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Use this discussion to introduce yourself to the community. Tell us about yourself - what you do for a living, what games you like playing, or even just something you like about the Mega Man series as a whole. Let's get to know each other and maybe even make some new friends. :)
Note: You may also use this thread to announce your return after a long period of time. Do NOT make a new thread for it, please put it here or here.-MBM
Official Player Introductions Thread Posted by Ageman20XX on March 16th, 2013 at 11:51pm Viewed 13363 Times
well, seems like some competitors are trying to get to me. i dont care if i get in 26th place, even though it will break my "crowning Reputation" of being in 25th-1st.
Greetings, fellow programs. I'm Michael, but, 'Mikey' and 'Mike' work just as well.
I'm 26, actually. Yeah. Ancient. I think I'm gonna turn to dust in 4 years. Anyway, I'm a bit of a late bloomer to the MM universe in general, with the Anniversary Collection being the first MM game I've ever OWNED [I used to play MM's 1, 2 and 3 at a former friend's house before that].
Since then, I've played MM's 1-8, X's 1-7, All 8 NA-released Battle Network titles, all 4 Zero titles, and all 3 Star Force titles; my all-time favorite MM game is STILL Mega Man 8. x)
I've played RPG for the first time, today; I mostly enjoyed it, but, I'd like to leave my thoughts on the nearest relevant section. Could someone point me in that direction, pleaseandthankyou?
Posted on September 6th, 2014 at 4:02pmEdited on 2014/09/06 at 4:04pm
Posted 2014/09/06 at 4:02pmEdited 2014/09/06 at 4:04pm
@Mikey76500 : You leave it here, as long as it's a suggestion. Keep in mind this is a Prototype, so not completed yet. And if one of them is why Mega Man 5 isn't here, we're getting to that.
Besides that, welcome and have fun!
I'm about to be 24, so I'll be dust in 6. Maybe 7, if I eat right.
@MegaBossMan : Well, in the game's defense, Gravity Man would be pretty freaking hard to perfect, no? x)
@tobyjoey : I'll do my best. I'm not one to give up easily.....unless it's X7 [dem visuals. Oy].
@Acting Mod Reisrat : It could've be much worse. You could've started with X7. Ugh. Likewise, sir. Speaking of Mods, is there a list of the current higher-ups [i.e. Admins, Game Staffer(s) and Mods] around here so that I know who not to piss off by accident?