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Mega Man RPG Prototype Community

what to do with the omega seed

May 9th, 2021 at 11:44am
3,387,056 BP
2 TP | 20 PP
i don't really know what to do with the omega seed. so whatever the omega seed does i would love some pointers
what to do with the omega seed
Posted by kragekamachi on May 9th, 2021 at 11:44am
Viewed 110 Times

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55,009,791 BP
55 TP | 1823 PP
Posted on May 9th, 2021 at 2:07pm Edited on 2021/05/09 at 2:26pm
Posted 2021/05/09 at 2:07pm Edited 2021/05/09 at 2:26pm
Hi there kragekamachi! Good question! Here's a couple of useful threads that analyze some of the various effects of Omega Influence
Omega Influence Testing
Unofficial Omega Influence Findings Thread
March 2017 Omega Influence Update Thread

In essence, Omega Influence is a background mechanic in the game that affects the various typings of different characters, so think of Hidden Power from Pokemon. It affects three elements

- The Omega Influence of a Robot affects the typings of the abilities Omega Pulse and Omega Wave. The Omega Influence of a robot will also slightly increase any moves of that element that the Robot Master has.
So for example, say if your Robot Master Bubble Man had an Omega Influence that was an Explode-type. If he were to use the Omega Pulse/Wave abilities we mentioned above, they would come out as Explode-type moves. And if Bubble Man were to use any abilities that were explode-type, like the move Bubble Bomb, it'd be just a little bit stronger than normal.

- The Omega Influence of a player affects the ability Omega Wave only. This move is a move that is dual-core, so it has two types. The first type is determined by the Robot who uses the move, and then the second type is based on the doctor's omega type.

- Lastly, Shopkeepers can be affected by Omega Influence too. If you sell a shopkeeper an item that matches their Omega Influence type, they'll pay just a little more for that item.

It's a lot to read, but truthfully it's more of a background mechanic that appears in the game to give you some slight hidden benefits from time to time; you don't really have to get the hang of it in order to excel at the game or anything. If you wanted to mess around with it though, you can go into your in-game settings and enter any random sequence of letters, numbers, or words to get an unique new set of omega influences. That being said the possibilities are so vast that they're practically random, so getting an omega influence you want for every Robot, Player, and Shopkeeper may very well be completely impossible. For the most part it's just a fun little hidden mechanic to mess around with!
If you have any further questions, feel free to let me know or look around in some of our help threads.

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