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Mega Man RPG Prototype Leaderboard

( 6598 Players )

Rhythm is a contributor and a legacy player of the Mega Man RPG Prototype with a current battle point total of 32,635,800 and a zenny total of 2,163,480,069. Rhythm created his account on January 18th, 2014 and has since completed 3 player campaigns, unlocked 72 robot masters, learned 204 special abilities, found 93 different inventory items, and collected 1024 elemental stars. Rhythm's favourite robot masters are Bass and Disco and his top five most-used robot masters are Proto Man, Dynamo Man, Toad Man, Astro Man, and Bass.

Prior to the battle point reboot of 2016, Rhythm had amassed a grand total of 246,669,020,322 battle points and reached 8th place.

Prior to the battle point reboot of 2019, Rhythm had amassed a grand total of 1,748,845,701 battle points and reached 14th place.

Community Forum Stats
  • 11 Threads
  • 102 Posts
  • +199 Rating

Rhythm's Leaderboard

Hi all, I'm Rhythm. I've been helping with the Prototype since being introduced to the game due to it having its own OC robot named Rhythm. Since then I've helped with a lot of the graphics for the game! As well as some of the various alts for the Robots. Especially those Weapon Alts! So much fun lol.

Some of the characters I've helped with in some form or another:
bassBassbass  discoDiscodisco  rhythmRhythmrhythm  time-manTime Mantime-man  oil-manOil Manoil-man
quick-manQuick Manquick-man  toad-manToad Mantoad-man  skull-manSkull Manskull-man  crystal-manCrystal Mancrystal-man  magic-manMagic Manmagic-man  splash-womanSplash Womansplash-woman
block-manBlock Manblock-man  fuse-manFuse Manfuse-man  blast-manBlast Manblast-man  acid-manAcid Manacid-man  tundra-manTundra Mantundra-man  torch-manTorch Mantorch-man  impact-manImpact Manimpact-man  bounce-manBounce Manbounce-man
quintQuintquint  balladeBalladeballade  terraTerraterra
mercuryMercurymercury  venusVenusvenus  marsMarsmars  jupiterJupiterjupiter  saturnSaturnsaturn  uranusUranusuranus  plutoPlutopluto  neptuneNeptuneneptune  

dr-light  dr-wily  dr-cossack  kalinka

dr-wily  bass bass-buster

I have an ongoing Mega Man sprite comic titled Bass Comic Adventures. Here are some of the Robot Masters that appear in BCA

Name: Rhythm
Designation: ORN-Ω
Weapon: Rhythm Buster, Variable Weapon System, Wily Weapons Archive

Oudin Series 1

Name: Aero Man
Designation: ORN-001
Weapon: Aero Cluster

Name: Scat Man
Designation: ORN-002
Weapon: Scat Shot

Name: Celtic Man
Designation: ORN-003
Weapon: Plaid Shield

Name: Hydro Man
Designation: ORN-004
Weapon: Hydro Splash

Name: Grass Man
Designation: ORN-005
Weapon: Grass Cutter

Name: Comet Man
Designation: ORN-006
Weapon: Comet Crash

Name: Gold Man
Designation: ORN-007
Weapon: Gold Blade

Name: Shock Man
Designation: ORN-008
Weapon: Shock Dash

Oudin Series 2

Name: Winter Man
Designation: ORN-009
Weapon: Winter Chill

Name: Polarity Man
Designation: ORN-010
Weapon: Polarity Push

Name: Smelt Man
Designation: ORN-011
Weapon: Smelt Melt

Name: Timber Man
Designation: ORN-012
Weapon: Timber Throw

Name: Dolphin Man
Designation: ORN-013
Weapon: Water Spout

Name: Lance Man
Designation: ORN-014
Weapon: Laser Lance

Name: Tase Man
Designation: ORN-015
Weapon: Tase Sting

Name: Guard Man
Designation: ORN-016
Weapon: Prism Shield

Mistress R Robot Mistresses

Name: Hydrant Woman
Designation: MRN-001
Weapon: Hydrant Spray

Name: Tiki Woman
Designation: MRN-002
Weapon: Tiki Flame

Name: Candy Girl
Designation: MRN-003
Weapon: Candy Crusher

Name: Dazzle Woman
Designation: MRN-004
Weapon: Razzle Dazzle

Name: Claymore Woman
Designation: MRN-005
Weapon: Claymore Mine

Name: Circus Woman
Designation: MRN-006
Weapon: Tamer Whip

Name: Harvest Woman
Designation: MRN-007
Weapon: Harvest Trowel

Name: Rivet Woman
Designation: MRN-008
Weapon: Rivet Buster
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