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Mega Man RPG Prototype Community

How do I fight Quint?

August 14th, 2023 at 6:47pm
Oh yes Daddy
Oh yes Daddy
4,591,893 BP
2 TP | 1 PP
idk how do people fight Quint. Can any of you tell me how? Because I saw the encounter and defeated numbers and it said Quint is fightable because theres no * thing in Quint's name?
How do I fight Quint?
Posted by Oh yes Daddy on August 14th, 2023 at 6:47pm
Viewed 41 Times

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11,891,786 BP
6 TP | 815 PP
Posted on August 15th, 2023 at 7:23am
Posted 2023/08/15 at 7:23am
There's a small chance you'll randomly find him in the starfields.
However, if you wanna make sure he is in a starfield, get more stars, the chance of him appearing grows higher every star you get.
I THINK at 1024 stars he is guaranteed to appear at one of the missions you get at the
"SELECT STAR MISSION" page. Check all descriptions of each mission: if it ends with "Let's go!", he will be there.
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