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Use this thread for any and all questions that are easily answers in one post.
Things like "where is X?" or "how do I unlock Y?" are appropriate for this thread, as are questions like "how does Z work?" and the like.
What is not appropriate for this thread are questions like "what is your favourite X?", "why do you suck?", and opinions or suggestions. That type of feedback has it's own thread.
So, let's start. I would like this to be a communal Q&A and everyone can help out the new members. If this thread gets long enough I'll have to add some kind of page-system, but for now it should be fine. Thanks for playing!
Official Question and Answer Thread Posted by Ageman20XX on January 14th, 2014 at 10:20pm Viewed 17894 Times
Are there plans for any sort of system for field stars that show you which you do have and which you need in an... er, easier to figure out way? Given the sheer amount (and that's not even with all the fields in the game yet!) I feel that something like that should be a thing. ...It'd have to be really big though.
@Anti It would be hard to make something like that, but if anyone wants I have a spreadsheet where you can complete with the stars you currently have. If anyone wants it just tell me and I'll post it on the Strategy Forum
@bruno : You need to beat Cossack's story (dunno if until rival battle or until final destination), if memory serves right. Wily's story unlocks Reggae. Cossack's unlocks Kalinka.
A spreadsheet would probably be the simplest way to do it, I guess... Though maybe the starforce page could show all of the stars from the beginning (once you unlock the Starforce thing, anyway) and each one you get is highlighted?
Here's a good question: I just recently beat Final Destination II in Light Chapter 5, and I think I found a bit of an oops.
Mega Man S, Proto Man S and Bass S all can be scanned. They all have HP, Attack, Defense and Speed stats, they're all a different element to their true-blue counterparts, they all have 4 elemental weaknesses each, they also all have 4 elemental resistances each, they have different home fields from their counterparts, and they even have different quotes from their counter parts.
With this, I'm forced to come to the conclusion that these 3 entities are completely different from their counterparts in every way, shape, form, fashion, sense, magnitude and dimension.
So, why can't I find them in neither the in-game database, nor the website database?
I don't know, but maybe it's because they are bosses, and thus not meant to be seen as simple as checking the database. However, my theory falls flat when I realise the Mega Man Killers, Slur and a few others ARE in the database. I think that should be fixed so they appear at least on the in-game database.
Actually, you could say because it'd spoil the last bosses. Then again, the Killers are in the database. But actually, it could be argued it spoils nothing. Either way, the Field bios spoil that, so I dunno.
Is there any way to fight robots stronger than in the bonus stages? It seems like a very slow way to raise stats, and player battles don't seem to give any, so...
Nope, there's no way, altho once you get high stats for your robot it gets easier, because you can swap the stat and then get your own. For example, take a robot with 2000 attack, use attack swap and kill the enemy, and you win 20 attack points.
@MegaBossMan : MegaBossMan, I need your help. I beat Dr. Cossak's story, and u told me that Kalinka's shop would then open, but it hasn't. I really want Shadow Man, Star Man, Magnet Man, Plug Man, and Gyro Man. Is there anything I'm doing wrong. You know a lot about this game. Plz help!!!
@Dark Man : i dont remember. when the update came out i got final destination on all of them done. all III. do that. beat all III final destinations. i think so.
Posted on September 15th, 2014 at 9:53amEdited on 2014/09/15 at 9:58am
Posted 2014/09/15 at 9:53amEdited 2014/09/15 at 9:58am
@Dark Man : You have to first find a Shadow Man and Scan it. He's most likely to appear in any post game battle taking place on Skull Man's Field.
Scan him there, and Shadow Man's Field--Septic System--will then be available in Kalinka's shop for 48,000 Zennies. Buy it.
Then, under the 'Players' menu, Choose a Doctor, change one of his 8 Fields to Septic System. Go to that Dr.'s Chapter 2 [or Chapter 4 if you want a challenge]. He should be available to fight. Make sure that only Neutral-type attacks touch him, and he should become yours.