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At this point in time, it's been made aware that hosting tournaments on the forum of the MMRPG has become a major source of contention among members impassionate about the aspect of some community involvement for fun. Unfortunately the "fun" aspect seems to have become lost and activities which were once hokey and goofy has reached the pinnacle of political aspirations, with people choosing sides and becoming too emotionally involved in their involvement overall. Due to this, at this time we would not like to have member-based tournament threads in the forum going forward. While this may be sudden and unfortunate circumstances have led to this, if anything this can lead to things being much more organized as far as announcements and promotions. For right now: - All other Tournament threads will be closed/locked. - If you happen to have an ongoing Tournament, please utilize external polls or voting systems to conduct your tournaments. - You can alert and remind people on a more consistent basis in the "Polls and Tournaments" Channel on the Official MMRPG DIscordâ„¢ - This Thread is meant to be the catch-all for all Tournament-related announcements. Please be mindful regarding discussions or other non-topic responses.
We will keep a list of current Tournaments in this post to keep you up to date on ongoing events.
*The Classic Mega X World Tournament (CMXWT) - hosted by P.Eon *Favorite Mega Man Game Execution (FMMGE) - hosted by Tone
Official Community Tournament Thread Posted by Rhythm on January 2nd, 2019 at 9:26pm Viewed 292 Times
P. Eon
P. Eon
9,402,262 BP
9 TP|282 PP
Posted on January 4th, 2019 at 2:30pm
Posted 2019/01/04 at 2:30pm
umm... users have decreased due to the tournament ban... That may not be a good idea after all...