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The Chaos Zone

June 10th, 2020 at 4:40pm
Ninja Phantom
Ninja Phantom
1,588,601 BP
1 TP | 105 PP
...And are you sure this will work?
It HAS to. I just see no other way around it. There's no other possible way to confront him... No available universe has the flexibility needed to be able to confront him directly.
And how do you know he will come?
...He is an investor of Chaos and Destruction. He will come... It would be against his nature not to.
...I looked at where he kept it. The Anti-Omni Meme of which that devil manifested from. ...It's gone, Bt. And there's only one person in this entire Omniverse who also knows where it is... And would have the motives to take it.
...And Reaper is too gullible and naive to notice any of this. And even then, he would not agree to do any of what I am doing, even if it's for a greater cause. I HAVE to be the one to do it. There is no other way around it.
...But if the Trio of Origin... the Creators of the Internet's Multi-Omniverse find out about this...
...They can erase this universe for all I care. But not until we get rid of Beta Devil... For GOOD.
Greetings, one and all, and welcome to the Chaos Zone. This is an attempt to do what the Absurd Roleplay attempted to do: Create a safe environment for people to be OP so that, hopefully, it won't spread to other threads.

I'll let it be known now: This is NOT a continuation of the Absurd Roleplay itself, nor of its story/stories. If you participated in the Absurd Roleplay at some point and wish to bring back any characters or plotpoints that existed at the time, feel free. But do note that this is, more or less, its own continuity. Heck, if anything, it doesn't even need its own continuity. But, I'd be foolish to think it won't. In fact, I am counting on it.

Anyways. Some ground rules:

1. If you're going to do stats and damage, feel free to have them be as big as possible. Just don't make them extremely long.
2. Do not use other people's characters. Feel free to make as many characters as you would like, though.
3. If you want to destroy the world, that's fine. Want to destroy the galaxy? Great. The universe? Can always be pieced back together. But do NOT. Under ANY circumstances. Destroy ANY universe that is not involved with this thread. You are also equally banned from destroying the entire Omniverse, or any Omniverse beyond. There are... certain people. I want to avoid the attention of. So let's refrain from stretching out the destruction to beyond this thread, ok?

...I think that about covers it. You all enjoy yourselves.
The Chaos Zone
Posted by Ninja Phantom on June 10th, 2020 at 4:40pm
Viewed 13565 Times
Shattered Vanguard
18,049,922 BP
4 TP | 931 PP
Posted on June 26th, 2020 at 2:27pm
Posted 2020/06/26 at 2:27pm
Seeing this, Quin begins to draw the falling blobs into a condensed ball, then fires it at the ship, causing it to be consumed by the blob(but not destroyed).
Quin looks around and is disappointed about being unable to find its creator.
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on June 26th, 2020 at 2:33pm
Posted 2020/06/26 at 2:33pm
Fortunately for us, we were the only mighty numbers on the ship when you bought it... Well that was a waste of 30,000 zenny... but atleast we gained some help! That ship costed WHAT?! So, uh... whos the new guys?
^ Top
Proto MKII
1,205,220 BP
0 TP | 409 PP
Posted on June 26th, 2020 at 2:36pm Edited on 2020/06/26 at 2:37pm
Posted 2020/06/26 at 2:36pm Edited 2020/06/26 at 2:37pm
In the now named Dark Fortress, Hades sits on his new throne.

Now this is a lifestyle I can adjust to. I believe I have finally found my calling.
flutter-fly Uh, sir?
What troubles us so passionately that I may be disturbed?
flutter-fly It would appear that there are a group of robots who wish to claim the world as their kingdom. Should we rally our men and-
Let them.
flutter-fly What if they-
Llllllet. Them. Nothing will change if we do or do not. They will fall all the same as before. We will not waste time on anything under us.
flutter-fly Yes, sir.
Your orders are to continue the mass production of Energy Elements and robots. We will build a lone empire.
flutter-fly But, sir, the positive portion of them have already been used u--
Even better. We can replicate the ones remaining, all the while extracting each and everyone. I may have already gained a considerable amount of power, but unlike what part of me chooses to believe, there is indeed currently a cap on it. In time, I will grow and become the most powerful being with the most powerful enterprise in history.
Now I trust you understand what the rest of you are to do?
flutter-fly .....
...Yes, sir.
^ Top
Brash Buster
23,209,135 BP
0 TP | 860 PP
Posted on June 26th, 2020 at 2:43pm
Posted 2020/06/26 at 2:43pm
You ever feel like when we're near a Mighty Number or a Kong it's hard to figure out who's talking?
Yeah. But it won't matter if I do THIS!

Volt Man releases an electric burst in all directions with his Volt Blast Epsilon!
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on June 26th, 2020 at 2:59pm Edited on 2020/06/26 at 3:02pm
Posted 2020/06/26 at 2:59pm Edited 2020/06/26 at 3:02pm
Nice try orb pads! Buut~ yalls gon het smooshed by barrels. Seismic is represented by impact and swift. While D.K is just... impact. Hope you learned your lesson you Doctor.Oswald.Serialization. numbers...
^ Top
13,682,436 BP
0 TP | 580 PP
Posted on June 26th, 2020 at 3:02pm
Posted 2020/06/26 at 3:02pm
YOu bring up some good points, Mr. Lightning Rod. I'm actually almost convinced to join you. However.
You've successfully taken over the world. What's next? You'll give up all that power after your work is done? I don't think so. I'm afraid you'll start, slowly but surely, changing the definition of "popular". In a few years, it might even go so far that everyone who dares oppose your dictatorship will immediately become a celebrity, and then an outcast.
Another thing working in your favor is that you abolished the 'publicity stunt' that is the term 'villain'. That way the people will hardly be able to describe your oppression as evil, so they won't even THINK it's bad.
And that's what I want to avoid.
^ Top
Brash Buster
23,209,135 BP
0 TP | 860 PP
Posted on June 26th, 2020 at 3:07pm
Posted 2020/06/26 at 3:07pm
Yeah, I'm done with this Mighty Monkey Business.

Dyna Man and Volt Man each grab a Banana Coin and exit the island from the nearest Barrel Cannon, finding themselves back where the Metall was.
^ Top
Shattered Vanguard
18,049,922 BP
4 TP | 931 PP
Posted on June 26th, 2020 at 3:18pm Edited on 2020/06/26 at 4:35pm
Posted 2020/06/26 at 3:18pm Edited 2020/06/26 at 4:35pm
Spring Boi:Back for more are you?
The spring proceeds to bump itself into Dyna Man and Volt Man, sending him flying. back to Kongo Bongo Island.
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on June 26th, 2020 at 3:18pm Edited on 2020/06/26 at 3:23pm
Posted 2020/06/26 at 3:18pm Edited 2020/06/26 at 3:23pm
Well that happened... say, mind if we used that crustal coconut? What for? Quin has a... train to catch... (He wants to warp quin to his creator) Ohhh!!! Yeah, that makes sense.
^ Top
Shattered Vanguard
18,049,922 BP
4 TP | 931 PP
Posted on June 26th, 2020 at 3:23pm Edited on 2020/06/26 at 3:26pm
Posted 2020/06/26 at 3:23pm Edited 2020/06/26 at 3:26pm
SYS 001, 29:Really now...Looks like our work's about to be-
The crystal coconut breaks in half.
SYS 001, 29...What?
SYS 001, 30Cancel the extermination team.
SYS 001, 29Coconuts don't just break like that. Especially crystal ones. We need to pinpoint where that command came from.
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on June 26th, 2020 at 3:28pm Edited on 2020/06/26 at 3:40pm
Posted 2020/06/26 at 3:28pm Edited 2020/06/26 at 3:40pm
Did you try to use the fake crystal coconut Donkey Kong? It was a fake?! How?! Well... * flash back * Oh fuck, I dropped it in the river... * end of flashback * You... DING DONG!!!
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on June 26th, 2020 at 4:06pm Edited on 2020/06/26 at 4:10pm
Posted 2020/06/26 at 4:06pm Edited 2020/06/26 at 4:10pm
...You are free to believe my goals are whatever you think they are. But the thing is, I never said our reign would be eternal. Just long enough to ensure that NOBODY will be the victim of your unending war between "good" and "evil" ever again.
...Don't pretend that EVERYTHING is fine once the world's saved, "hero". Because, at the end of it all, people have still DIED in these attacks. And you did NOTHING to save any of them. So why should we, the people you let DIE, should be any grateful to YOU?

Surge Man turns off the monitor and ends the conversation.
...Honestly. These heroes always think they're high in the moral code... I'll believe it once they start acting like-
Believe it or not, he has a point. I'm beginning to see a lot of what I wanted in your actions.
...How the hell did you get in here?

Jazz steps out from the shadows...

It's your fault, really. You should've just downloaded the ability to pass through the barrier into your little men instead of giving them a simple, easy-to-steal pass that bypasses the barrier without lifting it.
But, I digress... I know the REAL reason you're doing this, Surge. It was never about popularity or wanting to end it. You just want revenge, plain and simple. You're only telling these lies to everyone- including yourself- to justify your actions.
...No response. Just as I thought. You're only doing this because you want to prove yourself. Because you feel weak. Because your own creator planned to have you outcasted... I know because I, too, have been in your shoes. The only difference is that my doctor viewed me as an unnecessity. YOUR doctor simply had no other choice because of an expiration law the Government officials of your universe are too stubborn to cha-

Suddenly, Surge Man launches a powerful burst of electricity at Jazz, shocking all of his internal systems and shutting him down!

ENOUGH. I HAVE HEARD ENOUGH OUT OF YOU. You don't have ANY idea what it's like for me! This revenge isn't just for me... It's for my brothers as well.
...Send him to the prison. Strict him of his powers. And make sure he STAYS there.
...Well, we need a bit of comic relief. And what better than to check up on a wacky villain, who seems to be on the Gangplank Galleon... Fishing? Huh. That's new.

Come on, you fools! Reel up more of those fish! The more we catch, the more money we can make with it!

Ah. THAT would explain it.

Uh, boss? I reeled in some kind of pink robot that seems to be in very bad shape...
Just put it in the treasury and get back to work, we'll figure out what to do with it later.

The kremling takes the broken Defteros to the Treasury Room, which seems to have a bunch of different treasures from various video game worlds.

Does anyone else have anything they wish to waste my time with?
...Uh... Boss?
Just what on Earth do you plan on bothering me with this ti-iiiiiiiiiiiIS THAT...
...It... It is...! The Crystal Coconut! But... How!?
Not sure... It seems to have just floated by from the river...
Oh, nevermind! THIS IS THE GREATEST MOMENT OF MY LIFE! I... I, uh...
...Huh. It's... It's been so long, I... I'm actually not sure what to do with it.

...You're not serious.
^ Top
13,629,397 BP
31 TP | 765 PP
Posted on June 26th, 2020 at 4:12pm
Posted 2020/06/26 at 4:12pm
The Metall, annoyed at the consistency of the DOSbots' appearances, finally faces the bots head on with a flurry of buster shots.
^ Top
Brash Buster
23,209,135 BP
0 TP | 860 PP
Posted on June 26th, 2020 at 4:17pm
Posted 2020/06/26 at 4:17pm
Ha ha, NOW we're talking!

Dyna Man lobs nine Dynamite Blasts in a cluster over the Metall!
^ Top
Shattered Vanguard
18,049,922 BP
4 TP | 931 PP
Posted on June 26th, 2020 at 4:18pm Edited on 2020/06/26 at 4:37pm
Posted 2020/06/26 at 4:18pm Edited 2020/06/26 at 4:37pm
Angry, the spring tries again to launch Dyna Man high in the air.

Seems that we've lost our potential agent, Captain.
...No matter...
We still have these anyways.
The Admiral Met points using a foam glove to the now dismantled MKII clones.
With these, we should have enough negative energy to-
We found him!
*sighs*...Of course we did.
Prepare a portal to pick him up. We can't have him spilling out our secrets after all.
Yes captain!
Oh Kendi. What troubles will you bring us today...
^ Top
13,682,436 BP
0 TP | 580 PP
Posted on June 26th, 2020 at 4:26pm
Posted 2020/06/26 at 4:26pm
Mighty shakes his head while doing the :pensive: face, then warps out.
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on June 26th, 2020 at 4:32pm
Posted 2020/06/26 at 4:32pm
HEY, PRIVATE K.ROOL! GIMMIE THAT COCONUT OR I'LL BLAST YA INTO A FORIEGN DELICACY, YOU GREEN DUMMY!!! Battalion landed on the gangplank galleon just in the nick of time!
^ Top
Shattered Vanguard
18,049,922 BP
4 TP | 931 PP
Posted on June 26th, 2020 at 4:40pm
Posted 2020/06/26 at 4:40pm
The sounds of trees being crushed can be heard close to Drone Man's location.
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on June 26th, 2020 at 4:45pm
Posted 2020/06/26 at 4:45pm
Drone Man is unable to notice this, however, since he is too busy delivering a package to "Little Papa Beta's Pizza Hut Palace Imporium"...
Suddenly, a built-in catapult flings Battalion off of the Gangplank Galleon!

HA! I'm glad I stole- Err, borrowed- That gimmick from a ship I fought on during my Smash days!
...So... Let me get this straight. You... Have been terrorizing a group of monkeys... For almost 26 years... All for a coconut made entirely of crystals... And you don't even know what you wanted to do with it to begin with!?

To be fair, 2-3 of those years were spent trying to get revenge on Beta Shado-

Wow. Really and truly, wow. No other words can express how much I don't care.

Oh, come on! 26 years is a very long time, you know!

So if you really have no idea why you've been after it for all these years, why are you still after it.


...*Sigh*... Do you even remember why you're even evil to begin with?

The way I see it, I was born evil. Why else would people call me a pun of the word "kruel"?

...I literally cannot argue anything of what you're saying. Not because it's got good points, but because I feel I'd go braindead trying to convince you how stupid you sound right now.

...Hm... Come to think of it, I've always wanted to be just as powerful as that Cranky Kong secretly is... To be as high as him and Matt on the hierarchy...
...Oh, but who am I kidding. Even if it could, I doubt the Crystal Coconut would ever grant me a wish like that...
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on June 26th, 2020 at 4:50pm Edited on 2020/06/26 at 4:59pm
Posted 2020/06/26 at 4:50pm Edited 2020/06/26 at 4:59pm
YA MISSED... BUT I, RARELY DO...BUT FIRST, A QUESTION, DO YOU REMEMBER THE CRASH BOMBER? WELL... My ATTACKS LIKE THAT, BUT IT IS ENRAGED AS ALL HE(double hockeysticks) REMOTE CANNON!!!!! Battalion launched a what is basically a friggin nuke on the center of the gangplank! SAY... BUH BYE TO YOUR WISH... The remote cannon destroyed the gangplank galleon! Up to the frame anyways...
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