Attention! This is a legacy build of the Mega Man RPG from 2022 and is no longer being maintained.
Reported bugs will not be fixed and any progress made here will not be saved.
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Use this thread for any and all questions that are easily answers in one post.
Things like "where is X?" or "how do I unlock Y?" are appropriate for this thread, as are questions like "how does Z work?" and the like.
What is not appropriate for this thread are questions like "what is your favourite X?", "why do you suck?", and opinions or suggestions. That type of feedback has it's own thread.
So, let's start. I would like this to be a communal Q&A and everyone can help out the new members. If this thread gets long enough I'll have to add some kind of page-system, but for now it should be fine. Thanks for playing!
Official Question and Answer Thread Posted by Ageman20XX on January 14th, 2014 at 10:20pm Viewed 17894 Times
Posted on December 13th, 2017 at 12:57pmEdited on 2017/12/13 at 1:10pm
Posted 2017/12/13 at 12:57pmEdited 2017/12/13 at 1:10pm
@nickabrick1216 - The sprite sheets for all (playable) robots are here. Just click the name of the robot you want to see, and it'll show the sprite sheet, along with all of it's alts.
@pokeepoo - You'll unlock the fields once you scan a MM3 robot. They often appear with fellow robots with the same core in Starforce-boosted missions, but Gemini Man only appears in Bonus Field. Any unlocked fields should be sold by Kalinka.
@pokeepoo : A question answered a million times, here's an answer given a million times: There is a LOT of work to be done first BEFORE new playable characters are added. They can be FOUGHT and SCANNED (Bonus Field or Fusion Stars), but they can't be UNLOCKED.
@dude bro : Not the first time we answered this, and I'm unfortunately certain this won't be the last: Nobody knows, and nobody will EVER know until the development of such is actually announced, most likely with Discord directly from Adrian himself (which he does visit time-to-time). And even then there won't be ANY confirmed release date for such an update.
hi, went through and beat the game yesterday and... how do you unlock fields for purchase in kalinka's shop? one of them requires spark mans data, so i went and rerolled the bonus chapter a bunch as dr. light and beat spark man a few times so he IS listed in my database but... his field still isn't unlocked in the shop.
tried using copy shot and copy core...still nothing. how do you unlock the fields for the field shop?
@treos123 : Ok so you see that button that says "Scan" in the bottom-left corner? Click that and click on the MM3 bots. Scanning gives all info about a robot master as well, by the way.
Posted on March 29th, 2018 at 6:28amEdited on 2018/03/29 at 7:15am
Posted 2018/03/29 at 6:28amEdited 2018/03/29 at 7:15am
oh, THAT scan... well, i've gone and made a fool of myself. lol i completely overlooked that.
edit: and you don't even need to win/lose the fight either. you can just scan and exit the fight(s)...
edi2: geez, seems like the more stars i get and the more i scan, the more unlocks in the shops. somehow i've gone and unlocked a NINTH alt set for 25 robot masters... previously i only had the 1st and 2nd alt sets unlocked. what, is there more than 9 alt sets? cause this one costs a whopping 90k/alt.
:/ well, this has certainly gotten annoying and slowed to an incredibly slow crawl...
i've got Auto to lvl 70, Reggae to 45, and Kalinka to 50 and it's now taking forever just to get 1 lvl on auto...and far longer for the other 2.
how exactly do you lvl these guys up? just buying and selling things from them or have i overlooked something again?
i can buy/sell things from them without much trouble (though those alt9's are quite expensive) while i continue working through my fusion star collection (141 total stars collected so far... you don't really realize just how long that takes till you really get going on that collection).
Hey, how do you reset your progress, or can you even do that? I played this game a while ago, but now I've forgotten everything I did and I'd like to start over, but I have no idea how. Anyone have any solutions?