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Mega Man RPG Prototype Community

The 15 Quizzes of Mega Man

November 28th, 2021 at 11:53am
10,669,077 BP
20 TP | 36 PP
You know the drill from my last time quiz. Make sure to guess 15 quiz then you will get a rank!

1. What is Cut Man's Weakness?
2. Which first Mega Man GB "World" game to give a charge shot?
3. What special day that was Mega Man 2's Japan release date?
4. Not counting Arcade games, what is the first Mega Man game to release in United States first?
5. In Super Smash Bros. series, what Final Smash is for Mega Man?
6. What is a Japanese name of Mega Man Xtreme?
7. What X's weapon that can OHKO in Mega Man X?
8. What season of Mega Man Zero 2's release date?
9. In Mega Man 8, what you can do with Laser Shot part?
10. How to unlock Playable Robot Masters in Mega Man: Powered Up?
11. Where to find Energy Balancer in Mega Man 6?
12. After defeating Chill Penguin, which stage will change?
13. How many Cloned Mega Man boss in the classic series?
14. In Mega Man & Bass's CD Database, what does Gravity Man's bad point?
15. What Animal Crossing character's Birthday shared with Mega Man X5 Japan release date?
The 15 Quizzes of Mega Man
Posted by RDash75 on November 28th, 2021 at 11:53am
Viewed 81 Times


29,746,909 BP
7 TP | 2056 PP
Posted on November 28th, 2021 at 12:24pm
Posted 2021/11/28 at 12:24pm
1: Super Arm
2: Mega Man III
3: December 24, 1988/Christmas Eve
4: Mega Man 1
5: Mega Legends
6: Rockman X: Cyber Mission
7: Spark Mandrill's Weapon
8: May 2, 2003/Spring
9: It can pierce through multiple enemies
10: Defeating them with the Mega Buster
11: A room that need Power Mega Man to access it in Tomahawk Man's stage
12: Flame Mammoth
13: 2
14: Unsocial
15: Robin
^ Top
10,669,077 BP
20 TP | 36 PP
Posted on November 28th, 2021 at 12:48pm
Posted 2021/11/28 at 12:48pm
@ch4s3man : Rank: A- (Great Job!)
^ Top

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