Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2019 and is no longer being maintained. Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved. Return to the archive index for more legacy content or play the current version of the game for all the new stuff.

Mega Man RPG Prototype Boss Database

No Image

Shield Core

Shield Type
Mega Man & Bass
Rebel Leader Robot
Electric Cutter
Impact Explode

Battle Quotes

"Robot, since you're a robot... Why not join with me against the humans?"
"Robot... Don't you realize you're only a pawn to Doctor?"
"I had hoped it wouldn't come to this, but alas... That's checkmate."
"Stay shackled by your captors, then. I fall here, but the Robot Kingdom lives on!"

Description Text

Some time after the events of the Evil Energy disaster, a robot had shown up and claimed that he would now take the helm of the world, attempting to lead an independent robot nation. This robot was known as King, and he employed various Robot Masters of different backgrounds, including Wily's own Tengu Man and Astro Man, for his purpose. While he doesn't have any specific weaponry, he's been known for using an energy-absorbing shield and a lance in battle. His battle prowess is incredible, as he once defeated Proto Man in a single move, and kept Mega Man and Bass on their toes. Contrary to popular belief, King is not a tyrant; he was arguably misguided in his attempts to reform the world. King's efforts to change the world would also happen to be inspiring to a robot dozens of years after. He's a remarkable and passionate speaker, but his background simply rings of suspicion. This was all revealed when Mega Man and Bass, unaware the other was there, found out his true background at his castle, being a creation of Wily all along. After their battle, King sacrificed his life to save the two, an act that even impacted Bass in a way. However, soon afterwards, Mega Man received a letter with King's insignia, meaning King could still be out there. The question is: would he be friend or foe?

Ability Compatibility

Community Records

0 Times
0 Times
0 Times

(!) Please note that the names, stats, types, and descriptions of any playable characters, robots, or abilities that appear in this database are not finalized and are subject to change without notice as development progresses on the game itself. That being said, the data on this page is pulled directly from the prototype's internal variables and will therefore always be in sync with the prototype itself. Database pages that do not have sprites represent incomplete but planned, future content and do not currently appear in-game.

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This game is fan-made by Adrian Marceau, not affiliated or endorsed by Capcom at all, and is in no way official. Any and all feedback is appreciated. :)