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Mega Man RPG Prototype Community

10,669,077 BP
20 TP | 36 PP
Can you guess 11 of the quizzes from an Animal Crossing characters' birthday shares with Mega Man's Main Series Release Date? Try to find it out to guess!

1. What an Animal Crossing character's birthday shared with Mega Man's release date?
2. What an Animal Crossing character's birthday shared with Mega Man 2's release date?
3. What an Animal Crossing character's birthday shared with Mega Man 3's release date?
4. What an Animal Crossing character's birthday shared with Mega Man 4's release date?
5. What an Animal Crossing character's birthday shared with Mega Man 5's release date?
6. What an Animal Crossing character's birthday shared with Mega Man 6's release date?
7. What an Animal Crossing character's birthday shared with Mega Man 7's release date?
8. What an Animal Crossing character's birthday shared with Mega Man 8's release date?
9. What an Animal Crossing character's birthday shared with Mega Man 9's release date?
10. What an Animal Crossing character's birthday shared with Mega Man 10's release date?
11. What an Animal Crossing character's birthday shared with Mega Man 11's release date?
Animal Crossing Characters' Shared With Main Series Quiz
Posted by RDash75 on December 8th, 2021 at 7:07pm
Viewed 78 Times


29,746,909 BP
7 TP | 2056 PP
Posted on December 8th, 2021 at 7:12pm
Posted 2021/12/08 at 7:12pm
1. Cousteau
2. Chabwick
3. Kody
4. Kyle
5. Robin
6. Elmer
7. Skye
8. Cousteau
9. Apple
10. Cyrano
11. Goose
^ Top
10,669,077 BP
20 TP | 36 PP
Posted on December 8th, 2021 at 7:20pm
Posted 2021/12/08 at 7:20pm
@ch4s3man : 7 out of 11.
Rank: B (Good Job!)
^ Top

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