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Mega Man RPG Prototype Leaderboard

( 6598 Players )
Brash Buster

Brash Buster is a contributor and a legacy player of the Mega Man RPG Prototype with a current battle point total of 24,912,624 and a zenny total of 306,871,486. Brash Buster created his account on March 27th, 2018 and has since completed 3 player campaigns, unlocked 68 robot masters, learned 173 special abilities, found 93 different inventory items, and collected 1024 elemental stars. Brash Buster's top five most-used robot masters are Astro Man, Time Man, Splash Woman, Cut Man, and Fire Man.

Prior to the battle point reboot of 2019, Brash Buster had amassed a grand total of 274,750,017 battle points and reached 60th place.

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  • 9 Threads
  • 1525 Posts
  • +3046 Rating

Brash Buster's Leaderboard

crash-man flash-man frost-man star-man air-man wood-man bright-man toad-man tomahawk-man top-man dive-man drill-man ring-man

flea picket-man tackle-fire spine fan-fiend telly nitron-r nitron-b nitron-y petit-snakey bulb-blaster robo-fishtot pyre-fly skullmet

Hey, the name's Brash Buster! Sometimes you might find me around with usernames like MrCrazyToad or RoundOne (or Round1One), but Brash Buster is my personal fave.
I joined in 2018, and for much of my time here I've been helping make sprites for the Prototype; all the Robots and Mechas in the fields above were ones I had a part in respriting (not to undersell the help I got from folks like MegaBossMan, though)! We actually hit a few roadblocks because Petit Snakey was the only 80x80 Mecha...
I'm definitely into games with a more positive mood to them; even if they've got kind of a dark tone like Metroid, ending the story on something of a high note is enough for me. I also love huge ensemble casts; that's one of the reasons I'm so into Classic Mega Man (I love how so many of the bosses have stories of their own! So many of them get to keep living, too...), and why one of my other favorite franchises (even if I never play its games) is the Touhou Project (7 bosses per game usually, and they've all got their own special lives and origins).
Even within those series, I love snooping around in more obscure, forgotten parts of their history and finding the characters who never got their chance to shine like the others (You'll notice Dyna Man is involved in a few different things I'm involved in).
I was something of a bit role in The Absurd Roleplay - I think I just kinda forgot about it a few days after I started - but after playing in RotomSlashBlast's Lab Defense DX, my motivation for RPs started picking up steam, and eventually I got into The Chaos Zone; I've stuck much closer to it, because I realize just how much I can stretch my creative muscles and play with a huge cast (It's not all the time I can have Dyna Man, Dark Elf from that old "World" Puyo Puyo translation, and Yoshi team up with like 30+ other people to fight against threats like a trio of robot Sonics).
I kind of dropped out of the first run of Robot Master Mystery Dungeon because I was so focused on Lab Defense DX, but when the second run came around, it gave me a chance to play in a more concise setting with a smaller character pool; same goes for Mystery Mansion 2.
I like to document big lists of odd stuff that I'm into, so if you want something like a Google Doc of (almost) all the characters I've used in Roleplays, plus some other odds and ends, well, there you go. I won't be mad if you don't, though.
Since it's so heckin' big, I've also helped make Chaos Zone...I wanna say maybe 1% or 2% easier to understand with a guide about the RP's basic metaphysics and biggest teams, with recaps of a few story arcs also available.
I yearn for the day that Napalm Man becomes playable so I can make him my avatar. Sheep Man is my favorite Robot Master, but Napalm Man's a close second and he just feels like he fits, y'know?
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