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The Chaos Zone

June 10th, 2020 at 4:40pm
Ninja Phantom
Ninja Phantom
1,588,601 BP
1 TP | 105 PP
...And are you sure this will work?
It HAS to. I just see no other way around it. There's no other possible way to confront him... No available universe has the flexibility needed to be able to confront him directly.
And how do you know he will come?
...He is an investor of Chaos and Destruction. He will come... It would be against his nature not to.
...I looked at where he kept it. The Anti-Omni Meme of which that devil manifested from. ...It's gone, Bt. And there's only one person in this entire Omniverse who also knows where it is... And would have the motives to take it.
...And Reaper is too gullible and naive to notice any of this. And even then, he would not agree to do any of what I am doing, even if it's for a greater cause. I HAVE to be the one to do it. There is no other way around it.
...But if the Trio of Origin... the Creators of the Internet's Multi-Omniverse find out about this...
...They can erase this universe for all I care. But not until we get rid of Beta Devil... For GOOD.
Greetings, one and all, and welcome to the Chaos Zone. This is an attempt to do what the Absurd Roleplay attempted to do: Create a safe environment for people to be OP so that, hopefully, it won't spread to other threads.

I'll let it be known now: This is NOT a continuation of the Absurd Roleplay itself, nor of its story/stories. If you participated in the Absurd Roleplay at some point and wish to bring back any characters or plotpoints that existed at the time, feel free. But do note that this is, more or less, its own continuity. Heck, if anything, it doesn't even need its own continuity. But, I'd be foolish to think it won't. In fact, I am counting on it.

Anyways. Some ground rules:

1. If you're going to do stats and damage, feel free to have them be as big as possible. Just don't make them extremely long.
2. Do not use other people's characters. Feel free to make as many characters as you would like, though.
3. If you want to destroy the world, that's fine. Want to destroy the galaxy? Great. The universe? Can always be pieced back together. But do NOT. Under ANY circumstances. Destroy ANY universe that is not involved with this thread. You are also equally banned from destroying the entire Omniverse, or any Omniverse beyond. There are... certain people. I want to avoid the attention of. So let's refrain from stretching out the destruction to beyond this thread, ok?

...I think that about covers it. You all enjoy yourselves.
The Chaos Zone
Posted by Ninja Phantom on June 10th, 2020 at 4:40pm
Viewed 13565 Times
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on September 3rd, 2020 at 4:06pm Edited on 2020/09/03 at 4:07pm
Posted 2020/09/03 at 4:06pm Edited 2020/09/03 at 4:07pm
First, I'm'na need you to punch this dummy.
Isn't that kind of a rude name to call it? I'm sure it's as smart as the rest of us!
No, that's not-- *sigh*-- It isn't sentient. It isn't a thing. It's an object. Just punch it.
Okie dokie!

Defteros forms a fist and gently taps the dummy.

How was that?
What do you mean I've come up with a terminal virus?
Oh, yes, it's, uh, it's one that has a 1/99,999,999 chance of appearing in random robots. Unfortunately, you are one of the few that have come down with this. If unchecked, it can completely infect and internally destroy any robot it touches.
Is there any way this can be fixed?
Glad you asked. All I need to do is go into your robo systems, check your data for this virus, and give you a special antivirus application that will be installed to prevent further appearances.
Also the antivirus will reprogram you do to my bidding.
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on September 3rd, 2020 at 4:24pm Edited on 2020/09/03 at 4:34pm
Posted 2020/09/03 at 4:24pm Edited 2020/09/03 at 4:34pm
Ninten: Huh? Who are you? And why are coming towards us? Are you one of the bad guys? Are you one of GIGUE'S bad guys? If so, bring it. Unless your here for another reason.
Eccolo: ...Welp. Back to tournament arc plot relevence! He then repossessed Arles body...
^ Top
2,202,706 BP
66 TP | 1701 PP
Posted on September 3rd, 2020 at 4:46pm Edited on 2020/09/03 at 4:48pm
Posted 2020/09/03 at 4:46pm Edited 2020/09/03 at 4:48pm
*Major Confusion*
Wait a minute...

(Soren had a few flashed images in his head consisting of Dark Arle, The Attack, and overall confusion what was going on at the point of time)

(If someone is possessed that's a bad sign!)
^ Top
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on September 3rd, 2020 at 4:49pm Edited on 2020/09/03 at 4:53pm
Posted 2020/09/03 at 4:49pm Edited 2020/09/03 at 4:53pm
Iori knocks Kyo down. Before he can proceed attacking, however, he sees Ashura charge at him, temporarily shifting his focus.


He throws a flame pillar in Ashura's path.

...How long has this been running?
How long has what been running?
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on September 3rd, 2020 at 5:11pm
Posted 2020/09/03 at 5:11pm
Suddenly, a voice speaks from behind Proteus.

Trust me, I was as confused as you are about that, too.
^ Top
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on September 3rd, 2020 at 5:25pm
Posted 2020/09/03 at 5:25pm
Proteus turns around. Defteros, unfortunately is currently unable to.

Wh-- oh. It's you.
That's not important.
I'm not even going to ask how, as implying logic to how you got here is a slippery slope in of itself. But what I am going to ask is what you're doing here.
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on September 3rd, 2020 at 5:42pm
Posted 2020/09/03 at 5:42pm
Asura then countered with a spear from the ground! Asura: Let the boy go Ororchi! Or I WILL take you with him!
Dark Arle: Alright... now if I were a guessin double gendered by technicallity person, I guess someone found out that I was possesing Arle. No matter, I still am participating in this tournament for fun~.
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on September 3rd, 2020 at 6:12pm Edited on 2020/09/03 at 6:24pm
Posted 2020/09/03 at 6:12pm Edited 2020/09/03 at 6:24pm
Oh, you know. I had nothing better to do since a certain group killed Duracell, and Shaggy Negro was killed by regular Shaggy. So I felt I would stop by, say hello...
...Oh, and to try this.

K. Rool then pulls out a strange, golden object. Said object then proceeds to attempt to create a duplicate of Kahtos!
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on September 3rd, 2020 at 6:49pm
Posted 2020/09/03 at 6:49pm
Bluster Kong: Oh Donkey Kong~! D.K: Not now Bluster! I'm kinda lookin fer Diddy! Bluster Kong: Oh, come on! I just entered myself and payed for a sponsorship in a tournament! D.K: Ok, thats nice, but I need to put Diddy outta his misery! Hes corrupted! Bluster Kong: Well i- wait what?
^ Top
2,202,706 BP
66 TP | 1701 PP
Posted on September 3rd, 2020 at 7:06pm
Posted 2020/09/03 at 7:06pm
I-I still don't get it
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on September 3rd, 2020 at 7:07pm
Posted 2020/09/03 at 7:07pm
Ninten: Don't get what?
^ Top
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on September 3rd, 2020 at 7:23pm Edited on 2020/09/03 at 7:32pm
Posted 2020/09/03 at 7:23pm Edited 2020/09/03 at 7:32pm
In doing so Yagami swiftly jumps aside from the spear... and into Kyo's fist.

I don't think so, Yagami! This ends here!
Oh, ha, ha. You may as well give up already. Your days of turning Defteros into your own minion are ov--
--No! I refuse to perish! I am the Kremling Alpha!
What just happened?
(Darn it, I need one of those.)
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on September 3rd, 2020 at 7:34pm Edited on 2020/09/03 at 7:38pm
Posted 2020/09/03 at 7:34pm Edited 2020/09/03 at 7:38pm
Dk, with begrudging support from Bluster Kong, then start to search for Diddy's current location... Bluster Kong: Your lucky I care for other Kongs Donkey... Dk: C'mon Bluster, we have some spelunking to do... They then went into a cave...
Asura: I agree! Let us finish this Kyo! He readies his blade once more...
^ Top
2,202,706 BP
66 TP | 1701 PP
Posted on September 3rd, 2020 at 7:37pm
Posted 2020/09/03 at 7:37pm
(Soren's vision is broken)
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on September 3rd, 2020 at 7:39pm
Posted 2020/09/03 at 7:39pm
Ninten: Hey uh... need help with your sight there pal?
^ Top
9,484,900 BP
3 TP | 1143 PP
Posted on September 3rd, 2020 at 7:48pm
Posted 2020/09/03 at 7:48pm
Kyo, in an attempt to distract Iori, runs towards him to distract him.

Hey, Yagami! You still haven't "vanquished me" yet, have you? Some fighter you are!

Orochi Iori immediately rushes him, grabbing his face and pinning it to the floor, and smothers him with several flaming explosions.
^ Top
Brash Buster
23,209,135 BP
0 TP | 860 PP
Posted on September 3rd, 2020 at 7:49pm
Posted 2020/09/03 at 7:49pm
*sigh* What are you doing back here? I'm a lost cause.
I wouldn't say that.

Dark Elf puts her hand forward, and in an instant, Diddy Kong, Orange, Rh-volt Torch Man, and Sonic Man are freed from the Temporal Leakage.
How did you...?
...well, it's not going to help anyway; I'm still cursed with releasing that virus from my body.
We've got that covered, too.

Dyna Man gently puts a chestplate attatchment on the ground, and slides it towards Shadow Digital with his foot.
You'd be surprised at what can be done if you don't leave everything to yourself.
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on September 3rd, 2020 at 7:53pm Edited on 2020/09/03 at 8:04pm
Posted 2020/09/03 at 7:53pm Edited 2020/09/03 at 8:04pm
Bluster Kong: Why do we have to explore this disturbing cave for Diddy Kong? D.K: You know its in our code to help the suffering go t' heaven so they don't suffer Bluster. Its in our code... The two then explore the cave... unaware of Diddy being cured...
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on September 3rd, 2020 at 8:03pm
Posted 2020/09/03 at 8:03pm
(...Hm. Peculiar... I don't remember Kahtos calling himself the "Kremling Alpha"...)
(...Come to think of it, I don't remember him having a personality at all... I hope this new development doesn't come back to bite me...)

Well, that's said and done. Come now, Kahtos; I believe it is time for us to make our leave... We have our own island to rule over, after all.

Wait, your own what now?

Hm, yes. I suppose it should be informed that, after MANY failed attempts to take over DK Island, I have decided that- with the help of this little object of mine- I would create my own Island... the K. Rool Archipelago!

...You do realize that, by definition, an Archipelago is multiple islands, correct?

Well, you know what they say; The more, the merrier!
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on September 3rd, 2020 at 8:11pm
Posted 2020/09/03 at 8:11pm
The two then entered a labyrinth like area in the cave... Dk: Man... if this is where Diddy is... I can he REALLY needs to be put outta his misery! Bluster Kong: I agree! But first we must look around carefully...
^ Top

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