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Mega Man RPG Prototype Leaderboard

( 6598 Players )

Tobyjoey is a contributor and a legacy player of the Mega Man RPG Prototype with a current battle point total of 41,971,393 and a zenny total of 2,454,096,574. Tobyjoey created his account on April 28th, 2014 and has since completed 3 player campaigns, unlocked 72 robot masters, learned 204 special abilities, found 93 different inventory items, and collected 1024 elemental stars. Tobyjoey's top five favourite robot masters are Dynamo Man, Bright Man, Hard Man, Pump Man, and Guts Man and his top five most-used robot masters are Toad Man, Ring Man, Bubble Man, Bomb Man, and Astro Man.

Prior to the battle point reboot of 2016, Tobyjoey had amassed a grand total of 892,184,208,070 battle points and reached 4th place.

Prior to the battle point reboot of 2019, Tobyjoey had amassed a grand total of 2,086,002,801 battle points and reached 12th place.

Community Forum Stats
  • 37 Threads
  • 564 Posts
  • +1110 Rating

Tobyjoey's Leaderboard

Mega Maker Stuff:

Mega Man Full Game Project
Circus Man bounce-man
Dielectric Man sheep-man
Rime Man freeze-man

Assorted Traditional Levels
Crystal Crisis stone-man
Charred Forest napalm-man
Trash Destruction metal-man
Castle Crawl skull-man
Through the Fire and the Flames pharaoh-man

Gimmick/Mechanic Levels
One Screen Puzzle 1
Can You Defeat Air Man air-man

Mega Maker Concept: Random Selection

Going Up
Spring is in the Air bubble-man

One Screen Puzzle: Circuit Breaker

BIO gravity-man
Hi there! I've been here since 2014, which I sometimes think is pretty old, but then I remember half of the other regulars here have been a part of the community since 2012-13. I used to use a Snake Man avatar, and I think a lot of people still associate me with that. I've been active here on and off, and when I last came back to the community, most of the traffic had seemingly moved to the discord, so I followed! Makes me wonder if anyone will actually read any of this; message me on discord or in here to let me know if you found this.

It seems like the longer you've been around here, the more likely you are to be a contributor or hold some kind of record. I am no different: I'm a star force completionist, and that feat was done before you could easily track what stars you had, I reached the top of the leaderboard a couple times, I've S ranked every mission (at the time of writing), and I've written some of the bios for the Robot Masters and abilties! I've done all the Robot Masters from 5-8. Well, that's technically a lie; I've done some other ones too for games besides 5-8, but they kinda suck, so I'm not gonna say what they were. I also help design the Challenge missions and the news update posts. Something I am particularly proud of is completeing 203 attack waves in Endless, which I think that puts me in 2nd place for the Endless leaderboard (at the time of writing). I'm probably not gonna get better than that, as that was done before the switch mechanics were changed to make you lose a turn.

The Classics tend to be my area of expertise in the Mega Man franchise, but I also quite like X1, X2, and X4, and have dabbled with Battle Network. 3 is one of the best Classics and 5 is one of the worst, don't @me. Besides Mega Man, I'm a pretty big fan of Pokemon, Mario, Metroid, Sonic, Smash Bros, Ace Attorney, and Metal Gear. Bar the roleplaying games like DND everyone thinks of when they hear tabletop games, I'm a pretty big into tabletop games. I am the descendent of a long line of card sharks and am always up for a game of Euchre, Texas Holdem, Blackjack, Speed, or Nertz. My family's monopoly games are notorious for their cutthroat nature and month long lengths, but what I've REALLY come to love is Diplomacy. I also quite enjoy playing chess, but don't consider myself very good.

I enjoy reading and good TV, but never really seem to go out of my way to find new stuff to read/watch. No, what I really enjoy is watching movies. My favorite film is Jaws, but my love for the craft started after having to write a paper in highschool on the history of making the first Rocky movie. Also, like any normal human being, I like listening to music. Some favorite groups of mine are Simon and Garfunkle, Queen, David Bowie, Jimmy Buffet, Elton John, The Beatles, Talking Heads, Billy Joel, Boston, Men at Work, Peter Gabriel, Pink Floyd, The Police, and Ween. More related to the Protoype, I also quite enjoy Protomen and The Megas.
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