Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2019 and is no longer being maintained. Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved. Return to the archive index for more legacy content or play the current version of the game for all the new stuff.

Mega Man RPG Prototype Leaderboard

( 5323 Players )
Beta Shadow

Beta Shadow is a legacy player of the Mega Man RPG Prototype with a current battle point total of 14,987,917 and a zenny total of 6,192,756,171. Beta Shadow created his account on June 27th, 2014 and has since completed 2005 different missions, unlocked 3 playable characters, 62 robot fighters, 130 special abilities, and 1024 field stars. Beta Shadow's most-used playable character is Dr. Wily, and his top 5 favourite robots appear to be Shadow Man, Gemini Man, Top Man, Snake Man and Skull Man.

Prior to the battle point reboot of 2016, Beta Shadow had amassed a grand total of 183,557,641 battle points and reached 63rd place.

Prior to the battle point reboot of 2019, Beta Shadow had amassed a grand total of 2,539,489,332 battle points and reached 8th place.

Beta Shadow's Leaderboard

Community Forum Stats
  • 73 Threads
  • 3639 Posts
  • +7242 Rating
Robot Database Stats
  • 62 Unlocked
  • 138 Scanned
  • 138 Encountered
Welcome to my profile description! Cookies are next to the door.

I joined June 27th, 2014, and I enjoyed the game a LOT. And I still do today.

Why not check out my Carrd? I don't exactly do any major projects these days (and it's probably outdated), but it's a good way to look back at the things I have USED to make... And who knows? Maybe something will pop up in the future...?

I made a tier list maker staring (most of) the entire cast of MMRPG's 2020 Roleplays! Feel free to enjoy.
magnet-man gemini-man shadow-man guts-man fire-man heat-man guts-man shadow-man shadow-man heat-man snake-man

plant-man First to get Plant Man! plant-man
Username List:
Bt Man (Original Username, 2014-2015)
Beta Man (Previous Username, 2015-2018)
Beta Shadow (Current Username, 2019-)
Evil Man (Spooktober 2014)
Gift Man (Holiday 2014/15)
Independence Man (4th of July 2015)
Nightmare Man (Spooktober 2015)
Beta Blizzard (Holiday 2015/16)
Beta Firecracker (4th of July 2016)
Beta Shadow Kirby (Kirby User Trend of 2016, September 10/11)
Beta Reaper (Spooktober 2016)
Beta Claus (Holiday 2016/17)
Alucard (April Fools 2017)
United Beta (4th of July 2017)
Holly Jolly Beta (Holiday 2017/18)
Full Release Man (April Fools 2018)
Beta Ghost (Spooktober 2018
Beta Volt (4th PMMCT Nominations, November 9th - November 24th 2018)
Beta Miser (Holiday 2018/19)
Beta Resolution (New Years 2018/19)
Beta Birthday (Birthday 2019)
Orange Leaf (Some Random Joke I Made w/ Freeze Man's 2nd Alt, March 18th - 21st 2019)
Full Release Devil (April Fools 2019/Absurd Roleplay Event, April 6th-7th 2019)
Beta Skeleton (Spooktober 2019)
Jingle Beta (Holiday 2019/20)
Beta Decade (New Years 2019/20
BBA Beta Man (April Fools 2020)
Beta Devil (Chaos Zone Event, June 13th-15th 2020)
Issoro (Chaos Zone Event, August 30th)
Beta Pumpkin Spice (Spooktober 2020)
???-00x: Beta Man- Shadowy Hero Robot
Core: Shadow
F͟I̶L̸E͝ be͏t͢a̛ḿa̷n̸_ca̸n̛on.͝ch̡a҉r̡ ÍS̡ ̴CU͟R̵R̡E͘NT͠L͜Y ́BE҉ING R͏E̸P̛L̕ACED̨.͟ PL̛E͟ASE ̕S̵T̕A̛ND̷ B́Y.
???-00x: Sergeant Man- Loyal Military Robot
Core: Missile
F̢I̷LE ͟sęr̀ge̡a͜n̶t̵ma͢n͟_canon͞.̛c͞h̨ar͜ ͢I͝S CU҉ŔR̛ENTL҉Y̴ BEIN̸G R̴EPLA̧C̕ED.͠ ̀PLEA̛SE ́ST̨AN͟D B͡Y.҉
???-00x: Ninja Man- Determined Warrior Robot
Core: Swift
F̷IL͡E̡ ͟ni͝ņja̷m͟a̡n_cano͟n.cha͢r ͘IS҉ ̵CUR̡RE͝NT̕LY͟ ͝B̧EING ͝RE̷P͠L̴AC͜ED҉. ͏PL̀E̕A̧S̴E͘ STA̛N͞D̕ BY̢.̴
???-00x: Bt Ghost- Supernatural Glitch Robot
Core: Shadow and Phantom/Empty
F͡ILE͡ btgh̷o҉st_̛c̡anon͜.̶chąr̢ ÍS CUR̨REN̢ŢL҉Y ͠BEI̵NG ͜R̀EPL͡A͝CED.̧ P͝LE̶A̴SE̕ ͝S̸T҉AND͜ BY.
#716: Xerneas- Life Pokemon
Core: ???/Crystal
FI̷LE x̴eŗn҉eas.͜cha̧r̛ ͡IS ͝C̛U͟R̨RE͏NTLY ̵B͜EING REP̕LA͘CED. ͞P͝LE̷A͟S͠E ͡STA̛ND͝ BY͜.
BETA-001: Beta Shadow- Sidelines Observer Prototyper
A representation of the real-life Beta Man (beyond the character itself, that is). Has ultimate power that is limited to fighting, defense, and effects on his own characters (not others). However, this makes him overpowered, so Shadow usually prefers not to fight, and even if he does, he never uses his full power. Has access to a plane between dimensions where he can watch events of a certain universe unfold.
???-00x: Ninja Ghost- Insane Phantom Robot
Core: Swift and Phantom/Empty
FIL͠E ninjaǵho͟s̡t_ca͢nǫn̴.̷ch́a͢r͠ ̕I̷S҉ ҉C͟URRE͜NTL͏Y ͞BÉING͠ ̕R̶ȨP͝LACE̵D͏. ͡PL͘E̴A̵SE ͢S̕TAND͟ BY.̵
SNN-001: Jazz MKII
Core: Copy and Laser
Created to be a copy of Proto Man (which that role was taken from him by Proto Man MKII), Jazz was originally created by Wily with a strong laser attack and a holographic version of the Proto Shield. Jazz is competitive and would join in any type of competition, but while he isn't much of a sore loser, he would be disappointed if a competition was cancelled or postponed or if someone were to be cheating. Eventually, Wily had him shut down... But Ninja Ghost stole and upgraded him, taking full control over Jazz and converting him into Jazz MKII. Jazz, however, is yet to be recreated in the Discord Universe, and will be given a new name. This version, on the other hand, is stuck as a temporal anomaly, forced to jump between dimensions and universes until the Void sees fit.
#491: Darkrai- Pitch-Black Pokemon
Core: Shadow
FILE͢ d̸arkr͠ai_̧c̀ano͡n̛.͏çhar͏ ̸I̶S ̴CU̴RRE̡N̷TL̀Y͜ ͘BEI͏NG RE̡P̧L̕A̛C͜E̡D.̴ ́PLEA̧SE͘ ͝ST͏AN͘D͠ B̕Y.
#772/3: Type: Null/Silvally- Synthetic Pokemon
Core: Multi-Core
FI҉LE typ͟enuĺl_c̡ano̴n͘.͞ch̴a͜r͘ IS ÇURR̛E̷NT̨LY̶ BĘI̢NG REP̶L̸A͟C̢ED͏.͠ P͜LȨAS͜E̷ ̶ST̵AN͏D͢ ͜BY͘.
#150-Sd: Shadow Mewtwo- Genetic Destruction Pokemon
Core: Mind/Crystal and Shadow
F̛ILÈ s͡h́ad̵òwme͡wtwo̡_̴c͞a͜n͘oǹ.c̛ha͏r ̨I҉S ́C̶URR̡ENTL̶Y BE͝I͜N҉G̀ R͟EPL̡AC̕ED.̡ P͢L̀E̵ÀSE ͠S͜TA͏N͜D̶ ͏BY.
#442: Spiritomb- Forbidden Pokemon
Core: Phantom/Empty and Shadow
F͝I̸LE ̧s҉p̀i̛r͟it̨omb̢_ca̛ǹơn.͟c̵h͏a͠r̶ IŞ ̶CU̸R̶RE̢NTLY̵ B̛EIN̷G REP̵LÀCED. ̢P͠L͞EASE̸ ST͟AND̸ BY̢.

Quote Collection
cut-man I'm okay! There's not even that big of a "cut".

bright-man (Mikey) Wonder if there's a name for the study of meteorites.
Ender: SSNlogy.

(Rotom) I think the most appropriate and peaceful solution would be to KILL THE THING TO THE AFTERLIFE SO HARD THAT IT PERISHES TO DEATH!!

ring-man But let's be honest: You can never have too much power.
Ender: *Shows a video of sorts*
quick-man (MegaBossMan) 25 seconds in and I'm already hearing you spin me round.
(Me) Where's Top Man when you need him?
bright-man'Starforce isn't that bad Mikey, you're just overreacting' well who's interacting when Starforce causes world wa- Oh, someone's here. Uh... Can I help you with anything?
Ender: Roses are red. Violets are blue. Crash bandicoot has become dark souls. It's a horrible shame.
Me "The real shame is that you didn't rhyme that."
SSN (SSN) "Roses are red. Violets are lame. Crash Bandicoot has become Dark Souls. It`s a horrible shame."
SSN did the extinction of dinosaurs confirmed

snake-man (TobyJoey) Is that the man, no, the Myth, no, the LEGEND- eating my sandwich? C'mon Boss, I thought we agreed, left of the refrigerator is mine, right is yours.

Ender: Y-yeah I totally don't obsess over memes and have a Twitter that is literally called the memestorage
And now...MMRPG CONFESSIONSIn other words, a collection of things said in chat.

(NiceIce) I Want Boss to Boss Fight
I Want Betaman to evolve into Full Release Man

I want NiceIce to melt

disco (Char? I don't really remember actually) i want musical to star in a musical

I want Shiver in a room-temperature room

I Want Mikey to release Armageddon
Not that Armageddon.

disco i want there to be MORE than one ender. there cant possibly be just one ender

I Want Rhythm to play a Rhythm game I want Rhythm to battle Rhythm in Rhythm Heaven to see who is the most musically inclined

I Want Stupid Studios to become Smart Studios

I want to see Mikey use pre-update Starforce and not cringe
bright-man Don't hold your breath. You might suffocate.

I Want NiceIce to make ice cream out of his saliva says himself
I Want Char to CHA R M AN D ER

I want TobyJoey to dress as a kangaroo

disco i want stupidstudios n to release the plan
snake-man Do you think beans feel scared to be trapped inside of a burrito?

"All's Well that ends well, RIGHT?" -N's thoughts on IceCap as Big. (SA1 Big Story Livestream)

time-man (Musical) what masochist shares their pizza rolls

Another day in the life of Rotom (in Adrian's Mansion):
imade Contrary to what many people believe, that was NOT crossing the line. Let me repeat that. You didn't just cross the line.
What you did was cross
EVERY SINGLE LINE, MULTIPLE TIMES, and then arranged the lines into a racetrack, and then ran 108 laps around said track,
Well lemme tell you something, Genderbent Ring Man From Another Dimension...
Meanwhile, in the Studios Discord...
Tell me. In your experiences in life, have you ever seen flaming coal fall from the sky?
Ender: Yeah. mega man 5, charge man
Oh crud. Forgot about him
Ender: Andd like, this one time in Texas? that was fun
Texas is the meteor state of the USA I mean, hey, we already call it the Lone Star State
Ender: texas killed the dinosaurs
StupidStudiosN summoned a storm of Texas
THE NUMBER 3 AND DIET COKE: Another usual Discord conversation
this video has only 11 thousand views and is on trending, nice
quick-man Ender I don't think you get it
He blocked him THREE TIMES
Ender: nice
quick-man THAT'S ONE LESS THAN 4
Ender: of all the known numbers in the universe, three is such a strange number
quick-man Tesla reportedly has a fascination with the number 3 and he seemed like a guy who knew what was going on
Ender: its the first number in pi
using three :joy: emojis makes everything :joy: :joy: better
also something something illumanti
quick-man Bingo
YouTube is trying to reveal secrets and we just have to be listening to understand it
Ender: IS IT
holds hands into a triangle position
diet coke
quick-man 3 syllables
It all matches up
Ender: wait, it gets deeper
matpat, host of game theory has a known obsession of diet coke
what if diet coke poisons our brains slowly and painfully
this explains everything
quick-man They're trying to make us into sheeple
Matpat's going to convince us all to send Undertale to the Pope so he has to play it

bass (Rhythm) do i look like i have a tumblr?
Steamed Stars: Complete Edition by StupidStudiosN (Based on the popular "Steamed Hams" meme)
(Updated 4/20/18: "SSN was too bored and said he would rather rewrite the entire script to Steamed Hams than watch The Emoji Movie". If you don't understand, then MegaBoy never PM'd you the entire Emoji Movie through Discord on this same day.)

(MBM rings the doorbell to Castle StupidStudios)
(SSN opens the door)
dr-wily (MBM) Well, Studios, I made it... -Despite your directions...
(SSN) Ah, Chat Admin, MegaBossMan. Welcome. I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable luncheon.
(SSN gestures for MBM to come inside, while he goes to check on the food cooking in the kitchen)
(MBM takes a seat at the table)

(SSN notices the food is burning)
Oh, egads! My roast is ruined!
(SSN looks out the window at the nearest MegaBurger)
But what if I were to purchase fast food and pass it off as my own cooking? Oh-ho-ho... Delightfully deceitful, N...

(SSN opens the window, about to get out of the house)
(MBM walks into the kitchen, noticing SSN on the windowsill)
dr-wily Ah-

♫Studios~ with his crazy incantations♫
♫MegaBossMan's gonna need his medication♫
♫When he hears N's lame~ narrations♫
♫They'll be trouble in chat tonight♫
dr-wily Studios~!

Ah, Chat Admin MegaBossMan, I was just, uh... stretching my calves on the old windowsill. -Isometric exercise. Care to join me?
dr-wily Why is there smoke coming out of your oven, Studios?
Oh, that isn't smoke. It's steam. Steam from the steamed lambs we're having. Mmm. Steamed lambs.
(MBM exits the kitchen)
(SSN runs over to the MegaBurger in the distance)

(15 minutes later, SSN exits the kitchen with a platter of hamburgers and fries)
I hope you're prepared for mouth-watering hamburgers.
dr-wily I thought we were having steamed lambs...
Oh, no. I said steamed hams. That's just what I call hamburgers.
dr-wily You call hamburgers "Steamed Hams"?
Yes. It's a uh... Regional dialect.
dr-wily Mhm... What region?
Downtown YouTube.
dr-wily Really? Well, Im from Sprites Inc., and I've never heard anyone use the phrase "Steamed Hams"?
Oh, no. It's a Chuggaaconroy expression.
dr-wily I see.

(MBM takes a bite out of the hamburger)
dr-wily Y'know, these hamburgers taste an awful lot like the ones they have at MegaBurger.
Oh-ho-ho-ho, no... Patented StupidStudios burgers. Old family recipe.
dr-wily F-For "Steamed Hams".
dr-wily Yes, and you call them "Steamed Hams" despite the fact that they are obviously grilled.

Ye- You know, the- One thing I should- -'scuse me for one second.
dr-wily Yes, of course...
(SSN enters the kitchen, only to realize it's on fire, then shortly returns to the table)
*Yawns* Well, I'm getting kinda tired. Fun was had by all, but you must be going...
dr-wily Mmm. Yes... I suppose I should be- Mother of Tesla, what is happening in there?

Meteor showers.
dr-wily M-M-M... Meteor showers?
At this time of day?
In this part of the chatroom?
Localized entirely within your kitchen?

dr-wily ...
dr-wily ...May I see it?

(MBM and SSN exit the castle)
dr-wily Well, Studios, though you are an odd fellow... steam a good ham.
(SSW) Heeeeeelllllppp! The castle is on fire!
*Calling to SSW* No, W, it's just the shooting stars.
And now... Poetry with the MMRPG Discord.

time-man Roses are red,
old men cannot hear
guess who just got signed up to do AP European History next year

Ender: roses are red,
my life is in a misery,
haikus are better than your rhyming stupidity

snake-man Roses are red,
my memory's hazy,
Cut out that weeb shit, Haikus are lazy.

Roses are red
Shooting Stars are fast
Cut this rhyming out
This better be the last

Roses are red,
where I am is kinda past noon
Why are we doing poems in the chatroom

dr-cossack (Adrian) Roses are red
but I'm not really clear
Why members insist on rhyming in here

Roses are red,
i'm going insane
blah, why is rhyming such a pain

dr-cossack The day of Valentines has already gone away
But our roses are still red and our poems are still...

Violets aren't actually blue,
but one thing remains true...
I have made my Profile classy with these poems. Boom.

A conversation in the chat's Music section:
quick-man There ya go Ender you're not the only poster
gemini-man ey what about mikey
quick-man He doesn't count until he releases that interview
Mikey is exempt from existing until further notice
(The funny part about this is, Mikey is now exempt from existing period now.)

Another usual Studios Chat conversation:
gemini-man i sat here for like 20 minutes wondering what i'm supposed to do with my alleged british magic until i realised i can't do jack except summon meteors, which wouldn't
even help
People complain about raining water. They never experienced raining flaming rocks
gemini-man that'll be a nice change of pace here at least
Nah, that sounds like normal Arizona to me
(Not to mention that one time in Pompeii...)

Was bored. Made a non-traditional pasta dish... ...with ghost peppers. N2 is currently dying and it's my fault. I couldn't be more proud of myself
'Twas the Update on Christmas by MegaBossMan
’Twas the night before Christmas, yes so dark a night,
That the only illumination found was in the Starforce’s light.
The users were stirring and stirring, with thoughts of Smash,
Awaiting that red-clad man with his oh-so iconic moustache.
Yet little did they know, and little did they see;
That there was a group sneaking presents under the Christmas tree.
“Go, Shiver! Go, Doc! Move as fast as a spear!”
“Go, Spinstrike! Go, Brorman--... wait these guys aren’t even here.”
“Rhythm, Boss, quickly, as gracefully as Flamingoes!
“...And, please promise to stop breaking everyone’s windows…”
What does this mean?! Who could it be?!
Seeing you’re on this site, it’s probably Adrian and the MMRPG team!
And so on the entirety of Prototype, they had this to bestow:
Blizzard Man, Freeze Man, and Frost Man, a quite season-appropriate trio.
There was also new Roll alts and mechanic changes, how all so swell,
When suddenly everyone could hear Adrian yell,
“I’ve given you all your Mega Man 5, no longer may you sneer;
Happy Christmas to all, expect the next update in like another year!!!”
This could also be in the random images selection below, but eh.

Well, I'd like to help you in that regard, but the only thing I can associate One Winged Edgelord with is being edgy, having a really long sword, and me wanting to
remind (Char) with memories of his constant appearances the same way I like to remind @StupidStudiosN of Big's story in Sonic Adventure.
I will destroy you

Ender: did n finally break your legs, noah
SSN2: what legs
SSN2: do you refer to my bottom arms?

toad-man (NintendoPanda) WAVE BOI
dr-wily Don't be putting disrespect on Wave Man's name

dr-wily From now on he wants to be called Wave MAN
he wants that adult sized krabby patty
DIET COKE RETURNS: The sequel to a usual Discord conversation

proto-man (Retro) Hi, welcome to the 2010s
how may I take your order
(Brash) Wait where am I why am I not in the 2020s
proto-man the 2010s, can't you read
solar-man "Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." - Sun Tzu, 2010
You're just trying to hide the fact that you typed wrong
proto-man You're entitled to your own opinion
It's not an opinion, it's a belief
proto-man You're entitled to your own belief
dr-wily Woah woah woah who says you can do that
bass (Meta) what
quick-man Everyone here, have my opinion. It is the only one you're allowed to have :triumph:
I will not hear from anyone that the X series has a good narrative and that's final
bass "it's sigma all along"
10/10 story
dr-wily No bro it was Wily all along
Because in a story about free will and how untested it becomes in robotics everyone's only allowed to be evil if they get a virus
bass It was Double all along
quick-man Impossible!
bass He just
disguises as sigma
dr-wily If only there was something about him that let me know he was a double agent!!!
bass this is my theory
please listen
quick-man Yes Matpat
bass ...
cough cough
I mean to be fair on "it is actually Wily", didn't he make the virus, and Sigma just uses the virus? It technically isn't wrong to say Wily is to blame for everything.
bass muttered speech about how sigma has 5 letters and double has six and d is an extra letter so boom there
cough cough
mic drop
proto-man impeccable speech
dr-wily Oh my god that was amazing
Please send the pope Undertale
is this a callback to one of my quotes on my profile
quick-man I haven't seen the quote you're talking about, but yes definitely
bass I haven't really looked at anyones mmrpg profile besides my own in years
This is the one I meant.

dr-wily Hmm after all this time I still don't get it
quick-man ONE TWO
bass And the Half Life that will never be
proto-man THE CUBE ROOT OF 27
proto-man NO THAT'S FOUR
Ah yes.
holds hands in shape of a triangle
Diet Coke.
quick-man You know Matpat likes Diet Coke
And thus we were talking about Matpat
It all comes full circle
(Which has no points btw, but that doesn't help my argument so ignore that)
But excuse me. That's just a Game Theory
You know what else is a circle? Zero.
This proves that Zero was the villain in Mega Man X all along.
dr-wily Retrop I look at your photo and all I see is Pac-man admiring the Giza Pyramid
proto-man True Art has no one meaning
quick-man Yes quite, quite.
And if it has no meaning, it has no points. Zero
Inafune you clever girl
And if Retrop's true art has zero points...
Retrop once stated that his character, Retro, was meant to be a Zero prototype, since "middle schoolers are metal".


i hope this clarifies the differences between Mystery Dungeon Retro and Canon Retro
nice lol
dr-wily If your character isn't a weapon recolor of Proto Man or Bass what are you even doing
proto-man you're a megaman recolor that's what
I didn't even know Retro WAS a Zero prototype. I guess that kinda justifies Ninja Man's Ninja Katana having originally been a Z-Saber prototype
even though that's not even the case anymore.
proto-man It's deep in the lore
Middle Schoolers are metal
quick-man My favorite bit of roleplay knowledge was in one of those tournaments where there was an OC and a big reveal was that the Standing Slur Sprite was his brother
Why it was odd was because Slur's supposed to generally be female lol
proto-man it's like serenade
flip a coin
You know, it's funny how Ninja Man basically came into existence because I was like "Hm, Beta needs a rival/I need a Wily-Bot OC...
Oh? Retro has a HWN concept? I'll steal it! No one will ever know!"


Retro was a character made in MMRPG's Community...
This proves Zero's existence in Mega Man RPG
In response to Cranky Kong being the Life Virus in Chaos Zone:
DUCKS: THE TRUE EVIL (Yet another Discord Coversation)

snake-man Reminds me of all the swarms of rubber duckies lost in the ocean (There be-eth a link, click it)
I like to imagine they decided to stick together.
dr-wily Here I was clicking on the cute little duck story expecting the tale of a bunch of rubber ducks sticking together as buddies against the sea and instead got a reminder
of the rampant pollution that our plastic is plaguing the ocean with. Damn ducks you suck

proto-man look if the world is going to be destroyed by rubber duckies
i'm just sayin there are worse ways to go out
freeze-man (GammaGuardian) Breaking News! The UK has been attacked by a large rubber duck, resulting in the complete destruction of the nation. Here's the only known image
of the incident.

May Goduck help us all.
proto-man (Video Link)
snake-man @GammaGuardian That is actually a thing, too. (Another link. Click. Do it.)
quick-man Why does man always create the things that'll destroy him
Because it is friend-shaped.
that is why kirby exists
dr-wily This is exactly what Terminator was warning us about when a rubber-ducky with sunglasses said "I'll be bath"
proto-man fear the ducks
freeze-man Duckmageddon happened in 2013? So this must be what's to come in November. Also, I would like to point out that Google autocorrected Duckmageddon, implying
that it's a real word and thus has been discussed before.

proto-man rubber duckies conquering the world would be the second greatest thing to come out of 2020
quick-man The problem is we were all distracted by the horror of Canadian geese and weren't alerted by ducks because of their cute behavior
But it is ducks who carry honey in their bills and poison in their hearts
November 2020: Duckmageddon 2
freeze-man "It is ducks who carry honey in their bill and poison in their hearts". That's poetry right there.
Also, you say that, but Geese have poison in both
Not literally, of course... Unless?
snake-man I mean have you seen goose shit? There is something toxic in those monsters
dr-wily I tend to avoid goose shit when I can and have not taken the initiative to inspect it
Which is difficult because goddamn why do they always do their business on the sidewalk
Regardless, only one thing can be said to conclude this conversation:
It is a lovely day in 2020... And you are a horrible duck.
Now if you excuse me, I must make this a profile quote
quick-man When Duckmageddon comes you're either a duck or you ain't
I don't know about you all but I'm gluing on feathers as we speak
proto-man i reject my humanity
snake-man So is Duckmageddon like Duck Duck Goose but its the Goose that are safe instead of the Ducks?
proto-man the geese will be the greatest rebel force
human civilization is wiped out within 48 hours
freeze-man Replace ants with ducks and make it yellow.
this belongs in the random images collection too, tbh
dr-wily Sorta but the 'duck duck' part is what we're saying when the ducks begin to aim for our heads
snake-man Their march is of course a Goose Step
freeze-man Justified.

I just realized. I think this will mark Gamma's first appearance in my wall of quotes.
quick-man Bravo Gamma you've reached a new milestone in life :clap:
I remember the first time I made Beta's Wall of Quotes
proto-man :clap:
dr-wily It's all been downhill ever since
freeze-man *blows party whistle*
(Now the question is, how do we represent him in the quotes?)
(As in, what mugshot do we use?)
proto-man there's probably a gamma mugshot somewhere on the internet
freeze-man You got a Green Freeze Man?
I can make one.
I mean, it already exists, but if you want it to be greener, I can make your wishes come true
freeze-man That's actually the one I was talking about. Forgot it was called Permafrost. It's fine the way it is. Thank you though.
(Fauster) naturally, there are no quotes from me
And some random images because why not:
Air Man: The Dab Master Bork THE REGGAE-ING Mega Man X9 Looks great. Derp Beta will forever stare into your soul. Part of a balanced solar system Bass IRL Block Man doesn't want your trash opinions. Full Release Man v2.0.1, comes with Free Mastered Ultra Instinct DLC A leaked picture of a normal day at Studios HQ Meanwhile, at the Studios Casino... Broly drinking from a coffee mug... There's something about this that I find amusing. Bandanna Goomba is best character Accurate WHO NEEDS ARMS Get 'em, boys THE MAD MAN Kirb Box Peace was never an option SAY GOODBYE Luigi: #1 Casino Dealer
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