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The Chaos Zone

June 10th, 2020 at 4:40pm
Ninja Phantom
Ninja Phantom
1,588,601 BP
1 TP | 105 PP
...And are you sure this will work?
It HAS to. I just see no other way around it. There's no other possible way to confront him... No available universe has the flexibility needed to be able to confront him directly.
And how do you know he will come?
...He is an investor of Chaos and Destruction. He will come... It would be against his nature not to.
...I looked at where he kept it. The Anti-Omni Meme of which that devil manifested from. ...It's gone, Bt. And there's only one person in this entire Omniverse who also knows where it is... And would have the motives to take it.
...And Reaper is too gullible and naive to notice any of this. And even then, he would not agree to do any of what I am doing, even if it's for a greater cause. I HAVE to be the one to do it. There is no other way around it.
...But if the Trio of Origin... the Creators of the Internet's Multi-Omniverse find out about this...
...They can erase this universe for all I care. But not until we get rid of Beta Devil... For GOOD.
Greetings, one and all, and welcome to the Chaos Zone. This is an attempt to do what the Absurd Roleplay attempted to do: Create a safe environment for people to be OP so that, hopefully, it won't spread to other threads.

I'll let it be known now: This is NOT a continuation of the Absurd Roleplay itself, nor of its story/stories. If you participated in the Absurd Roleplay at some point and wish to bring back any characters or plotpoints that existed at the time, feel free. But do note that this is, more or less, its own continuity. Heck, if anything, it doesn't even need its own continuity. But, I'd be foolish to think it won't. In fact, I am counting on it.

Anyways. Some ground rules:

1. If you're going to do stats and damage, feel free to have them be as big as possible. Just don't make them extremely long.
2. Do not use other people's characters. Feel free to make as many characters as you would like, though.
3. If you want to destroy the world, that's fine. Want to destroy the galaxy? Great. The universe? Can always be pieced back together. But do NOT. Under ANY circumstances. Destroy ANY universe that is not involved with this thread. You are also equally banned from destroying the entire Omniverse, or any Omniverse beyond. There are... certain people. I want to avoid the attention of. So let's refrain from stretching out the destruction to beyond this thread, ok?

...I think that about covers it. You all enjoy yourselves.
The Chaos Zone
Posted by Ninja Phantom on June 10th, 2020 at 4:40pm
Viewed 13565 Times
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on July 12th, 2020 at 1:18am Edited on 2020/07/12 at 1:20am
Posted 2020/07/12 at 1:18am Edited 2020/07/12 at 1:20am
C.X: Ok... that is friggin' it! Air, what the hell are you doing?! C.X then got Unbeatable Airmans attention.
^ Top
Shattered Vanguard
18,049,922 BP
4 TP | 931 PP
Posted on July 12th, 2020 at 1:21am Edited on 2020/07/12 at 1:30am
Posted 2020/07/12 at 1:21am Edited 2020/07/12 at 1:30am
U.Air takes a second before turning around.
How do you know my nam-
Strangely, his voice sounds like two voices fighting over control of the remote, if that makes any sense.
Mega Man...?
Air cancels the tornado and laughs.
You may not be Mega Man, but you certainly fit the part as the Blue Bomber. Even if you are just a cheap imitation. Tell which doctor does your allegiance lie?
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on July 12th, 2020 at 1:30am Edited on 2020/07/12 at 1:36am
Posted 2020/07/12 at 1:30am Edited 2020/07/12 at 1:36am
C.X: off...? Did you just say... RIPOFF? The chest armor the unlocks to reveal a giant array of missiles pointing straight at air. C.X: Theres many names i'd rather be called, but RIPOFF? ...Your just asking for a bad time then, arent you...? Then one of his eyes started to glow blue... C.X: And by the way... he then dissapeared before everyones eyes... C.X: On a scale of 1 to 10, how fucked do you think you are...?
^ Top
Shattered Vanguard
18,049,922 BP
4 TP | 931 PP
Posted on July 12th, 2020 at 1:36am
Posted 2020/07/12 at 1:36am

Unbeatable Air then refocuses upon the Heavy Lobster and starts up the tornado filled with lobster droids.
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on July 12th, 2020 at 1:38am Edited on 2020/07/12 at 1:44am
Posted 2020/07/12 at 1:38am Edited 2020/07/12 at 1:44am
Then he appeared behind him witout him even noticing while saying... C.X: Peekaboo... He then launched ALL his missiles and shot both his laser arms at half power to see how much he needs to metaphorically throw at him.
^ Top
Shattered Vanguard
18,049,922 BP
4 TP | 931 PP
Posted on July 12th, 2020 at 1:40am Edited on 2020/07/12 at 1:51am
Posted 2020/07/12 at 1:40am Edited 2020/07/12 at 1:51am
Unbeatable Air doesn't even get the opportunity to blink before being bombarded by the missiles and lasers. However, C.X. doesn't even get the opportunity to blink before being grabbed by the neck.
Pathetic. Tell me...was the original Mega Man this weak?
Unbeatable Air proceeds to punch him with his free arm before drop kicking him into the ceiling. I'm aware that the first ceiling's gone. That's how high he went.
Oh and for your answer, 3. I must say I'm disappointed...
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on July 12th, 2020 at 1:48am Edited on 2020/07/12 at 1:56am
Posted 2020/07/12 at 1:48am Edited 2020/07/12 at 1:56am
C.X: What the hells wrong with you...? Your not the air I a faker... a replica... your not the same kind-hearted alcoholic guy I know...your just a sham. A fool trying to claim somthing that even isn't his... Then a familiar sounding song starts to play in the background... C.X: Looks like fakers like you... then everything turned black and white... C.X: SHOULD BE BURINING IN HELL... Then... out of nowhere... gaster blasters shaped like woodman showed up out of nowhere surrounding him, preparing a nature based attack...
^ Top
Shattered Vanguard
18,049,922 BP
4 TP | 931 PP
Posted on July 12th, 2020 at 1:54am Edited on 2020/07/12 at 3:17am
Posted 2020/07/12 at 1:54am Edited 2020/07/12 at 3:17am
You don't even know who I am.
Violent winds start to pick up as the voices turn to Airs.
The fact is that I'm none of the things you think I am.
A Gaster blaster starts to erode from the sheer wind power.
I was never kind hearted because I was never built to be.
Another Gaster blaster erodes into dust because of the wind.
I was never a fool because I will claim what is rightfully mine! Both my Rollexs and my revenge against the human race are at stake!
The fact is C.X. that you're not the droid I remember.
All the Gaster Blasters have turned to dust.

The C.X. I know would have killed me long ago because the Mega Man I know would have beat me long ago. But you're not Mega Man, are you?

And the fact that you made them look like Wood Man, the one brother that I could never find, proves your lack of knowledge.

Unbeatable Air changes the color to black and blue. However, before Air can make an attack, he is launched by MK's Shuttle Loop.
^ Top
Brash Buster
23,209,135 BP
0 TP | 860 PP
Posted on July 12th, 2020 at 1:59am Edited on 2020/07/12 at 1:20pm
Posted 2020/07/12 at 1:59am Edited 2020/07/12 at 1:20pm
As the Heavy Lobster is pelted by its own drones, Meta Knight sees an opening!

He uses a Shuttle Loop to send Unbeatable Air flying through the ceiling, right to CX's feet!
Weapons Manufacture

Dr. Doppler has begun repairs on Revolt Wave Man.
Well, thankfully he was the least mangled out of all of them besides you, so I can certainly repair him...
...but I don't think I can say the same for your other four brothers.
Torch and Blade...they're certainly not beyond my abilities, but it'd take months, even without taking Wave's repair time into account.
With Oil, I'd pretty much have to build him from the ground up, and I'm from a world beyond that of I.C. Chips. Trying to figure out his proportions from that would be like deciphering alien technology.
And Bit...

Dr. Doppler's hand briefly clenches into a fist before relaxing its palm back on the table.
...Revolt Bit was lucky any of his body was still intact. What little he still has appears to be his I.C. Chip, but it'd take a miracle even for a scientist experienced with his line of robots to repair that alone.
Hey, Doc, don't worry about it. Like I said, you're not the only person I know who has the smarts to help me with this.

D-R Shark exits the Manufacture, with the remains of his other four brothers in tow.
I think I know who to call first.

D-R Shark uses a communicator in one of his side fins to call someone...
Hello? Is this Ms...
...actually, I don't think I ever caught your last name. Can you help me out with something, Rika?

Shuttle Loop: The user does a loop, and glides forward.
^ Top
13,682,436 BP
0 TP | 580 PP
Posted on July 12th, 2020 at 5:12am Edited on 2020/07/12 at 5:49am
Posted 2020/07/12 at 5:12am Edited 2020/07/12 at 5:49am
A voice message from Mighty is broadcast from the robots, as Mighty is busy waiting for K.Rool to do... something, I guess.

Okay, listen. Are you really going to give up your free will and stop being one of the Omniverse's most joybringing entities just to be an errand boy to some fat pirate lizard who refuses to acknowledge the existence of the letter C?
^ Top
Proto MKII
1,205,220 BP
0 TP | 409 PP
Posted on July 12th, 2020 at 8:00am
Posted 2020/07/12 at 8:00am
Kahtos used Positive Heal! Part of Kahtos' body has returned!


Kahtos used Positive Heal! Part of Kahtos' body has returned!
Kahtos used Positive Heal! Part of Kahtos' body has returned!
Kahtos used Positive Heal! Part of Kahtos' body has returned!
Kahtos used Positive Heal! Part of Kahtos' body has returned!
Kahtos used Positive Heal! Part of Kahtos' body has returned!

Kahtos used Positive Heal! Kahtos is back to normal!


Kahtos flies down to floor level, gesturing them to just try and attack.
Positive Heal- a state of regeneration forced with Positive Energy.
^ Top
13,682,436 BP
0 TP | 580 PP
Posted on July 12th, 2020 at 9:55am
Posted 2020/07/12 at 9:55am
Okay. I won't be speaking with you soon, either.

All the robots proceed to Quick Strike Kahtos from above.
^ Top
Proto MKII
1,205,220 BP
0 TP | 409 PP
Posted on July 12th, 2020 at 10:39am
Posted 2020/07/12 at 10:39am
Kahtos, unphased or unmoved by the attack, folds their arms as every robot that has Quick Struck them explodes.
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on July 12th, 2020 at 11:16am Edited on 2020/07/12 at 11:31am
Posted 2020/07/12 at 11:16am Edited 2020/07/12 at 11:31am
Crankey: Yeah, one tiny problem with your plan there Deftros... you can't make it fully go away... Kahtos then started to get thanosed even FASTER. 7
^ Top
Beta Shadow
14,987,917 BP
39 TP | 3363 PP
Posted on July 12th, 2020 at 12:26pm Edited on 2020/07/12 at 12:27pm
Posted 2020/07/12 at 12:26pm Edited 2020/07/12 at 12:27pm
Skull Reaper responds to Null... By simply slashing him in half faster than he could react.

...What foolishly pointless questions to ask me. First off, an assassin doesn't take jobs to kill themselves. That's not how assassins work. And even then, we take jobs as long as we will be paid. And you can't be paid if you're dead. So, taking such a job would go against the Assassin's Code.
As for taking on a task to kill things that don't exist... I have repercussions for those who try to trick me. And furthermore... I have a list that details every single living entity in every single universe and dimension. I would know if someone I was hired to kill didn't exist.
Meanwhile, back on the AOSTH Death Egg...

Hahahahaha... It's working! IT'S WORKING!
Well, of COURSE it's working! I was helping!
Yes, yes... Your assistance in this has been rather valuable, Albert.

Stepping from the shadows, it's... Ruby Spears Wily!

As it should! Now... Let us awaken our new creation!

AOSTH Robotnik pushes a button, causing the newly reprogrammed Orchestra to awaken!

Alright, our little Badnik Master... State your name and your purpose.
A complete success!
But, of course! We are both complete geniuses, after all!
Indeed... But our brilliant brains are needed elsewhere, correct?
Yes, of course... We need to rebuild my brilliant Badniks... And you need your Robot Masters repaired as well, correct?
Indeed... Each and every single one of them was destroyed trying to stop a horde of rampaging robots who seemed an awful lot like Proto Man... I would've been doomed myself, if a strange army of multi-colored Metalls didn't swoop in destroying them...
Well, then... I suppose we've got work to do.
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on July 12th, 2020 at 12:30pm Edited on 2020/07/12 at 1:04pm
Posted 2020/07/12 at 12:30pm Edited 2020/07/12 at 1:04pm
Meanwhile in what is essentially comic book limbo: ??? 1: Ach... this place can still go back to its mothers spazam cazam I swear! ??? 2:Fleetway! Fleetway sonic: Oh what were ya even thinkin what i'd say Archie? Y'know i'm scottish in SOMEONE'S headcannon if my comics were even made jnto a cartoon. Archie Sonic: But still! Meanwhile back at the halberd: C.X: You say your unbeatable, but... what would you say... to THIS. Then a familiar figure stands in the shadows, watching... ???: Not very NICE >:c Then a giant wall of leaf shields surround Unbeatable Air. ???: Prepare for weakness exploitation which is very NICE >:D
^ Top
Brash Buster
23,209,135 BP
0 TP | 860 PP
Posted on July 12th, 2020 at 12:55pm Edited on 2020/07/12 at 1:07pm
Posted 2020/07/12 at 12:55pm Edited 2020/07/12 at 1:07pm
D-R Shark Man has entrusted repairs on Revolt Blade and Revolt Torch to a young engineer.
Thanks again, Rika. I really appreciate it.
Hey, it's the least I could do!
Human Engineer of the Old Fantasy World
I'm just glad I can put my engineering skills to use again.
Stupid kappa thinking they can take my job...
Now, about Oil... can't figure him out, can you?
Nope. I'm more knowledgeable on IC Chips than Doppler, but he's pretty close to gone.
...well, not THAT close, considering what you showed me of Revolt Bit.Yikes.
Can you at least give me some pointers about Oil? My options are already narrowing...
Either you have to find one of the greatest scientists in the world...
...or you're gonna need a little magic. Literally.
Heck, even with Torch and Blade, I'm gonna have to give a few personal touches to get them in good shape.
It'll be worth it, though. They're gonna get flower and Rho makeovers!
Well, you know how some things are called HAL to be a letter ahead of IBM?
When I'm done, one of your bros will be a letter ahead of Sigma!

D-R Shark is taken aback by Rika's comment, and a couple seconds later, she realizes why.
Oh. Uh, not that Sigma. It's a mech I made some time ago.

D-R Shark shakes hands with Rika, and leaves her base, somewhat lost.
*sigh* I guess if I want Oil fixed, I'll have to make a deal with the devil.

Surge Tower

Mecha Sonic Prime reaches the entrance to Surge Tower. Lying on the floor right next to the door is Photon Man's Medallion.
It's quite astounding, really. They went through a whole villain arc worth of time without remembering these Medallions serve a secondary purpose.

Mecha Sonic Prime inserts the Medallion into his body, strengthening his laser-based attacks.
Now, the others...

Mecha Sonic Prime searches the tower, finding no trace of the other five Medallions.
...of course. They must have been scattered amist the commotion when fighting Jazz at his strongest.
I'm fine with adjusting my plans a bit...

By analyzing the Medallion in his own body, Mecha Sonic Prime is able to roughly estimate where the others are.
Ah, one more thing...

Mecha Sonic Prime runs a test on his body where he inserted Photon Man's Medallion... OBJECT: ASN-007 MEDALLION
Good. I'm not about to let my brothers or myself make the same mistake that the pongaks and those infected space robots made when looking for the Grand Stars.

Mecha Sonic Prime then flies away, sending coordinates to one of his brothers for the location of Tachyon Man's Medallion...
^ Top
4,207,878 BP
5 TP | 3826 PP
Posted on July 12th, 2020 at 1:13pm Edited on 2020/07/12 at 1:33pm
Posted 2020/07/12 at 1:13pm Edited 2020/07/12 at 1:33pm
Then a knock on the door is heard, geting faster and faster and faster until the door broke open! Marisa: DING DING STOP, WATCHA DOIN, CUZ I BORROWED SOMEONE, YALLS YOU SHOULD BE NEEDIN! Mika is that you? Marisa then threw a white ninja like reploid with fefnir at a wall, while she noticed Mika. ???: Waaaaaaa- OOF!!! Fefnir: Oh, hey Doppler! Hows your day so far?
^ Top
Shattered Vanguard
18,049,922 BP
4 TP | 931 PP
Posted on July 12th, 2020 at 1:29pm
Posted 2020/07/12 at 1:29pm
Suddenly, Air's voice is replaced by a lower pitch voice.
A Zier daring to challenge me. ME.
Well...It's time I teach you some respect. As soon as I get out of this box of course...

Air's violent winds can't hope to make a dent in the shields. However, they do throw C.X. around as well as Meta Knight.
Really? Every single entity. In the wwwhhhooollleee multiverse? Hmm... In any case, that wasn't my question. I was asking that if you could kill yourself in order to receive a huge stack of money, then respawn in an instant, would you do it?
^ Top
Proto MKII
1,205,220 BP
0 TP | 409 PP
Posted on July 12th, 2020 at 1:45pm Edited on 2020/07/12 at 1:48pm
Posted 2020/07/12 at 1:45pm Edited 2020/07/12 at 1:48pm
Underground QE Resting Base.

A. Rock uses Energy Boost!
A. Rock uses Attack Boost!
A. Rock us-

You truly needn't more time trying to upgrade me. I am now as powerful as can be.
..Huh. your voice is back to normal.
Indeed. Now, if I may ask, do you have any idea what may be next for us?
Wait, your scar can talk?
Right, this is the first time you've heard him in person. Yeah, he can talk.
Since you are sentient, wouldn't it be appropriate to give you a name?
Oh yeah, now's not the time.
No doubt that Anthem guy will be back with more friends of his.
Huh, almost forgot about that A-hole. When we fought, I felt this overwhelming vibe from him... the sheer physical power behind his punches was astonishing. And it's not like he was that slow, either.
And if his buddies are as capable as him, we may be in for some deep .
I believe I have a plan.
You do?
Affirmative. I know of this 'Anthem' person much better than you may think... even down to his bitter past.
....I think we should hear him out.
Eh. Why not?
^ Top

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