for blast man* BLAST MAN! BLAST MAN! BLAST MAN! BLAST MAN! BLAST MAN! BLAST MAN! BLAST MAN!

End Of Blast Man's Flashback

enkerblast man, you alright?

blast-manyeah......i'm ok, let's move on!

Enker And Blast Man moves 4 spaces down
^ Top
2,202,706 BP
66 TP | 1701 PP
Posted on March 16th, 2020 at 6:58pm Edited on 2020/03/16 at 7:04pm
Posted 2020/03/16 at 6:58pm Edited 2020/03/16 at 7:04pm
[image](I don't know what to do next
^ Top
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on March 16th, 2020 at 8:33pm
Posted 2020/03/16 at 8:33pm
@Soren : You're supposed to put the link of the image you chose in the parentheses .

So this:

would be made from doing this:

^ Top
2,202,706 BP
66 TP | 1701 PP
Posted on March 17th, 2020 at 12:00am Edited on 2020/03/17 at 12:06am
Posted 2020/03/17 at 12:00am Edited 2020/03/17 at 12:06am
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thanks :)

It's not doing anything
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on March 17th, 2020 at 2:31pm
Posted 2020/03/17 at 2:31pm
@Soren : You copied the name of the image, not the image's url.

It'll probably be hard to copy an image url on mobile (assuming you're still ON mobile), but it's doable. Try opening the image in a new tab (or whatever your mobile browser lets you do) and copying the url of the page it leads you to.

Laser Expert boosts the power of Chemical Man's attack!
Chemical Man uses Laser Shot on Big Eye 2!
3 Damage dealt!

Universal Man uses Flame Shot on Big Eye 2!
2 Damage dealt!

@RedBomber : Unfortunately, you can only pick up an item if your turn ENDS on that item. So, Laser Joe's movement will be halted on the spot of the Energy Pellet.

That being said...

Shield Expert boosted the power of PROTOTYPE-001's attack!
PROTOTYPE-001 uses Shield Buster on Big Eye 1!
6 Damage dealt!

Laser Joe picks up the Energy Pellet.

Automated Turns

Retro moves a space to the right while Carl moves 4 spaces up.

Electric Expert boosts the power of Retro's attack!
Retro uses Electric Shot on Flea 2!
10 Damage dealt!
Flea 2 is disabled! (For real this time.)

Retro gains 10 EXP
Carl gains 5 EXP

Sniper Joe waits.
Enemy's Turn

Big Eye 1 uses Big Stomp!

Super Effective on PROTOTYPE-001!
6 Damage dealt!
Big Eye 2 uses Big Stomp!

Super Effective on Chemical Man!
7 Damage dealt!
Beak waits.

Player's Turn

@RotomSlashBlast : Using someone's turn to heal a teammate? Smart. And, also, VERY fortunate that it actually does work like that. (Aside from the fact that you don't have an Energy PELLET, rather, an Energy CAPSULE. But, you know, tomato tamato.)

Shired gives Phantasm an Energy Capsule!
3 HP recovered!

Laser Expert boosts the power of Phantasm's attack!
Phantasm uses Break Laser on Big Eye 2!
9 Damage dealt!

Phantasm earns 10 EXP
Shired earns 5 EXP


Phantasm has reached Level 3!
HP: 6 > 7
WE: 22 > 24
ATK: 8 > 9
DEF: 4 > 5
SPD: 5 > 6
Weapon Get: Weapon Boost! (As if you needed a method of recovering extra WE)
Enemy's Turn

Big Eye 1 Leaps to the right.
Tackle Fire moves a space down.

Player's Turn

@pokeepoo : Moved... Except Blast Man's path is blocked by a Peng!
Enemy's Turn

Shield Attacker waits.

Peng 1 uses Peng Slide on Blast Man!

Super Effective!
3 Damage dealt!


HP: 6
WE: 10
ATK: 8 (Boon)
DEF: 1 (Bane)
SPD: 3

Peng Slide
Core: Freeze
Power: 2
Range: 1-2
WE Cost: 2
Effect: Moves to the foe's location. Pengs only.
Peng 2 moves 1 step right, and 1 step up.

Player's Turn

^ Top
38,781,442 BP
15 TP | 1890 PP
Posted on March 17th, 2020 at 5:11pm Edited on 2020/03/17 at 5:18pm
Posted 2020/03/17 at 5:11pm Edited 2020/03/17 at 5:18pm
 Nice! I can actually move more than a foot in front of me now!
 In fact, I think I'll go after that Speed Capsule! Shired, you know what to do.

Phantasm moves one space north and two spaces left.
Shired sits there and uses Defense Boost!
^ Top
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on March 17th, 2020 at 5:36pm Edited on 2020/03/17 at 6:02pm
Posted 2020/03/17 at 5:36pm Edited 2020/03/17 at 6:02pm
sniper-joe Finally! I was beginning to get worried no one would show up in time! Thanks a bunch!

Heh! No problem. Now let's hop on my sweet ride and book it out of here!

sniper-joe Sure, but first you have to move before I thrash you upside the head for being such an inept liable piece of trash!


You heard me. Thanks to the likes of you, our plan's been ruined. Now grab that Speed Core before I..improvise..


Change of plans! Laser Joe moves up on space and right two. Prototype prepares to attack his demon personified (well, we'll have to wait for Outlaw Guts Man) by charging up another Shield Buster attack.
^ Top
2,202,706 BP
66 TP | 1701 PP
Posted on March 17th, 2020 at 7:03pm Edited on 2020/03/17 at 7:21pm
Posted 2020/03/17 at 7:03pm Edited 2020/03/17 at 7:21pm
@Beta Shadow : Well Technically I'm not on Mobile I will be back by March 21

Chemical Man Moves back once and Fires his Laser Shot and Universal Man Moves Straight up 5 Times

Edit: I did put the URL. I just put the name and .png at the end. But I don't know what the ACTUAL name it's supposed to be
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on March 17th, 2020 at 8:27pm
Posted 2020/03/17 at 8:27pm
@Soren : You're... Not SUPPOSED to put a name at the end of it.

The code you should try to use is:

Do that, and you SHOULD get:
^ Top
13,629,397 BP
31 TP | 765 PP
Posted on March 18th, 2020 at 8:35pm Edited on 2020/03/18 at 8:35pm
Posted 2020/03/18 at 8:35pm Edited 2020/03/18 at 8:35pm
Carl goes 1 space up (and 1 space right, if needed) to rescue to Sniper Joe.
^ Top
2,202,706 BP
66 TP | 1701 PP
Posted on March 18th, 2020 at 9:00pm Edited on 2020/03/18 at 9:06pm
Posted 2020/03/18 at 9:00pm Edited 2020/03/18 at 9:06pm
oh ok. thanks!

^ Top
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on March 18th, 2020 at 9:17pm Edited on 2020/03/18 at 9:19pm
Posted 2020/03/18 at 9:17pm Edited 2020/03/18 at 9:19pm
@Soren : Also, to prevent this type of thing from happening again, I'd recommend if you have any questions and concerns about Roleplay formatting you ask here and practice roleplaying here.
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on March 18th, 2020 at 9:23pm
Posted 2020/03/18 at 9:23pm
@RedBomber : Moved and charged.

@Soren :

Laser Expert boosted the power of Chemical Man's attack!
Chemical Man uses Laser Shot on Big Eye 2!
3 Damage dealt!

@Retro Pikachu :

Carl has reached the Sniper Joe!

Mission Complete!

sniper-joe ...As for you... I kinda like you. You have a real likable face, you know that? Also, you seem to have a real charming personality.
sniper-joe You're new to the Robot Academy, correct? ...Yeah, I think you'll go far in this business.
sniper-joe ...Still, thank you for the save. I'd get out of here myself, but every time I tried, those pesky Big Eyes would just block the path... And to make matters worse, some Electric-core jerkwad fried my teleportation chip! ...E-er, no offense to your friend back there.
sniper-joe *Sigh* Things just aren't as peaceful as they used to be... I'd be careful if I were you... And keep a lookout for anything suspicious.

The Sniper Joe gives Team Carl 53 Bolts and is warped away!

Retro gains 36 EXP
Carl gains 36 EXP
Team Carl gains 36 Reputation Points (REP)
Chemical Man gains 18 EXP
Universal Man gains 18 EXP
PROTOTYPE-001 gains 18 EXP
Laser Joe gains 18 EXP

Team Carl, there are no further missions to complete here. Would you like to leave the dungeon early, or proceed to the next floor?

For Team Blue Star and Team Prototype, the previous objective has been replaced with a Staircase. Once you reach this staircase, you, too, shall have the choice to leave early, or continue on through the dungeon.
Enemy's Turn

...Uh... Uhhhhh.........
...Huh. Well, this is interesting... It appears that Big Eye can't seem to attack anyone if there's nobody that is at an odd number's distance away... Perhaps there's a good tactic to use there?
I mean, hey! THIS Big Eye seems absolutely clueless on what to do! Maybe he'll just sit there unsure on his next mo-
Big Eye 1 Leaps a space diagonally.

...Or he could completely change tactics and go after Laser Joe... That, too, is an option.
Big Eye 2 uses Big Stomp!

Super Effective on Chemical Man!
7 Damage dealt!
WARNING! Enemy Sniper Joe has spawned! (How ironic.)

Player's Turn

@RotomSlashBlast :

Shired uses Defense Boost!
Shired's DEF is boosted by +2!
Enemy's Turn

Big Eye 1 Leaps down 2 spaces. Tackle Fire follows it down a space.

Big Eye 1 uses Big Stomp!

1 Damage to Shired!
Player's Turn

Automated Turns

Blast Man walks a space right, and 2 spaces down. Enker walks a space down, and a space right.

Explode Expert boosts the power of Blast Man's attack!
Blast Man uses Explode Shot on Peng 1!
5 Damage dealt!

Neutral Expert boosts the power of Enker's attack!
Enker uses Buster Shot on Peng 1!
5 Damage dealt!
Peng 1 is disabled!

Enker earns 9 EXP
Blast Man earns 4 EXP

...Oh? It appears that the defeated Peng wishes to join Team Shattering Mirrors! Will you let it join? (Oh, and for the heck of it, I'm allowing you to give nicknames to any team member you recruit, if you so wish.)

For the sake of letting the choice be made in peace, I'll do the enemy's turn during the next update.

^ Top
2,202,706 BP
66 TP | 1701 PP
Posted on March 18th, 2020 at 10:19pm
Posted 2020/03/18 at 10:19pm
@RedBomber : I did before
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on March 18th, 2020 at 11:06pm
Posted 2020/03/18 at 11:06pm
Oh yeah, forgot to spawn an enemy for Oil Wells, too.

I also apparently forgot to put down the Sniper Joe because I uploaded the gosh darn wrong image on imgur.

So, here. Updated maps:

There'd be one for Arctic Jungle, but it'd have to actually be the enemy's turn, first.
^ Top

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