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Just throwing this out there. If you didn't know, the Mega Man DOS games were very different from the NES games, including having completely unique robot masters. And yes, they are all ridiculous. Since most of them look like edited versions of already existing masters, I think most of them are just gonna end up being costumes of those masters later down the line. But still, can you imagine if you could play as Shark Man or Bit Man?
What if the robot masters from the DOS games were in here? Posted by esdeseseserdes on January 18th, 2021 at 8:39am Viewed 89 Times
Anti-Cloud Militia
Anti-Cloud Militia
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Posted on January 18th, 2021 at 8:54am
Posted 2021/01/18 at 8:54am
Though a certain few of them would have different names though. Blade Man to Sharp Man Torch Man to Blaze Man Oil Man to Crude Man (Get it? Like, Crude Oil?) Wave Man to Lake Man (Because "Water Man" is just plain dumb to me)