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Very simple thread but somethin' I think a lot of us could commonly relate to. How did you get into Mega Man!
How did you get into Mega Man? Posted by THE ANCIENT ONE on January 16th, 2023 at 8:00pm Viewed 209 Times
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Posted on January 17th, 2023 at 6:02pm
Posted 2023/01/17 at 6:02pm
Mega Man 3 introduced me to the franchise,i didn't got in deep in the series after i beat the game, because i was looking for other NES games to play. I was reminded of Mega Man after watching the Ruby Spears show and then i took a look at how the series had a bunch of other generations like X,Zero,Battle Network etc. But the classic is still my favorite,Mega Man is like the king of the 8 bit era for me. But i kinda like Mario on the same level.
I got a NES and Snes emulator with mm2, mm3 and mmx1 ROMs, I was amazed with how the games were fun, and even though I was garbage, i played so much I FRICKEN BEAT STORM EAGLE WITHOUT THE DASH BOOTS! And yeah, the I discovered fan games, thousands of more games and got addicted to the franchise. I dont't have a favorite franchise, though I have come to the conclusion the best fan games are on the Classic Series.
I was 4 years old on the internet, and I found a Sonic x Mega Man x Final Fantasy crossover game. I was a huge fan of Sonic as a kid, so it was only right I'd get sucked into the next cool, blue thing.