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I want to know how the heck did he suddenly get to first place!? It been like one night, and suddenly this happen!
xsavier2007 Posted by ch4s3man on April 1st, 2022 at 6:56am Viewed 95 Times
34,220,569 BP
1 TP|194 PP
Posted on April 1st, 2022 at 7:38amEdited on 2022/04/01 at 7:46am
Posted 2022/04/01 at 7:38amEdited 2022/04/01 at 7:46am
Well... If you didn't notice, the leaderboard has switched to ranking by zenny now. Probably as an April Fools joke. And xsavier has apparently stored 3,000,000,008,443,981 zenny from when he last played.
If all the zenny I have spent counted I would be even higher than both of you, which is funny sense you both have been playing the game longer than me. also today would have been perfect for releasing clownman, he is a litteral clown.