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Mega Man RPG Prototype Leaderboard

( 6598 Players )
Beta Skull

Beta Skull is a contributor and a legacy player of the Mega Man RPG Prototype with a current battle point total of 21,645,936 and a zenny total of 4,294,967,295. Beta Skull created his account on June 27th, 2014 and has since completed 3 player campaigns, unlocked 72 robot masters, learned 204 special abilities, found 91 different inventory items, and collected 1024 elemental stars. Beta Skull's top five most-used robot masters are Needle Man, Cut Man, Bomb Man, Toad Man, and Mega Man.

Prior to the battle point reboot of 2016, Beta Skull had amassed a grand total of 183,557,641 battle points and reached 63rd place.

Prior to the battle point reboot of 2019, Beta Skull had amassed a grand total of 2,539,489,332 battle points and reached 8th place.

Community Forum Stats
  • 96 Threads
  • 5175 Posts
  • +10302 Rating

Beta Skull's Leaderboard

Welcome to my profi-

I joined June 27th, 2014, and I enjoyed the game a LOT. And I still do today. You'll tend to find me around in the Roleplay community, running The Chaos Zone (and maybe some other things in the future), or in the Discord Chat.

My top favorite franchises are Pokemon, Dragon Ball, and Super Smash Bros., though I do enjoy myself a fair share of Mario, Sonic, and- of course- Mega Man. In fact, it's my enjoyment of Mega Man (and a curiosity for Mega Man-based browser RPGs) that led me here. I'm not quite sure what exactly magnetized me to the community, but I'm here regardless. And several sprite comics, random roleplay threads, and one bad Undertale AU story later, I've managed to become a Community Moderator as of December 1st, 2020, a super cool honor indeed.

Anyways, that's enough about me. Now onto whatever random things I have stuffed in here.

I've tried making tiermakers for every year of MMRPG Roleplaying, but I lagged behind. I don't know if I'll come back to them, but until then, feel free to mess around with them if you want.
Roleplaying 2020
Roleplaying 2021
Roleplaying 2022
Beta Shadow’s Characters

I also made a Little Papa Beta's idle game! Why? Because Chaos Zone has consumed my life, and now I'll make it consume yours.
Current Version: v0.103

Here's a list of all my past display names because I put way too much stuff here.
Major Roleplay OCs
Alternate Title: Beta Shadow rips off Walter

Name: Beta Man
First Appearance: "How to Bomb the First Adventure"
Designation: ASN-001 (All-Star Number)
Core: Shadow/Explode
Weapon: Beta Blast
Current Status: Alive

Good Point: Ready for Anything
Bad Point: Easily Angered
Likes: Adventuring
Dislikes: Pushy Rivals

Bio: Created by Dr. Light as someone to assist Mega Man whenever necessary, Beta Man has, at one point or another, started going off and having his own adventures, often with his brother and fellow ASN, Sergeant Man, his rival Ninja Man, and his closest friend, MegaBoy. ...Until, for the latter, he couldn't, but that's a long story. He can absorb Shadow Core energy and use it to boost his own attacks, or even power up within dark areas.
Name: Sergeant Man
First Appearance: "How to Bomb the First Adventure"
Designation: ASN-002
Core: Missile/Shield
Weapon: Sergeant Missile
Current Status: Alive

Good Point: Strategic
Bad Point: (Secretly) Low Self-Esteem
Likes: Fighting Alongside Allies
Dislikes: Things not being taken seriously, egotists

Bio: Sergeant Man was a request from the Government to provide a robot who would act not only as a soldier, but also as a "mascot" for inspiring hope into others. Despite this, however, he seems to be ridiculed by those he fights against, and even some of his allies, often seen as "the punching bag of the multiverse". He seems to have goals of proving this as false to everyone, including himself.
Name: Ninja Man
First Appearance: Dungeons and Robot Masters! (The Original Role-Playing Thread!)
Designation: HWN-001 (Hidden Wily Number)
Core: Swift/Cutter
Weapon: Ninja Katana
Current Status: Alive

Good Point: Determined
Bad Point: Egotistic
Likes: Challenging Beta Man, Competition
Dislikes: Being Defeated

Bio: After a failed attempt at capturing the All-Star Numbers (more specifically, failure to capture Beta Man and Sergeant Man), Dr. Wily created Ninja Man to personally hunt down and destroy the two All-Star Numbers. In the past, he was extremely loyal to Dr. Wily- even calling himself the best of the doctor's creations because of this factor- and would hate being called a hero (despite his protagonistic role alongside Beta and Sergeant). After some time, however, he began to warm up to the idea of being a hero (his universe becoming expired and collapsing probably helped this factor), and while he still aims to one day defeat Beta Man, he has become a rather helpful member of Beta's group. (If only he was less of an egotist...)
Name: Bt Ghost
First Appearance: MMRPG: the Fusion Saga!
Designation: ASN-000
Core: Shadow/Phantom
Weapon: Bt Breaker
Current Status: Alive

Good Point: Intelligent
Bad Point: Impish
Likes: Messing with Ninja Phantom
Dislikes: Corrupt Man (RotomSlashBlast character)

Bio: Created by Corrupt Man from Beta Man's old design of Bt Man to serve in Yveltal's army, Bt Ghost once believed that Beta Man was his replacement. However, after several encounters with Beta and his friends (including an invasion plan of his own), Bt Ghost soon learns that he and Beta were one in the same, and that the two could coexist. ...That version of Bt is known as "Bt Ghost Classic", of the Ajax Universe. However, the one featured here is from the (lesser-lived) successor of those roleplays, where he knew these events from the get-go and simply played along in order to keep history on-track. Either way, both versions of Bt are/were mostly technical supporters, providing tools and upgrades to our heroes. But if he's ever needed in battle, he's no pushover himself.
Name: Ninja Ghost
First Appearance: MMRPG Trading Card Game: The Remake!
Designation: HWN-000
Core: Swift/Phantom
Weapon: Phantom Katana
Current Status: Alive

Good Point: Tactical
Bad Point: Difficult
Likes: Messing with Beta Shadow
Dislikes: Bt Ghost

Bio: Ninja Ghost- alongside the forgotten "Sargent Ghost"- was initially created by Bt Ghost as a sort-of stunt on Rotom, and was sent to the Void after it was done. Later on, however, Ninja Ghost escaped from the Void, and vowed vengeance... Vengeance that, for 5-6 long years, he never got. Eventually, he was retired as a villain, and eventually, after being roped in with the whole "Jazz MKIII" debacle, and becoming a Pseudoreaper upon killing off Jazz MKIII and taking over Beta Shadow's alt account, was turned over to the side of good.
Name: Epsilon
First Appearance: The Chaos Zone
Designation: ASN-ε
Core: Time/Space
Weapon: Epsilon Blast
Current Status: Alive

Good Point: Heroic
Bad Point: Burdened
Likes: Peace
Dislikes: Villainy

Bio: A version of Beta Man from a dark future overridden by war. After having been upgraded by an old foe after losing his friends to Yveltal during the Destruction Pokemon's invasion, he finds name taken by a mysterious doppelganger with a desire to conquer humanity in the name of robotkind. Taking up the new mantle "Epsilon", he joined the war until an opportunity was given to him by a Pokemon named Xerneas to stop a time-traveling villain named Symphony from taking over the world. After helping in his own subtle way in stopping Symphony, he now works towards helping Beta Man and the others, and finding out the identity of the evil doppelganger in order to ensure a better future for his present self.
Name: Jazz +
First Appearance: Dark Man’s 3rd Annual Robot Tournament
Designation: JAN-001 (Jazz Armada Number)
Core: Laser/Crystal
Weapon: Jazz Beam
Current Status: Alive

Good Point: Resourceful
Bad Point: Recluse
Likes: Survival
Dislikes: Facing Past Mistakes

Bio: Jazz + started off as simply Jazz, a robot built by Dr. Wily as a counter to Proto Man. because THAT's original. While competitive, he was later deemed obsolete by Dr. Wily, and was discarded. He was then picked up by Ninja Ghost, who repaired him into Jazz MKII. He would later turn against Ninja Ghost to become Jazz MKIII, die and possess the body of a clone of MKII to become Jazz MK-X, merge with Evil Energy, the Limited, and Anti-Omni Energy to become the apocalyptic Jazz Hands, and then die again, revert back to MKIII, and die once more to possess the body of a Reguhalla citizen, becoming Finalem. However, upon realizing that he was doing nothing more than mimicking and idolizing Proto MKII, he discarded the Finalem identity to make one of his own: Jazz +.
Name: Bane
First Appearance: The Absurd Roleplay
Dex #: #255
Type: Fire
Favorite Move: Blaze Kick
Current Status: Alive

Good Point: Adventurous
Bad Point: Out of Element
Likes: Exploring, Pokemon
Dislikes: Thieves, Team Rocket

Bio: Bane was once a Pokemon Trainer with a rather impressive record back in his human world: Five different championships across three regions- Unova, Hoenn, and Alola-, and having stopped four different criminal organizations at the same time: Team Plasma, Team Magma, Team Skull, and Team Rainbow Rocket. After his endeavors in Hoenn, however, he was sent to the Pokemon World to help with a world-threatening disaster that was later revealed to be a return of a problem a past incarnate of himself already faced. Since then, he's become a Torchic that adventures with his Froakie pal, Fortem. With his Epsilon Stone, he's also been able to transfer himself and Fortem between each other's worlds, and even turn Bane between his human and Pokemon forms. The stone was a gift from a few of the Legendary Pokemon as arranged by Xerneas and a mysterious third party... Though, as of late, the two discovered that this "mysterious third party" may have made the stone hold more power than intended...
Name: Fortem
First Appearance: The Absurd Roleplay
Dex #: #653
Type: Water
Favorite Move: Water Shuriken
Current Status: Alive

Good Point: Optimistic
Bad Point: Naive
Likes: Adventure, Making Friends
Dislikes: Seeing friends hurt

Bio: Bane's best friend and his partner in the Expedition Society. It has always been his dream to join the Expedition Society, see the world, and make "as many friends as the stars in the sky", and ever since meeting Bane, he's had his fair share of his dream. Fortem likes to see the good in everyone, and even accepted the creature Dark Matter as a part of the world when his previous incarnation, the mythical Mew, could not. Since then, he has had many adventures with Bane... And yet, none of them could really prepare either of the two for the adventures their Epsilon Stone would lead them on.
Name: Darkrai
First Appearance: MMRPG Trading Card Game: The Remake!
Dex #: #491
Armor Designation: NFN-001 (Nightmare Force Number)
Type: Dark
Armor Core: Shadow/Space
Weapon: Dark Void
Current Status: Alive

Good Point: Intelligent
Bad Point: Shifty
Likes: Darkness, Nightmares
Dislikes: Rotom, Joy

Bio: The Pitch Black Pokemon, Darkrai, is notoriously known as the Pokemon who appears in, and controls nightmares. Because of this, Ninja Ghost- back during the time when he was evil- recruited Darkrai to lead a team of elite warriors known as the Nightmare Force, and even lent Darkrai and his team robotic "suits" that they possess over by unknown means. Darkrai's ultimate goal is to blot out the light in order to create a new world shrouded in darkness, where he rules over even the Pokemon god, Arceus. He has grown a disdain towards a RotomSlashBlast character aptly named Rotom, though this is mostly out of a superiority complex.
Name: Sargent Ghost
First Appearance: The Absurd Roleplay
Designation: ASN-00X
Core: Missile/Phantom
Weapon: Sargent Ballistic
Current Status: Alive

Good Point: Focused
Bad Point: Stubborn
Likes: Proving himself
Dislikes: Being disrespected

Bio: Created alongside Ninja Ghost, Sargent was cast to the Void, and was further abandoned when Ninja Ghost made his escape from the same Void. In addition to this, he became aware of the position that Sergeant Men like him are forced to endure: The status of a "third wheel" that nobody seems to take seriously. Angered by this, Sargent made it his mission to prove his fellow Sergeant Men to be at least as capable as Beta Men and Ninja Men, and will go to any lengths to achieve the respect that he believes he deserves.
Name: Beta Man?
First Appearance: A Fighting Game Moveset Maker with a Storyline... Kinda.
Designation: RRM-001 (Robotic Revolution Model)
Core: Shadow/Damage
Weapon: ???
Current Status: Unknown

Good Point: Leader
Bad Point: Destructive
Respects: Beta Man
Dislikes: Robot Oppression, Epsilon

Bio: An impostor Beta Man from Epsilon's future. His true identity unknown, he declares himself to be Beta Man for equally mysterious reasons. He leads a destructive force with the intention to wipe out humanity for the sake of robotkind. He is fully aware of Epsilon's true identity, but views him as the ultimate enemy of his ideal world.
Name: Beta Shadow
First Appearance: MMRPG Trading Card Game: The Remake!
Designation: N/A I've cleared the Captcha Code. You know what that means?
Element: yes/Shadow
Weapon: These hands. Imma throw 'em.
Current Status: I live, .

Good Point: Focused
Bad Point: Not strategic
Likes: Dr. Pepper, Hanging Out w/ Friends
Dislikes: Unwarrant Destruction

Bio: Honestly, the nerve of some narrators... Can’t a guy just ASK before placing someone in a state of stasis?
Name: Beta Devil
First Appearance: The Absurd Roleplay
Designation: N/A
Element: Anti-Omni/Empty
Weapon: Anti-Omni Corruption
Current Status: Alive

Good Point: Goal-Oriented
Bad Point: Insane
Likes: Chaos and Carnage
Dislikes: The World, Beta Shadow

Bio: He is often seen as Beta Shadow's inner demons, and he wants the entire Omniverse to know it. Beta Devil was born from the original Anti-Omni Meme, of which has one day fallen into Beta Shadow's hands for reasons unknown. Despite the rather unknown circumstances, he existed within Beta Shadow's mind for ages (save for the ~1 year that he wasn't) until he used a wish on the powerful GRAND NOVA to switch places with Beta Shadow... And following that, Beta Shadow breaking free from the Anti-Omni Meme Devil was once trapped in. Beta Devil's final goal is to destroy the Omniverse, seeing that it has no purpose, and never will.
Here's a few Documents I made:
Chaos Zone Xenoverse - Basically the plot of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 1 and 2 but with Chaos Zone (and some other MMRPG roleplays, both old and new).
Chaos Zone Gacha - A list of Gacha rankings if Chaos Zone were to have a Gacha game. Unlikely to be further expanded on.
Chaos Zone Claimed Character List - A comprehensive list of Chaos Zone characters and who claimed them.
Chaos Zone Recaps - Some long-written recaps of a few Chaos Zone topics.
Chaos Zone IF: Cyberspace Fables Concepts - A collection of concepts I made for my CZ characters in Cyberspace Fables. (Whether or not I’ll actually use them, we’ll see.)
Fighting Game Moveset Maker Quotes - Self-explanatory.
Make-a-Moveset Smash Classic Mode Routes - Classic Mode routes I made for my characters in RageSwitch's (now defunct) Make-a-Moveset Smash Bros. Edition (as well as some for Miis, Smash Remix, and Beyond Melee).
RMMD Database - The full folder of databases found in RMMD.
Mega Man RPG TCG Docs - The full folder containing details on the cards and players of MMRPG TCG: Resurgence.
The Notes of Beta Noir - A retelling of Adrian's Mansion 2 through the eyes of Beta Noir, written as things go along. ...Though they currently, uh, don't.
Beta Shadow’s Wall of Quotes!

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